Do you want to do it?
I’ll do it!
I’ll do it!!
People who buy the digital version can start immediately after the date changes.
By the way, I prefer packages.
It seems that a video sharing information about Suikoden will be released tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock, but I wonder what will come.
As for the next remaster information… it was delayed, so maybe there won’t be any?
I want them to do a remaster of the side story, and for the third one, I hope it’s a remake instead of a remaster.
I would have been fine with a full remake, though.
Shall we make Clive our ally?
Are you talking about the Clive event?
I plan to collect all 108 stars while doing the Clive event starting from the first week.
Are you going to save big sister?
Today’s countdown is windy, but…
Even now, I sometimes mix up Wendy and Windy, and it causes me trouble.
I would be happy if there were at least one additional element, but that might be asking for too much…
It’s great to be able to see additional events, watch movies, and listen to the background music in the gallery.
I plan to use characters I don’t use much more often.
I didn’t use Vicky and other things because I was scared of them going off accidentally.
First, let’s escape with big sister.
I’ll do the one where you go back afterwards.
I haven’t done the escape route because Ridley dies, but I’ll do it this time.
Clive’s not about the number of battles, it’s simply a time limit, right?
Time limit
The joining of Clive itself should be temporary.
It’s loose, but
At that time, I found Nanami kind of annoying and difficult to deal with.
When I look at it now… can’t I do it?
I can go with my memory from that time.
First, gather three returned blades.
What are the additional elements? Is it just a direct port except for the resolution?
Nanami Nishiden’s emblem
This is the secret of my strength.
First, let’s hunt for rabbits in the mountains…
I hope they fix not only useful bugs like the door push but also the many ordinary bugs that were really troublesome.
I keep choosing Kasumi, and now that I think about it, I’ve never made Valeria a friend.
There are quite a few characters that I don’t know how to interact with on my first encounter.
I wonder if Richmond will notice this? It’s been a while since I’ve done it.
I already made the reservation a long time ago.
You can also receive emblems, you know.
Subtly appreciated.
It has been quite a bit delayed from the original scheduled date.
I wonder if there was some kind of fatal mistake.
Rather, it seems that they have redone various things to satisfy the customers.
Valeria was so strong that she was a starter until the end.
I still can’t forget the person who said that Nanami will become beautiful when she dies.
The 1’s claw L range was fixed at the time of the PSP, right?
I haven’t made Valeria a comrade because I like Kasumi.
I can’t believe there are people who can’t get off with Nanami…
It was annoying for me as a kid!
Valeria is simply strong.
If Kasumi hands over, she can see the young master’s event.
Speaking of which, I wonder if Kasumi’s weapon range will be fixed.
It’s great when the heroine suddenly straddles in her first appearance…
If you’re going to do the Boy’s Club route, you can’t leave out Kasumi.
Who? Tenga R?
It has a nice name, doesn’t it…?
At that time, I was too embarrassed to use Ouran-san.
Auran is cool, so it’s fine, right!?
That is not good for me as a boy.
I don’t remember much anymore… I remember that collecting flying squirrels was tough.
The flying squirrel’s cooperative skill can instantly kill the boss with a 5% chance.
I’ve only tried the demo twice, so I’m curious about it.
I can’t let you in, young master…
The boy’s war is over, and I don’t want to drag him out.
It’s okay to have Kasumi when making Siegfreid a companion, so it makes me smile.
It’s been three years and still a virgin Tenga girl…
There’s no way Hicks can have premarital relations!
If you say that Tenga-ahl was able to endure well, then that’s true.
Other than Mukumuku, I did the flying squirrel sound discrimination test…
I wonder how it was done on the PSP.
The traveling performer girl and Mr. Ouran…
I wonder if we should have a party that I couldn’t do back then!
It’s fine to casually pass Nash by around Muse, you know.
The kid is really strong, but it’s annoying how he leaves right away.
If you don’t have the motivation, then quit.
Yes… I’ll disappear without becoming the prime minister of the republic…
No one can blame the boy…
Deliberately taking Nanami’s pot.
Unicorns love to feint with vampire grandmothers.
The name “Tenga R” has become terrible to call now.
I got hicked.
When I looked back at the data from the PS version, the protagonist’s name is Tiyore and the castle’s name is White River, which makes it very clear what I was into at the time…
In the first place, the boy hesitates to enter because he is outside the 108 stars.
It’s the first one, but the murder bacteria is too extreme.
I’ll do it like this (pachin).
The terrible effects that are unimaginable from its casualness…
Perhaps because it is the first work, there are various elements that feel unique compared to the later works.
Huh!? A remaster!?
I watched the hero event during Gremio’s death in the video, and it was interesting because I found out about Elly-chan’s unexpected setting.
There was a difference in the aspect ratio in the PSP version, so I’m being cautious about it just in case.
According to the current information, there isn’t any significant difference in this edition.
It’s already been stated that it has been corrected by name there.
Bugs like door push or level overflow should have been fixed.
Will the level carryover upon total defeat remain unchanged?
I struggle every time with whether to save or kill Ridley.
I love the character, but it also feels like the fact that they can’t be saved is akin to the true history.
I think the survival route is the true history because the transfer is bugged with dead data.
I feel like I was able to go to the ruins ahead early on and level up quickly.
If you push the gate, it can move, so maybe the one who can go ahead is the one who can do that.
I have a memory from my childhood of finding Gremio too overprotective, and being annoyed that he kept ruining the party dynamics.
It looked cool after a certain level.
It seems troublesome to check if I’ve become friends with the flying squirrel 5 without the seek sound…
Boris as a substitute for Ridley is nice, too…
I didn’t understand what Rina-san was doing at the early stage, but…
The unicorn event is nice, isn’t it?
It’s surprising that such an event was allowed.
Actually, there is also a Nanami version.
It’s nice how Gremlin is worried about the young master until the very end… it somehow feels like they came back to life…
You can recruit Futch and Humphrey from the beginning.
Well, it should be a target for correction.
Looking back now, the event of recruiting Siegfried was quite something…
The childhood friend attack was convenient, wasn’t it?
A 1x attack is strong overall.
There’s a strong emblem, but when I’m in a party with Jooi, I feel invincible.
The unicorn is safe with Airi, but Rina is out, right?
It starts by winning 108 battles in the first combat.
I’m troubled that all the loli characters are erotic.
So I also like 3.
I wonder where Fumi Ishikawa is now…
I’m curious about how far Ms. Rina has gotten.
I love 2, but I’ve never played 1.
Is there a serious element like a live event in 1?
One point is that there are too many instances with no hints when aiming to join the 108 stars…
If you’re not careful in war, the Peshmerga or the locals can die.
There are no timed events, but it’s pretty difficult to recruit someone on a first encounter.
I will raise the pan.
Do not act based on emotions.
I won’t cut your head off.
I hope the restrictions on emblem equipment slots have been relaxed.
I love the anger of returning a blade’s edge double.
They say the game balance hasn’t been adjusted.
The first part is the most severe for gathering allies, and there is a trap event in the middle where you will definitely get stuck if you are seeing it for the first time, where you can’t collect all 108 stars.
If you let your guard down, the event progresses quickly, especially the Castle Level 4 type and Leon are tough, right?
Leon made a mistake even with the strategy guide in hand…
There are many occasions where there are forced members, so the timing to recruit the last blacksmith is limited.
Since the joint attacks were too easy, I hardly used any magic, so I think I’ll focus on a magic character.
If you miss the timing for 2, there were some characters that you couldn’t get back, right?
Is it okay not to collect the flying squirrel right away when I first returned to my hometown?
The flying squirrel is okay.
A memory of missing the chance to meet Clive during the first playthrough.
I want to see it! The part where the streamer mistakenly thinks it’s a one-on-one duel and loses!
I hope that the remaster of 1 and 2 won’t be the last memory.
Ah, then me too, me too.
I feel like there was one where I thought, “Oh, this is a losing event…” but I have to win it.
I’ve struggled in 1 because I missed Futch and Humphrey in 2, so it seems like it’s going to be tough…
The hardest one to recruit in the first game was the window that you couldn’t see the location of, right?
Isn’t it Crowley who can’t see his place?
You should give the sealed orb at the window in the village of the fallen.
After investigating, it seems that both Crowley and Mado’s sealing orbs are past the hidden passage, so it might be a similar case…
Even though there’s no companion slot for 1, sometimes you can only recruit companions when there are 4 slots open for the later part of the journey.
But you can recruit Siegfried, and other female combat characters are out.
Well, if it were Yoshino or Ouran, I would think that would be a lie.
Is that so!?
Is that so!?
What do you want to say?
What is it that you’re saying?
I never expected to see merchandise in the Reiwa era.
Being a true emblem bearer is clearly demonstrated by the individual themselves at the very beginning with their first harassing chant, yet it’s fine for the dying servant, right?
I wonder if it was because Sierra is a lolibaba or because she is not a virgin that it was a no-go.
Perhaps the awakening of my silver-haired vampire fetish is because of Sierra-sama.
When I first saw it, I thought it was a losing event because Parn had 1 HP.
I was purely thinking back then that since the maiden Eventiriina is 18 years old, it’s a no-go.
It seems there are many people whose brains have been fried by Sierra.
Even in the side story, I was burned, and I was burned in 3 as well…
It’s nice, isn’t it? The wife of the wall newspaper.
It’s nice to have Nash cast in the play, isn’t it?
In the PV for “Symphonic Poem from Suikoden” released on the same day, a glimpse of her back is shown (since it’s a serious scene), and she is an incredibly beautiful girl.
But Lady Sierra has Nash…
Well, it’s probably automatically filtering out those who are definitely older…
I wish there were more Tenga R NTR doujinshi.
As expected, I can’t push the door for 2 anymore…
Clearly, even though the timing of the scenario is off, I can take Fucci to the school event.
When aiming for the end of the 108 stars in version 1, Leon Silverberg was quite a trap, but has it been improved?
It’s funny but not funny how the mercenary old man from 2 ends up dying in the war event before you know it.
Oh, it would be a problem if you forgot about MikuMiku-chan, the idol-like figure of the special skills team…!
I couldn’t figure out the slipping wall and missed Crowley, so it was game over.
I have a lot to say about 3, but I was just happy to see what happened to Nash afterward.
In any case, I have a strong memory of how remarkably strong the young master was.
The young master has a strong emblem, high status, and is very convenient and powerful with the ability to attack all at once.
I guess I’ll have to go pick you up every time…
Vicky, please learn to teleport to Gregminster too…
To get my brain fried by Sierra, I need a side story…
If you do the side story, you’ll feel like you’re just missing out on the Clive event!
I don’t know whether the panty shots have been deleted or not.
Smoking aside, it’s just a game that’s tough on pants.
There are quite a few characters like Meg who have no skills in either magic or physical abilities and are just cute.
It’s a character that doesn’t really get much depth, but back then I really liked Kinisun and used it a lot…
I honestly thought Vicky and the others had mediocre performance, but I forced myself to use them anyway.
When I first played, I couldn’t find the location of Apple and couldn’t gather 108 stars.
I think it is an unexpectedly overlooked place.
It’s fun to play the main story after doing the side stories because you can smile and realize, “Oh, Nash was here at this time.”
It was sad that I couldn’t use the Grothsfels, which was synonymous with 3’s Nash.
The timing-limited rare drop for 2 is quite tough too, you know.
I have a memory of struggling with a bug that caused my recipes to disappear.
There is a famous bug where various acquisition flags are messed up, and if you give the grilled fish recipe to Hayou first, the nabe dish recipe will no longer drop.
The easiest to get caught on is this combination, but there are various other patterns that are extremely malicious.
The earnings of the young master’s Soul Eater, regardless of what they are, were excessively unreasonable.
I believed that was Nash during the preview because 3 was a slender dual-wielder.
I remember hearing that they switched to light armor because the armored look in 3 was impossible.
I don’t really know if that’s true.
Is this game where you die and permanently disconnect when you remove your equipment?
When my younger sister-in-law drops out and unequips her gear, the comeback event disappears in this game.
Well, either way, it’s a permanent withdrawal.
Actually, I was alive at that time! The judgment disappears.
It seems that if you remove all of Nanami’s armor at the Rock Axe event, you will die even if the conditions are met.
2 and 3 have elevators that are manually operated.
Elevator Barbarian…
Nash pretends not to have seen it.
I loved making Nanami do continuous attacks like an idiot with the returning blade.
It’s better to do it now.
“Suikoden: The Eternal Conflict” is…!
I bought this to achieve 3R.
On Steam and Switch
I’ve already done it plenty with 1 and 2.
The mercenary camp is attacked and burned down again.
Poor Paul.
It’s sad that no one is sad even though I’ve been taken care of so much…
I like the true ending, but I think Joey should go back to his wife and Pirika.
I remember having a heated debate about whether my wife was pregnant or not.
That Jill’s dot animation is bad!
That being said, having children is too much of a powder keg for war…
I wonder if it was being used as a portable shrine during the High East turmoil.
I mentioned in the side story that I do plan to return someday, just in case.
If you mess up while playing Paan normally, you’ll die easily (and it’s clear that Theo is holding back)…
If you’re not prepared, it’s too tough to survive there.
Sierra’s cute acts are gradually driving me crazy.
It was common in RPGs at the time that you had to remove the equipment from characters that were leaving…
By the way, what kind of effect does the emblem of Yuba’s Eight Rooms have?
I fell behind in the series while pursuing 4.
Yuber does not appear in 4 and 5, so he remains a mystery.
I think Richmond from Detective 2 is the best.
After 3, it’s a bit…
I believe that the worst thing as a detective is number 3.
Work is perfect… that’s why.
I’m sad that I can no longer smoke.
So, I make them wear this cheap tunic.
I like it when Gene makes Richmond shake with fear after probing persistently.
I wonder how the money situation is going.
Please keep Gaspar weak.
Since the armor shop bug in 2 has probably been fixed, there’s nothing we can do.
By the way, I wonder if the strategy site that was verifying the recipe bugs can no longer be viewed…?
I like detective number 5.
It’s nice, isn’t it, the Hugo’s dad debate?
A forbidden escape with my older sister and younger brother isn’t good, but it’s fine, isn’t it… it’s good…
It gave me chills how it seemed like everything was heading in the worst direction, with an escape that ended with just one final image.
Due to the emblem, my brother and Joie are certain to die.
The one left behind is my older sister…
Mr. Richmond is handsome and perfect in aftercare, so he is excellent.
Even Mr. Richmond is perplexed by the flying squirrels.
When I take off Nanami’s equipment, there’s something about not being saved even if I gather all 108 stars… that’s elaborate.
I want to have that total war-like battle with Luka again…
It’s nostalgic to think that this isn’t the final boss…
It’s not a happy ending just because we defeated the great evil.
It’s a deeper story, so the battle between the Urban Alliance and Highland is…
It’s nice, isn’t it? Not knowing that it’s a three-match series and getting worn out in the third match.
You can easily max out at 1 with Chinchirorin, so it’s seriously a target.
In 2, making money with chinchirorin is not realistic, and it’s sad.
Are the lines exaggerated or embellished?
The cooking event seems like it would be good even with a little extra dialogue added.
I want to see more of the various things related to 5.
I think Joie would only reach out to Jill after Nanami has died (or so he believes) when he sees Jill’s face.
If my emotions weren’t a mess like that, I definitely think I wouldn’t hold back with my immense self-control.
The arrangement of the background music in the side story’s opening is really great…
If Jill had a child, they would probably be carried off by all the things in High East…
I really like the scene where Luca, who set a trap in the war event, deals 1 damage to our entire army.
The feeling of being out of the norm is intense.
There was an incredibly detailed strategy site called “Koryaku Shinsho.”
Died along with Geocities.
It’s too cowardly for Luka to act three times; fight fairly!
If it’s a remake of 1, that’s one thing, but 2 is almost a straight port, right?
I learned that there is a loophole in the Luka battle that actually allows for easy single-player defeat.
I wonder if it has been fixed after all.