We started talking about the Super Famicom, but surprisingly, not as many games came up as I expected.
I remember playing Dragon Quest 563… also Puyo Puyo… Mario RPG… and Super Mario World.
Also, Yoshi’s Island and… Ganbare Goemon 34, Bomberman 12345…
When I line them up, I think I’ve done quite a bit, but it’s really skewed.
When I ask people, I realize they are doing a lot of different things, and I think that I haven’t even been on an adventure in games.
Well, the software was expensive after all.
Doesn’t it generally continue the same way even if it veers off?
Isn’t it something like that?
SFC software costs around ten thousand yen each, so it’s understandable that you can’t take risks.
No matter how much you say it’s the bubble period, it depends on the household.
I was also quite biased.
The width only expands if a friend has something and you play with it, otherwise it wouldn’t broaden.
Ah, that’s right.
I thought I was doing quite a bit.
I used to go play at my friend’s house and have fun there…
Even just watching from behind without playing was quite enjoyable.
It’s in the range that I could buy with my pocket money, like wagons or used items…
Looking back now, venturing into Tactics Ogre was quite an adventure…
But Ogre Battle was fun.
The image featured in the magazine looked really great.
I was really looking forward to it.
Actually, I bought it because I was drawn to the serialization in V Jump.
I’ve never played the legendary Ogre Battle.
Even back then, there were people who were always playing FF.
I understand that you’d rather hear about things other than those who have been playing Dragon Quest all along.
Both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy quickly become cheap second-hand, so I played both…
It might be the only game I had my parents buy for me at full price, like Dragon Quest 5.
Buying at a price close to the retail price is definitely something I want to do only on the release date.
After that, I managed somehow with nicely discounted used items and borrowing from friends.
Even though I liked Mega Man on the FC, just because the appearance changed…
I don’t understand the state of my mind back then when I avoided playing Mega Man X.
It seems like the increase in action and the harder style made it feel difficult, which might be what people dislike, right?
I wish I had the financial means back then to take adventures and regret not being able to do so, as I would envy a child who had that.
Well, that’s not exactly the case, but looking back, I do think I was quite fortunate.
That being said, when I think back, I can’t help but feel like this guy just plays the same kind of games over and over.
It was really expensive, wasn’t it?
I couldn’t buy it when it was in its final stage or when it was new.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2-4, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Heroes of the Storm
I was hooked on the new Momotaro Legend.
I hadn’t played Mega Man or Kirby because they felt too childish.
I was young…
I think many kids were helped by games like Super Metroid and Romancing SaGa 1, which were really cheap at second-hand stores.
In the end, it was actually cheaper because of the Saturn PlayStation pressure.
I loved action games like Super Mario, Super Donkey Kong, and Super Wagyan Land.
SimCity, The Great Battle, Super Dodgeball, Super Battle Soccer, and Zico.
I remember thinking as a child that Super Donkey Kong was really well made.
The screen is so beautiful, yet I don’t remember any lag or performance drops in the game.
I accidentally bought Shadowrun when FF6 was released, so I couldn’t play it on the release day.
Since all the boys in class were talking about FF, by the time I could play it, I had already gotten spoiled a lot.
Well, Shadowrun was interesting, but
I don’t really understand the circumstances about the bundle deal, but it seems like everyone had ActRaiser at their home.
I was buying used games for around 500 to 1000 yen at a used game store called “Wanpaku Kozou.”
I’m really glad I could buy Gun Hazard and Romancing SaGa 3 for such a low price since they were completely out of season…
Even in such times, Zico soccer could be bought for 230 yen during the New Year.
There were a lot of kids around me who had Super Valis.
It’s probably because everyone was erotic.
I cleared Metal Max 2 multiple times and started over each time.
I found it suited me to skip the tedious work and just move forward with what I could pick up for free.
I was buying nothing but fighting games back then.
I thought something was different about Neo Geo in a child’s mind, but I still played it (except for Garou 1).
Personally, my favorite was Mortal Kombat, as 1 and 2 were quite well-made.
I think Mortal Kombat is the only series that I started importing and buying later on that wasn’t released in Japan.
The worst were Rise of the Robots and 3D Fighting Balls.
Playing Return of Double Dragon, which my friend’s parents had won as a prize from a pachinko parlor, was super fun in two-player mode.
The supermarket life game created an indescribable atmosphere between the two of them.
I understand that I can only buy things that are definitely interesting because the software is expensive.
I rarely buy new items, so I mostly bought used software, so it’s okay.
I didn’t have a PS or anything, so I was envious of next-generation RPGs, and that’s how I got into Tales.
It was interesting.
I was always playing the TwinBee action game that my parents had.
I found out much later that TwinBee was originally a shooting game.
I thought of Street Fighter 2 and Final Fight right away.
I’m not from that generation, so I don’t really get it, but I’m always playing Kirby SDX on Switch Online.
I think Supadela is software that resonates with all generations.
Street Fighter 2 was owned by the kid who was my closest friend at the time.
When I went out to play as usual, there were even kids there that I don’t normally see.
I thought it was really popular.
I used to play Bomberman all the time.
I had everything from 2 to 5.
What about 1?
I know it’s late, but what is Super Famicom anyway…?
Hehehe… The Super Nintendo Entertainment System is a complete machine that includes new chips, cartridges, high sound quality… and high-quality video output!
The games I remember are Half-Baked Hero, FF5, and Romancing SaGa 1 and 2, so I guess I was a child of Square.
What is the Legend of the Sacred Sword?
I played it twice, but since I never really went back to play from the beginning or grind for resources multiple times, my memory of it is vague.
I didn’t even know that weapon power affects enemies dropping treasure chests until the age of the internet.
When I went to the nearby supermarket to buy the FE emblem on the release day,
Did you come to buy this too at the toy section, lady? They’re selling well today!
What I was told really sticks in my memory.
The one I played the most is probably Dokapon 321.
I was playing through the scenario mode multiple times with my brother.
I was constantly battling with Stuu and Mario Kart.
A friend from a somewhat wealthy family is quite the adventurer, and I’m grateful I got to try out games that I would never buy myself.
I didn’t play RPGs because the time to do it was short.
I was playing Mega Man X.
I feel like we had a lot of RPGs because we had more time to play at home.
I’ve played action games multiple times, though.
The first Mega Man game I played was Mega Man & Bass, so I had a hard time getting used to the proportions of the previous Mega Man games.
I think Forte’s mobility was one-of-a-kind in the original series as well.
I often watch retro game channels on YouTube.
I never knew there were so many unknown SFC games…
The person who completed the domestic releases for the PlayStation was a madman who posted game thumbnail videos on YouTube from 1994 to 2002…
New software is continually being released for hardware I don’t know.
I enjoyed Secret of Evermore 2, but after struggling to defeat the boss, I found myself unable to get out.
I have memories of being quite troubled by bugs.
The know-how of what feels good in terms of response when pressing action buttons.
It feels like all the manufacturers were already perfected during the SFC era.
Many series fans have had their brains fried by the controls of SFC Castlevania.
I played the Super Puyo Puyo Tsu Remix like crazy at an insane level…
I couldn’t get the software for a long time.
I played a lot of Shin Megami Tensei 1 and Pilotwings that I bought used.
Yeah, I used to play a lot of Bomberman and Beedaman.
I remember the Bomberman puzzle game and Beiderman quite well.
I can only be grateful to my friend who lent me various things like Jelly Boy.
The graphics of the enemies in Wizardry 5 were quite beautiful.
I just can’t seem to find the Zunchatcha thief no matter what.
In the end, I bought the strategy guide for the materials for the gold clock.
I think I made the most of the CRT display.
Among the class playing Dragon Quest 6, my friend U-kun, who was playing Tales of Phantasia alone, definitely had foresight.
Since I got beaten up by the weak enemies in Dhaos Castle in Tales of Phantasia, I haven’t touched it since.
I wonder if I can clear it now…?
I’ve played various Dragon Quest games, including remakes, but I have never played Final Fantasy.
It can be said that it was fortunate to have an environment where we could play Sacred Sword 2 together with three people at that time.
I played a lot of Gradius 3 by Konami.
I liked being able to choose a power-up from the beginning.
Whenever my dad won at pachinko, he would always bring back a weird game.
Dyna Wars Tarluruto-kun Super Chinese
This area was subtle, but perhaps I liked it precisely because it was too subtle.
Soochai was a weird game, but it was kind of fun.
I don’t really understand it, but it’s the kind of thing that’s fun to manipulate.
It’s leaning towards being a bad game, but the control response wasn’t bad.
I think the SFC version of Art of Fighting is better as a game than the Neo Geo version.
I felt both proud and lonely that I was the only one who had Bahamut Lagoon.
I was playing FE Thracia with my brother, groaning and nodding along.
It’s been a while since I talked about FE with my brother at Engage.
I have a memory of feeling ecstatic when I found about five cassette tapes thrown away at the nearby garbage dump on my way home from school and took them back with me.
TaruRoot-kun has been released in several titles since the FC era.
I think the game was also quite well-received.
There are quite a few interesting games in the Taruruuto series, aren’t there?
The Ranma fighting game is recommended because you can easily perform special moves with a single button.
I wonder why the Super Donkey Kong series had such impressive graphics and sound.
Because the scale of game development is beginning to expand.
The manufacturers that were thriving on the Famicom became less prominent on the Super Famicom.
In the 64 generation, there are a few hitmakers that have lost their touch.
Culture Brain…
Technos Japan…
There was a cheat in the Famicom game “Taruruuto-kun” where if you left the screen idle for a few minutes, Iyo-chan’s swimsuit would come off.
I played a lot of Super Battle Legend 2.
I also liked SO1, but I got discouraged when my data disappeared twice in the depths of the Purge Temple.
Compared to other Super Famicom fighting games
The level of completion in Super Street Fighter II Turbo is just too incredible.
The ease of entering commands brings a different sense of refreshment.
Dragon and Tiger have no special moves at all!
I could only execute moves like Garou 1 or Power Wave, and I couldn’t even consistently perform the Power Wave…
0% 0% 0%
It makes me wonder if it was a program with reproducibility that could be played again, or if it could even be recreated on Switch Online.
It feels like up until the Famicom, success was mostly about having good ideas.
I really got into F-ZERO.
I practiced until I could run Mute City 1 in under 2 minutes.
I remember thinking, “Can I pull it off with Garo 2’s Power Geyser or by pressing B and X at the same time?!”
When it comes to naughty tricks, there was the one with the hot springs in Momotetsu using a magnifying glass.
I used to borrow and lend cassettes with my cousin every few months.
There was a time when passwords were revealed in magazine fold-outs, right? 5656
I still remember the tricks or commands from that time.
Press Select while holding XXYBA.
I tend to get bored quickly with games I’ve cleared once.
Only Dokapon could be played over and over again.
Looking back now, that was a roguelike.
If I could check the playtime like on Steam, I think my Super Famicom would have Wiz6 in first place, Dungeon Master in second, and FF6 in third.
Let’s all pass around the Fire Pro cassette in advance and create edited wrestlers.
I have memories of gathering and having a battle royale.
While everyone is laughing loudly, showing off by throwing around stacks of bills and making peace signs
I went wild with a useless character that knocks out enemies with a heel drop from poisonous mist.
Back then, the motivation to buy less famous games was that you really needed to play them on the demo machines at the Family Computer shops.
That scene was only until the PS2.
Rainbow Road?
This way.
Hovering the cursor over the Tallgeese?
You did well on Itadaki Street 2.
At that time, I was playing Mario Collection, FF5, Mother 2, Ranma 1/2: Bakusetsu Rantō Hen, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, and Derby Stallion 3.
I also played Mario Kart, Dragon Quest III, FFVI, and Alessa at my friends’ and relatives’ houses.
There were many games for playing solo, and I don’t really remember playing Super Famicom at my friends’ houses together.
There were games like Street Fighter 2, but to begin with, there were few people who owned it.
On the contrary, everyone had games like Street Fighter 2 and Mario Kart, and I had them too, but I stopped playing because I couldn’t win against others.
I feel like I know this from what I read in the strategy guide…
I saw it in the Great Technique Forest.
I was playing Smash TV with my friends like an idiot.
I want to praise my past self for buying Live A Live at that release time.
Well, there were often wagon sale items priced from 2980 yen to 980 yen, so I was playing quite a bit with the quantity itself.
No matter what the action was, I could feel the thrill of playing a game, but on the other hand, I couldn’t quite get into RPGs.
I think the most interesting game on the Super Famicom is Super Family Tennis.
I think it was fortunate that there was an electronics store nearby where I could buy cheap used items and clearance goods.
The one I played the most was Mystery Dungeon or MADARA 2.
I bought the two games because I love WWF, but the graphics were kind of disappointing… I was playing while trying to convince myself otherwise.
I bought Wizardry Gaiden 4 (without a manual) and got stuck on the puzzles in the final chapter.
I still resent the fact that I couldn’t find the strategy guide no matter how much I searched in every direction.
Even if you clear that, it’s tough because it will definitely end in a bad ending due to being a prequel to Side Story 3.
Moreover, the final boss is weak but has top-level experience point efficiency, so don’t report it after defeating it.
If you don’t keep defeating them repeatedly, you’ll struggle in the post-clear dungeon…
The game system itself is fun, combining elements of wiz5 and wiz6, so it’s a shame about the scenario aspect.
I used to play only RPGs, typical of the SFC.
And I also try my hand at Tsukuru.
Turtles’ Belsku and Ranma’s fighting game, etc.
I couldn’t clear the two-player action game that recreates the Universal Century of SD Gundam after all.
Isn’t it that the current Kemco has a related company that took over the name…?
There were a lot of character games, huh?
I was playing Dezaemon.
The game display at the nearby supermarket features Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts and Sandra’s Adventure.
Mom, buy that for me → As a result of repeating “throw in the 2nd round” twice, I couldn’t get the brand new game I begged for…
They bought DQFF for me, but…
Isn’t she a kind mother? You should be filial to her.
You are not at fault…
Madara’s RPG was somehow interesting.
Gun Hazard, Popful Mail, ActRaiser, Gaia Fantasy Chronicle
I’m only doing action.
I forgot the name, but I have memories of playing quite a bit with some submarine battle game.
Excluding major titles like DQFF, the game I had the most fun with was probably Battle Dodgeball.
It was fun to mess around with the password.
I feel like the character games on the SFC were generally well-made… at least within the range that I played.
I have a strange memory of the package of I-Ninja that a friend who often buys ninja-themed games had.
I was endlessly playing Metropolitan Expressway Battle 1 and 2.
Party games are about the level of Bomberman 4.
My younger brother, who isn’t a fan of movies or horror, asked me for a donation because he wants Clock Tower on its release day; he’s got good taste…
There was a spin-off of the Aretha series called Rejoice.
I liked it enough to make accessories that appeared in the story.
After getting hooked on Chrono Trigger, I wanted to experience a similar thrill.
What I bought was Treasure Hunter G.
Secret of Mana 3 is my youth.
I kept going around to see various special moves and magic.
The one I played the most was probably Shiren or Dragon Quest 5.
I played a lot of Burning Heroes from the Hot-Blooded Continent, which I bought for around 1000 yen at Yamada Denki, and it didn’t sell well.
The ones I’ve played the most are The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario World, and Wagyan Land.
I got really into the world of SANSARA NAGHA 2 and made a collection of lines in my notebook.
I have a memory of trying to buy SD Gundam: Knights of the Round Table, and the clerk told me, “This one is difficult, you know?”
I bought it without hesitation and ended up throwing it away, but 10 years later I cleared it while following a guide online.
I’m shocked by the number of pachinko games.
There wasn’t a single person around me who had it, but I wonder if there was demand for it.
My dad used to do it…
I don’t remember the title, but aside from the pachinko part, it looked interesting from the side, having an RPG flavor.
It’s still being released on smartphones now.
It’s been continuously released on CS until it comes out, so there must be demand for it.
Since my brain was fried by action RPGs like Zelda and Secret of Mana.
I was just seeking that kind of thing.
It’s sad that Breath of Fire isn’t getting attention.
I mean, I only played the second one on SFC as well.
I used to play Panel de Pon with Mom…
Pachio-kun was a major series…
The first game I played was SDK3…
I bought Panepon purely on impulse, but it turned out to be a fun and inexpensive good item…
The Super Bikkuriman that I saved my allowance to buy was a terrible game, what a disappointment.
For some reason, there was a gourmet squad called “Bara-yarō” at my house, but I have no recollection of how I ended up buying it.
It was more expensive compared to the Famicom, but if you reserved it at the local store, you could get quite a discount.
It’s like I learned the names of cars from Zero-Yon Champ.
Most of the games I remember were borrowed ones…
Did you return it properly?
The Rockman X2 that I saved up for with my own allowance is very memorable…
I did a great job cleaning the bathroom every day for 50 yen.
I still haven’t forgotten that I tried the secret technique to have a match with the same character and color in Street Fighter 2 that was featured in Famimaga, and I couldn’t do it!
Breath of Fire uses an item to completely avoid encounters in 1.
Looking back now, I realize I was playing in a wasteful way.
I wanted Spadon 2, but I couldn’t get it.
I was doing something that makes no sense, like buying a strategy guide and reading it.
That’s quite common, isn’t it?
Buying just the strategy guide and daydreaming is
I thought I had thoroughly played FF5 and MOTHER2 until there was nothing left to enjoy, but in the Reiwa era, I discovered there were still things I didn’t know…
I liked Ackman.
I didn’t have MOTHER2, but I read the strategy guide like crazy…
I bought a multi-tap and had a lot of fun playing Bomberman with four people…
For a while, I was enjoying the pastime of buying and voraciously reading strategy guides for old games at Book Off.
I still love Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure because the music and the visuals are beautiful.
The system is quite reckless, but it’s responsive and interesting.
Goemon 2: Fantastic Amusing General Macguinness
Just reading the strategy guide was exciting…
Terry’s two volumes are extremely satisfying.
I have a memory of buying Metroid thinking it was like Mega Man X and then immediately putting it on the shelf.
RPG Maker…
I tended to get hooked on games from somewhat lesser-known software houses like Chaos Seed.
Heavy Combat Mech Valken!!
I really liked Mystic Ark.
The fact that my companions weren’t talking actually sparked my imagination.
Strategy guides for Mario World and SimCity are normally interesting to read.
Former All-Japan volleyball player Yoshio… I won’t forget you…
I got really hooked on Gun Hazard.
I was envious of the kids who had shelves and boxes full of games, as I mostly had hand-me-downs and hardly ever got anything new.
There were various things at home… probably belonged to my father.
I feel like I used to play Chrono Trigger and Romancing SaGa 2 and 3 a lot.
Bahamut Lagoon was a good game too.
There are also those who have a face that says, “I’m different from the classmates who get involved in this circle!” while talking about Front Mission.
I was continually apologizing in the afterlife in solitude…
It’s you making a face like, “That’s not me!”
Usually, it’s different! It happened in two stages.
I remember waiting for a big title RPG because it would drop significantly in price after a while.
The only thing I bought at the regular price was the Mario collection.
What did you like?
When I remembered that time, I realized I was surrounded by so many favorite games that I couldn’t write them all down.
I haven’t played the actual machine, but the Famicom Wars I bought on VC was good.