Maybe Live Man.
The design has changed quite a bit, hasn’t it?
I thought it didn’t look much like a sentai robot, but then I wondered, what does a sentai robot even look like?
More boxy…?
But recently, that’s not the case, right?
Is the brightness or saturation of the coloring clearer?
Surely that’s Lord Tegasword, right?
Is it the face…
I can’t put specific elements into words, but…
Is there no joint thing for additional weapons?
I use primary colors rather than pastel colors.
In a giant battle, the saturation decreases, so if the original color has low saturation… you know…
Maybe it’s because they have wings by default.
At the same time, I’m trying not to overlap with what makes it unique…
The one that becomes the shoulders and arms through the back when made into a flat shape evokes a context more reminiscent of heroes and Eldran than of the Sentai.
It is more similar to Eldora Five than to the Sentai robots.
That has an unclear feeling like a hero king, a team of heroes, or a super electromagnetic robot.
Both have the color distribution completely divided into five parts, and the pink and green standout strongly.
The Super Sentai robot has five colors, but there is quite a difference in their proportions.
On a white background, pink has many accent colors, but is green really that limited?
I’m wondering about it as I look back, but having both arms and both legs below the knees all be green is pretty rare, isn’t it?
It’s a mix of images, whether it’s a team robot, an old five-part combined robot anime, or Super Robot Wars, but I suppose that’s a trivial matter.
If it were made into a costume, the wings on the back could typically place a strain on the actor’s waist and spine.
It’s understandable to use motion capture in recent years, but intentionally creating a silhouette like this isn’t something you would do.
Jusho-Gun is quite a combat squad.
Silver has an animal, right?
I can only see the face, but it’s probably a lion.
Surprisingly, there aren’t many five-colored, five-bodied combination robots other than in the ranger series.
When is the release?
Speaking of various colors, it’s Godmar.
It’s not decided yet, but the prototype has been released.
This is just a joke.
It’s not just the nose and mouth, it’s this face…!
Just be careful with the facial features, or it will turn into the hero robot before the fusion.
It seems to be designed in a way that leans more towards robot anime, making it easier to commercialize, compared to this one…
The author requested that the design be suitable for transformation and combination when it was animated.
I wonder why it’s called “Maximum” when it might be in its initial form.
It wouldn’t be surprising if this week’s anime featured a prototype called Protokizunakaiser.
It’s a robot that can be summoned when the bond reaches its ultimate level.
It’s the Maximum Bond Kaiser, right?
The sense of a team robot might be diminishing because the head of the original animal isn’t coming to the ankle or something like that.
Even in the vibrant colors of the mechanics, there is an impression that only pink machines have a white base with pink lines.
It’s because the bond strengthens and merges.
I really feel the flavor of something like Scramble Combined on both legs, similar to around CW.
It seems that with a robot that looks like an anime and has various colors, there are likely to be more sub-heroes than the main hero.
I feel that the official home of the series is closest to Don Oni Taijin.
In the prototype of the model kit, the head of FrenD is facing down, giving it a somewhat original work-like balance.
I think it’s because the details are too sharp and it doesn’t have the proportion of a person inside.
It looks more like a machine than a suit.
Personally, what doesn’t feel like a sentai robot to me is that the shape of the head and the masked face don’t quite match.
I think the clean, humanoid shape of the limbs gives it more of an anime robot feel rather than a special effects one.
I feel that the concept of combining robots is quite a niche culture to begin with…
What immediately comes to mind is something like the Super Sentai Hero Eldrant Transformer.
There’s also Getter Robo, which is the original of those combined robots…
The history of the sentai is so long that even if they are said to resemble heroes, there are examples on the sentai side as well.
Isn’t it because the design doesn’t take durability into account when it comes to real-world use?
If there are many parts that stick out on the outside, they will get caught.
The joints are too mechanical; the real ones are costumes, so they bend more flexibly.
The molded decoration was intricate, and the structure seemed to be designed with movement in mind.
The body shape doesn’t look like a costume.
Of course, there are some like that among the team robots.
Overall, it feels somewhat disconnected when considering the image of the sentai robots.
I think if you reference that part, it instantly stops feeling like a sentai robot.
Perhaps those who say it doesn’t look like a tokusatsu robot are basing their opinions on the impression of the suits or toys.
However, the type that emphasizes mobility for adults tends to be quite stylish, so it seems that they actually want to do that.
It’s a prejudice, but I have the impression that the shoulder mobility of squad robots is quite limited.
I want a mouth.
I think a big part of it is that it’s completely done in CG like a robot anime, but then again, if we fully recreate the cheap stuff from Toei, it probably wouldn’t appeal to anyone except for Toei’s fans…
In other words, if you apply that template image, I think the Tegasword would be judged as having an impossible design as a team robot.
Well, it’s actually unlikely…
What are you talking about…?
I think that because we aimed for a stylishness typical of a Sentai robot, the overall cohesion improved, but the sense of reckless throwing that is characteristic of Sentai robots has diminished.
I thought it was true that the difference between anime robots and tokusatsu robots is that one is based on costume filming.
I think the initial Kizuna Kaiser was designed with a considerable awareness of attracting people.
I thought the original work was cool, but when a pro from that field supervises it, it’s definitely different.
I think having a nose and mouth gives a public image of being a typical sentai robot, but in reality, not everyone has a mouth.
Robot No. 2 and such.
In the original work, I think the blue horns are a bit too much of an escape.
I prefer the original version of the tooth area treatment over the tanimeso version.
Maybe if I wear a costume, the wings on my back will be too big and too heavy.
The Tegasword changes form, but it’s not a combination robot.
In the interview, the author is saying that the thread image has maximum drawing calories or something like that.
Lately, I’ve been worried because it feels like I’m only drawing high-calorie animations, even without robots.
Moreover, it is while observing the recording of all the episodes of the anime.
The compound release of the holy sword is definitely going to be one of those things that gets abbreviated if it gets animated!
I think at least the appearance of the spirits will be omitted.
Even if the invincible general appeared as a robot in Kizuna Five, I would have thought, “It doesn’t feel like a sentai…”
The idea of having a wheelchair on top of a band-aid is really amazing…
It’s soft-headed… but I definitely push a line that would be impossible for the original.
I love when the OP’s robots all howl together.
The spiky wings of the image in the thread probably wouldn’t be possible with a safety standard compliant squad robot.
I wonder if something that can combine like Super Mini Pla will be released.
The hurdle for gimmicks and structural three-dimensionalization isn’t that high, right, Kizuna ai?
Actually, Tegasword doesn’t look like a typical squad robot at all.
I have a feeling that the voice recording will likely be finished by the end of last year at the latest.
I really like the sense of Juushougun.
Heavily armed and seriously injured.
The hip joint is completely like that of a robot anime, and there is no space for a person to fit; it’s just too wide for a Sentai robot.
Recently, it happens quite often.
Tarantula Night and so on.
Was it just CG without a suit in Tarantula Night?
The transformation seems like GekiTouja, and if there’s a suit, it seems like it would be arranged.
Even Bundoriyo doesn’t really look like a Sentai robot.
The design has a strong character vibe, with eyes and all, doesn’t it, Bun-chan?
It seems like it could appear in Super Robot Wars.
I think it’s fundamentally not a shape that a person can fit into, and it’s using shaders like those in robot anime.
The team robots are basically seen as costumes, so if they are designed in a silhouette that can be moved by a person, they will look that way.
The Shiny Universe robot that’s posted above doesn’t feel like a Sentai robot at all in its original three-dimensional form.
There’s also Zubaan, who is a senior at Tegasword.
It’s a lie for a Sentai robot to come out as a toy from the play.
By the way, according to the author, they designed it so as not to resemble the real teams.
The Band-Aid motif probably won’t come out.
If it’s a sentai robot and has a face on its chest, I feel like it would give off more of a decapitated head impression.
Bun-chan is a rare type that has a mouth in its final form.
Robots that move around in CG are not particularly rare.
I feel like the template image is leaning towards the Showa era or the early Heisei period.
Since around Gobas, the number of things that move wildly has increased.
The facial features of Kizuna Kaiser feel similar to those of Kira Majin.
If you’re just looking at the face, I think Tegasword belongs to a similar series.
I wonder if Kizuna Kaiser was there and then a different robot, Maximum, appeared in the second half.
The format that had been continuing since Kakuranger.
Boys hate pink.
It’s often the case that it’s mostly white with just a hint of pink lines, isn’t it?
In other words, designs with a slightly different taste have been coming out regularly compared to before.
Considering what has been said in this thread, it seems likely that something like “Majik King” would also be deemed out of character.
This squad’s giant battle takes quite a bit of time…
The theory that the fists are too big for the suit.
The fist is generally big.
The public image of the team is left to outsiders, and we will move forward, as Shirakura said. Even if there is a general image, it is not absolute.
I feel a sense of hesitation regarding whether it seems appropriate or not.
The design of the arms also looks somewhat like Gundam or Hero-type.
The squad has a feeling of having more motifs left over and being asymmetrical.
The motif remains, and in fact, the design of the robots in the squad is originally cohesive.
Aren’t the details too good?
It’s more like it doesn’t feel like a doll.
To begin with, Don Oni Taijin was also quite intense.
There are times when the sentai leans towards the robot anime side.
I don’t necessarily mean to say to put on a costume, but I do feel like I wanted the combat to be a bit more sluggish and heavy.
For some reason, I have the impression that the robot feels less like a parody.
Recently, it’s not just slow and clumsy, but the squad robots also engage in fast-paced battles like in anime.
The Go-Busters incorporated a lot of CGI, so it was really dynamic.
That impression is quite old…
There are patterns where actions that can’t be done in a suit are normally done with CG.
The history of the sentai is long, and the design of the robots changes drastically with each work.
Even if you pick out elements and say this isn’t it, examples usually come to mind…
It’s not just for show that I’ve done 50 works; it’s really impressive that I’ve managed to continue without releasing the same thing.
Sometimes there are also self-remakes, but they usually have a twist added to them.
There are also symmetrical ranger robots and ranger robots with hidden motifs.
The people who say it doesn’t seem like it are mostly relying on impressions from about 20 years ago and seem not to be aware of the recent changes.
I understand that there are many team robots and that each has its own elements, but that’s exactly right.
When those elements are cut and pasted to create a robot that looks like a Super Robot Wars original, I can’t help but wonder what the essence of a sentai really is.
I think that just by changing the design to have human-like proportions and making it feel like a person is hidden inside the joints, it would look quite like a sentai robot.
It feels like the nameless ranger statue is from the early 2000s.
Personally, the wings that extend radially look the least like a sentai robot.
This itself also has the precedent of Gaoikalos…
It feels similar to Super Hidden General, but it doesn’t seem quite as radial.
Gaoi Kairo’s wings are more radial than Kizuna Kaiser…
It’s being said, Tegasword Eagle.
Costumes still exist today, but the feeling of being in a costume has decreased quite a bit.
The Go-Buster Ace, Kishiryu-Oh, and Teigasword move spectacularly in their suits, and the mix of CGI feels great too.
There are even those that have become a tremendous mess with all the combinations, and some that exist only in CG…
And it moves amazingly.
The ranger robots aren’t trying to look clumsy on purpose.
It was just a quick decision due to the suit’s circumstances.
As technology advances, it will lean more towards being stylish, so saying that being clunky is an identity is a bit off…
The goal is not to create a robot that looks like one from a ranger team, but to create a robot that children think is cool enough to buy as a toy.
Even if people say that Kizuna Kaiser doesn’t look like a sentai robot here.
It’s common to feel the weight of the history of the Sentai when encountering something like this in past Sentai series.
It’s not like I’ve been building it up for half a century for nothing…
The CG robot was moving at high speed while being really bulky.
Even lifting toys like Zenryoku Zenkai-O is tough.
Rather, Kizuna Kaiser is very much like a Sentai robot, isn’t it?
The original work is cool, but it feels like a creature.
The author is asking Tanimeso to redesign it because they can’t draw a combined robot without flaws…
It feels like the essence of the discomfort is not so much that it doesn’t feel like a sentai, but rather that it feels too much like a robot anime.
In the past 10 years or so, the sentai robots move around just like in robot anime…
Well, there have been plenty of robot anime-style squad robots.
Even in recent years, there are things like Don Oni Taijin.
Donbra has robots from other works partially joining in too!
The dragon from “Toradora!” was quite slim, wasn’t it?
There are also team robots that look like Itasha robots.
It’s presumptuous, unofficial.
If it’s supposed to be like a robot anime in the first place,
It’s reminiscent of robot anime since the days of Bio-Robo and Great Five.
It’s not that they don’t exist, but I feel like there aren’t many of the winged number one robots.
There might be reasons like becoming heavier due to carrying, but wings are also a straightforward form of enhancement and easy to maneuver.
The term “sentai robot” refers to robots like Tokkyujer’s robot and Samurai Haō.
Is that so? I might be told so.
The Time Ranger robots had a strong sense of being out of place at the time.
I really love the settings and enhanced forms of the compression freezing, but I felt that the color choices were quite bold.
The time robot already has gimmicks like those of an anime robot.
The first robot has an image of having a human-like nose and mouth.
There are quite a few mask-type faces like the whirlwind god, so it’s not something that can be said definitively.
This year’s Tegasword has wings right from the start.
In the first place, the way the Sentai riders are staged clearly references anime a lot…
If they say it looks like an anime, well, that’s to be expected.
King Ohger too, huh?
For a moment… I wondered which wing it was… There are a lot of wings attached.
Don Onitaiijin and Gosei Great have a somewhat unique way of having their wings attached.
What stands out with wings is probably Magic King.
That’s quite a stylish design, isn’t it?
The only thing that comes to mind for Unit 1 with big wings is Masaki King.
It’s common for designers of robot anime to design team robots, so of course they end up looking like robot anime.
Majiking’s hat trick is too good.
Kizuna Kaiser looks cool when he rips off the band-aid from his face at the moment of fusion in the original work, but it’s disappointing that they didn’t do it in the anime.
How many combination robots with animal faces growing out of their feet were there in the first place?
I can only remember Dairenoh, Gosei Great, and Juoh King.
It changes depending on how far you go with your feet.
Gao King also has a cow’s head on its foot… well, it’s in the crotch area.
Live robots and Great Beast Gods also have animal faces on their feet.
It’s not the knee, but…
The Great Beast God is a bit suspicious, but the Live Robo and such.
Great Beast God
The essence of a sentai robot seems to be something that even the original has been somewhat avoiding in recent years.
There are also weird fusion types like Tokkyuoh.
In other words, the line that the outsiders say is typical is really quite ambiguous.
The rough image of the sentai and robot anime respectively corresponds to Emperor Murakami and Mr. Gawara.
I think Kizuna Kaiser looks that way because it has a design that seems like an extension of Kawara-san.
There was also a robot that had a posture similar to Sunrise Pars.
It’s not that it’s differentiated from robot anime; it just couldn’t be done with the filming techniques of the past, right?
It was originally conceived as a composition that allows a great sword to be posed stylishly.
As long as that pose fits and looks cool, I think it doesn’t matter whether it’s a ranger robot or a human doing it.
There is a leg that is a combination of a clay figurine and a Moai face in a ranger robot.
When it comes to squad robots, it’s definitely a box!
Seriously, someone stacking three boxes!
The series is so thick that when you dive in, you just normally bump into it—that’s the Sentai.
Isn’t the runaway form more like a Kamen Rider…? When I asked, I found out that there were also normal ones in the Sentai.
If you do something for a long time, your uniqueness will gradually fade away.
It’s not that it’s gone; we have to break it.
The biggest enemy to the survival of the Sentai series has always been redundancy…
Even the Power Rangers across the ocean are fighting that issue…
The additional warrior dies before the final episode.
There are also multiple examples of that…
There are also teams where the Red member dies multiple times…
There’s no pulse! It’s dead! Yay!
The pink one is going to be blown up by the robot in the next work…
This guy is casually appearing as the red ranger…
This sounds the same too!
Kijino has a voice like Char from Zeon!
I really don’t like it…
It’s a bit regrettable that the Ryusoulger joint will basically stop using that ranger’s gimmick within a year.
Am I just too influenced by the Korean robot?
The only ones who could collaborate with the anime Fishing Fool Diary were definitely the Abare Rangers!
In other words, the special effects heroes appearing in the otherworldly series are being mass-produced too much in episode 8.
This is also a bond.
I can call the members, you know?
I don’t understand what it means for all the Mega Rangers to gather together!?