The anniversary is the season for multi, so let’s do our best.
Each 30 will be over quickly, do it!
At least the first penguin will finish soon.
Babu and Belial are probably also doing well.
Fenny, there is no sand!
Damakus never runs out, you know? Having 30 Class 5 hero weapons is just too much.
I don’t have enough black and yellow anima compared to the three fool materials.
Mr. Far, Mr. Bub, Belial, and World
It’s the usual four people.
Since Belial can now be handled with solo full auto, I carelessly throw out rescue requests!
The black kirin and yellow dragon’s Maguani were quite lacking.
It ended without me realizing it during the monthly exchange.
The transcendent material set from the 2023 pamphlet had a serial deadline until the end of 2024, but I tried submitting it as a last resort and it went through!
If there are people who have given up on using it as fertilizer, I just wanted to write this down.
I saw a story somewhere about cereal getting soggy.
My Fenny rank is over 360, and I have unlocked more than 8 of each of the Ten Divine Generals and Ten Sages, but I’m really not good at jump rope, so I haven’t even attempted Mugen…
I want content that I can casually and carelessly hit…
In the end, everyone is just mindlessly using full auto to hit in the multi-player mode in Revens.
There are no elements of jump rope in Mugen.
I’m jumping around.
Mugen is skipping rope by himself, but it’s not a large jump rope…
Well, nowadays full solo is totally realistic, so just make those kinds of formations and send out help as needed.
If we’re talking about a big rope, I want them to at least lay down a phalanx every turn.
Ughhhhh (pyon)
Seriously…? The image of Revanche as high-difficulty content hasn’t changed at all…
You can’t be like that if you haven’t slept for about a year and a half.
I’ve been awake for about 11 years!
I defeated Belial about a year ago, you know!
I don’t understand how you can’t see all the discussions about Full Auto that are everywhere in the thread.
Aren’t you dependent on the bulletin board? That’s correct!
It’s not that I’m scared, it’s just that I’m lazy and don’t bother to look it up.
Whether it can be cleared in full auto or solo is another matter.
With that kind of strength and rank, if you understand the system, you should be able to earn contributions without any problem.
The character abilities and weapons have inflated, making it suitable only for intermediate players now.
It’s really annoying that I can’t do Belial without full auto…
I’m able to handle the bubble, so I’m doing it occasionally.
Just leave it alone and let it recover completely.
If you try it without being scared, you’ll surprisingly be able to do it.
Mugen is kind of the troublesome one, but…
“Jumping rope in a big group refers to something like the old-fashioned ‘medeko’.”
If it’s just Spora or spontaneous flow, it’s incredibly easy.
Berry should just form a full team.
Since you can almost use all your horns with a fighting spirit, it’s totally fine to occasionally die in the later stages.
When I saw the Uno usage type Mugenfluo
I quietly closed it because Yachima wasn’t there.
It’s fine if it’s from a little while ago, Anrope Haze.
Revanth feels like they’re attacking with a solo Fluo setup for each one.
Siegfried and Cosmos are a hassle.
Revens is a jump rope, not a large jump rope.
It’s just that the start is different for the diaspora.
It can be said that all the content up to Spa Bah is aimed at intermediate players.
Revenge is now as strong as or weaker than the old battlefield 250.
Just having a gimmick.
Before getting scared, you should try doing a trial.
Currently, LeVance can be defeated without the need for cooperation or communication between users.
I feel that calling it “intermediate-level content” might be too strong of a term.
It’s not content that’s scary enough to be afraid of, so just give it a try!
However, on the other hand, it has an aspect of the logic of the strong.
Not only is Yachima not here, but even Lope isn’t, yet I’m still doing a full auto.
Pheny still can’t overcome the omen of Shiete, but somehow she’s managing.
You can clear it with Unhaze 4 Abiyuno 150 ^_^
Mugen could defeat even Uno on his own if he wanted to.
Even Anniversary Funny is doing a little bit of Relevance.
Right now, even Cosmos HL is abundant.
If you don’t insist on a full auto, the hurdle is much lower.
Mugen’s hurdles dropped significantly after the final Haze came.
300 Pushkes is tough!
What’s important is whether you can at least cut down to the minimum.
Agastia, which has already turned into scrap iron, can be quickly whittled down if you relax with techniques like the ultimate technique, and there are times when it doesn’t even reach the minimum requirement.
The current Revanche is recognized at about the same level as Magna 3.
Actually, Magna 3 is surprisingly strong.
Especially the darkness.
Before I knew it, we were all wiped out…
The darkness of Magna 3 isn’t strong; it’s just a nuisance.
It’s a piece of garbage.
Cosmos is pretty much still crap because stable Furu (not stable) has been going around for a long time.
Do it manually.
I’m sorry, but it seems there is no Japanese text provided for translation. Please provide the text you would like me to translate.
It’s not good to be too scared, but it’s also not good to say things too simplistically.
A neutral and objective perspective is necessary.
Scared people should try the trial first before saying anything.
In other words, the correct approach is to start doing it as soon as Tenpa is implemented!
If that is what you can accept, then that is the best thing.
I don’t think it’s sane to do everything with curly hair, but what the heck.
However, when considering the possibility of hitting the six dragons 2000 times, the materials consumed for the Tenpa are practically pointless.
If you’re motivated enough to have that in mind, I think you can assemble a full team unless it’s something like Cosmos…
I was scared of unknown old men too, but when I tried it, it wasn’t a big deal.
It’s all loose up to 20%, but once it cuts below 20%, it has insane firepower.
Revanth can drink soup, so it might be easier than dealing with the three fools.
As for manual or occasionally making slight adjustments to the full auto, it can relatively go well with anything.
Revan has been easier lately because the threshold has lowered, and help has started to come.
When you put in blinds, it stabilizes because usually it hurts unknown old men.
Only Sieg is still a piece of shit even now.
Even now, or rather, it used to be easy.
If that person comes, it will be over quickly with full auto, so it’s not really worth mentioning that much.
Revenge has many unexpected deaths, so if you do your research beforehand, you can surprisingly make it at least to the blue box line.
Is it bothersome to investigate? Yeah, but you should at least do that!!!
Well, Sieg is… uhn…
When I pulled a Balema Cola, even a nameless Eni at rank 210 can now get blue boxes in Diaspora.
I’m doing my best while praying they won’t come as I can’t compete with their contribution speed at all.
Zeke isn’t strong, he’s just a hassle.
I don’t want to do anything other than Friday nights.
How many weapons of Cosmos should I collect?
The good thing is that if you understand the system, you can still fight even with low strength or weak characters.
When I try to pick up speed, the fixed limit is just too much.
Cosmos sometimes ends with a forced shutdown even when you’re doing it manually.
Will you forgive me? I’m sure you will, thank you.
Even the frequently invincible Schiète is tiresome.
Thanks to pulling the swimwear Garleon in Select Stare, Zeke became really easy for me.
But it keeps dropping axes, what’s up with this guy?
Magma 3 won’t get wiped out immediately even with a random formation, but…
If you don’t think carefully about the formation in Levens, you’ll easily be wiped out, so there is a difference.
That being said, it’s something that even if I die instantly, the people around me will take care of it to some extent on their own.
It’s a multiplayer to expose the garbage in both the system and the users…
Celest 3 is easy with a funfu, but aren’t the others pretty strong?
Rather, the one who has to bring out the funfu is the strongest Ather.
For someone who can easily prepare 150 for the funfu, everything else is not strong at all.
They say something about water and darkness, but from an intermediate perspective, I think everything is just strong.
When Mugen’s HP decreases, it’s really annoying how he keeps using invincibility predictions in the rescue phase.
It’s noisy too.
I would like to leave the rescue to others after the 10% trigger for Niyake.
Aren’t you coming?
I heard that using the Boogeyman is good for Zeke.
I haven’t looked into how good it is, I just heard about it.
After 20%, the old man is not an ally but an enemy who doesn’t work overtime.
I participated!
…Believe in victory!
Since Celestmagna can’t fight properly, I switched to a strategy where I quickly earn 1 million contribution points with support and leave the rest to others.
If I had to say, I’d like to start from the beginning except for the diaspora.
When the HP trigger is triggered, it becomes troublesome.
It’s about Mugen.
I pulled a Ruoh, but there’s a possibility that this could hit the unknown aunt I’m planning to add, right?
You won’t know until you actually come.
I feel incredibly strong…
Item Details: Kinka Feather Ornament Equipment Requirement: Light Sword Lv1 Evasion Rate +4.8% Lv1 Own Attribute Attack Power +8.8% Lv1 Normal Attack Damage Limit +2.8% Lv1 When an attack is triggered once, grant yourself a certain number of random enhancement effects once. Favorites Unwanted Items Close
It’s perfect for characters that don’t perform continuous attacks.
It’s impressive that there are no negatives, but in reality, the actual benefits are usually just a slight increase within the margin of error.
If you can put out 150 with Funfu, it means you can also put out 150 with Okuto, so Unamale is also easy.
Zeke is doing a big breast swimsuit with Aliza Galen Shion.
Magna 3 is tough to challenge with Magna 2 equipment, and since no help comes until the FP drops, it’s quite hellish.
I honestly think that 1 billion HP is too much.
So you just need to do FP rescue.
I think it’s best for me to help out myself.
The weapon drop rate for Magna 3 is way too low.
Even considering the four types that drop: self-initiated, rank, blue boxes, and green boxes, they are still quite hard to gather.
There are two types of light bows, but I don’t know which is stronger between the damage ability +11000 and the debuff success rate +6.6.
The only one who can be used is basically Thorn.
Zeek will rotate the six-person Pharah.
Magna 3 will run short on Maguani.
I want you to become a Maguani when you break the weapon.
Why are you putting together such an old-fashioned manual formation now!?
It’s a manual formation from a long time ago… I want you to do your best.
I am a fool who normally messes up the distribution of abilities and ends up getting hit and dying.
I think it’s fine to just build a character for full-auto with a standard setup and send a rescue right from the start…
Ruo seems to be useful for high difficulty levels.
The biggest disappointment is the swimsuit Makira.
I think for Revens, you only need to participate in the first attempt for rescue, and after that, it’s fine to just do it voluntarily.
I thought it would be fine since we cut about 600 million with the Cosmos rescue and it was down to 1% left, but when I came back, it had failed just like that.
I have no idea what Basara brother’s weapon is!
It’s a scam that it’s not a secret technique even though it’s a sword!
If I have the final Haze, I can easily go solo in Mugen.
To put it bluntly, Magna 3 is not something you should initiate yourself…
It’s not properly the end; it’s impressive that it’s a Dragon Punch.
But this is the Dragon Pon Magna Kamui.
It was no good.
I saw Limwam for the first time in three years.
It’s better to do Spolar spontaneously.
Mugen’s annoying moves are 50% of the problem, and the fact that the opponent is Mugen is the other 50%, which is frustrating.
For example, when I wake up in the morning…
The most annoying thing is that when you are below level 50, you can’t hit 3T.
I thought to myself that if I’m going to do it, I want to punch the cute face of a brown-skinned beautiful girl character…
The brown-skinned beautiful girl enemy slot has already been consumed by Grande.
If you’re reflecting on things, then dress as a woman.
I actually like Mugen when he’s causing a huge ruckus!
Right now, the half-price stickers are put on quickly.
Someone will come hoping for the FP.
If you proceed with the special training for Shero Karte, you’ll be able to obtain strong weapons and stones.
By the time you finish that, you’ll be able to hold your own against the enemies around here.
When I started playing Rebirth Tefa, I began to want the true anima that I had previously thought was unnecessary…
Materials for Heaven Burst other than the true anima can be gathered by defeating the six dragons.
It’s basically righteous to volunteer or provide aid during a trend.
At the beginning, everyone is like that.
I think if I can defeat these guys solo and get a Primal Pro, I can escape being a beginner, so I’ll do my best!
I got Boga to surpass the Arc Enemy.
Recently, it’s actually been in surplus, but there was never a time when true anima wasn’t needed until the arrival of Magna 3.
Taking away 100 dragon pearls from a perm hairstyle is being too overconfident.
It’s obvious that they wouldn’t take 100 items if you think about it.
Where did 100 of them suddenly come from…?
I don’t know what happens when the number of a stranger’s surrender goes up.
Huh? So these guys finally get out of beginner status with just one punch…
It’s far!
What are you talking about!?
Once I finished the leftover transcendence, my motivation to rank up just disappeared…
The uncle is killing me with stance change, but what the hell is he doing?
It’s coming at you with incredible firepower and multi-layered attacks to try to kill you.
Treasure Island is not sweet!
Normal attack is painfully hard mode.
20% often tends to overlap with debuff resets.
I can’t move from rank 150.
Recently, I’ve been gathering things that are trending due to the momentum from old battle matches and their implementation.
If I did everything I could do on my own, the day would end.
I want you to drop dragon orbs even in 6-dragon singles.
I think that in Magna 2, if you try to do appropriate solo content, all of them except Shiva are quite strong.
When you just look at the behavior of avatars, they seem terrible…!
If the water is weak, the grass will be strong.
At the end, the recovery was cut and the regular attacks should have hurt like hell.
If it’s because I’m a woman that boosts your motivation, then Cosmos isn’t deserted.
Basically, you don’t look at your opponent or listen to their voice while you’re fighting.
Whoa… despite saying it’s monotone!
Honestly, the difficulty of the Cosmos rounds is a step above the Spora system.
There are few parts that can be automated.
It’s not because Cosmos is an older lady that it’s a bit deserted.
Multi Battle List Shiva HL Europa HL Brodia HL Grimanir HL Metatron HL Avatar HL Rose Queen Subjugation Battle HL AP-15 AP 1/2 Challenge AP-15 AP 1/2 Challenge Limit+1 AP-15 AP 1/2 Challenge Limit+1 AP-15 AP 1/2 CLEAR! AP-15 AP 1/2 CLEAR! AP-15 AP 1/2 CLEAR! Drop UP Campaign in effect! AP-25 AP 1/2 Challenge AP-10/99 BP 70 Close
It’s like this right now.
I don’t remember the details, but anyway, I need to arrange my equipment at the dojo.
It’s fine if you can’t clear that part; just do what you can.
When I tried to transcend Thorn, I didn’t have enough star crystal shards to create 30 substitutes, so it’s over for me now.
As a result of following the advice to replace it because it would become insufficient, I have never been short even once.
The words of our predecessors are precious.
According to Fenny’s ancient memories, I feel like Gobro or Metatron was the weakest.
I feel like the mini-skirt was being blown away by the dancers or by Heichou and Yu-chan who were rushing in.
I only finished with Cosmos as a frizzy hairdo.
It seems troublesome, but if you train properly with Shiro-chan, couldn’t you become a lot stronger?
Let’s take our time to think about how to use the shiny gold-colored Hihiirokane.
Even after the avatar has become somewhat strong, there are times in the late game when it dies for some reason, so I don’t really understand.
It will lead to a breakup in the final stage.
In the past, I was a worthless person who used to do this + non-elemental attacks.
I remember dancing at Goburo; it brings back memories.
It’s not good to casually shoot in that area of the multi with the arch-enemy.
I just noticed the existence of Tenshi pro and came to beat the four major ones!
According to Fenny’s ancient memories, I feel like the avatar was really strong.
It was an unbelievable guy that only dealt non-attribute percentage damage.
I remember struggling with what to do with the remaining 10% because every time I fully used my avatar, I would end up half-destroyed by the arc enemies.
Clearing a full-auto run with one-shot death is generally quite difficult.
I disliked the dawn of Metatron.
Big damage technique: Chihwa’s reflection! This one!
I have a memory of Kaaron being bothersome.
I remember that Anubis was terrible.
The dark multi has been a hassle since the days of Selemag.
I have a memory that high-end bags were generally troublesome.
I tried out the Luohuo Heaven Origin, and I feel like it’s a lot stronger than I expected.
The block is really hard.
That’s 20%/100%, you know?
You’re quite impressive.
If you enter the dying ones at the end of Cosmos without thinking, you can get completely sealed off, which is quite something.
Most of the troublesome multiplayer from Primal to Magna 2 has been dulled.
I miss the times when I was just an average pro dad and failing at quests, and when we were all saying to bring Dispel for Shubamagu.
The nameless Jenny realized that the attribute of the fallen artifact is the same as the enemy’s attribute because she is clever.
It’s an easy march.
I remember that Anubis was really troublesome when going to the balance digging, but I have no memory of what exactly was troublesome.
Was it something like irrecoverable…?
I remember that the seal of the Abyss came down every 2 turns.
They seal abilities and bring the undead.
I remember that Selamug HL was the most straightforward in the dark.
The rest was the epitome of harassment.
Ishihara HL was also strong.
It’s still a crappy boss every time.
Cosmos was happy that the swimsuit Vajira was helpful.