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[Digimon] Forbidden cards will be updated from March 28!

Japan Otaku Reviews+

Yamato is banned…


1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

The phrase “Yamato ban” just sounds kind of funny.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s been 5 years, but having only the second banned card is rare.

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Just because that Yamato isn’t everything about Yamato, it doesn’t mean the Gabumon deck is going to die or anything.

People who used purple highs, do your best!

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve been thinking that with the increase of unconditional level 4 reanimates, they’re likely to start rampaging about six months from now and could end up dying.

I've been thinking that with the increase of unconditional level 4 reanimates, they're likely to start rampaging about six months from now and could end up dying.

“` 3 DP 000 DIGIMON Evolution Cost 4 From LV.3 Evolution Cost 2 Security When your security is 3 cards or less, add +2 to memory. BT6-036 01 Lv.4 Mimicmon Evolution Source Effect Rookie Waku Virus Type Mischievous Type “`

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s two cards for the fusion into Yamato and the ultimate combined Digimon, it would be well-balanced if Taichi bans one card.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews


For better or worse, there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can easily raise their DP and has high performance for business trips, so it looks like they might not be able to rampage.

Yamato is a troublemaker, but

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Diaboromon’s Response

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

The purple high was quite troublesome.

Ultimate beings or simply crush them, you’re not even human…

19: Japan Otaku Reviews


The shield is incredibly strong with a wealth of freedom slots.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder which one I can release. I feel like it's okay to forgive BT2 Gabumon now.

Prohibited/Restricted List Effective Date: March 28, 2023 ■ Cards designated by the tournament regulations have restrictions on their use in official and sanctioned events (excluding free play areas). Prohibited Pair Cards: Decks containing card A cannot be constructed with card B. (If neither card is included in the deck, 4 copies of each can be used.) A: Target Card EX5-068 Koya Kyuu B: Target Card ST16-14 Yamato Ishida P-097 Spear BT13-102 Igoto NEW A: Target Card EX2-007 Mother D Reaper B: Target Card EX7-064 Yuto Kazama Prohibited Cards: Cards that cannot be included in the deck at all NEW BT5-109 Tactimon BT5-109 Tactimon Prohibited in BT-7 Restricted Cards: Cards that can only be included in the deck as one copy NEW P-029 Grandis Kuwagamon BT11-033 Dark Knightmon BT4-032 Bukumon EX1-068 Ice Wall EX4-019 Mangamamon P-008 Wargreymon P-030 Vokmon NEW ST2-13 Heaven Spark BT4-104 Kazuchimon BT6-100 Dekar Greymon BT7-033 Justmon Extreme BT9-098 Perfect Level Support Device BT14-084 Jesmon BT2-047 Argomon BT3-054 Blossomon BT3-103 Spontaneous Heart of Princess NEW P-025 Garuckmon ST9-09 Starmon BT7-064 Veilvemon BT15-057 Memory X Antibody BT2-069 Gabumon BT2-072 Icemon BT8-111 Jackraid NEW BT7-069 Astraum X Antibody BT11-064 Greymon X Antibody BT13-012 Jaguar Greymon BT7-069 Astraum X Antibody EX4-030 Kuzuhamon EX5-015 Galbain X Antibody EX5-018 Gambolmon X Antibody Latest updates introduced!! Check on Twitter! @digimon_TCG https://digimocard.com/ More detailed information is available on the website!! https://sec.carddass.com/club/bs/contact/ For the latest news on the Digimon Card Game! Digimon Card Game Search

I wonder which one I can release.

I feel like it’s okay to forgive BT2 Gabumon now.

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Yamato is the one who leaves on their own, not banned from going out.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

The high restriction rates of the Gabumon tribe and the Gaomon tribe…

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it about time we forgive Grandkuwagamon…?

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

Blue is simply overdoing its role!

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s great that the reason for banning Fenrirgammon is that its design was a failure.

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


My Pulse Takemikazuchi…

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Well, that’s fine, but I want you to make it possible to summon Shiku Takeikazuchi.

They can’t even jogress properly with the Seekers’ gimmick, those guys.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

For some reason, I think it would be good to eliminate Bauman who doesn’t have a turn 1, considering the future.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you extract multiple colors, is it the first restriction for red?

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you shoot Absolute Glow Strike even with Security 0?

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can shoot.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

FenrirGammon, I can’t believe this was allowed.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


The prohibition and restrictions are too slow.

I never thought they would come to kill this guy directly…

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


This character is only behaving as expected with the cards that were released, rather than in combination with the cards that came later, yet it’s getting banned, so I can only say that the design was really poorly done.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews


In that sense, it’s equal to Apocarymon.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is written as “after that” seems to have a different effect.

Recently, OmegaMon X will come with a one-card bounce written after “that point” even without the OmegaMon/X antibody.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please forgive me for using Argomon lv. 5, as I will absolutely only use it for Argomon.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews


The new one is strong enough to be adopted in the Tamer deck meta.

Other decks are basically filled with 0-cost evolutions, so it’s not like allowing absorb evolution groups will significantly impact the environment anyway.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

The next release of Apokarimon, and the designers from that period are out of their minds.

Anikolo was probably around that too.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


Anikoro Apokarinu Meukkotakemika

The saddest thing about Takemika is the Oni Smonline, which seems to possess an unimaginable strength for being born in this era.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews


That was the top meta for the common or lower limited battle since all the deck parts were uncommon or lower.

Recently, it seems that anything other than Chaosmon might lose to the common Axel.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is DigiDigi coming out?

31: Japan Otaku Reviews


Maybe it will be officially announced on the 20th.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don't think this is a teaching app with such a chaotic hand of cards.

I don’t think this is a teaching app with such a chaotic hand of cards.

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Exactly what Yukiamugmon posted in another thread.

DIGIMON ALYSION Release Date: 2025-03-18 Publication Type: Public Trademark Announcement Application Number: 2025024693 Application Date: 2025-03-10 Class: Class 9 (Machinery), Class 16 (Paper), Class 28 (Toys), Class 41 (Education & Entertainment) Goods and Services: Programs for commercial arcade video game machines, storage media that stores programs for commercial arcade video game machines, digital cameras, digital cameras (for photography), digital video cameras, video cameras, video cameras, headphones, digital photo frames, mobile phones, mobile phone cases, mobile phone straps, electronic appliances, parts and accessories of telecommunications machinery, electronic static electricity machines, card reading devices, electronic desktop calculators, electronic computers and their peripherals, electronic dictionaries. Total 287 items displayed Applicant: Bandai Co., Ltd., KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI Agent.

Exactly what Yukiamugmon posted in another thread.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

I would be happy if more DigiDigi users increased.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

I understand that they want to use Kaiser for the red high, but will it actually become a Kaiser-focused build with the next enhancement?

39: Japan Otaku Reviews


The new Pro-Mokaiser is strong, but it’s better to use it in the galaxy, right?

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Fenrir changing the turn change conditions is the craziest.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


You all designed it that way, didn’t you?

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


The one who uses it best, Fenrirgammon, is alive, and there was even one among those who made it past the qualifiers the other day.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews


Takamika was very strong, so it’s often overlooked, but the regular Fenrirga is also quite strong.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if I can see the reasons for the past amendments to the restrictions somewhere.

The official one only has the latest version.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can see everything just by folding it.

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I fight Takemika, an incomprehensible solitaire starts and before I know it, I’m dead.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s because it’s a deck with that kind of concept.

That was a failure.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s funny that Kazuma has graduated from being a mama’s boy.

44: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Wind Mother turns it into a game where you win by breaking your opponent’s spirit regardless of security…

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Regardless of the promo Agni, Engle is purely stronger than Kaiser…

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


Magna has different movements and strengths compared to Engar, so they can coexist.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pulse Axis Takemika might become popular.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Stop recovering memory when the hand size increases.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s funny that the winning deck only has one Miragao in the galaxy, so it has no impact at all.

Well, it’s allocated in a way that only that person can handle that deck, isn’t it?

54: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


When it comes to strong cards, they can be regulated, but strong players cannot be regulated…

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

With the new Metagal ACE, Blue will be able to revive from the trash, so I feel something crazy is coming.

The only weakness of blue was that it was difficult to handle trash…

Blue can do anything.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

A restricted Kuzuhamon.

Is the way it’s being spun ruthless?

59: Japan Otaku Reviews


When Tao Monace is introduced and evolves, it evolves into Kuzha for free using an option that feels gross.

With Kuzaha’s effect, Taomon comes out, evolves for free again, and with Kuzaha’s effect, Taomon comes out again.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s Ruin Mode from Kuzuhana, that’s crazy.

58: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

I really want the restrictions to be revised about every three months.

It feels like there are regulations that come too late.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


If new cards were released steadily once a month like in Yu-Gi-Oh! and there was a large card pool, that would be different.

Three months is too soon with the current digital camera.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Four times a year in three months.

It’s good to have it three times a year in four months.

60: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Prohibition restrictions irregular?

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

If the revisions are irregular, it’s hard to have hope for the future of the environment…

Even in a somewhat unreasonable environment, I can maintain my motivation by enduring it because there are revisions.

I think it’s a good initiative to present at events like this one.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s strong to arrange tokens with Sakuya as well.

Regulate the TAO ace.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the latest build, TAO ACE is now one card, so there’s no damage.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews



82: Japan Otaku Reviews


The only time I really want Tao ACE is when I can’t connect to evolve from Renaemon after playing Ruin.

Rather, the overflow when taken is more painful.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it was a deck that rose to prominence thanks to its ace, but it’s strange that it’s starting to be surpassed.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

The digital camera can be dry-fired with options too.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why is the galaxy being forgiven?

69: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Number of users

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s strong, but since there are a lot of things to do, using it in a timed tournament carries the risk of both losing.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even when watching the stream, Douraku keeps using it continuously, so his hands are too fast and it’s on another dimension.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I see… there really aren’t any digital cameras around.

I will aim for that with determination.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to deal a fatal blow, you might want to use an option to increase memory, like a Ruki limit or a super evolution plugin.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

Personally, I think it’s not good that the Lv3 and Lv4 X antibody Digimon can evolve at 0 cost since they share the same name.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, if you overcrowd the deck with 3 or 4, it increases the difficulty of operating it…

79: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Even if you play it alone, it can be used as a slot in the same level range, and if the original Digimon is present, you get 0 cost for 1 draw, increase the evolution sources, and on top of that, you can activate some effect.


Ah, give me X antibodies for my theme too.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are quite a few anonymous users doing Digika when threads are being created, huh…

I’m looking forward to when Digitdigit comes out.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

In other words, the rule to draw one card upon evolution was created to compensate for the loss of advantage when evolution is combined with accident mitigation during a drop.

Stop implementing search and cheat mechanics like in other card games.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

I get the impression that the game speed has become like Yu-Gi-Oh since the introduction of X antibody Garurumon.

Since I moved and there are no places nearby to do it, I’m semi-retired, but is inflation still happening?

83: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The secret rare slots in these last two sets are amazing.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s been a while since there’s been any clear strengthening, yet the Greymon-types can still fight with X antibodies and Cool Boy Gun spinning…

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The deck centered around X antibodies is strong because you can also insert optional X antibodies…

From there, it will bring out color-related X antibodies Digimon at Lv6 and Lv7.

The stability of the deck is completely different.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

The inflation is incredible, and on top of that, the basic environment decks are incorporating inflated cards, so the environment isn’t changing at all.

But with this regulation, it might be a little better… or maybe not…

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rodna x rose to popularity at an incredible pace and disappeared just as quickly…

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


Except for Rodna, it’s just a collection of purple general-purpose parts.

The Leviathan with the same suspension is reasonably good, so Rodna X, which is weaker than that, is like this.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


Basically, almost everything below Level 5 is the same, but the crocodile just won’t disappear…🐊

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Isn’t X evolution a bad evolution after all?

Wasn’t Yggdrasil right?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

The red X antibody will probably come out soon enough.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Lostrum is too strong!

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rodna comes out of a strange deck and does strange things, but that kind of deck isn’t the final destination for Rodna X.

I think Rodna X is pretty much the boss of the Dark Knight Mondeck.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

The perfection level of Lostrum Seventh Lightning 🐊 and 🐊 X is too high.

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