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Who slipped through?
Triumphal Arch Golshi
Yome Karen
Older sister.
Summer Jordan
(All held)
It’s a great defeat!
I couldn’t pull back like this even during the reign of the king.
It looked like a Western pastry, but I thought for a moment, who was it again?
I learned my lesson from the anniversary.
Thank you for keeping me calm.
I had saved 30,000 stones for my favorite, but what should I do if I end up liking more?
I feel like I said something like this when it came to Shion-chan too (Shion also has impulsive tendencies).
I read up to episode 4 of the character story, and it was a cute trickster.
I still think the impression when I first appeared in the event was bad.
Autumn Teio and Summer Bamboo have been created anew.
That makes sense…
I’m in pain…
But when I hear Zunko’s “nya-ha-ha!”, all the sadness blows away.
Blown away…
Even though my casual clothes are super lame, I was impulsively drawn in and hit the ceiling!
Of course, all the characters had the ability to slip through!
Since it was cute, I guess it’s fine!
When I was soothing a baby on the Shinkansen, the sounds were so funny that I couldn’t handle it.
I was surprised by how gentle the tone of the voice was.
I’m crying because there are no songs sung by Zunko at all (not even for the 4th anniversary).
I was also at the ceiling.
Together with Mile-chan, it’s 2 miles.
I couldn’t do it because there were two threads in casual clothes.
I was also at the limit, but for now, the character I definitely want is Believe, so it should be okay…
No, but I really want Phenomenon too, so I’m scared of the Spring Ten Championship…
Ai-chan probably hasn’t arrived yet, so it’s okay, it’s okay.
I came just before the ceiling.
The escape is with the young lady and the city in kimono, so let’s go! 🎻
I haven’t obtained anything except for the kimono city, so I’m lightly injured!
The young lady will be added to the daily.
When can we have a same-character showdown with Ai-chan in Legends Last?
Ai-chan is quick and is planning with the expectation that her main focus will be the 5th anniversary for the half anniversary.
Sister, it’s probably a VM! It should accumulate.
I need you to take over your role for a while from now on, sister.
Instead of gnawing on sadness, let’s cherish and nurture Zunko…!
The rainbow appears beyond expectations… it’s really just a comfort, isn’t it?
What I want is a PU, and at least if it’s a new bypass…
List of育成ウマ娘 (Training Uma Musume) – Unlocking Awakening Level 5 Awakening Level 5 Awakening Level 4 Awakening Level 5 Awakening Level 5 Awakening Level 3 Awakening Level 5 Unreleased Training Uma Musume Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Awakening Level 1 Filtering: OFF Name New Arrivals Formation Story Home Race Gacha Current Campaign
Well, I don’t have that many unowned ones, so I wasn’t really expecting any passing by from the beginning.
Just continually removing the PU is mentally…
Without going, it’s a no-reason…
It’s a honor.
It sounds nice to say I have a 1.5 times chance of getting a 3-star.
The pickup rates remain the same, so it ended up being a gacha with a heart-pounding 5/6 chance of missing it.
In the first place, others are 1.5 times, but I am the same as always…
Don’t mess with me.
As expected, I don’t have any jewels left…
After being reset to 0 with Ai-chan, when I saved again, it became 0 again with the morning mile…
Check out my casual clothes and calm down!
I also had a 150 consecutive run of slipping through 5.
Well, I didn’t have it before.
It’s a rebellion!!!!!!!!!!
Recently, kids are quick to open up about their private lives, so I might as well raise my affinity with them aggressively for now.
I want to quickly wear casual clothes at home…
I didn’t pull because I figured I could manage with my character assets.
(I was able to reach the finals of Chanmi A even without Donna.)
I spun a lie just a little.
AI is not in a hurry since it will be next year.
My sister is probably anxious because it’s May.
Buena, Tact, and Still are getting anxious because they can’t read someday.
I realized that I still have 70,000 koku left while waiting for Believe.
The voucher will be available six months later.
It’s likely that my favorite character will be implemented during the early broadcast of the Singularity anime, so now is the only time.
Speaking of which, since they sold exchange tickets to commemorate the anime adaptation of the third season, it might have been good to look forward to that.
Well, even if it’s April, it might still not be included after all…
I was saving stones because I want all the Ohinba, but I ended up pulling Orphe and No Reason. What should I do?
Draw a new character with a gacha ticket.
I… I was a hen…?
Next, there will also be a separate outfit for Sirius for the event, so we should be fine for a while…
I wonder when Espos will come.
I think Orfeai-chan’s legend was here to pluck the mile.
I thought I would be fine with the three full sets of accumulated free stones and tickets, no matter what I got.
In the past month, it has dropped down to just one ceiling remaining…
I didn’t think that Miles would be so well-received by everyone.
I really like it, but
The only character I had that reached ☆3 until the ceiling was Halloween Chris-Es.
What’s going on with the probabilities?
It probably won’t be any comfort, but I’ve experienced times where there were no three-star cards even up to the ceiling…
I don’t think I’ll ever see an owner who comes up with such a crazy plan, but I wonder what would happen if the filly became a triple crown winner.
Was there a possibility of doing something like that?
I’m investing in your son.
I think Mr. Lavz also has to pull it up to the ceiling.
I can’t stop shaking.
Since Donna is a male horse, it might be quite difficult because Gorshi is a classmate.
On the 194th turn, I…
I became like, “Whoa!!”
I hit the ceiling twice with Oh My Mile and Reason.
Since Ace and Kuro Naribu slipped through, I’ll take it as a success.
It’s been a while since I’ve had no ceiling left, so I’m really scared about the next one!
Next, I would be happy if there are various gentle scenarios like the mecha…
I want it, but I have neither stones nor money!