The Yakuza people are no good!!!
Call me Papa!!!
I won’t let the lilac walk the path of the yakuza!
What the heck…
I… it’s painful for my daughter to get married…
Hmph… acting all cheerful, huh…
I stopped together with my older sister.
Who I date is my own business.
It has nothing to do with Father.
I’m going to lie down for a bit…
Moreover, I won’t acknowledge relationships between women!!
The right ear and the left ear are healthy, you know.
In that regard, I’m relieved that my daughters don’t go through a rebellious phase!
I’m being bribed by these nut people~
The yakuza are no good because they’re flirting with all sorts of girls!
How many people is this guy hugging…
Stop it~!!!
Sister, help me!
Honestly… It’s astonishing how many fathers want to restrain their children.
Over there, Ms. Scarlet was on an umbrella date.
I’m not familiar with the original work, but does the older sister have a child who is likely to make her a doting parent?
It might be about Suru Seven Seas-chan, who came in 4th at the Arc de Triomphe…
I hate this thread.
What are you doing leaving Scarlet behind!!!! Vodka!!!
Still got balls, huh!!!
Wow… that’s sexual harassment, Takion-senpai…
You understand, right?
Jordan, who used to say so much that she would marry Dad in the future, recently brought her boyfriend who is into gambling.
I’m not the strongest.
I won’t forgive guys like that delinquent…!
Gimlet is the only one staying relaxed, huh…
Rather, I’m the type to fully support Vodka.
No, Chiyo-chan…!
I can sense something evil from Ardan-chan’s eyes…!
Son… make sure to make the girl happy…
That’s how it is…
Is Chiyo-chan good? Aldan-chan will definitely make you struggle in marriage, so no dating!
The doting parents are gathering…
Anyway, it’s still too early for lilacs!
So if it’s Mello-chan, that’s fine?
Today, I’m taking a bath with Dad.
I don’t want to, though?
(Golden Sea Slug)
Nose_nose ohhhhh!!! Cygames, implement Red Desire~!!!!
The people whose offspring are not implemented…
Just because you got a break doesn’t mean you should get carried away.
I have a beloved daughter who became a horse girl, but what about you?
My elder sister is willing to join me…
(Aren’t we always together in the big bath at Ritto dormitory? What’s this person saying now?)
Could you not do the laundry together with it?
(Spending the night together while being comforted by my older sister…)
I dislike Maruzen-san a little for speaking badly about Ardan-san…!
🚗 I’m going to lie down for a bit…
Café-chan is nice.
I also wanted to speak out against discrimination.
Stop being so serious.
(My father is somewhat of a mama’s boy and a siscon…)
Please look in the mirror.
Stay away from guys surrounded by so many different women!!
Sister, what do you think I should do?
I completely forgot how to do it, but I like the studio because I can shoot interesting images.
👀 It’s okay, Dad! I’ll make everyone happy!!
🥒No good, I am the best.
👀 It’s no good anymore…
I’m worried about the girl who is fighting over colts in the races…
The child of the owl is beautiful too…
Kitasan seems like it can easily continue for another five years at an annual rate of 200 horses…
I heard you passed down the old Ai-chan to your son?
“Be careful with your words, Shiiaki-kun.”
Chairman, do you have anything for me?
Is it alright for Teio to face McQueen?
We’ll take good care of you as a family! lol
👀 It’s no good anymore…
I will help you!
🌲It’s no good anymore…
(Off-screen Fujikiseki South Hemisphere business trip)
My Jordan is going to stand up a bit…
What’s so great about someone who wins G1 races, has a good-looking face, and is wealthy?
Compared to the fact that you can only get that kind of chrysanthemum, Dad, who has won three championships, is way cooler!
The cucumber people and the daughter are fiercely competing, it’s scary…
🌌 (It might be better for Lov’s to worry more about the fans who are seriously in love with that girl and keep throwing super chats…)
😭 I will never accept dating that clumsy guy, Dad!!!
Dad is letting a big woman into the house…