To explode.
There is no danger. Only possibility 13.9%
It’s terrifying that more than 10% of heads have latent good factors.
It may be out of the question for cedar.
But what about other plants and animals?
Four is out of the question.
Humanity is foolish.
Everything should be turned into cedar.
In the year 4643, the Earth will also become cedar.
14% of abnormal cedar lovers
Sugi Laika: “I can’t forgive pollen.”
Those who do not choose 4 are inferior beings who will not be able to welcome the glorious future of the year 4643.
Take care of your body!
Ise: “It’s problematic if the stock price falls.”
Taki: “It’s troublesome that stock prices are falling!”
Masurada: “I don’t care.”
CEO: “It’s troubling that the stock price is falling.”
Spreading pollen on a large scale is truly deserving of the death penalty for pollen allergy sufferers.
It’s been a while since I’ve felt such murderous intent, and many of the heads are probably seeking the gruesome death of Desporen.
Is it possible for each bio-organism to reach hegemony in the year 4643…?
Crustaceans are the future.
Since the beginning of this week, because this year has come again, I really just want it to hurry up and die.
Humanity, which merely consumes oxygen uselessly and emits carbon dioxide, is unnecessary in this world.
I will make you understand about allergies and such.
Without carbon dioxide, plants cannot perform photosynthesis, but saying something like this is probably already a sign of losing one’s sanity.
Desporen = Sandame-like
The terrifying face is truly a terrifying face, isn’t it?
Is Satoru-kun dreaming of becoming the god of the Yoro society by remaining CEO in the year 4643…?
Humidity 100% with the sprinkler! However, a dangerous heat source is nearby.
At this rate, I might end up boiling and turning red.
If you trace an unbranded lobster here, the nameless kid’s brain will explode.
Receive the judgment of the crustaceans!
It makes sense underwater, but isn’t it kind of strange to become a swirling vortex at 100% humidity?
There was a place to use scissors…
It seems that researchers who regularly have visions of the future of the assigned bio-organism in the year 4643 might start to freak out.
When I said during the Lobster Volume 1 serialization, “In the main story, a female ninja who inherits the lobster’s will will team up with Ninja Slayer,” I feel like I would be treated as a madman.
Isn’t it really stylish to describe the fusion of plants and the human body as a mix of cell walls and cell membranes?
Don’t give up day!
🌲More a little!🌲
Don’t misunderstand ZARD’s songs, damn it!
Shouldn’t we take a moment to spank Desporen’s butt with the racket?
Did it explode!?
When raw wood is heated, it bursts.
They even have seed bombs!
My whole being is too much of an unforgivable existence.
Ha! I have a bad… eerie feeling…
A ball flying through the air… This is Sentō… in other words, a bathhouse… a hot spring, and then ping pong…
This bio guy is just too evil…
By the way, this guy is a ninja, but can the other cedar trees be pollinated with the pollen scattered around? Since it’s a bio-ninja, maybe it’s not impossible?
Masurada’s nose is all runny…!
Wow! Taneduke Day!!
I can’t believe this thing is going to parasitize…
This guy is too evil.
Um… isn’t this episode a bit rambling?
It’s a lobster, you know?
Fihih! Bountiful woman parasitic ego loss distorted birth!
It can only be said that their sexual preferences were in a frenzy…
You’re way too determined to boldly discard your own identity… Seriously, just die…
Suigi Monster vs. Ebi Monster vs. Darkrai
What is that? I don’t know… Scary…
What does Bonmo think of cedar?
An unforgivable existence
It’s more like crustaceans that shed their skin in a jelly-like form, right?
Facehugger fuck focus.
Isn’t this guy just too outrageous?
This guy is the worst!
Americans have hay fever too, right?
It’s the worst.
This is the type of convulsion that lifts the waist…
It’s a bit late, but isn’t Nagomi, or rather Desporalene-san, who was able to modify himself into a bio-ninja, pretty amazing among scientist characters?
Female ninja and female ninja are in close contact.
The body fluid?
No, it’s pollen, so it’s sperm.
Futanari bukkake!!
Fihih… Fihihihih.
Seriously, a crappy technique has appeared.
Isn’t it an incredibly blasphemous and horrific creature that stands out among all the past Bio Ninjas?
The nature of being a bio-ninja is strong and unpleasant, though.
Karate is merely an existence that is understood from Sanshita to Masurada and is treated as something to be wielded.
The fact that it has become a being that can completely destroy Neo-Saitama alone is crazy.
Even though I don’t have hay fever, my eyes are starting to itch.
The fact that all the means of attack are pollen makes it too easy to imagine, and that unpleasantness is just too much to handle.
Is this guy a demon?
Kill it! Kill it! Let’s kill that damn pollen bastard!
I became unconscious!
I can feel the will of absolute allergy extermination… no, the dark green.
This is dead…
You seem surprisingly energetic considering how worn out you are.
I’m definitely thinking this will make me lose control.
Botanic was also something, so let’s just give up on plants!
If we let them go here, it’s clear that something very bad will happen.
I must hurry and slay.
What an absurd survival instinct!
I wonder if that guy from Taki can directly get a hotline to the CEO.
Satoru might not be in Japan first…
I wonder if I could get at least an emergency response team that can be used.
I think there is a Ukihashi between Yoroshity and Neo-Saitama.
Recently, the stage has been set in Neo Saitama, so Wukihashi hasn’t appeared…
You’re pretty fast at running away.
This is a mythical-level disaster ninja.
I really need to kill this guy quickly, or it’s going to be trouble!
Taki! Did you go with velvet? You can’t stand pollen, right!
However, if it can create copies and escape with only minor damage, how can it be defeated?
That… in that narrow space…? Together with the pollen source…?
How much of this is considered real?
The current Taki is definitely a half-foreigner who will absolutely kill Sugi.
Former General, President-san!! Please take this Bio Ninja!!!
What happens when you put a Bioninja into the Supukei space…?
It might be worth sending a letter.
Even the always confident Masurada has no choice but to acknowledge that the situation is precarious.
Just by having pollen scattered, it can trigger hay fever even in ninjas, so I’ve seen it come back from seeds… If you miss the shot, you’ll suffer from hay fever for the rest of your life.
The karate itself remains unchanged, and since it’s not operating based on the Jitsu origin, it shouldn’t stop immediately.
In other words, a sealed pollen allergy space.
I might regret having joined the Koru’s Ninja.
Anyway, somehow do something about it!
At the time of the third part, it seems that Yoroshisan Pharmaceutical’s biotechnology was Pure Tech, unrelated to Ohigan.
I don’t think it will immediately stop functioning once it gets incorporated into the sub-pattern…
Return of Issey-san from a second irrecoverable state.
The word tough is meant for her.
Of course, don’t underestimate crustaceans.
I suddenly wondered if crustaceans can get hay fever, so I searched, and AI…
“Both crustacean allergy and pollen allergy are known as allergic diseases and may be related.”
So, your answer means that this episode was inspired by allergies, right?
The character responsible for gags does not die.
It is a word from Masashi Miyamoto.
You’re the man who defeated Akechi Mitsuhide with four arms, aren’t you?!
The lobster itself is a comedic presence, but the pollen guy is such a terrifying existence that I’m always serious.
I think lobsters have already been jumping back and forth across the line between joke and fear for heads.
Lobsters come with some odd features, but there’s nothing terrifying about lobsters themselves; however, pollen is just too directly horrible…
Akechi Mitsuhide with four arms (not a metaphor).
In other words, this is it.
Lobster is Jake.
Finally, Akechi Mitsuhide has been brought up in the discussion of Desporen…
The threat level of cedar pollen has become equivalent to that of Akechi Mitsuhide!
In other words, it’s like this.
Akechi Mitsuhide is pollen.
Did you smoke something?
It’s anaphylaxis.
Rather, I feel that Akechi was in a better position because he at least had the intention to govern, albeit in a crooked way.
Akechi Mitsuhide in Neo-Saitama ultimately became a part of the weather forecast…
In the sense that I’m managing the entire metropolis by myself, it might be the same… maybe it is…
It’s really amazing because they let it slip away from a rare situation where it was 2 against 1 in Masurada’s favor.
Ultimately, what is important is intelligence rather than karate.
I can’t rely on Narakupedia because of the bewildering Biowarrior, damn it!
Even if I want to make a joke about pollen, there are too many elements that make it quite hard to joke about.
Fast recovery!
Nam-san! If that happens, the Japanese archipelago will be done for!
Is the whole Fuji Jukai made up of cedar?!
And pollen?!!!!
It has to die too much…
If you go that far, don’t get seriously close to world domination…
Ah… in that case, Mr. Lee will die.
If I go to the sea of trees to commit suicide, will I get pollen allergies and stop wanting to commit suicide?
The cause of death just changes, doesn’t it?
Won’t the Earth end before the year 4643, you?
Existing Earth life will be eradicated, and only life forms based on cedar pollen will emerge.
What do you mean by what’s different from lobster?
The world is in trouble, isn’t it!
This is the worst.
Die, Desporen!!
If the forest is polluted, won’t the flowers at Ohigan possibly be contaminated with pollen too?
It will naturally get in.
And people sleep, dream, and develop hay fever.
It’s the end of the world.
Instead of a bright red volcanic eruption, it seems that yellow pollen allergy eruptions can be observed from space.
It’s strange… it should have started with something silly, but now Neo-Saitama and the world are facing a dangerous incident…
Satoru! Even if it’s not your fault, it’s your fault, so fix it!!!
If the Fuji Sea of Trees becomes entirely Despolin, Japan… no, the world will be destroyed!
Everything will become cedar.
It is far too harmful compared to lobsters.
Year 4643
The world was covered in a forest of bio-sugi.
Am I getting confused by pollen and posting twice?
Nagomi = Despōren = San also Ise = Supremacy San also
As expected of someone working as a researcher at Yoroshisan, your mind is sharp.
That’s strange… The researchers at Yoroshisan that I know are usually crazy idiots…
Are you making fun of the boss of Sawatari, you idiot?
Even if I wasn’t a fool, I was still losing my mind…
It’s a bit late to mention it, but is Ise-San a lobster because of Ise-Ebi…?
In other words, this is it.
After going through various events, Despolen-san, who died at Fujisan, has become a zombie ninja.
Burn it.
I’m worried that Dr. Lee might freak out.
They are now referred to as monsters.
Neo-Saitama, which is contaminated by bio-pollen after being contaminated by Seikenzuki.