Feel at ease with the lively appearance of the movie.
To be honest, I almost cried the most at “Something Beam!” in the movie.
Let’s watch the universe once everything is over.
You’re not exuding the dignity of a 21-year-old, Gauma.
Plus 5000 years.
Shut up!
The calmness of Zet-san and Fuma from the same company makes it hard to believe that they are roughly the same age.
I’m really regretful that we couldn’t say goodbye properly…
They are just a good person who properly scolds and praises me.
I really like the visuals.
The suit looks good too.
I like this.
That’s quite sexy.
It sounds like a joke, but when a person turned into a zombie says to keep the expiration date, it goes like this.
You wouldn’t normally think that someone who looks like this is one of the top-class members of the Gauma squad who’s well adapted to society, would you?
Three students and unemployed…
The way she handles Yume-chan, who is like an explosive device that requires careful handling, is just too skilled.
When it’s time to scold, I scold properly and don’t hold onto it.
When you praise, make sure to praise properly.
Good job, Yume!
I’m glad to see you’re doing well.
Mr. Gauma too…
I love this place.
To be honest, I understand why Oishi goes crazy.
It’s a strange thing to say, but the good impression I felt after watching is close to love.
The downside is that the snoring is loud.
The voice is loud.
Dragging along a partner for a long time is also a negative point.
How long are you going to drag this out?
You’re an idiot.
Leaving a trail like that…
You were the one who brought together the Gauma team, which would have never come together without Dynazenon, so don’t let just one person die.
I understand why Yomo-kun would become really heavy.
Looking back, I realize that I wasn’t a person who gets angry very often, so when I got angry at the first Yume-chan, I was really angry.
They also provide a reason to make it easier to apologize.
Well, of course, that would get you in trouble…
The image video for the ending theme fits Gauma’s role in the story perfectly.
Seeing Gauma from the front is nice too, not just from the side.
I understand Oishi’s feelings about confessing suddenly during the final battle… I understand…
Sorry, I don’t understand…
😂 I’m piling it on too much!
Even though I got involved on my own, I kept prioritizing others and ended up not being able to meet Hime again, and it really hurt.
So, how about the Hokkaido Fair! Fresh seafood delivered from the northern land!
Mr. Gauma!
I admired you!
I need you, and you need me!
I love the part where I receive a message and rush back to Aya.
I understand that some members of the Gauma squad are still quite hung up on the thread images.
Too nice of a guy.
Sorry, I don’t really understand in the end, but the world of Dynazenon is all a product of Gridman’s imagination, right?
The mummy and the thread art of Tokusatsu Gridman aren’t particularly related, right?
You can think of it as something that might be related, or might not be.
The team battle in Dynazenon feels like the good old days of combiner robots, and I really like that vibe.
Gridman is too much of a one-man team for Gridman.
The two from the Gridman Alliance are also around here.
I’m regretting that I can’t help.
I love the chaotic scene with the Gauma team during the final battle of the Universe novel version.
Knowing that Rex is living and doing well is a huge factor in helping Yomo and the others move forward positively in life.
I like how the flow of the combined robot and the members coming together fits perfectly.
Show me more of Himegau’s lovey-dovey moments.
I arbitrarily imagine that all the merchandise illustrations after Universe are done only when I’m alone with Gauma-san.
Of course, there are also school uniforms.
The idea of Gridman, which stole Yuta’s body and youth, was born from the guilt imagined in the super complete collection.
It’s determined that the universe of Dynazenon is where a boy who isn’t Yuta fights alongside a man resurrected from a 5000-year-old mummy.
In other words, does that mean there’s a possibility that the princess isn’t just a dream?
But it means that if you bring about chaos beyond what Gridman can even imagine, you can build a world that is alive.
If possible, even if it means becoming an enemy of Gauma and the princess, I want to bring chaos to that world.
But if it’s you, Gauma, you will still turn this chaotic world around…
If it’s a monster, couldn’t we have connected with Goldburn and extended our life or something?
It seems that I’ve already lost the power of being a monster tamer because I love Hime.
Dynazenon is great with its comical aspects of combining! separating! and combining!
The movie temporarily disbanded! The feeling when I heard it was incredible!
Temporary dissolution!
I wonder if there’s a universe where Benkei is the main character.
I love when the final moments of the TV show are decided in the basic form.
I purely wanted to watch a robot anime, so I started with Dynazenon without seeing Gridman, and when Dynazenon shifted from being a robot show to a special effects hero’s powered suit, I was like, “No way, this is awful!!!”
I’m glad it returned to robots in the end.
The reality is that it’s more like a spin-off of a special effects hero’s helper robot, so the order is reversed, or rather…
I understand your feelings, but it was already obvious that it would turn into armor based on the original material.
I wonder if there was a universe that branched out from each episode of “Electric Superman.”
There is already a universe derived from things like dogma and the colors disappearing from Earth!?
Questions about rivers, eugenics, princesses, and the dead.
As a result of the chaos caused by Mad Origin, the timeline has become distorted, and summoning from the past world is occurring.
The adaptation to modernity is also influenced by chaos.
By the way, I still don’t really understand what Gridman’s little brother is.
The good thing about the universe is Chise’s scene where she says, “Come on everyone, together now.”
What I like is that Chise, who had only been watching the battles all along, is now fighting alongside us.
The most fun part of the cheering screening.
I was really happy that Chise-chan also got on board with us.
I love stories about people who have been in a bad place turning their lives around through supernatural experiences like these, so I ended up watching it twice from the start.
I also like the part where Gauma-san disappears at the end.
I like the places where I was able to resume.
By the way, about the job…
I’m currently job hunting.
This person always has a connection with crabs, huh?
I want to see the beginning of the relationship with Hime and how we get together~~
I’m fine with the past stories after that.
Well, Gridman is kind of like a robot, right?
I was participating in Super Robot Wars.
Mr. Rex looks really cool and upright now, unlike when he was with Mr. Gauma, when he often slouched and seemed tired.
It’s nice to have a cosplay item that also functions as a giant robot.
What was the moment when Gauma appeared on the embankment for just an instant in the final episode?
The lingering regret or phantom of mugwort.
The Gridman outputting Princess from the pre-information about Yuka is imagining things too conveniently.
Well, when you take a closer look, you realize it’s actually picking up elements surprisingly well…
I wonder what Gridman-sensei (Hime) is like…
Director Dark: “It’s a gal girl with slightly droopy eyes close to Yuka.”
You know, while it’s nice to have everyone gather again for a movie, I also really like the more subdued endings of standalone anime.
Do you understand?
An old man sent me in some unknown bike!
Life feels like the saying “a blessing in disguise.”
It’s fine to say that everything created in the universe is within the CW, right?
Akané-chan, you can observe from the world, right?
There is a possibility that it connects to another universe from CW, so isn’t that the case?
Yomo-kun may have been seeking a bit of fatherly affection from Gauma-san.
It’s not just a little.
For Yomo-kun, Gauma-san is both an older brother and another father.
It’s great, isn’t it? The last moment of the final episode with the glowing eyes of DynaRex.
It’s nice how the final episode of Gridman features Akane-chan looking up and how it arranges the part where the title appears in the opening as the last moment.
Mr. Gauma becoming a love cupid and helping support the reintegration of the unemployed and school dropouts is truly heart-wrenching.
I wonder what the thread poster thought when they heard that the Gauma team appeared at Tsutsuji Plateau.
I wonder if there were any thin books about Gau…
Is it delicious?
Now that the universe has been released to the world.
The main story ends gently, and I feel that the happy reunion in the universe is a nice touch!
I have the impression that many people like that moist feeling as well.
I’m sorry, it’s just that I like you.
I was looking back at it recently, and it turns out Dungeon Meals was playing at the end.
It was a fun anime with a gloomy coming-of-age ensemble drama, like a mix of Gauma, monsters, and robots that came from Sunday morning shows.
It’s interesting that while people with eugenics ideas seemed to be having fun, in the end, they were still just people with nothing but monsters.
Mr. Gauma couldn’t meet the princess, but it was a good contrast that he gained important companions.
I wonder if the difference between those who couldn’t move on from those fun times and those who could is something like that.
It seems that Shizumu-kun and Mujina-san have experienced some changes in their mindset after encountering modern people.
I hope you cry a lot at the wedding of your dreams.
It seems they were doing something like a reading play.
Yume-me has created a marriage blues monster of wedding melancholy!
Well, Dad doesn’t really resemble Gauma-san, but there was a youthful feel to him in a bad way, so I guess that’s why it was easier to relate to him there.
If Musina had properly dealt with it, would it have been…?
Well, that’s what makes you a senior.
There are times when he’s cool, but he’s just muttering to himself, so this person…!
I still like Yume-sen the most.
Recently, my parents got divorced, so I’ve come to understand Yomo’s feelings a little… They are my parents, but for the parties involved, they are already strangers.
It’s a blood-soaked mugwort!
The scene of Gauma’s reboot is incredibly cool!!
Even Dream Bud-san, who responds to Yomogi’s feelings!
The conversation with my big sister is great!
Voice dramas are great… like that dinner party with the senpai that feels like the end of the world and the part-time job leader…
During the official broadcast at the time, the comment section was filled with people suffering and it was chaotic…
I like how you listen to everything Koyomi wants to say without denying it. It’s kind and gentle.
Isn’t that impressive?
Although we defeated the source of the monster outbreak, will monsters continue to be born as long as human emotions exist?
Gridman creates a lot of universes → creates a lot of monsters along with the universes → the sources of occurrence gather to give birth to Mad Origin → parasitizes Gridman.
That’s the flow of things.
The source collective was created after the monsters.
That means Gridman won’t be the culprit!?
Yomogi-kun… I…
Why the video of Chise explaining the support screening didn’t make it onto the disc…
Goldburn is saying that as well.
I like the voice drama character Koyomi.
I’m telling Chise-chan that it’s pathetic to say I’ll treat you to anything with the money I got from my mom.
I realized that the world of Dynazenon has become real, but I wonder if the other worlds have disappeared or if they still exist in Gridman’s mind.
There are also wild monsters, you know.
Anosilas or something.
Gridman is not bad.
You can find a job on your own, right?
The scene of parting with someone like a senior in the calendar was really good…
I recently discovered that the person with the dirty voice who plays the mom is the same person who voiced the doctor character in Daiguard… They definitely have a unique voice.
There are quite a few in TRIGGER works!
Gridman is not bad.
Thank you, Yuta!
Thank you, Yuppie!
Gridman is not bad.
I really love the gap when Koyomi becomes a warrior only when they get serious in battle.
Strangely high ability to cope with abnormal situations.
People are saying here and there that it seems I can do well as a junior high school student in the new century.
I feel like Mr. Gauma wants me to get a regular job.
But you had fun, right?
Since Hyper Agents have only seen a world with monsters due to work circumstances…
What exactly is a Hyper Agent?
The explanation comes later!
The explanation comes later!
I loved that I could see the part I wanted to see the most with Anti-kun and Akane-chan in the universe.
You’re living tenaciously, aren’t you?
It’s nice to have your head rubbed…
If they don’t get connected in a dream, it could lead to a chain reaction in the timeline and even cause a dead end in the universe. To put it mildly, they are a couple holding too much of the world’s fate in their hands.
The appearance and the giantization ability may be borrowed, but for some reason, there is a younger brother who is a hyper agent.
I wonder if this character will appear in the main anime soon.
Trade shows are good, but I want to see things like Full Power, King collaborating with Rogue Kaiser, and Thunder Gridman.
“Is there nothing you want to say to Shinjo?”
“There is nothing, absolutely nothing.”
It represents the relationship between Akane and Rikka very well.
The scenes of the school festival truly seemed to embody a lingering nostalgia for youth in the film.
I’m glad that Alexis also seems to be having fun and feeling fulfilled.
It disappeared, but…
There’s no way that guy is going to die.
It’s not going to disappear anyway! Chase it!
There’s no way that’s true, I’ll find you and catch you.
The movement surrounding IP goods seems quite active.
I hope things are moving beneath the surface.
I saw a jobless character in anime who is not an otaku, knowledgeable about computers, doesn’t resent the world, and is not socially awkward for the first time, so it was refreshingly different, Hiyori-san.
What is that damp feeling of Turbo-senpai and Bora-kun?
I want a new work.
If we could expand on this 1 episode of Dynazenon, it feels like we could do anything.
Have you read any manga or novels?
Sengoku Gridman is pretty good.
By being absorbed into the universe, one can grasp the incredible level of Gridman’s darkness.
My partner died after taking the final boss with them, hoping that my sister would be able to live happily from now on.
It’s nice that Gridman kidnapped that sister and it concludes…
I like how Dynazenon carefully resolved the story of the sister.
I feel like I’ve taken a step forward even though nothing has been resolved, and I’ve been somewhat saved by the monster.
“It’s not necessarily something dramatic when people die, so how do the people left behind come to terms with it? I like that the way of speaking is not very anime-like.”
I remembered that I still haven’t put together the Full Power Knight-kun and the Gold Burn-equipped Universe Fighter Gridman model kit that I received last year.
But you know… I don’t really like the molded color, so I want to paint it… and for that, I need to buy an airbrush…
THE fusion is good!
It could also be about the price to pay for Yomo-san using domination in the movie.
Completely new works are also very welcome.
The fact that they manage to create a performance in a Japanese film style with super rigid anime art is unique and my favorite point, so I want to see the new work.
Honestly, it shouldn’t have worked out so well, but it clicked perfectly.
When the battle scenes begin, the transition to a solid robot anime creates a nice contrast, doesn’t it?
Should we turn the spa date into a video…?
There are some areas where Trigger has been reevaluated in relation to Gridman.
You can create works that are carefully crafted like this.
I might watch it again—this really has a unique style, doesn’t it?
I like that Koyomi is unemployed but has young girls like Chise and Yume nearby, and he does not look at them in a strange way. He has a quite harmless and legitimate adult aspect.
There’s a part-time leader and Mujina-san too!
This person is surrounded by women everywhere!!
Mom, where’s my suit?
That scene was too realistic and it was tough…
It’s not mom.
It’s your mother.
Will the day come when the heroine, who faded into the background mob after being rejected in the universe, appears as a main character somewhere?
I find it really interesting that although the truth about my sister’s death was surrounded by an unsettling atmosphere, it turned out to just be an accident.
Yume-chan actually didn’t understand her sister very well, and it became like matching the answers regarding what her sister was thinking in their relationships.
Depending on the person, they might feel that all that build-up was just a letdown.
Around her, there are so many vivid descriptions that can be interpreted in various ways, like the prank videos, the OG who was so supportive, who seems to be the ringleader, and the one word from the senior here, along with the ring shining on her left hand’s ring finger, making my stomach ache.
It might be bullying, but it could also be a prank that’s common at that age, which feels very vivid.
I really love the character design of the “former” femme fatale as the part-time leader…
There is actually a part-time worker at my workplace who is really like those Heisei gals from the past, so my understanding has deepened since I watched the main story.
Are you Calender?
I haven’t seen Reki-san working for a long time.
It’s nice that Yumega-chan’s older sister is just in the typical teenage sibling distance.
I guess we would have been the kind of friends who would drink together once we became adults…
I think it was a good resolution to say that no one is to blame for big sister’s death, so Yume shouldn’t have to carry that burden forever.
Is there a man nearby who has been dragging it for nearly 5000 years? Stop dragging it on forever, you idiot.
It’s amazing how the whole team, including Chise, is overflowing with combat sense.
It’s better to not grow dramatically, but to be able to move forward just a little bit more than before.
I wonder where the puzzle ring went? Come on, we have to hurry and go look for it, haha!
I gave you a hint, but you missed it 😂
Surprise! Major success!
People who handle transformation items very carelessly.
Based on the information provided before that, the connection with Gridman was completely unclear, and when Grid Knight made his abrupt entrance leading into the next week, the shock could only be experienced in real time.
At this point in the thread and thumbnail, I thought it was about this.