I’m currently drinking Alma’s breasts, so please don’t talk to me.
Sweet potato
I think you should have definitely gone on-site instead of just focusing on appearances.
The impression you get is completely different.
Well, I was probably accompanying them on-site a lot.
The problem was that there were too many situations where I had to clean up after this meddlesome character.
I think it’s because of this guy that Alma-san was born in her current position.
I’m working, you know, I’m working.
After seeing Alma, I don’t even know what to say about your face, you have a good personality, don’t you?
To put it bluntly, it’s not that you’re being clever; it’s more that you have a bad personality.
Even if I go with you on-site, it’s just going to cause trouble with the auntie…
That aside, it’s truly real that the cat is coming over here…
My partner is a cat.
I don’t like that my companion seems to be attached to this guy more than to me.
But Wiles’ partner is usually behind Alma when they’re talking while riding on Sekreto, right?
In that case, it would be Alma’s protection and alert status…
You can also cuddle with your buddy inside the tent… gff… The rubber armor is cute, isn’t it…
I don’t want “we” to be attached to the achievements of hunters.
It would be nice if they were confident and a good partner…
If they aren’t there, various people will be chased by monsters…
The reputation of this guy is being completely fed back by the characters of the accompanying members in this work.
At the same time, conversely, it is precisely because of that that this guy’s existence becomes apparent and it’s painful.
Why are you casually using a beautification mod?
The area where the clay figurine is being celebrated felt a bit like camaraderie.
Whoa, Eric-kun being caught in the dandelion fluff was kind of cute, so I could forgive him.
Olivia, who is organizing the team around that area, is backing us up, including the matter with Werner.
Rather, in that scene, I was almost dragged into the nest and killed just by looking away for a moment.
It was a bit scary because it felt like an animal being dragged in an instant by an alligator.
Ah, a stupid failure event like that can be overlooked if it happens just once with other accomplishments, but still, “What are you doing?!”.
How many times is Joe going to stir up trouble before he’s satisfied?
After that, I will properly apologize.
What I thought was missing from Reception Joe was gratitude and an apology.
Auntie! That part is still talked about, but there are way too many scenes where this guy is the cause of trouble every time a monster appears.
I can only say that the script is seriously bad.
I’ve heard that many hunters have left their thread images alone while they’re about to be eaten by an Evil Joe.
I wanted to say something prickly like what I said to Werner in the thread.
Mr. Werner has also messed up quite a bit, but he’s less unpleasant than the image in the thread…
I wonder if it’s largely because Joe, like in the story, is not affirmed by others and is a quirky old man.
Throughout the main story, they are carefully depicting the eccentric characters.
Don’t go down alone without any weapons when you arrive at the valley of miasma!
I wish I could have said something like “I’m sorry” back then.
We did it! We!
Arma-san is really capable, gathering materials with me on-site and evacuating non-combatants to camp during battles…
Because it’s the staff that brought out the thread image.
I had no expectations for the story or the characters, but they pleasantly surprised me.
I want a feature to switch partners with the assertive recommendation group.
It’s usually not a big deal to have a bomb explode with Ailou, but it becomes unpleasant when someone who finds it uncomfortable does it…
The part where Ivercana appears is also quite high in the screw-up factor.
This guy really loves older women.
What should I do about my aunt…!
I don’t like that my character is nodding along to this.
When the tyrant is covered in skin, it somehow gives off a comedic relief vibe and makes it more tolerable.
It’s not that I really hate it, but…
I thought that I wasn’t interested in you or your aunt.
The only good things are the voice and MOD support.
Making it seem like everyone worked hard together is frustrating, but before that… isn’t that unreasonable…!? I was surprised or rather, a strange laughter took over, so I’ve lost.
If only I could perform the moves from the time of Miraboreas from the very beginning…
If we had been able to convey a sense of proper support from the beginning like that.
The evaluation would have been quite different, wouldn’t it…
As a result of reflecting on this, a stronger NPC than me was born in Sunbre.
You could say that the character like Alma was born in a way thanks to the thread image.
If there hadn’t been all this fuss, I feel like Joe II would have come out by now.
Alma made a mistake once, but she apologized properly and seemed to reflect on it…
Sunbure is more about utilizing reflection rather than just regret.
I think that piece is on a level where each concept is unique.
Looking back at it now that Wyles has come, it’s really changed to the point where you wonder if this is even Monster Hunter.
Both Eric II and Werner have made significant contributions.
I didn’t dislike it that much when I played it back then.
Conversely, it can be said that there was no interest.
I hated it from the moment I was hugged by my companion.
To Mr. Werner
Huh? My ears are messed up from the monster’s roar and I can’t hear? Being able to say that is significant.
That guy usually has a weak conversation deck, so why does he play strong cards only in that situation?
I can’t hear you~?
Isn’t the thread image beautified or something?
I think I’m using a MOD.
Someone who’s been eating in the cafeteria the whole time.
Well, the fact that it wasn’t actually useful is more about the lack of such a system rather than the character being bad…
I think one reason for the negative impression is that the movie can’t be skipped at all.
Looking back now, it’s not sane at all. No skipping.
Well, even if Erik messes up, he has experienced the pain of being restrained, so that’s okay.
This guy definitely won’t suffer any consequences even if he messes up.
Honestly, I thought the selfishness of the honest character was part of the harassment towards players by making the monster’s motion terrible, so I was surprised that it was honestly improved in Wilds.
Werner just said let’s try to fix it if we can, so that’s all there is to it.
No one is stopping me, and the moment it was revealed that I shouldn’t fix it, I had already gone ahead and fixed it anyway.
When the spiky one came falling down during the boss battle before the staff roll of IB, I couldn’t help but shout, “True partner!”
How should I put it, the way of moving without considering the inconvenience to those around the thread image reminds me of Mii-chan…
Even with the debuff from glasses, the difference in popularity is still significant; it’s definitely more about personality than just improving graphics.
I believe that constantly speaking in a loud and big voice is one of the reasons for being disliked.
Most of the events that occur due to this guy’s careless actions could have been written into the scenario without any mistakes anyway…
Why would they create a script that directs hate towards a character that constantly acts roughly alongside the player?
I think it’s because they’re putting all their effort into harassing the players without any sense of humor.
I will never apologize to the player.
I tend to do it with other characters.
If you receive help, you feel gratitude, and if that continues, trust and respect are born.
On the contrary, if I’m constantly being a nuisance, even if there’s an apology, my heart will drift away, and if we can’t maintain distance, feelings of discomfort and the desire to reject will arise.
Even though they are fictional characters, the principles of social interaction are still important.
I thought it was a comedic relief role, but it’s strange that it doesn’t particularly highlight any funny moments.
It’s unfortunate that the protagonist, who can’t speak, has been assigned a role where they have to do various talking and moving instead.
She wasn’t this beautiful until now.
I didn’t really mind the part where they keep eating or summoning monsters, but the part with the aunt was simply like, “This guy has been really noisy since a while ago…”
If you want a comedic relief role in Monster Hunter, you should let the beastmen do it…
Even if Moribaa starts pulling the fur off Baba Conga, it doesn’t really bother me much.
The old man is aware that he is doing something wrong, clearly states that he doesn’t think it’s bad, and is also aware that he is out of sync with others, which is significant.
I wonder why I don’t feel anything even though our pet is attached to Alma.
I wonder if these elements stand out only when the other person leaves a bad impression…
The image in the thread will likely give the impression of “what is this guy?” pretty early on, separate from actually doing something.
The problem is that a family member broke the prohibition on taking things out.
I thought that was the most fatal.
Despite all the talk about harmony with nature, it’s completely ruined by the fact that the grandfather in the thread casually brought back materials from the New World.
In terms of setting, they are incredibly competent and doing a lot of work, but the system is not keeping up and the script is already finished, making them a victim…
Alma is too complete.
I’ve been told I have a good appearance, but I don’t think it’s bad at all.
I acknowledge the correction of words and actions.
Your carelessness piled up, and I was one step away from dying.
Because we’re doing it in a movie, a lot of people there are probably going to feel like Joe is just out of the question.
“Werner is being teased because he can’t hear anything from the hunter…???”
So you mean it would have been better if Joe was as strong as Fiore?
…That looks interesting.
Mr. Werner is aware that he’s a bit strange, and that realization is significant.
The young hunter who first talks to you in the OP spills alcohol from his mug next to someone reading a book, and it’s not good to include such rude scenes in the details…
I reevaluated him when he fought alongside me in the Miraboreas battle.
Even if we get taken down, that guy is seriously amazing for buying us time…
Wasn’t Mr. Werner’s blunder pretty bad? It was after I fixed it…
The person is apologizing, and the chieftains are also saying that they got carried away just because things got better… so there’s an apology.
After defeating Mirabo
Why did he need to become so strong?
I quite like that comment.
Mr. Werner is properly criticized by those around him, so I didn’t feel much discomfort while watching; there are many competent portrayals as well.
Mr. Werner is just a type that seems savant-like and has very low communication skills.
First of all, just the fact that you’re with this restricted area research team shows you’re not in the good category.
The principle of the Dragon Cannon!? Thank you for your help…
This one point is more than enough to explain the depiction of competence…
I like that Werner is getting spanked by Olivia.
When I see the word “partner” in Monster Hunter, I am cursed to think of Joe.
Even if my Wyles companion praises me by saying, “As expected of my partner!”, I can’t help but have that sketch flickering in my mind.
Is this guy the only problem in the world…?
As for the world, it was strange for everyone except Joe…
They act all high and mighty, yet they’re all just slackers who hardly work.
Being the developer of the Dragon Cannon principle, a few mistakes are somewhat forgivable.
I don’t know what kind of work the person claiming to be the Grand Commander is doing.
The world has so many people, yet it left the troublesome situations to the hunters, which left a bad impression.
The world is strange, not just the thread image.
Because the thread image is always next to me, it stands out and leaves a strong impression…
I think it’s possible that those who hold the belief in harmony appeared strange because the concept of harmony seemed quite distorted.
Since the goal is to hunt monsters anyway, I didn’t really think anything of it even if trouble arose.
I couldn’t stand the ugly cutscenes and the way it just automatically acted like a partner.
I have a strong impression of the seasoned sword-wielding hunter who was fighting head-on.
The scenes featuring different characters in Wilds have increased, so it’s gotten a lot better.
Isn’t it terrible that this guy was treated as better than the Tyrant?
Rather than saying it’s a machine, I find it reasonable to understand the reckless actions and carelessness in the story as being a tyrant.
It’s seriously impressive that you analyzed Dragon Breath and turned it into a handheld weapon…
The mystery is that the sense of distance is too close…
The colleague vibe from Alma is pretty much just right…
Without going through the process of getting to know each other, if someone is too close, it can be quite shocking.
There was no system in this series that allowed NPCs to directly assist hunters during hunts until the very end of IB… It was good that they finally addressed that in Rise – Wields.
I thought Eric was one of those annoying characters who just drags everyone down… but since then, there have been more portrayals of him being capable.
Although I messed up at first, they have been doing solid ecological research on-site and provided support, so my impression is good.
It was good from a system perspective that the quest reception staff is waiting in the tent, but why did they create this kind of character?
I wasn’t too concerned about my actions, but the face I made while cooking at camp was scary.
The first Monster Hunter I experienced was World, so I don’t want to say anything bad about the characters in the threads or the Grand Chief, and I do like them, but after going through Rise and Wilds, it really is quite terrible, isn’t it?
I think that under the current system, the Grand Commander and the First Dragon Person would have received a somewhat better evaluation.
The thread picture is indeed working to some extent, and in terms of system contribution, it really is at the partner level.
But all I see is this guy snacking during BC.
I started playing right after the release of the original version, but the highly requested addition of layered armor for hunters has been left untouched.
I couldn’t help but think that the increase in only the costume change DLC for the thread images was the management starting a fight.
Eric is somewhat of an ecologist, so I can tolerate him to some extent because there are those kinds of weirdos.
In reality, there are plenty of perverts who try poison on their own bodies.
It was similar to the last Bahari and so on.
Gunter can no longer hold his head high, and aside from that, he’s been greatly helped by things like the Dragon Breaker Cannon! It’s an incredible title.
Although only the bad aspects stick in your mind, there are also good ones…
Was there ever a good place within the visible area just based on the settings?
If you say that, won’t only NPCs who participate in combat from the whole series be left?
It’s easy to see that it’s not particularly the case when you look at something like Werner Eric discussed in this thread.
It’s enough if those who are said to be capable are depicted as capable.
In the cutscene during the Mira battle from the last update, it seems like both of us, including Wakiki-chan, are supporting each other, which is a depiction that makes us look capable…
Eric also helps take care of Nata.
For a mad scientist of that kind, he’s surprisingly quick-witted and kind-hearted, like a boy.
Eric said, “I tried drinking it because it was red, but it was harmless!” at that point.
It’s more serious than being annoying, so I guess it’s fine now.
After that, I had a painful experience, and I was scolded by my colleague for being lazy, so I forgave them.
It’s nice that those around you respond to strange behavior properly…
Also, Eric is under Olivia’s jurisdiction.
If I had been stuck here the whole time, I might have gotten a little annoyed after all.
Even if I beautify it like in the thread image, the actions driven by greed at the base prevent my affection level from rising.
Even though Eric knew about the monsters, when he chased after the dandelion fluff and got caught by a spider along with the other three people and one creature without any of them noticing, I had a bad feeling about what was coming next.
But it was just a misunderstanding, and when you acted as a temporary partner during the Redau event, it felt fresh and cool.
Well, one thing I think is that during the world, the worldview and graphics became more realistic.
The fact that the characters and scenarios were the same as before was clearly a problem.
If the adult elite characters in Real Gura were acting immaturely, it’s no wonder the players would get frustrated.
Praise me.
Why is this guy being praised?
The method of causing trouble and leaving it to the players to resolve, while we just take a hands-off approach, is probably the reason for the bad impression.
Once a bad impression is formed, it becomes really amazing how everything Joe does starts to become unpleasant.
Just looking at this guy who’s looking inside the item box is irritating…
I think the character’s personality wasn’t that bad.
It was a script that made me into a troublemaker, so my evaluation dropped to the ground because of that and other factors.
Thanks to my partner, I believe there is a Rise that aims straight for otaku appeal and a balanced scenario with Wilds.
Thank you
Rise: Sunbreak is seriously surprising with how cute the characters are, it feels like any other game out there!
I was surprised to see a flashy female knight like Fioreene come out.
I really enjoyed it…
When looking at the history of receptionists…
I feel like I may have exaggerated the “a bit strange” aspect of people like Aisha-san, who are “a bit strange but good people.”
By the time of the next work, the elements around that area had become quite strong…
I could forgive it because the conversations before the Shagaru battle were good.
When you actually participate in combat, the attachment is completely different, you know, in Sunbre.
I felt apologetic that they were better than me.
I think it’s commendable that they can learn from the mistakes of Reception Joe and apply it to the next work.
The hate management of characters and story really made me feel the reflection of the world, Wiles.
Sunbreak feels like it has crammed in all the comfort and cuteness that has consciously been avoided in previous Monster Hunter games.
The convenience of the soaring insects was so ingrained that I had a hard time getting used to it for a while after starting Wiles.
To be honest, it does feel like the thread image is being heavily criticized solely based on negative reviews online.
Well, I’m repeatedly making terrible moves that deserve to be criticized.
In the scene where Alma thanks Zato for his cold attitude and returns to camp without expressing any dissatisfaction, I felt a sense of reassurance.
It was smooth progress in our interactions because it was a game, but basically, it’s something that deepens over several months.
I mean, it’s probably been about a year in the lower story of the work, hasn’t it?
Seeing the changes in Nata’s feelings and such.
It feels like a long time ago that I was riding on the sand ship during the lower end of the final stages, and there are conversations about that, so it does feel like quite a while has passed.
It’s like the intervals of the changing seasons and the connections on the map too.
It has been resized in various ways to fit the game design, right?
Combat Hinomino-to
Motherly Alma
I thought, “Not again!” when Eric got caught.
I’m glad it was resolved in one go.
It’s scary that Capcom genuinely seemed to think Joe would become popular.
They probably want to position the players as a small elite group, like Everest, where a handful of climbers need dozens of backups, but I guess that won’t resonate with the crowd playing hunting games.
Even when watching others play, there are hardly any people who enthusiastically talk to NPCs.
Well, Werner is quite the character, but it’s mentioned by those around him, and the fact that he cares about it, even just a little, makes a difference…
I think the reason it turned into a positive impression was because, after messing up, Olivia lowered her head, and although Hunter caused me trouble, I didn’t mind…
The person is aware of their bad habits but says they can’t change, yet it seems their hate is being controlled well.
“Just when I was thinking I need to fix the furnace… saying ‘I’ve already fixed it’ was pretty cool.”
I guess it’s unavoidable that they don’t participate in battles because it’s a developmental aspect.
There are aspects of Wiles that have gone through battles like Mira and Rise.
Good luck to my buddy from the camp during the Xeno’jiiva battle ❤️ You’ve got this ❤️ You definitely didn’t need to be there.
I laughed at the exact moment when Eolivia said that Eric is an excellent and reliable guy, and he got caught.
Honestly, I feel it would have been better if Eric’s knowledge had helped us notice the Larvara’s nest and avoid the ambush.
Olivia, you were hasty with your final choice, but that’s because you’ve experienced the taboo-level damage firsthand.
I probably don’t want to let the still child Nataya carry something too heavy.
Therefore, in the end, the hunter burned the brain of the nata by his own will.
To be honest, I’m quite torn about whether behavior or appearance comes first in terms of discomfort.
I was just doing my thing, regardless of the negative reviews online, and this person really annoyed me.
I usually avoid the internet until I clear the lower levels of the story because I hate spoilers.
Even during that time, I had come to really dislike this guy.
When you started saying, “We did it!!!” during the Xeno’jiiva battle, I was like, “I’m going to kill you…”
Just having the line “under the guild’s authority” makes it feel like I’m actually working, doesn’t it, Alma?
Since I’ve been carrying the responsibility of the guild, if there are any mistakes, it will fall on Alma-san, so it’s fine for the words to be heavy, right?
I’m glad I finally understood the way of working in Monster Hunter; that depiction was great.
It’s nice to approach monsters after a hunt and take records…
I thought the approval system was a subtly clever direction.
During the World era, I was thinking, why do I have to go all the way to where the people who are eating are just to talk to them?
The design is good.
The model and behavior were not good.
When Werner tried to reach for the pendant, could the image grab his hand?
This guy will steal the pendant.
It’s easy to imagine someone saying “Wow, it’s beautiful!” from the early stages…
Honestly, this time some of the unnecessary elements from the thread image are being imposed on Moribba.
It must be a style that cannot be created without such elements…
I’m not looking that deeply into it… I think Moribaa is just a normally cute barbarian.
If we say that all monsters are bad, it creates a hellish country like Rise, so I think this has its pros and cons.
On that side, they are beastmen, and since their values are quite different from ours, I didn’t feel much discomfort.
When we fought together in the higher level quests, you provided a lot of support.
Since he is a lord Fabius in a considerable position, Alma, you are excellent!
Weren’t you a direct disciple?
Well, that’s certainly excellent.
If only during the Xeno’jiiva battle, they could have at least dropped supply items or used dust while riding on a flying dragon, it would have made that line stand out nicely.
But since they were selected for the elite team of the 5th division chosen from guilds of various countries, in that world, the lady of W is set up to be the most talented…
It seems that the pterosaur will flee when a large monster approaches.
Most of the time, someone messing up in the Wilds is due to the gap between different races or cultures, so it’s quite understandable.
It’s only natural that a troublemaker is needed for storytelling.
The script and direction of the thread image are too bad.
I felt that the part where Nata hesitated at the end and chose the third path really showed that a lot of effort was put into the scenario.
A tough memory of the tag team between Joe and the aunt.
If Joe had lifted the rock with his bare hands and blocked Rajang’s attack, I feel like we wouldn’t have heard so much about it.