This year is the anniversary year, but is there nothing at all?
I laughed when I saw that the moment Shion was kidnapped, the free period for PS Plus ended and it turned into an NTR ending.
It’s about time for a new release…
Considering that the DLC for the thread’s image was released in the fall of 2023, it feels like the new work is still a long way off.
From the middle onward, Alphin and Shion become surprisingly affectionate with each other.
The reason I like blue is good, right?
If we were to release a new Tales game with this quality, it would likely take another 3 to 5 years.
If we reuse the Arise engine, we might be able to release it in about three years.
I remember that Arise mentioned in an interview that it took a long time to create the engine.
(Haven’t you been a bickering couple from quite early on?)
Where did you fall in love?
It was love at first sight.
There should have been a skit reacting with “So it’s everyone, right?”
You’ve done well so far with that combat system.
The protagonist meets the heroine and friends, deepens their bonds, faces challenges, saves the world, and ends on a good happy note!
Games can be like this.
The heroine’s sacrifice?! Shut up! I don’t care! I’ll save the world and end it with a kiss!
I will have Tuo Harlem work.
It just came out, didn’t it, Graces F…?
Transplant more!
It seems that the port of Symphonia was quite disappointing.
How was Graces?
It was okay.
Thank you, Tose!
I bought the Switch version, but I’m very satisfied that I can play Graces on my mobile.
The Crestoria manga has concluded, but the protagonist and the sacrificial emblem turned out to be a bad old Tales game.
It was the right decision not to make it consumer-facing.
Transplantation isn’t as easy as the image suggests, is it?
I had considered hardware processing delays, so when processing it correctly with high-performance hardware, it can end up going haywire instead.
Isn’t the structure of the world in Crestoria fundamentally flawed?
I think they understood that while they were heavily promoting Graces, they didn’t promote Symphonia that much.
That ending was completely a setup for Part 2.
I heard that Kanata and Mizera’s new outfits are also designed by both teachers, so if it continues, could we have achieved a happy ending?
It’s great that you made it a proper happy ending.
If the port of Graces feels good, I’ve never played that Tales game, so I’ll play it someday.
To begin with, I’m not sure if Crestoria is what was originally planned.
To be frank, it was something that was on the verge of being canceled since the beginning.
Isn’t putting this guy out there raising the bar for the next work? Are you okay with that?
The Tales series alternates between masterpieces and failures.
Crestoria, regarded as the next work after Arise, is a bad game, so the next one should be a masterpiece.
Do you know about luminaria?
Don’t bother dealing with fools.
Crestoria came first, though.
I haven’t played Graces, but I’ve often heard that its battle system is the most interesting in the series, so I’m curious about it.
I haven’t played Tales in a while, but is the thread image interesting?
I definitely want you to play and cheer on the two people in the thread!
It’s interesting, but fans of the series have mixed opinions about the combat.
I like you.
I saw it in the PS+ game thumbnails, so I tried Tales for the first time and it was fun.
Show me the wedding properly!!!!!!!!!!
The graphics are amazing, but the combat and the scenario feel lacking.
I like the scenario.
It was quite well-made for a Tales game.
I think it depends on whether we can accept the decision to give up here in terms of the system.
Personally, it was generally good, but…
It’s not great to just agree with negative opinions.
Phew~ This is it! The kind of production that made me feel happy all the way through.
The royal road is great, isn’t it?
If it can be done with this graphic, then isn’t the anime part unnecessary?
The animated part actually felt lackluster, didn’t it?
The current 3D graphics are probably of higher quality.
The costs are higher, it requires more man-hours, and we need to prepare the necessary staff for that.
Anime is now cheaper than outsourcing.
That said, there is definitely an anime aspect to Tales.
There were titles that abandoned anime and ventured into 3DCG.
Please infer from the fact that it didn’t continue.
Memories of Hearts
The era and hardware specifications are different, you know!
I love how the late-game opening captures the feeling of an old guy from the generation that has been playing the Tales series for a long time, who suddenly goes, “Ah! It’s this song!” around the chorus, linking perfectly with the protagonist’s emotions.
I think it was a wise decision to release a demo version.
The combat is fun, and when I saw the casual conversations and skits during map exploration, I thought, “This is it!” and bought Tales due to my Abyss nostalgia.
Too sugary.
But sometimes I want to fully indulge in something like this.
The protagonist is a good guy throughout!
Gradually becoming closer and ultimately becoming best friends!
A secondary character who occasionally appears and is extremely dependable and nice!
I don’t really understand what the enemy is thinking!
Tales is good like this.
These people also like being invited to weddings.
The graphics were really good, but the anime itself was simply poorly made.
UFO was clearly exhausted from Demon Slayer.
Since fans pointed out that the SE of the Graces is different from the Unstoppable Valus, it was fixed before the release, so there is quite a bit of doubt regarding it.
If Guilty Gear can be played at 60fps on the Switch, then if it could be done on the Wii, they should work harder for this as well.
Since neither of the OP videos is bad, I guess they must have run out of energy during the main part…
This time, we’re doing a 30th-anniversary broadcast, but it’s clearly stated that there won’t be any new releases! It feels kind of… well…
Rather than announcing it on a Japanese local broadcast where only devoted fans will come to watch
It would be better to announce it at a large streaming event, including overseas…
First of all, even at Teifes, they haven’t been announcing new works lately.
What is Bandai Namco busy with now?
Is it Idolmaster?
I think it’s different to compare a fighting game that only has two players at a time with an RPG that has multiple characters.
Is there a different example?
I feel a sense of discomfort with Alphen having both eyes open due to the long duration of the thread image.
I wanted it to be possible to choose with accessories…
Let’s do it! Round 2!
It’s nice, isn’t it, the chants that Ganabert knows and the ones he doesn’t know.
Alphen looks best in the hand-me-downs from Law’s dad among the three types of clothing.
The main armor has various inconsistencies.
Like a heavily armored protagonist from Toukiden.
If there’s no new releases or game information at Tifes, it’s becoming just a voice actor event…
New release information trickles onto the internet with a time delay.
The Teifes is just a voice actor event, right?
There probably isn’t anyone who finds value in a difference in information speed of just a few minutes.
The just evade itself is simpler than Alaste, and you can avoid secret arts and such.
I personally think Tales is better with Alaste.
It’s an antique like the one that was in the exhibition room, the Alphen armor…
I think the knight’s armor suits Alphen better than the king’s outfit.
I have a memory of being really impressed by the UFO in X2’s opening, so the UFO in Arise was really disappointing.
The final costumes of the two characters in the thread can also be seen as wedding attire for the groom and bride, with the fate of the world at stake…
I was surprised that the opening changed in the second half.
Moreover, it’s a song I’ve definitely heard before!
(This song playing guarantees that one of the two will definitely end up being the sacrifice…)
This song sounds really familiar, could it be…… the opening theme from the first Tales game?!
I thought so, but it didn’t really matter.
My Little Lover is nostalgic.
As the final stages approach, I want something to be done about the enemy not flinching anymore and the healing items being too expensive.
It would be great if Lena could become a permanent character… that’s the kind of RPG it is.
The final dungeon is really terrible, isn’t it?
A parade of color variations of large enemies that appeared as bosses…
I’m not intimidated, and there’s no BS, so I can only use Strong Break Slash → Dominance Destruction to chip away at HP.
The scenario is about average.
If this ends up being another self-sacrifice type ending, I think the evaluation will drop considerably.
I reported with joy that the final costume from Alphen has a touch of blue in it, which I consider a miracle.
Shion is really cute when she’s super embarrassed, isn’t she?
Rather, the self-sacrifice ending was intentionally contrarian, wasn’t it?
I thought the creators probably can’t keep doing self-sacrifice for three consecutive times.
Fighting large fish is not interesting.
Why have the weak points disappeared… why…
However, Hello, Again made me anticipate a very separation-ending in its lyrics, so my heart was prepared.
I only played Fantasia and Arise, but they were quite interesting.
I tried Symphonia, which is said to have the same worldview as Fantasia, but I couldn’t continue.
The enemies in Rasudan were overwhelmingly higher in level, making me feel like I was just tossed aside.
It was really interesting until the middle.
The long period of predictable harmony after the reveal in the latter part was exhausting.
I was rewarded in the ED (ending).
I wanted you to release at least one work every three years, even if it was just this much.
They probably made Vorlan a rival for comparison.
In the end, it just turned into a hassle.
Because I didn’t try to connect with anyone, my ties with enemies are also shallow, and I just end up being an annoying pest, which feels quite tragic, doesn’t it, Voh-sama?
It’s a typical “he was a victim too…” segment of the series, but it has definitely sacrificed a lot in terms of the script.
I won’t forgive the deer.
That guy’s timing of appearance is too strange.
Nazamil is also cute.
However, I really love the emotionless loli in this series.
Vo is one of the supporting character gags in this work, but…
To make him a counterpart character, Alphen is way too much of a natural rock ‘n’ roller to be like this.
(What is that chair…)
“I took down the indignant guy with a vibe like ‘Raw is my father’s enemy!'”
Well, that’s definitely mostly your fault… It’s been bothering me a lot.
I thought that Raw herself was really reflecting on her character when she kept getting hung up on that, and as time went on, she would regret her actions and become gloomy more and more often.
The person is also enduring discomfort while sitting; what is that chair?
The classic four elemental beings show up, and I thought, “Ah, I’ll defeat them and then head into the final dungeon,” but then I’m overwhelmed by the huge level difference and despair…
Thunder Break Slash! Thunder Break Slash! Thunder Break Slash! Thunder Break Slash!
It’s Todoroki! Not Go!
Vorlaan is perfectly described as a failed Sephiroth.
For some reason, I’m slashing monsters in someone else’s territory! I happened to encounter them, so they attack! While enduring the pain, I’m abducting Shion! What is that chair!
What the heck is this guy?
I laughed because the orange gummy was so expensive when I tried it again after a long time.
Vorlan’s eccentric behavior stands out, but he lacks the qualities to be a suitable boss…
V is thought to be a bit out of touch, both as a character and as a player, with people thinking, “Aren’t you reading the room?”
Vorlan is a typical character who was the strongest in his first appearance.
Don’t become a slave to the Thunder Break Slash, nameless Rufen.
Thunder Break Slash! Thunder Break Slash! Imperial Path Destruction Seal!
Who on earth are you…!? And then, it turned out to be nothing special, just the Void Uncle.
The sword of fire is
The effect of the mask dulls the sensation, so it doesn’t hurt.
So what now?
Huh? It really hurts.
I laughed.
It’s not that it’s recognized by Zion as no risk, but it’s just stubbornness.
Too many line breaks, probably because you lack education since you’re a slave.
I kidnapped Zion → I couldn’t think of any particular uses since I couldn’t touch it due to the curse, so I’ll return it.
It’s tough that even though the combo system is fun, the more you get into the later stages, the less you can rely on combos.
I am the slave of Godbreaker Slash.
Please mate in front of Nazamir.
I like that the final battle wasn’t against a powerful being but against the same human, Lord Vo, because the catharsis of the repeated Flamme Edge attacks was incredible.
In the end, even Arphen is telling me, “Hey, read the room, okay? It’s not that kind of vibe right now, right??”
I love the early phases filled with despair.
Joji, you should hide your true nature more.
The initial usable Demon Lord’s Flame Burst is too low in performance.
I think it wasn’t good to mislead people into thinking that the Flamme Edge itself is just a crappy technique for self-harm.
The ease of use of the Flare Edge is clear, but it’s only about the Path of Conquest.
I think it was good to have the invincible path of domination in the middle stages.
Hello, Again – I think it’s not good that it made me feel like one of us is definitely going to die.
The two of us can live on forever in our memories.
(I’m going to die…)
The types of small fry are too few.
Too many color variations.
It seems that it inevitably comes down to the balance with the cost of creating various motions and colors.
I wanted some change in the finishing move’s effects because it’s been the same for so long and has become boring with level increases.
In the end, it feels great to be able to blow away the boss’s health with the Flare Edge…
The story can be explained about 80% by Alphen being a masochist and Volron being a rock.
The familiar claw dragon biting slash is easy to use and follows well!
Gradually, I started to have doubts about whether it is really easy to use.
Long-motion techniques increase the risk of getting hit and decrease DPS by themselves…
Why was Vorlan in such a place during the face reveal?
I seriously think V-san isn’t thinking about anything at all.
A game with only cat slaves.
Is it cowardly to keep jumping high with Linwell and spamming Ice Prison?
What were they thinking when they made the Demon King’s Flame Strike such a flawed technique?
It seemed like they went to break the ice because they were sitting on a chunk of ice during their second appearance.
On my own two feet.
The clown aunt and V-sama should take it seriously.
The one who is not taking it the most seriously is Tuo Halim.
Helgai fruit
The clown aunt is serious!
She’s a good aunt who calls a farce a farce!
Moreover, they will properly see it through to the end!
This time, Graces will collaborate with Atelier, but are they planning to make it an annual collaboration?
It’s actually a farce…
I think the farce aunt absolutely loves theater and such.
A lively plea for mercy, perhaps.
Player (What is this farce…)
Is the farce over?
It rapidly increases the favorability.
It’s like the game has a weak ending… Well, I think congratulations on the marriage, though…
I only did one round, so I don’t really remember the story well, but the part where the character lets go of the hand they finally grasped because they regained their sense of pain made me go “Oof, this is it!”
The despairing expression of Sion over there was the best.
Until I went around the country, it was seriously a good game, except for the enemy’s super armor.
After that… um…
The combat honestly wasn’t that interesting…
The stress of CP system and enemies being covered in armor.