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[Pokémon] Listening to the story of the nameless one, this guy has some incredible strength…

Japan Otaku Reviews+

I only messed with battles in the early SV, so I didn’t know…

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

One of the most prominent demons in history.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Which one is this?

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


It’s a rapids, isn’t it?

It was a single blow.

I died.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews


I remember doing this around 50 times…

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Adoption rate at EUIC: 56% good, 8% bad.

The teams that were not hired in the top 24 are 1, 10, 13, and 22.

The second place team is bad.

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17

I guess water is easier to use after all.


Seriously, don’t mess with me…

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because of this guy, I can’t even take advantage of its Water weakness, not to mention its Fighting weakness.

If it’s not sharp like a paw,

8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I wonder if it will be an environment where the Urshifu Examination and the Mega Rayquaza Examination come at the same time, Champions.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like it’s come full circle and seems well-balanced.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

Does this guy learn flying techniques?

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Make sure that you can at least distinguish between the two with this form.

I wonder if they’re intentionally trying to make it unclear.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews


I forgot to prepare two types of standing poses.

13: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The fact that it cannot be distinguished by showing it off is a unique strength of Urshifu, and since it has not changed since the release of SV, I think it is an intentional design.

That aside, it cannot be denied that changes may occur in the next work or in the Champions.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Unique strengths are just fine with standard base stats, crazy unique moves, and a rich variety of techniques…

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

The image in the thread looks like a passport photo, standing stiffly.

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It’s even more annoying seeing them slouch their shoulders in a tired way.

16: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

That strength is petty.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Don’t come at me with that kind of defense.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s DLC, I made it a bit more extravagant.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t like it because it’s just this one in the fighting category.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


A sad past for the fallen Koraidon…

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I’m sad that Idainakiba, which I thought would definitely be strong because both Urshifu and Parado were released at the same time, hasn’t been active.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, besides the thread image, the large Newra is doing its best.

Coridon is a Fire type.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

That guy, Oonyuura, is useless too…

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Let’s make it somehow! (Fatal Claw)

It happened!

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

This construction is definitely a Ten-Chu Nappa Lotus Strike.

Why haven’t they brought it out until now? It can’t be that they haven’t selected it… Is it a one-hit wonder…?? If that’s the case, I need to strategize properly, or it’ll be over…

The mental burden when things are like this is tough.

Brijulus also has a similar pressure.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

Losing to things like Oonura’s Fatal Claw or Pao’s icicle flinches because of luck is the most infuriating.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was using a dual sword with a little tilt towards Laos awareness for B, and it felt pretty good.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s like there are stronger ones above, whether on the ground or in combat.

On the contrary, Tetsunowadachi is coming up now.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve finally realized the convenience of the paths being unlocked.

That guy is fun.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I think about it, a Steel-Ground type with semi-legendary base stats can’t be weak.

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On the contrary, there are also Draygons who are feeling down because their partner, who usually spreads sand, is not energetic.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

The rise of Wadachi fits perfectly in this Miraidon environment, where it is strong against Miraidon and can also deal with Black Bad.

I think the main problem was that I couldn’t set up the Electric Terrain.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews


Compared to Kotalas, which can start up in sunny weather and create a base, it’s just a sea urchin…

Give me something like a Cocoon.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

Every time I see that both the thread image and the big Neura have A130, I’m like ???

Even though this world doesn’t have anything other than A115.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews


That guy is diverse, has great endurance, is fast, and his special technique is broken…

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Since both Urshifu and Onigus are broken, we will not consider their exclusive moves.

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The one called Kinogassa, who truly must not be forgiven.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

Get ready, cowards.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can think of things I want to do with sea urchins, but I’m troubled because I’m missing various essential elements.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

SV is in a tough time with sandpaper…

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather, compared to the two types of rapid attacks and Fatal Claw, it’s gentle, isn’t it? Rage.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Both the water flow barrage and the dark strong hit are strong, but when looking at the techniques individually, they are barely within an acceptable range.

Fatal claw is something that makes you die.

44: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


I guess that’s the same as dying, huh…

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

The water flow spam can completely nullify gimmicks, so I was shocked to see it return after 7 generations.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s not ignore the critical hit stacking effect!

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


No, they just need to remove this guy’s guaranteed critical hit special move. Don’t involve others.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though A130 ignores damage while protecting itself with its ability at a guaranteed critical point, it just gets penetrated like that…

50: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Die already~

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s said too much for just using punch gloves to protect against the spikes of the rough iron and just hitting.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

To fully counter this fellow, the Pokémon chosen is Chobomaki, which shows how profound Pokémon can be.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I first saw it, I burst out laughing as both the wall and the tasuki were smashed through.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

The disadvantage of punch gloves is that they become unable to protect as a substitute…

Aren’t you going to use defense against Laos? Yeah.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s interesting how the evaluation of punch gloves changes between single and double.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Learning sword dance is scary, isn’t it…?

Even while saying that, I was using a powerful Builder type against my own kind and having a blast.

I haven’t dived in lately, but is it still tough in the legendary environment?

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it just strong?

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is that so!? I haven’t gone diving since the New Year, so it’s only natural that the environment has changed.

Since the ban on legendary Pokémon was lifted, it’s really fun to see the environment changing. I’ll play again when I get back.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ursaluna is strong, but the current fighting scene has also seen the rise of the “Onewear luck game” faction that prefers to focus on Onewear over thinking about Ursaluna seriously.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fun to win by drawing three times in sleep at Oonyura…

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

Water Laos is popular, but I have often thought that it would be nice if it were good in the legendary environment, even if it was considered bad.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

Oonyura’s ability to connect fatal moves without losing the win condition, along with its unique range of techniques and unparalleled speed, is truly impressive.

When I’m dealing with them, I only have unpleasant sweat.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

The top Pokémon haven't changed that much after all.

Pokémon Battle Database
1. Habataku Kami
2. Paojian
3. Urshifu
4. Dinrū
5. Kairyu
6. Orgapon
7. Landorus
8. Badurekkusu
9. Gachiguma
10. Miraidon
11. Heirassha
12. Koraiidon
13. Hassam
14. Iyuui
15. Bryujiras
16. Kiraforuru
17. Oronge
18. Mamanbou
19. Gorirander
20. Oonyuura
21. Guraion
22. Zacian

The top Pokémon haven’t changed that much after all.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Mamanbo… so you’ve been making such a big advancement…

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s probably just water.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

I laughed because the usage rates of the Big 6 were almost the same.

It’s getting intense, isn’t it?

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

The strong Pokémon in the environment haven’t changed, but it gives the impression that the environment of SV is being driven by the strong Pokémon.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s just water anyway.

Why is losing considered bad?

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am nothing but a Pokémon below the species level of Windy.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mom has always been so lewd…

Whether it’s the one that forces in poison while putting the opponent to sleep while soaking them for five generations, or the one that cushions while continuously chipping away with a quick attack,

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It looked like a naughty response.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


Partially so.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, it seems like I’ll only end up seeing those who are determined, even the champions.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even weak Pokémon can do well if there’s just a little room for improvement, right?

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

What’s with that unmotivated standing around?

I can’t tell which it is, so show me your stance.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ignoring the readings based on defense, buffs and debuffs, and type advantages is really not good.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t play Pokemon, but Mamambo is strong…

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


It has high durability and a technique to heal allies, so it serves as a tank role (though in Pokémon, it’s referred to as a cushion role).

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

This is the power of DLC Pokémon!

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can safely use it later, it can reduce, you can aim for burns, it has miracles, and it’s incredibly strong, Mom.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it’s crazy that this guy is wiping out the existing fighting styles rather than just doing a typing test.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In fighting games, if there’s no durability and hardly any special attackers, it’s all about physical attackers, so the ones that have a certain level of durability and can hit hard are the strongest, and there’s no need for anything else.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the result of thorough landfill work with high-speed Oonera, medium-speed Uroas, and low-speed Tetsunokaina, so it’s not really Uroas’s fault as much as one might say.

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I had never used Kaina before, but it’s strong and has good durability.

It’s not that they are incredibly strong, but they just don’t stand out.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

I really think the certification is strong.

The range changes significantly.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

This guy wasn’t in Regi H, and although Oonyura is the strongest, he really is the one covering it all.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

There were strangely many fighting games in the same generation…

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is endlessly relaxed like a standing portrait of Miyamoto Musashi.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s too convenient to break through walls.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

The existing fighting extermination is one thing, but it’s even more concerning that it’s rendering the existence of water weaknesses worthless.

It’s no surprise that even legendary picks are tough to select; that’s really crazy.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


If the endurance is average with double water, it will already be excluded…

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In SV, it’s not impossible to manage on the terrace, but in Sword and Shield, we needed someone who could face this guy head-on.

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To be honest, if I’m going to use Terastal just for this guy, it would be better to just smash him with a gorilla, so I don’t want to use it.

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The existing fighting types were eliminated because of the ghost types, right?

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s crazy that even though Double’s Mamoru is a super major technique, it can still pierce through.

The performance that was allowed because of Dynamax has come just as it is.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


The combo of Regieleki’s Electroweb is almost guaranteed to take one opponent, isn’t it?

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s as strong as a double Gardevoir, we can manage even with Urshifu around!

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gaaren honestly isn’t really a Fire type… how can I put it…

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, in terms of the era, the flying weakness…

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a monster that boosts the already finished fighting type, so it’s clearly strong.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

Apologize to Golond and Nyolobon.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can tell that a fighting type that can battle in an environment filled with diverging jet streams is something extraordinary.

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s simply too strong, and it can drive away all the others of the same type.

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The ghost type is particularly notable for this tendency.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Weak against water and fighting.

How pitiful Gardevoir is.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

I would like to see new models added soon.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Trade for the exclusive move of the Umitorio.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

It really gives off a vibe that it shouldn’t be allowed to be played in the same arena as regular Pokémon.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like Tetsunokaina, which has overlapping weaknesses with Miridon but has so much power that it becomes a legendary class.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

The characteristic of being able to break through defenses when it’s a double is really too troublesome.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

But if it’s a double, you can protect and also hit allies to secure safety.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since they are clearly treated as a separate Pokémon, there should be no reason why they can’t change the standing picture.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


Orgapon changes firmly, so it seems they intentionally keep it as a strength.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

I quite like it because it’s a child of the acceptance loop destruction.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

In Sword and Shield, there were more Dark types, but in Scarlet and Violet, Water types are more numerous…

118: Japan Otaku Reviews


Water’s performance is overwhelmingly ridiculous in most situations.

Evil is only called upon when it cannot fulfill its role as evil.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews


Evil has, for the time being, been weakened.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kemo homo, huh…

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that gathering two different types just to differentiate them is quite cumbersome…

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