It’s the Twelve Heavenly Generals…
Is it discrimination?
It’s the first generation of the Twelve Divine Generals, of course I’m going to ride it.
It wouldn’t be surprising if it were more effective than the current one.
I want the effect size to be 10 times greater.
When it comes to the twelve guardian deities, they are indeed the twelve guardian deities…
I see, the Twelve Guardian Deities have attributes.
Could it be that other first-generation ones will be released too…?
Then, the next strong candidate is the boar, but…
That guy is no good; he’s twisted.
You’ve turned over a new leaf, right?
I have somewhat reformed…
Goshuin is not just an exclusive privilege for girls!
It’s certainly not strange for the Twelve Divine Generals to ride, but I can understand the feeling of it not sitting well.
You are just like a talking sword, and that’s enough.
“Let the first-born child deity come forth.”
Is that voice really that person?
It’s Hoshino, huh…
Mr. Hoshino is playing a dual role, huh?
It would make a lot more sense than Another Shiete.
Sounds good.
This person seems to be keeping the stamp of Vajira carefully in their pocket.
I’m really glad about the separate 10%.
I want to take it, but I guess the second Efes is a higher priority.
There are no savings to cover two ceilings.
The first child of the god seems to be good at time stoppage, holding the sword of keys.
Staff gun!
Both the means and the purpose are twisted just like with Basara, but it’s in a gag style, damn it!
Seeing this Fate, it’s really a noble reason to become a ghost and seclude oneself, but it’s lonely! Isn’t it a bit counterproductive to take over the body of someone who can see you and leave the cave?
Huh, does that limited buff apply?!
Is Baza-nii strong?
When you activate Abyss 3, the unique stacks accumulate ridiculously fast, which is just too silly.
I don’t know about the first generation, but the previous generation might be good.
Even if Sankaramam comes, I won’t get on it…
If you replace the first-generation Mouse with Hoshino or something, I won’t complain even if it’s erased, CyGames!!
Well then, I’m Ayane Endo from Ishu Aji.
It’s too late to talk about Bikara now!
What’s subtly pleasing is interacting with Vajira.
Give light to Vajii too.
Seasonal conversations are heartwarming in the context of grandparent and grandchild dialogue.
I wonder if I’ll use it in the old battlefield.
I’m going to use it, right?
By the way, in Basara’s seasonal conversation, Vaji also appears, so those who like Vaji should draw.
I see, so you’re going to ride it. That’s an eye-opener!
During a specific effect, normal attacks hit twice & can act twice & deal ability damage with each normal attack – Elune – Light attribute
Bashira brother is a big-breasted girl.
It’s already out when they’re doing the electrical parade!
The biggest problem is that even if we dig deeper into the first generation of the Boar God, it will only become a generic Gaizenborg.
Also, the ultimate techniques are cool.
It seems this is also from Ruwo.
Makkie looks strong, but there’s no place to take him.
Zikman, come on!
It seems that just based on the thumbnail specs, it feels like it would be stronger against Zikunman, but is that not the case?
The fact that Siegman has potential means that it’s not really the case for Tengen or Rush Zero.
Does it feel like Zeta with Dispel on normal attacks?
That kind of feeling.
It feels like Zeta fully equipped while under a buff.
I see.
I want it.
Zeta is a futanari.
The first child of the god being a key sword user is definitely too much of a joke, but Granblue Fantasy often does blatant parodies.
I can’t say it doesn’t exist.
Both of them are offshoots from FF, after all…
Speaking of which, we suddenly went to K2 yesterday too…
The Year of the Dog is great, isn’t it?
I want to read a summer scenario where Basara and the Thirteen Buddhas have an August-like experience.
Even if it’s not summer, I hope there’s a chance to perform at this year’s event…
I’m pleased that it’s a surprisingly confirmed TA slot.
However, the secret technique gauge does not increase with attacks…
The first child god seems to have a sword in the shape of a key.
The first child god is a hero who swings a domaos, isn’t he?
I can’t draw at all.
Will the 13 Buddha who are to come be part of the 12 Shinjō group?
And what about the new 12 divine generals that Shukura is planning?
It’s not 3 for the maximum dog flame…
The first generation of the Twelve Divine Generals is the strongest, so there’s no problem, but the support ability name “Crush the Stars” and “Destroy the Stars” is quite something.
In life, he must have been a man who absolutely killed the people of the stars…
It seems this old man has a 50% follow-up attack with his secret technique.
Makira’s second ability activates with the attack action of a character with a buff, so characters that can attack twice might have good synergy with her.
I want either Makora or Hira in the wind.
Well, don’t you want it?
Kazunoki is still a wrestler even now.
I’m torn between whether to hit the limit if I can’t pull a Gachapin in the thread.
I’ve tried Makki about two times with Bennu, but it feels like Dispel is flying off at some strange timing.
Everyone’s attack ends → Dispel → Enemy’s attack, like.
Isn’t it the timing when Makira finished the third attack and the fourth attack?
Well then, let’s do this.
The first Rat was voiced by Ikue Otani.
Electric shock attribute, huh…
The original force that rampaged on the front lines in the late stages of the war and drove the stars back.
You can embellish it as much as you want.
It’s true that throwing everything into a relentless beating is undoubtedly the mark of a warrior god.
The achievements of having fought evenly with the frontline commander, Artman, are too strong.
Rather, the Artman is too strong.
But the Boar and the Tiger are weaker than the current generation…
Putting aside the boar, comparing it to the tiger is just rude…
I was thinking that the first Toradora probably has the technology to create its own clones, so it must be incredibly smart and might even have the intellect to master things like super special moves.
In that case, it becomes pitiful, but…
The ultimate gauge does not increase with normal attacks.
– Must have TA
It looks strong, but I think there are quite a few situations where it would be tough just with this alone, so having various other things included is commendable.
Once again, Limiper is too funny.
It’s absolutely impossible; maintaining a burn like this in a single instance is really tough…
There is nothing to worry about… As you can see, both the first and second abilities have modest performance.
Bashara’s brother has amazing achievements and great performance, but the voice acting just doesn’t have much presence.
I feel an oddly familiar connection.
I was having a romantic comedy with Bee-kun!
There are a lot of people who match that description…
The warrior god was so majestic…
I’m curious if the first generation bull is really a head ornament.
It feels like there might be a punchline where it’s not just any neck, but a cow’s skull or something like that.
It seems to be buried in the pasture.
Can you only use Inuhom with the first ability?
Once the ability is activated, it will trigger every turn.
Always at maximum during 3rd ability.
Is it the person from Aria’s Ginji?
The implementation of Basa brother might be the happiest thing in the past few years.
There is certainly a friendlier brotherly vibe rather than the dignified presence of the first generation.
I don’t know, Gau.
I was wondering what we would do after we were all gathered by noon, but it seems like anything could happen now.
“Performance where hitting someone seems to kill them.”
It’s a person of violence!
As expected of the people of the sky.
It’s quite a tough downside for those who don’t increase their gauge with normal attacks, since it doesn’t increase every time.
However, the secret technique is also extraordinary.
Why does this guy get a 50% pursuit?
I just hope that using the 3rd ability is not called full nude mode.
Being fully exposed is a sign of strength, and that’s a good thing.
During the 3rd ability, it also skips the defense down from the 2nd ability, so it’s basically full-on dumbass.
I wonder if I can do 100 pulls tomorrow.
It’s perfectly fine for a man to be the first, but a dwarf would definitely be tough.
Does that mean the Elun faction and the Draph faction have different genres of homosexuality…?
The decadent style and the muscular type probably have different magazines.
In the Basara era, the dog house was also burned down…
You… Friday…
It’s awesome that Vajira can forgive Friday once again.
The phrase “Biscuit brother who became an idiot is making a big splash” sounds too bad.
It’s not just a full-frontal naked thing!
“I can dispel twice every turn, so I’m a high-class full support!”
Bros’ brother Basara must be really big, right?
Having droopy ears during childhood is just too much.
Please explain in detail… I am about to lose my composure.
Performance discussions are just nonsense!
Draw my sword!!
Full Naked Baccarat Brother
The first child of the god is an assistant to the healer and it is understood that they will swing the Domus around.
It is said that he was the leader who led the 12 divine generals.
In his later years, he was also a tea-drinking friend of Sankara.
Could it be that it’s a strong one even in the long term…?
Rather, the main activity is medium to long term.
It’s simple and nice that someone who just punches continuously with strong force is considered strong…
The only things left are the dark pot legend festival and the dark pot graph festival, but does the spam come after the 100 pulls on the last day?
Sajudakoh also gets a goshuin, right!?
I have already quit being the substitute for the Twelve Divine Generals.
Is the weapon strong too?
Strong from one, but suited for the short term.
Up to 2 can fit.
In the future, the attribute of the extreme deep weapon will be given to the otter…
When it comes to my favorite attribute that I put the most effort into, I can’t help but leak💩.
So, Basara’s brother was a Floppy-Eared Baishura?
Indeed, while puppies have floppy ears, dogs’ ears stand up as they grow.
There are children who don’t stand, but the basic reaction is Yeah.
What improves when you equip the Basara brother’s sword with end-time weapon skills?
Is “Gokuhaku” okay?
Isn’t it good to do acrobatics with light?
You’re similar to Vaji, aren’t you, little brother?
Because one of Vaji’s ears is floppy… I can feel a blood connection.
The first child god was said to have fought by swinging the Domaus around.
I don’t know because I haven’t drawn it, but is it a priest-like outfit from before the establishment of the Twelve Divine Generals?
Isn’t old samurai attire something like this?
Makira, please give a buff to the captain too!
As you please.
It will come when you return from feigning death…
It’s not really worth going that far.
When I see the first generation group, I wonder what the first generation sheep and first generation chickens are like.
Since they said it’s a samurai clan and the Twelve Gods are all strong, I guess it’s usually like that.
Could it be that Miko Zoe also rides on the handjob?
If it’s not in the Twelve Divine Generals category, isn’t it impossible?
Miko Zoi is probably impossible because she is outside the category of the Twelve Divine Generals.
Makira is clearly wary of the combo with Romfe.
I’ll give you 250 with Onmyou Basara Funfu Thorn.
Does it get the Makira buff even if it’s the type that switches for a few turns?
That’s not a death judgment, but a swap, so it’s impossible.
It’s the same as the one that Silva has.
It’s not the same as the way a wise person would write.
I haven’t received a goshuin, but I suppose the deity of noon will also benefit from the goshuin book effect.
If there is a Twelve Guardian Deity attribute, then of course it will be mounted.
I momentarily thought there’s no way I would ride on Siegte, and I feel foolish for that.
Hey, you just said you’d do anything right now.
Can you filter by the category of the Twelve Divine Generals for Basara?
Limited edition, it has the Twelve Guardian Gods attached.
Hmm… then I’ll pull back…
I wonder which one is better to arrange first, Mackie or…
Makira feels like it might be possible for a short term?
Is it worth researching…?
Just give me Ragazzo for all attributes already.
Isn’t it better with Uruki-chan?
I want you to fight back before you die.
The Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, and Horse deities are amazing; they can ride five of them!
I really want a weapon that has damage over time and ignores defense, but since this doesn’t have any part that increases the base damage, it feels like having two would be quite tough.
Just in case, it has a small attack boost.
Grande has some turning moments compared to Reje.
Light advantage is right in front of you.
I think Ruoh is strong, but he appears to be better than Goblo because it takes too long for him to show his true abilities.
Doo likes the icon of the second ability, but is the performance tough?
Goburo accumulates its unique gauge with its ultimate move and Largulf, but Ruoh needs to accumulate it to 10 with a Full Chain or higher, so it will take at least 10 turns for sure.
Even I, who doesn’t really understand Granblue, thought that Basara is pretty strong, right?
I feel that what is written is simply strong.
Dogs don’t have their droopy ears stand up straight as they grow, do they?!
The child who stands will stand.
It’s about the relationship with muscles, I suppose.
Ride on the Sekitoba of the God of the Noon.
If you only want Basara, then it’s fine even if you have Geta…
In other words, now.
If you only want to drop, then Lagazzo is essentially a Lagazzo for all attributes.
Light is now increasing in value in Eden.
I want all attributes because Ragazzo was very active during 2T and is going to switch.
The Ragazzo is truly a nice design…
Bansara has a sad past… no, he’s truly a pitiful guy.
The issue with different costumes is that they tend to carry over the original ability configuration and buffs, which isn’t ideal.
I wanted Makira’s buff to be changed to enhance damage instead of the double or triple attack probability.
It seems like this time there weren’t any outrageous swimsuits or themes like last year.
It’s not even been three hours yet.