Is it a lie that there are no goods of Doraemon drawn by Nobita with this content?!
With everyone’s colors, the world becomes vibrant. Movie: Doraemon: Nobita’s Picture Book Story Original work: Fujiko F. Fujio Screenplay: Takayuki Ohashi Director: Kazuki Imai Theme song: Shima-ji Lyrics and composition: 40mP Animation production: Shinei Douga Music: Senri Oe • Saeko Suzuki Distribution: Toho doraeiga.com ©STAND BY ME Doraemon Production Committee 40 Doraemon 3.7 LTD FRI ROADSHOW
Also, when I realized that if Claire hated baths, she would refuse to do the nagashi somen and thoroughly avoid water, I went “Ahhh!” at the ending.
The storytelling is really impressive this time…
“You’re the fake!”
It was a good movie, wasn’t it?
It’s great that Dad summarizes the theme of this movie at the end… Dad wanted to be a painter, didn’t he?
In terms of the area affected, it’s the entire territory of the principality.
It made me realize how amazing Izrael’s strength is.
It’s insane to stop even the water… It’s really impressive that everything was solved with existing tools.
It was really helpful to receive the booklet that contains the collected episodes featuring the secret tools as preparation.
Once it becomes merchandise, you’ll realize it’s an important item…
After bouncing back from weaknesses and being pushed closer and closer into a desperate situation…
The clumsy dragon is effective…
There are patterns where additional merchandise is released after spoilers are allowed, but in the case of anime movies, it seems like that doesn’t really happen.
It’s being heavily promoted, but it doesn’t exist.
The fact that everyone wants the clumsy Dora merchandise is indeed proof that “the essence of art is not about skill.”
Isn’t Gian’s face design a huge throwback?
In the stage drawn by Nobita, it really felt like a common occurrence in Doraemon’s bad drawings.
In that situation, if I move and speak, it’s just…
If it’s goods, I’ve already drawn it in my childhood, and there are probably children somewhere currently drawing similar things.
I’m grateful that they are officially distributing episodes that seem relevant.
A way of speaking that reminds me a bit of Mini Dora.
It means to draw it yourself.
I was thinking that the guest character is kind of pedo, but aren’t the usual four a bit pedo too?
Especially Suneo.
In the novelization, there was no part where the critic praises Nobita’s drawing at the end.
It’s a good scene where the critic dismisses it by saying “there’s no artistic value,” but then conveys the feeling of “but I guess you worked really hard on it.”
It’s nice that only my dad, who aspired to be a painter, understands me, but I really like it when movie critics say it’s a good painting too…
I saw it too yesterday.
The despair of seeing super strong Shizuka-chan get taken down immediately is overwhelming…
Was that a reference to Alice in Wonderland? I thought Alice in Wonderland wasn’t from the 13th century, but it was actually a good setup and felt satisfying.
Now that I think about it, that time patrol was way too careless!?
If anything, the spread of court jesters began in the 14th century.
All of you are careless future people!
It seems that the Date clan has never been introduced as court jesters even once.
I was surprised that there wasn’t a scene of Claire’s prophetic dream in the novel.
I was wondering if that ability connects to the dreams during the final drift.
You briefly touched on that explanation over there, but…
I was eagerly waiting to see the completed painting of Claire by Milo, but the fact that it didn’t happen is unforgivable.
I have to redraw it with Claire from four years later…
Is Claire’s prophetic dream causing various things to flow backwards because she will become a time traveler in the future?
The ones that come out with tools like that are aware that they are characters in a picture…
Because it’s a secret gadget…
Why is Claire’s picture cracked in a strange shape? → It cracked when it entered the space-time hole.
Why do we jump from modern art to past art? → Because it’s not modern art, it’s past art.
This area feels too good.
It’s convenient for the story that Dad doesn’t realize that the picture is of Doraemon.
“It’s probably for the explanation that ‘they didn’t realize it was Nobita’s drawing, so they evaluated it from a doting parent perspective.'”
I was wondering why they left the castle made of water alone, but I guess that’s it.
Maybe because it was white from the beginning.
Why are you casually having a smoke after shooting down a satellite like a spy?
Nobita’s poorly drawn Doraemon, filled with the feeling of “I love you,” expresses “I love you, Nobita-kun,” making it too much of a mutual affection between them.
The rice seasoning wrapped in light received from Nobita’s drawing.
It was gradually amusing, like the transparent light poop I saw in the anime “Obocchama-kun.”
The fact that Nobita’s drawing remains means it was really designated as a national treasure…
From the perspective of the people, it’s more like a mythical event, so it makes sense that it would be like that.
In the end, I feel like it would have been better for Nobita and Claire to confront Izelle.
Having one’s own memories and self-awareness while also being conscious of being a mere painting is such a heartbreaking existence…
I’m glad I am no longer alone in the picture.
When the heroine disappeared at the end, I was seriously like, “What the hell…”
I can’t believe this… is this really happening?!
Even when the real Claire appeared afterward, I still thought, “But she’s a different person from that Claire…”
“I’m glad I was connected in a dream even though it was vague because I was in a space-time turbulence!”
I am in the palm of the production crew.
If it had ended there, I would have felt uneasy.
The depiction of adding Nobidra and his group to ensure that Claire in the picture doesn’t feel lonely was perfect, and it made me cry.
Just seeing Doraemon and the others appear while changing styles to match numerous masterpieces in the opening was worth it.
Isn’t that place really amazing?
When that song started playing, I was like, “That bastard really did it…!”
I want it to be published on YouTube… I want to compare it to the original…
I love how the animator is trying various things and practicing what they want to express.
Finally, it’s really great how they jump out of the manga…
I wanted to make the usual comment that The Scream by Munch isn’t actually screaming.
Are you cupping your hand to your ear to listen closely?
I’m covering my ears because I can hear “shouting” coming from somewhere.
I see.
I haven’t seen a Doraemon movie in the theater since the mermaid movie, but this one was really interesting.
Despite being like a boss of destruction, he surprisingly has quick wits!
Hmm, what is this? Does the drawing come to life? Alright, come out, demons!
Will you also take out and absorb the red dragon…?
Wow, water! Whiteness!
Finally, it’s just perfect that they drew the follow-up saying to Claire, who disappeared into the picture, “From now on, Milo and everyone will be inside the picture too.”
Changing the picture of “Clara lost in the forest” to “Clara on an adventure with her cheerful friends in the forest” is nice.
Iséru is too strong… Well, if you’re depicting the terror of volcanoes for future generations, it’s no wonder it becomes strong… that’s what happened.
Just thinking about the feelings of Mylo, who must have drawn the original confused Claire’s picture with the intention of “Claire is not dead (she is still alive in the forest)” makes me feel overwhelmed.
That was drawn by Milo’s father!
The performance of the Gussuri pillow is too outrageous…
Shizuka-chan rolling over and hitting her head looks really painful.
In the brochure, it says it’s a high-performance item because it’s something that came from the future, unlike Doraemon.
Is that guy a Giga Zombie class or what?!
The idea is that a painting reflects the knowledge and spirit of the person who created it, so since the artist knew the myth of Moses as their initial knowledge, they could have fully countered the Moses stick strategy, right? I found that analysis to be quite insightful.
It’s been a few years since the TV opening theme became by Gen Hoshino, and I thought there must be some reason why the opening theme couldn’t be played in movies.
Gian was active in key moments, but Suneo was a bit more reserved.
However, I was pulling off a huge fine play by finding the enemy’s weakness.
Make (someone or something) stand.
Make stand.
To make stand up.
Brain Buster
Sometimes classic jokes pop up, and I laugh.
During the director’s interview, you mentioned that you liked gags that fall flat, but there was a story about how the staff said it was old-fashioned…
“I was wondering if the thief was arrested by Pal after being released from their disguise… and just at that moment, Pal showed up and said, ‘I picked up Claire during the escort of the thief,’ and I was like, damn, everything was just in the palm of their hand!”
Tekeretzu no pā
The woman pouring the Giant’s stew was publicly shared using the formula of M.
“If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to endure the surprise attack, how unfortunate it was.”
The thief who gets reasoned with by Nobita and ends up being exactly that…
Why did you choose Yamaji-san?
After finishing it, I read the comic I received, and it was full of items that appeared in the movie.
I was a bit shocked to realize that this is something I should have read earlier…
Sodoro is really just a petty thief, so I can understand why someone like Pal, who is presumably a newcomer, would be assigned to him.
Is Nobita’s drawing of Doraemon subtly giving him longer legs out of consideration?
I think it’s just that I’m clumsy…
The insert song “Listening to Your Dreams, I Can Laugh with Ideas” makes me feel like crying just by its title.
Hoshino Gen said that his original contract was for one year, but the anime side extended it by saying just a little longer, just a little longer!
This song “Doraemon” was originally written as the theme song for the movie “Doraemon: Nobita’s Treasure Island.” I packed it with feelings about the story of the film, the work “Doraemon” that has always supported me, and my thoughts toward Fujiko F. Fujio-sensei, thinking such an opportunity might not come again. A few months later, I received a request from a producer to make this song the theme song for the TV series. Of course, I was incredibly surprised. However, I was truly honored and very happy. Initially, it was for a “one-year limited” TV series theme song. So, I thought that after a year, it would probably go back to “Doraemon: Make Your Dreams Come True,” and I felt really grateful that my song would be played for such a long time. Then, a year later, I was told, “It’s been well received, and we’d like to request another year,” and then it kept getting extended with “one more year,” “one more year,” and before I knew it, it had been the theme song for the TV series for five years.
In a work themed around pictures, although the meanings differ, I thought it was stylish to start with “Always, always painting in my heart” and then fulfill my dreams while playing Doraemon.
Last year and this year, I’m really good at using Doraemon to make my dreams come true, aren’t I!?
“Will I forget when I become an adult?” This thought also influences my later clumsy drawings… When I was a child, I used to draw much more innocently…
You fool! There’s no way chocolate exists in this era! That line, delivered with full bratty attitude, is voiced by that old man, you know…
Hoshino Gen’s song is really good, but it has that movie vibe, doesn’t it…
I think the ending theme that plays in Treasure Island matches the best.
“I thought ‘Let’s save the world even if we’re nobody’ was a bit too heroic.”
Yeah, it’s an amazing song.
I sang the movie version of Doraemon’s song at karaoke, but isn’t Shizuka-chan in this movie super erotic? I haven’t seen the movie, but I’m starting to get interested!
“Go see Shizuchan because she’s sexy.”
This year’s Shizuka-chan seems to be more of a loli than usual.
Moreover, they are really active.
The direction of activity is almost that of a hero.
This year, it’s still better that I’m just giving the super gloves to Gian.
I wonder if Shizu-chan looked like a loli because of her outfit.
Clara is really too erotic, it’s just not good.
(The head is pierced into the ground three times.)
Magical Girl Shizuka-chan!
With theater-quality flying action!
Looking back at how Shizu-chan used to straddle a broom and hurt her groin, she’s grown up, hasn’t she…!
If anything, even Suneo seems erotic in the movies.
Somehow this time, the design is really loli-like, isn’t it, Suneo?
On the contrary, Gian is becoming closer to the manga.
It’s classic, but the way Claire is slammed headfirst into the ground, including the timing, is just too funny!
Everyone was flipped over by Gian, who was so reliable, and then there was a bump that wrapped the theater in laughter.
I’m not into lolicon or shotacon, so I’m not really sure if it’s erotic or not, but Claire was definitely cute.
I started to feel anxious about whether it would be okay since it seems too much to handle.
Because I’m not human…
That’s because I understand that in the second half…
The time space hole that swallowed Claire was completely by chance.
That world is scary…
If Nobita had thrown the eraser and the hole had been a bit bigger, there was a risk that he could have been swallowed, right…?
A larger canvas hitting the face directly (and at an angle) is already dangerous!
I thought it was because Yamaji fired a gun in the time tunnel.
Last year’s movie was about fulfilling dreams, and it seems that Director Imai mentioned in an interview that it was okay to use just one phrase from Doraemon if needed…
Claire-chan is nice, isn’t she…?
The director really loves the friendship in Nobi Nobi too much…
Do you dislike it?
It’s definitely Pompeii, the place where that country used to be.
I think the fact that Pompeii hasn’t mentioned the Minoan civilization and Troy is quite telling.
The nameless one who considered the existence of an alternate plot to confront natural disasters was here as well.
It was too hard, so I was glad I summarized it this way…
The clumsy driver itself is normally shown in the PV.
As expected, there’s no way to get involved with a clumsy player.
Well, since it came out of the picture, I can totally sense its true identity even while watching, including how it’s avoiding the water.
I realized, of course, when I saw that you don’t take a bath and don’t eat somen.
I ended up convinced because there was a precedent connecting picture books to the real world…
It’s crazy that even just firing weapons and making holes in hyperspace results in that mess, yet they tried to completely blow it away with the new Gigazombie.
The feeling of despair when Doraemon becomes incapacitated is really great, isn’t it?
From that feeling of despair, the clumsily drawn character gently speaking to Nobita gave me a sense of reassurance that made me go, “Waaah!”
Nobinobi Gunbar
The feeling of despair that comes from having not only the sealing of Doraemon, but also mobilizing two guest characters who can serve as forces plus a spare pocket, and being worn down to the brink of total defeat is quite rare.
This year had a lot of laughter, so it was the right choice to deliberately choose a time with many children.
I didn’t expect it at all, and I was completely in the palm of the script.
Clair, with her eyes the color of Artoria blue, seems to possess a power that transcends time and space, and that ore likely has effects beyond just being a dye.
I think they are cleverly trying to mislead us by making it seem like “something real has blended in instead of just existing in the picture,” so they don’t let us realize it’s related to the dislike of water.
If you realize early that it’s a drawing, will it be okay walking on the cracked riverbed? I started to worry if it would melt from the soles of my shoes.
Please release the acrylic stand for Hetappi Dora!
It seems to be the greatest masterpiece of all time.
I say it every year, and it is indeed true.
I don’t understand… That’s because it’s different for everyone…
Somehow… Nobisuke has a stronger presence than the Miracle Island…
There was a time when Dad had such a lack of presence during my childhood…
I think it’s amazing how they used the best material of fighting alongside the father during childhood.
I can’t hold it anymore, and while I was in the bathroom, Pal became an ally, and I’m like, “?????”.
Let’s go see it one more time!
It’s a bargain to be able to go see it one more time.
Pal does those kinds of things.
It’s scary how the main characters ruthlessly go for kills.
In a world overflowing with color, Noby↑ Noby↑ felt a little teary-eyed.
I thought that if it rains eventually, Izelle might just die on its own, but when I thought about it more, it seems like it would steal color from the rain clouds and neutralize them, so it’s definitely impossible…
It seems that when the entrance to the time tunnel closes, you get caught up in it and it turns out like that…
It happened.
Was there? The closed result produces something that is divided.
I’ve been watching movie dramas for 50 years, and this year’s movie dramas are good.
Hey… Elder!
I thought that people in the old days used a lot of eggs for painting.
Natural yellow was quite rare back then.
The yellow flower turns brown when it withers.
They don’t extract cadmium ore around here.
Turmeric, on the other hand, had to wait until the Age of Discovery to reach India.
I like the detailed depiction of that area.
So, it’s like the fact that I raised chickens naturally makes sense, right?
This year marks the 45th anniversary! It’s the 45th anniversary!
I’m doing about three anniversaries, so I won’t know which is which.
I am very satisfied that Nobita’s shooting skills are fully utilized.
In fact, I often see the impression of an old man saying it feels like a long epic, so that might be the case.
It’s the same with grabbing it with your hands.
It’s impressive that the plate is properly made of bread.
Izear came to the bottom of the lake following the invitation! We won! The story of the picture world is complete!! But then…
Seriously, don’t mess with me…
Dr. Kelly loves the Island of Miracles.
I heard it was really interesting, so I went to the movie theater to watch Doraemon after a long time, and I got to see something great.
The way the means to defeat Izeal and Nobita’s drawings converge at the end is truly beautifully structured and amazing.
The director of the main story and the ending storyboard, Mr. Koji Shigeo (the director of New Space Pioneer), has been working on storyboards since the Nippon Television version of Doraemon, and since he is now 78 years old, I can’t help but think that this might be his last job…
Isn’t it a movie version of the actual magical girl Shizu-chan?
The inanimate hypnosis megaphone really does a great job, huh…
That was a bit of an afterthought.
Suspicious person information is
To the Japan Suspicious Person Information Center
Don’t pay attention to obvious liars.
Director Teramoto’s depiction, being a woman, is indeed particularly careful and enjoyable.
Because she is a female director, she can confidently provide panty shots!
It was the same last year, but I realized that I really like the song “Doraemon’s Song” because it fulfills my dreams.
I’ve been using Doraemon to fulfill my dreams for 20 years now.
Released in 2007
Even though it’s not like it listens to the commands of the person who illuminated it, if it’s just drawn with enthusiasm, that light that brings out the object shouldn’t be sold to the public.
They’re selling TV remote controls too…
I think a sketchbook that brings out real things when you draw is quite something.
Doraemon’s tools are just like that!
In the 22nd century, we could probably solve it easily, but bringing it to the past would be overkill.
I’m looking forward to next year’s movie because the director has worked on both television anime and movies that were interesting.
Jaisne acted on his own and became a source of trouble.
Building a base and eating food.
Nobita and the guests deepen their friendship at night.
Nobita’s shooting is highlighted.
I feel like the movie had more of those elements of Dora than in previous years.
This is also not because Jaisune caused trouble, but rather it’s being framed as getting caught up in a conspiracy to avoid lowering stock prices, and the support is quite robust.
Since the guests couldn’t be expected to serve as a fighting force, Doraemon and the others (especially Shizuka-chan) were overpowered, but even so, being cornered just one step away from total annihilation was incredibly despairing…
There, the clumsy Dora-chan smoothly works…
“Draw and release Mylo Pachinko!” “Okay! (a little over 2 seconds)”
You’re a pro.
Shupapp! Pon!!
I like the tempo.
It feels like just a little while ago we had the 20th anniversary epic film on television, but it’s already been a quarter of a century.
I really want everyone to see it because it was truly the best masterpiece in history.
It feels like a culmination of Director Teramoto’s works throughout history.
I think that not only is Iziel too strong, but even the weaker demons are pretty dangerous.
If you touch it, you’re done for, as they come at you in a swarm…
It’s not related to the main point, but…
I think it was a work that skillfully utilized adult characters like dad and the art critic, even in their brief appearances.
It’s not the goddess herself, but since I was saved by that fountain, I should offer my gratitude.
Choco Lito is justice.
What!? A child from the 13th century is doodling with crayons!?
The Sandwich Man didn’t feel out of place at all.
I didn’t know until the staff roll.
Were the Sandwich Man there!?