The Tale of a Failed Clone Discovery
Pame resistance is a failure, though.
Instead, the physical aspect is healthy.
It’s not a copy of Elicto; it’s the role of increasing the score.
As a function, it’s not just a failure; it’s perfect with this.
Miorine is the same, but she is too much at the mercy of her parents’ fate…
I never really understood this guy until the end.
In the end, Mom was worried about this guy, but I forgot.
I’m taking care of you, I just don’t show it that much on the surface.
Give it.
There have actually been quite a few issues that could have been resolved if they had been properly brought to light.
Is that Jonathan’s mom?
But it was tougher than I expected, which is good.
It’s like, I didn’t expect it, but they’re surprisingly thick-skinned and have a good personality, which is reassuring.
Just like my big sister.
You are pure and a good kid.
I’ll do it to protect my beloved Miorine!✋️
The younger daughter in a household where energy is focused on the severely disabled eldest daughter.
The person themselves had no idea about that at all.
What was inside Gambit?
The dead bodies of the deceased clones are stuffed in there.
But the protagonist has also gotten a cute wife, the family is alive, and all the friends are still around.
Number 4…
I think it’s good that we were able to say goodbye properly.
Be happy…
Among Gundam protagonists, they seem to be overwhelmingly happier.
Compared to iron blood and metal, well…
The unfortunate protagonist caught by aDV hysterical woman.
Stop emulating people on X.
Without a doubt, their background is not good, and objectively speaking, they are struggling in line with their background.
The person was just going with the flow without thinking too much about it and ended up grasping happiness.
Gundam protagonists often have terrible family relationships, die, or have no understanding of their families at all…
The fact that everyone except for the fourth one, including family and friends, survived is the utmost joy.
Mom should have died.
I should have, but since the thread’s picture and my sister rejected it, it’s better to be alive.
Don’t you have more resilience than an ordinary person?
I have quite a bit because I live with Calibur.
That’s why I was able to ride Caliburn.
If anything, my piloting skills are quite good on my own as well.
It seems to be above a normal person, at least higher than Enhancement Person No. 5.
In the first place, Mom had such high tolerance that she became a test pilot for Lubris.
The growth event is nearing its end.
It’s sad, but it was what it was; I had an incredibly strong body and an incredibly strong mentality, so I was okay.
It seems like even with the damage to Caliburn, I’ll probably live until around 100 years old.
The way parents separate makes it really seem like they are throwing pets out into the wilderness, which made me laugh.
That perspective is definitely too warped.
My wife and those around us help out a lot.
It was worth the effort to whip myself into shape and personally visit the Earth dormitory for a credit check in advance.
I really just came to see that, didn’t I…
There wasn’t much in the way of schemes or ulterior motives; it was just a mother who went to check on things normally.
During the process, I’ll bring up aerials, but if you get along well with your friends at school, it’s according to plan from my mother’s perspective…
I thought I was feeling down, but when I saw my hunger come back, it was no good.
I feel like I was eating a lot while crying even in the second episode.
I have too little talent for falling into darkness.
I want to see a little bit of the route where I went wild and rode the Subaru.
If it’s going to go out of control, what will it be against…?
Well, I do have a hard time and I cry and feel down, but I recover, so it doesn’t look like misfortune.
I’m sorry to hear you’re hungry.
I think they would have been in trouble if the Earth Dormitory hadn’t been there, even though they are strong themselves.
Those guys are too warm.
Even if my mental health is dead, I still have an appetite, and I’m tough enough to be awakened by eating stew.
It looks like I’m having a fulfilling time traveling and doing various things with my wife after the final episode.
I was eating soba with the brigadier general at the end of the year.
“Hurry up with the blue phro, it’s time for duty.”
Is it starting in April?
I wish there was something done about the fact that the only advantage of being a woman is that crying gives off a sense of tragicness.
No, this character definitely has to be female…
It would have been quite difficult for a male protagonist to be accepted with a characterization that starts off passive and then finally becomes proactive towards the end, especially after being in the academy for so long…
It’s a bit questionable to treat a woman like this…
If it’s subtle, then that’s fine.
Do you think being a man makes it just a minor issue?
It’s probably not good, which is why the latter part is awkward.
It seems it’s Osaka and Kobe this time.
A raccoon that often seems to be happily getting illustrated.
If the Pame resistance is hereditary, is there a possibility that a child born to Sremio would also have the resistance?
The premise that you shouldn’t make a girl if there are no advantages to begin with is old-fashioned.
Anyway, there’s no chance to play in the second half, let alone fight.
Shin was still fighting.
The first half has 5 matches, the second half has 4 matches + 1 match for class, so the total number is not that different.
It would have been better if Launda hadn’t gone on a rampage and let Stelletta fight honestly.
A bad child who doesn’t listen to their mother needs to be punished, doesn’t she, Sretta?
I’m glad there wasn’t a development like that, but if there hadn’t been one, it would have felt somewhat lacking.
The story is about how the characters are not completely evil, and if that were the case, it would really mean they should die.
I just want to pick at it for now.
Saying that you just want to nitpick about increasing wins is lacking confidence.
You should respond with a bit more leeway.
I don’t have any motivation beyond wanting to stop my family from doing bad things.
A list of things you want to do? What is that?
Once again, Sleta Mercury (17), who knows nothing.
Well, it’s true that my partner is the president…
The usual one has come up.
I want to revitalize Mercury Village! That’s why I’m going to build a school!! I don’t understand the meaning of it.
That child lives in a place where even compulsory education is questionable.
Because it’s a fluffy child’s dream, after all.
So in the end, I decided to create a school based more on the ground and from the earth.
We cultivate on Earth and bind with affection and profession, then send it to Mercury.
Did we have such a connection with Earth that we suddenly decided to build a school on it?
In the first place, is it really necessary to send children to a school built on Mercury?
Miorine and the Earth Dormitory
It’s too much of a blind spot…
It’s still good for children to have a sense of purpose there.
Mercury’s environment only comes up in oral discussions.
Wasn’t there a lot of that during the Showa and Heisei eras?
It’s understandable to prioritize the more unfortunate daughter, isn’t it?
So, I was told by my daughter-in-law that for Sleta, you are family, so take responsibility for your creation.
A daughter raised through intentional information control to be a tool for revenge.
…I think it’s okay to be like a child who grew up in the countryside and really doesn’t know everything from A to Z.
The one seeking revenge is me, not my daughter.
It seems that it would have been better if I could just increase the score, so it’s probably more convenient not to know anything.
First of all, there are no children on Mercury.
I guess you grew up listening to complaints, as if only old people were around.
It makes perfect sense that the revenge, stemming from maternal feelings, cannot completely cut off that aspect even though the daughter has increased.
My sister-in-law has a bad-mouthed character even in that situation, which is amusing.
I can only think that it’s an environment where grievances could arise endlessly.
If we think rationally, ignoring regional development and everything else, we should discard both Mercury and Earth.
It seems like there is quite a difference even between Mercury and Earth.
It seems like there are a lot of children on Earth.
First, it’s the right way to create from where you are and accumulate know-how.
In the first place, Mercury seems to have no young men and women, so it looks impossible to increase their numbers on their own.
Building a school on Mercury, where there are suddenly no children, wouldn’t make sense, so I don’t think it’s particularly contradictory to use Earth, where I live with my wife, as a stepping stone.
Rather, the question of why a school was built on Earth is the more concerning issue.
Mercury really only has old people…
The Mercury sending has just turned into a punishment game.
That can be solved too.
If that’s the case, Gund.
The problem of too intense sunlight can’t be helped by Gund.
After all, it’s a world where they can’t even cut cosmic rays due to their technology level.
When I watch the conversations with Miorine during the tour…
It seems like Sret’s ultimate goal is not just to create a single school, but to build a city.
Isn’t that becoming the king of Mercury?
Is it something like Olga?
“I heard you were saying you want to create a town where Miorine-san can fall in love—like a school or a comprehensive town revival? A star revival?”
Clones may lack elements like receiving love from their parents, but they are often treated quite well, so they are in a relatively good situation.
It seems like Cruzer is about to smile.
I think that when the Benelitt group sold their assets, even if it wasn’t directly, they secured stocks related to Mercury so that they could recover.
It seems like they might be investing in the school that Sretta is creating.
Peaceful use!
In reality, no matter what we do, recovery is impossible, Mercury.
Is it about being able to manage something after we’ve completely mined the moon’s permitt?
In the first place, the concern is that even if the moon does not deplete, it is too close to Earth.
They were hiding the new type of Gundam in the movie.
Let’s secretly sell it to Earth and bridge the technological gap.
It looks like there will be war again.
Unless a sequel comes out, we can’t say anything.
Except for a few parts, Sleta has been acting mostly independently throughout.
Even if we assume the recovery happens, it seems like it will be a story for after Sleta and Mioirine become old.
Since we only have resources like permitt and solar power, let’s become the Gundam planet.
I want to see the old lady’s Slemio.
What would you do if it ended up being like a CEO?
The wind direction seems like it’s going to change!
I wonder which is harder, living on Jupiter or living on Mercury.
It’s probably better to have a Jupiter Empire with a solid foundation than to lose value.
Was Mercury in the Cosmic Era…?
It’s sad that despite saying they’re going to create a school since the first season, they can’t even show that and it’s just words.
The school that Sed is attending has been shown…
Is that illustration where Shadik was?
After all, the second split season is too short.
It’s short, but changing the planned story because Bob became popular was the problem.
That’s your delusion.
The worst thing around Sretta is the confusing “no-kill” setting of the named character who is only counted for kills as the tomato person.
Isn’t it fine not to kill? It’s not like we were at war or anything.
When S retta becomes an old woman, she’ll probably be like Elnora.
I still have some aftereffects, but I survived, and my whole family is alive. My wife, friends, and everyone are safe—ain’t that the best outcome?
The tallest and most mentally strong woman in history.
When the adults are together, it’s clear that I’m not the tallest! Well, I’m still among the top, though.
Rather than being strong, it’s more like being insensitive or oblivious, or like a chicken’s head.
I like that you’re tall, but I also like the fact that you have a good build.
It’s true that being an overly indifferent and foolish protagonist may lead to failure in the story, but there’s no doubt that such a person can live happily in any world.
I’m not really stupid or insensitive, you know.
Stupidity was an accurate assessment.
A victim depicted as if being handed over from a brainwashing parent to a domestic violence woman and ending up with her is a happy ending.
You should just clearly say that you haven’t seen it.
I’m not brainwashing you or anything.
Stop clinging to an anime you don’t like and find a path to happiness for yourself.
Religion is not brainwashing, you know…