Sure, here is the extracted text: – Speech bubble 1: “It’s not something you would call responsibility” – Speech bubble 2: “It’s obvious”
I’m a little too bold…
I’m ready now, it’s way too like Pencilman…
The ratio of trion quantity to courage is strange.
I entered even though it was a bit of a hassle, but I ended up spending time rather absentmindedly.
Since I met Yuma, I have completely caught fire.
Is it necessary for me to live this strongly?
Was this guy in such a situation?
Even though I’m always sweating, once I’ve made up my mind, I don’t waver at all—it’s such a hero mentality.
The initial setting is a barely acceptable B-grade glasses.
I have already surpassed Yuuma (SS rank + Black Trigger) in terms of preparation and resolve.
That’s a bit of an exaggeration, isn’t it?
It was probably a level of strength that didn’t have anything particularly outstanding, even at the C rank.
Even such a poor glasses-wearing bird can win against the Mallmod!
That’s right, if it’s a Raygastu.
That’s also an exaggeration.
Originally, one cannot become a member before reaching C rank.
I was recommended to become an operator or an engineer…
I want to cherish the spirit of “That’s true, but…”
It’s strange that everyone at the border has guts, despite the kidnappings and deaths happening right next to them.
Kata Despair Teacher
Perhaps I can’t become “Buddhaized” even if I am influenced by Senpai Kuruma, since I’m a glasses type.
As the press is pressed for time, they are struggling a bit more to find answers.
They probably want to capture moments of crying out of guilt.
If Shu were to cry, his sister would pull out the stick.
I wonder what would have happened if there were many new graduates like this in the workplace.
At the press conference, it’s not just Ossamu who is strong; there’s also Arashiyama.
That’s scary to hear such a determination.
It’s terrifying how suddenly a young person can say that if their family is safe, they can fight until the very end.
The reporter who brought up that topic is to blame.
The answer the reporter hoped for was probably something a bit different…
I was feeling a sense of defeat after hearing Mr. Zaki’s answer about Arashiyama.
That person who can answer is just not an ordinary person, you know?
In the early stages, if the siblings from Arashiyama had died, there was a possibility that I would have declared to eradicate them in place of Shu.
The reporter who asked Mr. Arashiyama probably didn’t have that much malice.
If it’s someone who was dealing with the thread image, they might twist it further and say that if their family is dead or missing, they can’t fight.
The fact that you’re asking a spiteful question shows you have malice.
It all went strange after the neighbor with gray hair came.
The pen attack is before Yuma comes.
It’s strange to suddenly stop cold sweat the moment you appear in front of the reporters.
That’s not like you, Osamu?
Yuma, who urges others on, is just like a partner.
Hmm, doesn’t this press conference lack a bit of punch?
Got it! I added pliers!
It’s fine… really, that’s enough of that…
I understand why Yuma is so into Shu, but what’s with the rugby player?
(After all, you are a hero…)
Isn’t it somewhat over for organizations that make middle school students their scapegoats?
Are we even making them fight? Yeah!
I’ll say this just in case you’ve forgotten, but it’s not like I was trying to reveal my name or face or anything!
The way they make it seem like they are genuinely protecting the border without being overt about it showcases the cunning tactics of an adult, highlighting the cleverness of the fox.
If you look a little, you can find it.
In that case, there are a lot of people who have been bullied at school, so it becomes a situation where they are protected, and conversely, the media gets criticized.
Even Shu has a sensitivity to get hurt when criticized by reporters in his absence.
Once it appears in front of me, I won’t break a sweat.
I can handle the most important person, but if it’s with Kuga or Chika, I won’t forgive it.
Chika-chan is one thing, but Yuma is also someone the captain is overly aware of needing to protect.
After all, you’re a hero…
It’s understandable that a rugby player would smile with a hero’s spirit.
“Let’s remember that.”
The most important person was looking at an old, faded photograph in their private room.
In Shu’s case, it’s scary not just because they truly won’t forgive but also because there’s a possibility that they might do something.
I understand very well that I don’t have the ability to do that on my own.
I think they will probably manipulate information to move the media and fill in the outer moat of the border.
The reporter can’t exactly say the real name of a middle school student, so they skillfully said, “That team member is Shu Mikumo.”
The discussion about the expedition turned vague, but it’s certainly going to be criticized if they say, “This time’s responsibility is because of the child soldiers~.” An organization that pits children against each other and then doesn’t protect the children or take responsibility is unacceptable.
That’s why we used a Sakura reporter so we wouldn’t have to cut it out from the border.
There he is, the one who thinks it’s enough to just say “child soldier.”
Mr. Higashi aside, rugby players definitely aren’t regular folks, right?
It’s something that can be understood by reading, but the Border side hasn’t said that it was the member’s fault at that scene.
A certain hero’s school that was serialized in the same magazine relatively recently
I have a memory of a press conference that seemed to protect the students, which was quite a contrast.
I heard that something like this happened, but can’t you say it’s because of that C-class?
I am aware of that matter, but I cannot determine the cause, and it is for the sake of helping my classmate, plus there are actual testimonies that confirm they were helped…
That’s where Ossamu comes in.
Media professionals making children say things like this should reflect on themselves a bit…
It can’t be helped that I feel like I’m being made to say this from a third-party perspective.
A life hack exists in reality where you can make it difficult to criticize by having the person come forward and say, “It’s my responsibility…” to explain.
There are times when it seems like someone genuinely believes they can shift all the blame onto the repairs.
It was probably written that initially it was intended to subtly guide it.
I went a different route with the hero’s involvement, but…
A man who can do anything except direct combat.
In just two years, I will become a man who can engage in direct combat.
In addition to wanting to go search for Chika’s brother, I’m too determined to go rescue the replica I threw in.
It’s easy to forget, but Shu is virtually fired in the headquarters assessment, so no matter how you use him, it won’t be a loss.
That may indeed be true as a soldier.
It’s understandable that the media would criticize the border, isn’t it? It’s a fact that the person made their own judgment.
There is a suspicion that Rinji-san did something, but it probably has nothing to do with the wild pentimental.
Even though they are weak, their harassment is top-notch.
But even if I take the initiative to crush it, it’s a weak piece, so the return is minimal.
What the hell is this guy…?
We can either go hunting with a fast attack at the opening or aim for a surprise attack.
If left alone, they will continue to expand the terrain favorable to their own side.
If you leave it alone, it will keep destroying terrain that is increasingly advantageous for the opponent.
It should not be forgotten that it is a merciless organization that will erase memories without hesitation if necessary.
It’s probably just to the extent of respecting Parman, yet being treated as cold-hearted…
I’m fine with this treatment, but I love the part where I threaten the commander that I won’t forgive them if they do that to Kuga or Chika.
Are you properly raising your intimacy with Chika-chan?
In other words, if the matter at school doesn’t end up being entirely Shu’s fault.
So, could it be that the delayed Arashiyama squad is to blame, and it might lead to some strange accusations?
If you had followed the rules, people would have died, and Arashiyama-san would have fallen into darkness.
Ignoring the rules would constitute a violation of the regulations…
Alternatively, if we used a decoy instead of a rig, it might have been possible for the Arashiyama team to arrive just in time.
It is a given that Shu will die at the end, but since the rules are being followed, I think Kitora will also be satisfied.
Did Megane-kun die…?
Oh no…
The boy soldier killing is causing an outrage beyond the original storyline…
It’s true that Shu himself is amazing, but the fact that he’s being rushed by deadlines makes complete sense for his movements.
I’m really annoyed that the Trion soldier simulation game is also showing harassment.
Regardless of their skills as a soldier, I think they have considerably more qualities as a leader than average.
It is quite a picky characteristic, but
Perhaps the detailed things that are not depicted are being handled by the evil rugby player somehow.
If Ossamu wasn’t there, first Yuma wouldn’t cooperate with Border, and there wouldn’t be Chika-chan’s enrollment either…
I think it’s quite a blow, including the detailed knowledge of the neighbor.
I admire the courage and high level of initiative like that of Shu.
Shu is quite dull when it comes to his own matters.
So I’ll do it instead.
I thought it was just a regular pair of glasses, but the courage and production skills are on a different level.
The only one who doesn’t realize they are a hero is themselves…
I love this.
Even though that guy must have cared about Amatriciana, the moment the team split up, he started targeting it specifically…
It’s nothing more than a game without realism, and it’s during the exam…
It’s only natural to attack the opponent’s weaknesses, right?
Caring about something does not contradict going on an expedition with everyone.
It’s questionable whether Shu will pass the exam.
I have a memory that Jin was saying it was fifty-fifty.
To be honest, I thought it was pretty lax…
In middle school, it’s not unusual for the worst remote slashing attack to come flying in.
“I like that it accurately expresses ‘being weak and being powerless are not the same.'”
Well, whether I pass or fail the expedition exam, I will definitely go regardless…
It seems like Chika-chan has a verbal offer, so I think it’s alright.
It would be impossible to treat someone well when they are under house arrest as a staff member and unable to make efforts for the next step, being separated from the team.
He’s a man who would sell even his master to win, you know?
It feels like there are various futures, and being able to go is half of it, I suppose.