Beating the enemy with the atmosphere.
Is it erotic?
It’s gloomier than I thought, but I wonder if it’s only during the time of the investigation team.
For now, until the misunderstandings about alchemy are resolved.
There were multiple really unpleasant old men who gave off a bad vibe, and it was no good.
Normally, a technology that can destroy a nation that controls an entire continent in one shot is incredibly dangerous…
Just mash the buttons randomly.
That’s fine until normal.
I want to make the moving character Aira.
Isn’t it hard to dodge just in time when they suddenly rush in?
I like the gesture of brushing back your hair when you level up…
The collaboration with Tales makes the discriminatory move understandable.
Mr. Victor has a handsome vibe, but if you look closely, his jaw is long…
Before I knew it, I started to look that way too.
It’s refreshing that the main character is knowledgeable about alchemy from the beginning.
I don’t feel like I can do anything other than randomly mashing buttons.
Is it okay to think of it as a stylish battle that emphasizes atmosphere?
The atelier is fine as long as you can gather good equipment through Normal or Easy.
The combat, which felt like an experiment with the equipment I created, has become quite enjoyable, and that’s really great.
The jump movement is quite free, making exploration enjoyable.
I think of housing as just an extra, but there are so many locations that it’s too addictive.
From someone else’s perspective, that reaction is understandable, but even though the original poster is a good person, they are subjected to negative gazes from all directions, which is painful.
I can probably guess that the explosion of my mother’s store, which flashed for a moment, is likely due to Yumia.
So, you’re becoming self-punishing related to alchemy or something?
The camera work after the battle moves in a really weird way.
I’ve heard this quite a bit, but I think it’s just stylish and good.
Is it because I have a high frame rate on the PC version?
I don’t really understand this mixture…
For now, please remove the effects when selecting a recipe…
It’s quite different from Raiza, but for now, there’s a space where I can freely throw things in, and it feels like there’s more freedom than before.
It feels like Graces, where there are no normal attacks and the skills derive from the button you press.
So that’s why it’s a collaboration.
The circulatory system is broken.
(It’s time to fix it.)
It’s fine because it’s cute.
The text is too small. I would like it to be bigger.
They really want to move the menu and alchemy scenes a lot, don’t they?
Think about the frame rate for the Switch version!
What is Yumia-chan’s personality like?
Like a Sleta without a stutter…
I thought it was Sret but it was different.
Shy in appearance, but actions are quite rough.
Are you the type that becomes more aggressive when it gets erotic?
The raw part has an active kid-like feeling.
I wonder if it’s because I want to break away from the prejudice against alchemy and perhaps against my mother as well, so even when I hear terrible things, I’m sorry… I’ll do my best to be helpful to everyone… and it feels like I’m looking down.
I want to show off the character after the battle, but honestly, this is in the way.
I think some people might get motion sickness from the game.
It’s the same as with Reza.
In the end, whether there are erotic scenes or not.
Starting to get excited while holding the controller.
There’s nothing to do but release it once it builds up or use special effects.
The tutorial stage had buffs and debuffs.
It keeps spinning the camera a lot, doesn’t it?
I can’t say for sure since I haven’t explored everything, but it seems that you can access the entire first map in the demo, so it looks like there’s a lot of content.
It seems there isn’t much point in playing intensely because there are level caps and skill caps.
I decided to have the understanding that the larger the yen in alchemy, the better it is!
Also, I’m not very good at using the light source, so please turn off the lighting.
When I’m talking with Flammy, it feels lively, so I think the discrimination is really just that I’m quiet at the moment.
Flammy hunting…
What are the points that are superior to Liza?
Including shikority.
So far, everything is up in terms of the game.
The character may be to your liking, though.
The way of walking in the field is completely different; it’s quite solid.
During the days of Liza, it inevitably felt low-budget and stiff.
It’s better to turn off vertical motion and motion blur because the camera can cause problems.
You will definitely get drunk.
For now, I can just leave the alchemy to you, right?
In the latter half of the atelier, the strongest item appears! But what will happen this time?
With the trial version available now, all I can say is to just go ahead and do it without asking others.
It’s a treasure chest! (Bang!)
There are three types of motions, but every day I wish to kick and open, kick and open.
Well, since the prologue had very few lines and a playful feel, I hope it quickly becomes like that.
Well, I suppose it depends on whether the people around are looking at me with blatant prejudice.
Even now, when I’m talking to Flammy at the research base, it’s generally chaotic.
I turned off the skill camera and used an overhead view at the start, and I’ve gotten quite used to the battle camera.
For now, the story is over, but during the trial version, there’s quite a bit of waiting for skill cooldowns, especially for ranged attacks.
Switching between attacks and items eliminates almost all cooldown wait times during battles.
If you equip four attribute items, you really won’t have to wait anymore.
Is Luft the one that gives everyone a turn?
There’s no point in not having it.
With the 3060, the model looks quite blurry.
I should have bought the 4000 series crap.
Even if you play a lot, since you can’t earn trophies, it’s also an option to just decide whether to buy it or not.
It’s helpful that there are many girls aside from Yumia.
Lysa is not good with the White Skinned Tribe…
I turn off motion blur in all games.
What’s this for?
The production side wants to present something that looks like a video.
I thought, why do these mob members have such conservative ideas even though they’re part of the investigation team?
I convinced myself that it’s like having nuclear weapons as an individual.
It’s strange… Until now, everyone was kind even if individuals had nuclear weapons in their studios…
I can feel the feedback from Ryza 3 regarding field formation.
I did some atelier after a long time, but now I’m not spinning around the alchemy furnace.
Rei will do it.
This is too disappointing…
Yumia-chan is truly a philosopher’s stone in both name and reality.
It seems that there is a high demand for high-quality MODs.
The investigation team is strict with everyone except for the assistant leader.
Narrow shoulders.
Honestly, the modeling here is also a bit off.
Your face looks like a balloon.
I wonder why they don’t do serious modeling in a social game like Reslerina.
Isn’t the Switch holding it back? The low-spec route is quite a hindrance when it comes to multi-platform releases, isn’t it?
Even so, Resleri is being held back by smartphones, so it doesn’t really matter, does it?
It’s not me who is in charge of developing Resreris, it’s Gust.
Yumia seems like it will end in one installment.
Isn’t it strange that Liza suddenly becomes like the protagonist of a trilogy by going overboard?
When using a PC, is it just my environment that the CPU and GPU memory are working hard, but the GPU usage is too low?
It’s an i7-12700 and a 3060 Ti.
Even though it says it can be carried over, I’m unsure if I should play properly with the warning that some trophies might not be obtainable.
The camera work after the battle moves so drastically that it might make you feel sick.
If you want to show the character, switching that quickly makes no sense.
In the first place, it’s a bit of a waste to have a close-up presented when it doesn’t even display the results, as it sacrifices the tempo and becomes a hindrance.
The shaking and camera work might be at a level that’s hard to endure.
I’m glad there was a trial version, but I find it quite disappointing.
This is more like magic than alchemy, right?
What we’re doing is the reconstruction of matter, so it’s a form of alchemy similar to Fullmetal Alchemist.
The trial version of the widow’s atelier has arrived.
It’s like a university party group.
The introverted person lured in by Liza might be a bit taken aback.
It’s not really alchemy anymore, is it? It’s been quite a while.
I appreciate that you’re not walking in your usual fluffy way.
I wondered how long that fluffy walking would continue in the Reiwa era, but I’m glad it has finally stopped.
I think both Mia and Flammy have great personalities and make a nice duo.
Flamy is cute.
I want to go to the sea.
I think it’s excessive to show discrimination in their attitude, especially since the leader brought them in, but everyone seemed to be saying that they were originally experienced adventurers, so maybe it’s not such a cohesive organization after all.
It’s been a while since I’ve been to Atelier, but it’s definitely a solid story-driven game.
I thought it would be days of collecting, crafting, and taking requests after casually being given goals!
The screen shake is indeed too strong and terrible.
The field can be turned off in the settings, but there’s nothing you can do during the event.
Even when it’s turned off, I wonder if the camera gets caught on something because doesn’t it sometimes shake?
I thought they were super confident because they were releasing a trial version, but it was the same old Gust.
It’s nice that casual alchemy and serious alchemy are separated.
It seems that they can also create walls and roofs, but will they eventually be able to establish bases in various locations?
You will be able to create it at the end of the trial version.
I tried it on Steam, but does it have a fixed Xbox controller notation even with a PS controller…?
I thought it would be better to stop the action.
I think the action itself is good.
I think the problem is its half-heartedness in being neither an action game nor a turn-based battle game.
It’s not a shooter game, and since there’s auto-aim, it doesn’t really bother me that much, but the aiming is not great.
Hitting my butt makes an infinite number of bullets come out, it’s just a joke…
I produced a lot of healing items and whatnot to challenge a place that looks like a dungeon, but could it be that we don’t consume them?
Could it be that the recent Atelier games don’t have consumable items!?
I finished without using Luft outside of the tutorial, but it’s a consumable, right?
It’s not a consumable.
It’s good to update in a style where it will be usable for cooldowns as long as something good is created.
Thank you, it’s definitely something you should use a lot!
I mainly play JRPGs, so the graphics are more than enough and it’s fun.
Sometimes the camera shakes a lot.
Trying to move the camera dynamically
It feels like it’s not optimized quite a bit.
It shakes a lot from the end of the battle until returning to the field…
While opening the first treasure chest next to the investigation team’s tent, I got on the rope, causing the screen to shake and I went “Oahhh!”
This item is essentially a weapon.
I laughed because it looks completely like a weapon.
It’s a Rehlern or an axe!
…Wait, could it be that those are in the same category as Luft and others?
I made axes and spears, but since I can’t equip them, I was wondering if they’re weapon types that the other three companions can equip, so I just ignored it!
It seems there are mixed opinions…
It’s nice that everything that used to be a bomb has turned into a weapon, and you can properly hold and swing it.
I was wondering if I was usually this weak with 3D… so I’m relieved to hear that the shaking is quite strong.
No, it’s not good at all…
Ultra-high-performance autonomous exploration assist device
I saw the footage of the Switch version, and it was quite bad, so I think the pressure to make it multiplayer has had an impact.
However, the sales for the Switch are probably better.
If the techniques in combat increase, it probably won’t matter much, right?
Post a lewd picture of Yumia-chan.
I don’t really understand what you mean by the camera shaking.
Motion blur?
I originally have a bad case of motion sickness with 3D, so after playing for about 2 hours yesterday, I really felt it.
I wonder if it can be alleviated with options.
Once I can make good equipment, the ability’s recast time will surely become super fast anyway.
Does the Steam version not have controller vibration, by any chance?
In the heat of battle, it’s easy to find that Yumia ends up reaching climax without realizing it.
I thought it was an action, but is it just about spinning around the enemy?
There is proper just guard and just evade.
Dodge AOEs or use the dodge button to break the agitation.
Can you jump three steps when climbing a wall!? That’s what I thought.
It’s still only the initial stage, but I thought you would be more cheerful, yet you’ve kept a stiff face all this time.
Since it’s the auditor of the forbidden technique and at the very beginning, they probably haven’t eased their vigilance yet.
Wasn’t that just a tiny bit over the line with that comment? Compared to the other mobs who just throw around prejudice and insults, I think that’s a sufficiently rational reaction.
I thought I could cancel anything with avoidance, but…
Could it be that you can’t score points unless you connect combos?
Once I have all the equipment ready, I’ll probably switch characters and fight using just counters, so I need to work hard to gather materials.
Even though the picture is from the Atelier series, it’s heavily self-censored with a solid skirt, and it has been ridiculed and met with disappointment overseas.
Even though it’s an Atelier series.
If it’s not related to the camera, I’m quite satisfied.
Why are there times when I can double jump and times when I can’t?
You have to stick to the wall.
I can jump three more times.
I think it’s just a wall that cannot be kicked.
It’s not a jump in the air, it’s a wall jump. Read the explanation properly.
I want to acknowledge that it’s possible to enter by repeatedly jumping, somewhat ignoring the gimmicks.
It’s such a loose judgment that I don’t even know if I can call it just dodging; if you keep mashing buttons, you’ll become invincible forever.
Motion sickness from the screen can be fatal for long play sessions, so please do something about it…
Honestly, I have never experienced motion sickness in 3D, so I don’t know what it’s like.
I like housing elements, so it’s pretty fun.
Isn’t the camera movement after the battle a bit half-hearted?
You’ll definitely see a lot of upskirt shots.
It’s something you can understand just by touching it a little.
It’s being pointed out because it definitely should have been done in the standing illustration of the thread, but it wasn’t.
The contour modeling of the face looks a bit chunky…
It’s hard to understand attacks from enemies outside the range…
The screen is busy.
When the character you are controlling is targeted, it will emit a “kyupeen” sound before the attack, so you can judge based on that.
The sound that seems like a perfect dodge sounds like an attack warning, which is confusing.
It’s cute when you occasionally show off with a smug face.
I don’t really understand motion sickness, so this probably varies from person to person.
I decided to buy it after hearing that the camera and shaking issue has been fully fixed!
At this rate, it’s a bit impossible to proceed.
I was concerned that the official video was really shaky after the battle ended.
I guess it’s a trial version after all.
Is there something that feels like the demo ends after getting this far?
It’s funny that even though it’s an Atelier series, it’s being compared to AAA titles.
I think the competition is probably around Senran Kagura or Neptunia…
I think the technical capabilities are similar, but the artistic style is quite different…
“That’s the ‘Atelier’ series, you know!?”
Even Riza’s content is the usual atelier, right!
It seems like you’re not playing Liza.
I know, it’s that RPG where you and Liza and the other heroines deepen your relationships while adventuring, right!?
What on earth does anyone think Gust-chan is, rather than the Atelier series? Do they really think Gust-chan is some major blockbuster company?
It’s okay that two areas can’t be unlocked because it’s a demo version, right?
As expected, the Switch version and the PC version are quite different.
The visual quality raises expectations.
Since it’s been a long time since the atelier became 3D, I thought there would be some know-how around that.
Is it possible to do it myself, even though it can only be done by putting in the mixed ingredients?
I can do it by myself from the beginning.
Yumia has beautiful highlights in her eyes and hair, and even in black and white, there’s a certain elegance to her.
Since it’s a trial version, I can’t say that I’ve seen all the game’s charms, even if my mouth were to be torn apart.
There are quite a few things I’m really curious about in the trial version…
Releasing a trial version would definitely have sold better, right?
3D motion sickness really varies a lot depending on the person’s tolerance.
Games that are easy to get drunk on can be really brutal for terrible people.
Seriously, just a few battles and my head hurts.
I hope that the abnormal vibrations of the camera due to bumps will be fixed in the final version.
In the initial stage of the atelier, being indoors makes me tremble due to the unevenness, so the camera is really unstable.
So far, the combat feels somewhat lacking in excitement.
It felt like Liza was more about the gacha command battle.
I believe that as we grow in that area, things will improve.
Such things can improve when various elements are in place, so it’s hard to say…
In this battle, I think having one playable character against 1 to 2 enemies fits best.
It’s not a system that gets too chaotic with a lot of people.
Only Liza was abnormal.
I think it’s doing quite well to open the map in about one second on Switch and about two seconds for fast travel.
Well, tight skirts really are wonderful, aren’t they?
I will thank you for providing the trial version and decide to let it sit for a while.
Don’t touch, don’t touch.
The game “Liza” isn’t really something that can be praised that much.
It may not reach the level of Nep or Kagura, but honestly, I think the direction is headed that way.
Especially since the focus has shifted to 3D and character movement.
I wish they would release another game like Nelke.
I was relieved to see that you were wearing pants more properly than I expected.
Here comes the battle of Ar tonelico 3!
I don’t know where to cancel it because it’s all confusing.
I want a Tremor puppet.
Liza is just a bit easier to play around with, but aside from that, it’s mostly the usual Atelier.
It really took off visually, didn’t it?