Niki Niki, come as much as you want…
Niki Niki
Praise me more.
At first, is it a cowboy with a pessimistic grin and a gimmick with a rope?
It felt scattered and chaotic.
Finally, the pessimistic elements have emerged.
The cowboy-style robot superhuman design is surprisingly cool.
It’s natural for cowboys to use ropes.
Aren’t you the time superhuman created by the God of Time?
A superhuman who is good at the microphone is a great superhuman.
Double down on my proud secret strategy!
I like this week’s lines.
Then we have no choice but to push back too.
Wrestling is too good…
The wars are too favored with their opponents.
Suddenly introduced a gambling element.
It’s a relatively nice guy, but he’s despairing about the world.
Creating superhumans on my own, throwing them aside, and not helping or guiding me.
Yet, I am ruled by a god that tries to wipe out anything it doesn’t like.
It’s annoying.
The fighting style is capoeira.
Here comes the boom.
Sky Boom
Turbo Men and the second generation’s Ilyuhin are great, but robot superhumans are really awesome…
If this guy had been picked up by The Man…
I feel like you’re a good guy, and at the same time, I’m thinking, “You’re spinning too?!”
The counterattack to welcome them was anticipated at the point of the previous story.
I can’t understand! But that’s where the kindness of Wars comes through, and it’s nice.
I like Brocken’s line in the Omega battle, “I understand that you don’t understand, but in reality, I know that you do understand.”
It seems like you could become one of us…?
Is the Time Superman actually a former superhuman who was once a follower of another god?
So, I guess that person really is a psychopath…?
I like pessimists.
It’s not a matter of speaking ill of the gods if the god of time hears it, right?
Aren’t you using it frequently because it’s useful and you know about it?
It seems that they were not simply created by the god of time.
The evaluation of the God of Time was that the guy who produced superhumans with 100 million power and is breaking the world’s balance is dangerous.
If there is something that it was based on, it might be somewhat alleviated.
If the wars put in a lot of effort and flew and spun many times to exceed 100 million, would it have been around 300 million if 100 million was circulating?
If you come later and join us, it can turn into a hundred million power and become a time superhuman… What on earth is superhuman strength or superhuman attributes?
It may be something that only a god of time can do.
Superhumans are the strongest species in that world, and I think they are much freer beings than humans, don’t you?
But even if a person throws stones at you, you shouldn’t retaliate.
Basically, there’s no productivity.
The unique cultures and civilizations of superhumans are all for fighting or training.
I think it’s the strongest, but much more limited than humans.
It depends on God’s convenience, but it is also swayed by human convenience.
It seems that there are aspects where one can only achieve self-realization by continuously fighting and winning, while being tossed around by gods and humans.
The level of the vile people is pretty low… Even though it’s somewhat better now, hasn’t the second generation’s Yuu developed a distrust of humanity? The audience was terrible at that level.
Even my subordinates can easily create superhumans with several million power if they have the superhuman creation device.
If God personally intervenes, He could grant a power of one hundred million, right?
I even possessed the false princes to have them carry a hundred million.
Knowing the evil deeds of the God of Time and still colluding makes me think that the Time Superhumans are really bad guys after all.
God is generally crap! I can only say “Yeah” because of the way things have been so far, which is frustrating.
Even garbage can have the ability to increase superhuman strength and the ability to move wounds like Buffaloman…
It’s so great that you take everything head-on.
To put it more bluntly, not just the gods but also the superhumans thought this world was nothing but crap.
It feels like Suguru started as a justice superhero, increasing friends and increasingly turning things upside down with his companions.
The power has dropped because I used fuel for the coating! Then I doubled the push, and since there’s quite a bit of fuel left, I thought I’d coat you too…
After all, we’re trying to destroy the super beings, so it’s understandable that Niki Niki Man gets angry when we use the Kapiraria Seven Light Rays.
WARS man…
Please save this pessimist…
Even Satan can retroactively boost the power of bulls.
God can surely do that.
Humans, being humans, can be extremely aggressive towards superhumans, to the point of going to destroy Canadian Man’s gym.
Isn’t it true that in this world, gods, superhumans, and humans are all pretty useless?
Well, I can understand being fed up with the gods…
Until now, I’ve been acting as Warsman’s mental coach, so don’t suddenly show a vulnerability that makes me want to save you.
It was obviously so since last time, wasn’t it?
If there are any pleasant guys among those who have fallen from grace, the ones who are still around…
They’re the kind of guys who have the determination to deal with the current situation.
The rest really seems hopeless…
It feels like even the useless ones and the five evil gods are saying that the world is in danger, so let’s do something for now.
At first, they were expected to be a cool character, but they’ve really transformed…
I feel like the end becomes clearer when one is saved by death.
No way! Since the bear that seemed to understand me has died, I want Peshimi to survive and form a friendship.
Since it’s a robot superhuman, it can be resolved with just that imagery.
It’s pretty brutal that the forearm is sinking in.
Is it true that even time superheroes cannot be created from nothing?
I thought it was strange how casual Hellkite and Gasman were despite being newly born; could they be part of the reincarnation group?
I wonder if they are recycling strong figures from various eras as time superheroes.
It’s great that the heavens are covering the rifts in the universe caused by the increase of superhuman power.
Speaking of which, I just remembered that the royal succession arc is the prime example of superhumans being turned into toys by divine convenience.
Now that we are at a point where the depletion of superhuman power is serious, it’s a world-level crisis with something like Kinnikuman elevating superhuman power to god-level, so it’s not surprising that the evil gods would make such a decision.
There are idiots making super beings with 52 million power during a time when superhuman power is running low, it’s crazy.
Superhuman who can attract customers.
It’s great, isn’t it… the moment when the microphone turns into a scream asking for help…
I love things like that, including Ayatsu and Omega.
Maybe this guy can’t use healing techniques or is the type that doesn’t use them.
You… were a pessimist…
There are beings like the Kinnikuzoku and Omega who have their own planets without humans, and I think there are many superhumans who live their entire lives without involving themselves with humans.
In that way, even the Strongman, who was supposed to be living peacefully, was suddenly called upon by divine convenience and turned into a toy…
It seems taboo for superhumans to directly harm humans.
Robin and the Meat Clan are a complete superior version of humans.
Some are created as a joke, like machine superhumans…
Does this guy even have the spirit to boldly commit misdeeds like a space outlaw?
That’s why you’re a pessimist, right?
Superman is the toy of the gods, cha cha cha!
Cha-Cha-Cha of Omocha, Cha-Cha-Cha!
If I were born with the body of a toilet, I would commit suicide.
At least the current Benki-man doesn’t think of himself as a toilet; when I went to the bathroom for a kid about to poop themselves, I realized who I really am…
In other words, this time too, because of the terrible director’s interference, Warsman has been really unstable mentally, so the overall quality is seriously awful.
There are occasionally kids like Paul, though.
Basically, the super gods don’t interfere with humans, but when it comes to superhumans, they treat them like toys—or rather, like fighting dogs—and modify them casually.
And they easily destroy things, you know…
It’s quite harsh towards the cow family.
To be honest, superhuman pro wrestling itself is quite a terrible spectacle…
Don’t make it an event when people could die.
Even that person there praises the management of Harabote to some extent…
But, you know…
Ashura, who had all his bones crushed and his skull caved in, is normal and has revived, you know…
In the end, that spiky thing didn’t work when Peshiman got harder.
It’s the limit of humans to lose to a hardness of around 9, isn’t it?
Hey, take a look at this, you damn boss!
In that world, most of the superhumans who don’t participate in weak battles are not really toys, are they?
Even in a situation like a global crisis, people still throw out jeers without a care…
The resurrected superhuman manufacturing technique revived by the God of Time is also incomplete, and if it requires a strong base and takes time, then that makes sense.
Well then, what is that fanatic all about…
In that case, the meaning of capturing Justice and Nemesis also comes into play.
And then what will Psycho Man be…
For now, I might be thinking about the reasoning after putting it out as a manga…
Maybe “Peshiman” is a name he got after becoming a time superhero?
Why is the cowboy’s secret weapon soup…?
Is it… a stain man!?
The gambler element that came out this week is fitting really well.
More than a gambler, they are too skilled at pro wrestling.
Pesimi seems to have been pessimistic since before becoming a time human, somehow.
I was always the one waiting, wondering when the fight would begin, but once it started, it was unfair how cool it was every time.
It’s not that you’ve just forgotten the setting where it’s been a short time since the God of Boiling created the time superhuman, right?
I wonder if superhumans live such a painful life…
It was tough with the wars, but…
It may be a conversation from a macro perspective rather than a micro perspective.
Basically, it feels like that’s about it, but it’s really true that it’s a toy of the gods…
Terryman blending in so well and doing cowboy stuff is way too noisy.
That guy looks almost like a human.
Suguru’s life in Japan was overwhelmingly unfortunate compared to the Five Princes, and Robin lost so much from just one defeat.
Regarding Suguru, if something like that happens regardless of being a superhuman, it would be unfortunate!!
That’s probably because it’s Peshiman, so it’s pessimistic.
It’s a bit pathetic that they’re being treated however humans want but can’t retaliate.
If you were born as an openly weak superhuman, you might be able to understand resenting God.
Look at this Cannibase that only has 2 power, living sincerely without resenting the gods!
I thought all the Five Great Toku were gods of time, but did they join later?
According to the latest update from Peshimi, I was normally born as a Robo Superhuman.
It feels like I became frustrated with life and connected with time…
Basically, I devote myself to defeating monsters and villains, and when I have free time, I am put on display.
The reality is that they are experimental subjects of the gods, so it’s understandable to feel despair.
Remembering words about the relationship between God, angels, and humans.
“God and angels are employer and employees, while God and humans are family.”
Like this?
If Justice and Nemesis show up with 100 million power and ultra recovery, I don’t feel like I can win anymore…!
With Pesimi’s lines, I’m becoming even more unsure about what the people of that world are.
Aren’t they the local organisms on Earth that evolved through normal evolution?
Suguru, who could originally live comfortably as a member of the royal family, is in this situation because of the mistake of the one who abandoned him.
Suguru is at fault, and Robin blames humans.
Niki niki
It’s better to bet on the new world created by the God of Time.
Those guys are crap, so I’ll hit them with capillary radiation and kill them all—God does stuff like that.
If I were to put it simply, it’s like a mud doll.
Aren’t humans consistently objects of protection?
They are treated as lowly beings who don’t even deserve to be considered by the founding ancestors.
However, there are also people like the Beef Bowl Enthusiasts…
…No, light? Is it light?
Just call him Paul.
Basically, I won’t get involved.
Even the devil superhumans won’t interfere.
However, Wars was a bit more power-oriented this time.
To pierce and destroy the arm gimmick.
Even though there was a fuel shortage, you did well.
Mayumi is amazing for getting involved in such things with a lighthearted attitude.
Well, I guess if it gets all sentimental, it would be unpleasant for Suguru too.
There might be places where we can’t get by without teasing each other a bit…
It would be easier to go wild and oppress humans like a Mohican.
I will probably be purged.
Bullying the weak lowers your status as a superhuman.
First of all, it’s not interesting…
Hawoo! (Gusha!)
The five great disasters that aimed to make a serious impact on humanity.
Even though I stopped for some unclear reason like wanting to become a justice superhero instead of a napkin.
I’ve come to like Peshiman, so I don’t care whether I win or lose, I just hope for a hopeful ending…
The bear that seemed to understand me has died, and Onyx is also breaking down, so I want Peshimi to survive.
Warsman’s overly delicate side wasn’t very fighter-like, often misunderstood by enemies and sometimes holding him back, but finally, after the last part of the Onyx battle, it started to hold positive meaning, and I’m glad I’ve been supporting Warsman all this time…
I finally feel like I’ve genuinely escaped the position of being a junior superhuman.
Aren’t humans just too mysterious?
Listen up? Humans can become superhumans (some can).
Conversely, even superhumans can become human (there are those who can).
That’s how it is…
Even the Baikon is a god who took action because if we don’t exterminate the superhumans, the world will end! We have to do it!
A god who is still sitting on the fence is truly useless.
It seems that if you lose in the Superhuman Olympics, you’ll be treated like a national disgrace…
Robin has lost everything to the point of being at that level.
It’s a shitty world where value isn’t recognized unless you’re number one…
God of opportunism
A God that is better than Satan.
The mystery of the Brocken family that can be switched on and off by attaching and removing badges.
It’s strange that even though I was originally human, I was the least able to fit into human society in the second generation and ended up falling into disgrace.
This match might not have been possible for Wars to even fight without the guidance of Onyx, so truly the god of restoration is acting as a guiding hand.
If it were a human body, it would be one thing, but if a superhuman that looks like a toy knew that this body was made by a god for fun, they would definitely become a huge pessimist…
Ika-yaki is good, but you know… that’s the one grilled with gasoline…
How can you eat so much like that… It smells like gasoline, doesn’t it…
It’s a well-crafted composition that makes me think how different things might have been if this guy had met Onyx as well.
Wars, who was troubled by his life as a robot superhuman, felt a strong connection when he was told that anything was fine as long as he could become stronger, but I don’t think it resonates much with Peshiman, who is resigned to the fact that we are just toys of the gods.
Superhumans being exhibited by humans and gods…
After the battle with Onyx, I finally accepted my mechanical body (but I can’t help but cry over the unauthorized modifications), and I think it’s great that I’m going to fight against Peshimi, who, like my former self, has a complex about their origins.
There must be many gods of compassion, but are they all opportunists, or are they staying in the heavenly realm to keep the opportunists in check?
Was it because they weren’t friendly with the other four that the whole group of five was quiet when they gathered?
It seems like you really love things like Fana and the God of Time, and you probably don’t get along well.
“It’s like saying ‘blessed by the God of Time’ or something, which makes you think, what is this guy talking about?”
Maybe I was the only outsider.
The others are all meticulously crafted by the God of Time.
Mantarou had a great match with Kevin and was praised by the audience, but in the end, it was a storm of insults.
If anything, Mantaro was treated pretty badly.
It was treated almost like Robin.
I wasn’t exiled from the country, but…
Treatment like Suguru when he was young.
The scar on the face blends in like part of the original design and looks cool.
Wars, who is troubled by being a robot superhuman, and Peshimi, who is lamenting the relationship between the gods and superhumans, have completely different dilemmas.
Well, there are a lot of superhumans who are just enjoying life normally, so I guess “Pesimi” is a name that reflects pessimism. But when it comes to other superhumans, there’s no reason to lose to someone who would say something so pathetic!! It’s nice that Wars would understand that.
You want to stop the arrogance of time supermen while being a pessimist, don’t you? Or it seems like you’re trying to believe in hope; the character development is really well done.
Since I was originally an ordinary robot superhuman, it’s even more so.
The current Five Great Chapters are probably like the Six Gunmen Arc before the Super God Arc…
Because they are all superhumans born with bodies that make it impossible to live without fighting.
Junk and the like.
It’s fine because the person is living for battle like never before.
It might have been the opposite…
Even though these two who haven’t moved much are being compared, it would be amazing if something at this level came along.
Robin’s exile from the country is bad because he started saying it’s like a self-imposed exile match!
Wasn’t it Suguru who brought that up…?
Still, the actions of those English people were just like soccer hooligans.
…During that time, there were often hooligan-like spectators… even though soccer was an extremely minor sport (in Japan)…
It was Suguru who proposed the exile match.
The flow of getting annoyed by Robin’s nonchalance and picking a fight.
I’m starting to get excited about the Enderman, which hasn’t been depicted at all yet.
That guy has such a grand name like Endeman.
I have a feeling that there might be something.
It seems there are still many enemies ahead; it will definitely exceed 100 volumes.
Even just the Five Great Clocks is a long battle, and after it ends, we also have to depict The One Team vs. The God of Time’s main unit.
That’s one thing, but basically, it’s just a temporary truce because the God of Time is causing a ruckus; the one vs. man situation hasn’t changed.
When he first appeared, he was treated like a Niki Niki by the 2chan community, and he has a sad past…
It’s wrong for Pesimi to say things like “Niki” and “Kango”.
Mexican Rolling Clutch Hold
Buro also appeared in the third round with Alice-chan and Damashiman, and with this feeling, it seems we can get to the third round regardless of the outcome.
Superhumans are all their toys.
Born into this world with a strange laugh…
Ah, I’m glad! Haha!
I need help, bro.
I feel like just digesting the elements that are currently out will bring it to 100 volumes, even if the enemies don’t increase particularly.
Considering the dog as well.
And equipped with Robin.
A sense of vigilance towards Suguru’s often ringing pelvis and an obsession to completely destroy the pelvis…
I used to think that the character was different when it first appeared, but rather, this is the essence and I got pretty heated during the battle with Warsman.
The fact that it has been 50 volumes since the new meat began.