Narancha is extremely strong.
If I don’t kick them out, they can solve it on their own.
Being able to attack from a distance in the sky is incredibly strong when you think about it normally.
It is reasonable for those with inadequate scouting ability to be targeted.
The sense of crisis and mission in “I’m the only one in the crash battle!” was intense.
Those who are inconvenient for the development will be eliminated first.
V man or something like that
The accuracy is low, but you can fire an infinite number of Vulcan cannons.
They even have missiles.
Also, detecting with carbon dioxide is too convenient.
Kaori Momoi
In both the Clash battle and the Holmazzio battle, Narancia looks really cool.
Is it only this guy or Fugo who can win solo against Hormaggio (ignoring the surrounding damage)? Is that too much to say?
If Giorno is around, I think we could come up with a countermeasure.
It seems limited when it comes to going solo.
It’s a ridiculously powerful stand that can defeat a risotto without me even realizing it.
The way to store the stand is nice, isn’t it?
Besides the match with Doppio, Risotto really has a bad matchup with Aerosmith.
What’s the pilot’s name again?
George Joestar II
Just “Smith” as it is.
If it’s just like that, isn’t it Taylor or Perry?
It’s Smith, isn’t it?
Baka! Omichii! Narancia! It’s over…
Fugo was expelled from the story in the first place because he was too strong.
Once you take a hit, it’s over, and it makes it really difficult to create a story.
It stands out more as an enemy.
I wonder if the annoying enemy who adjusts things around there is Chocolata.
It seems that some parts of the plot were repurposed that were prepared for when Fugo turned against us.
If the stand has a bad compatibility, there’s really nothing you can do about it.
Even the White Album, which was said to be invincible, would have been a piece of cake for Bucciarati.
That said, the range of a zipper is almost as short as going there and punching someone myself, so I think I’ll still struggle.
If I keep my distance, my arm might freeze up in the middle of the punch, and I won’t have any means to strike.
Long-range detection system
A direct hit would result in almost certain death.
Strong even at close range.
Is this guy invincible?!
Beach Boy!
People often say Purple Haze is too strong, but from a teammate’s perspective, it’s too dangerous and hard to use…
Giorno can make vaccines, so he is too strong and disrupts the power balance.
On the contrary, does Narancia have a way to win against Secco…?
Too strong against Metallica.
It’s more accurate to say that Fugo was difficult to handle rather than strong or weak…
If everyone gets the serum from Giorno, we can really become invincible, right?
I made it so that you can create a vaccine right from the first battle…
Is the power-up from being shameless really a power-up…? That’s the vibe of Purple Haze.
It’s a big deal that the possibility of going berserk when I die is gone!
Though it’s said to be too convenient, it seems like it could actually be troublesome in everyday life, which is typical of Narancia.
Humanoid stands are too convenient in everyday life.
You can also retrieve arrows that are behind the dresser.
Does the damage from Purple Haze affect Notorious B.I.G?
Narancia and Mista
Despite being a long-distance type, I take on serious responsibility for damage.
Aerosmith is quite a threat from the perspective of Hol Horse, as it also serves as an explanation of its abilities.
I want to sympathize with Hormagio while reading.
It’s great how the Hormagio side is cleverly dodging around like the protagonist.
I can’t help it… right, Narancia…
It is extremely strong against types that fight while hiding their main body.
It’s the worst match for risotto.
The stand that Iluzō had to cut was really dangerous in the mirror!
I thought the boss who quickly made use of Aerosmith was really amazing.
In other words, the Bucciarati team is too strong as they are ambushed by the assassination team and killed off completely with their Stand.
If only there was someone who could create parts of the body, I could have carved it all out…
Including being able to locate and deal with the main body, it would have been stuck at Melone without Giorno, you know.
In close combat, you can attack faster than close-range types with the arm catapult…
I’m stupid, so I don’t understand, you know?
Why does Narancia’s stand make the boss’s King Crimson dangerous?
Giorno already explained it, right!
Amidst the chaos, the radar response heading towards the requiem quickly reveals that it’s the boss.
Since I’m attacking the swapped Giorno with a lethal blow, I don’t really know if I truly wanted to take down Narancia…
It is thought that someone among the members is hiding to launch a surprise attack or to steal arrows.
If I’m constantly monitored by radar, I’ll get beaten up the moment I move.
Aside from being able to bend bullets, this gun-type stand has no advantages over this guy at all, right?
Individually, it doesn’t have much strength, but in a tag team, a type that shoots physical bullets like Mister in the story has the advantage of being able to mediate Giorno’s ability.
Using stands for bullets is convenient, but I think it’s difficult to facilitate abilities in a tag team situation.
It might be a bit inconvenient that we can only obtain distant information through radar.
Narancia’s stand is too convenient, so it’s hard for him to step forward.
Fugo’s Stand is too difficult to utilize, and his role as a brain overlaps with Giorno’s.
Abba is not a combat-oriented stand, and Giorno often plays the role of both the brains and healer.
So, Bucciarati and Mista are overly putting their bodies on the line.
What the hell is it, Mister, that the main body is in a near-death state yet the swarm-type Stand can almost operate autonomously to provide support?
When the stand is destroyed, the main body takes damage, but the opposite is not true.
It’s unfair that the Pistols can move even when Mister is incapacitated.
Mister has died, you know~~~~~~
Why are you alive?
It’s too fatal that Narancia, Fugo, Abbacchio, and Trish are not suited for an interesting battle.
If the shameless one dies just like that, it might go out of control, so please control it a bit more, okay?
It feels more like adding more reins rather than a power-up.
Isn’t there an overly large number of people in Passione who have abilities that can stab the boss?
That’s why I’m hiding like this…
Of course, they would hide their true identity.
Whether it’s Metallica or Purple Haze, it’s indiscriminate or skipping time is fundamentally meaningless.
It’s close to invincible, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually invincible, boss.
Characters like Polpol-kun and Mr. are often overused because they are not too strong, and their visuals and actions stand out.
Could it be that Black Sabbath is also quite effective against bosses?
Well, the main unit is like that, but…
No matter how much you try to predict or skip through time, as long as the conditions are met, they can attack from the shadows as much as they want.
Since they become gang members, I think their basic stands are violent and focused on killing.
Destructive power B, speed B, range B – to put it mildly, it’s ridiculous.
Abbacchio’s ability is strong, but when you look at it as a battle manga, you wonder where it can actually be used.
Solving puzzles is something that will always be necessary in some way, so it’s troubling if you don’t have it.
If there were a Moody Blues when exploring the Oni’s stronghold in Demon Slayer recently, it would be so lawless that it could end everything right there.
There are actually situations where I can’t take on the role of a boss of an evil organization of Stand users because there’s always the possibility of losing due to incompatibility or being caught off guard.
If you can use Kinkri, you could probably easily defeat most of your subordinates in the story, but considering that you’re usually Doppio, it seems tough.
The weakest gun-type Stand is because of Manhattan Transfer…
Glory Days is just too much of a rapid-fire shooter, it’s crazy.
In the Chocolata battle, there was one Pistols left, and things were a mess, but does that mean if Mister recovers, it will heal?
When the Pistols are unique and entertaining, and the action is full of bouncing bullet gun action, it really stands out perfectly.
Well, of course Mr. would take on the battle role…
Mister has died!
I can’t really predict the distant future, boss.
Losing Bucciarati and having the arrow taken away were both cases of being targeted at his weaknesses.
Well, whether you can defeat the boss after exploiting its weakness depends on the compatibility.
I think the best fit for the boss is the assassination team.
If my true identity gets exposed, Melone will track me down, and I’ll be cornered by Grateful Dead and Metallica, Boss…
The man in the mirror is too strong.
Diavolo allows it! But King Crimson does not allow it!!
It’s awful that it can be in a state of absolute defense and render any questioning useless, like in Hunter x Hunter.
I can’t eat properly or drink water because of the formaldehyde.
Since Aerosmith is on autopilot, does that mean Narancia is unharmed even if the Stand is taken out?
It’s not autopilot; it’s a remote-controlled type, so the main unit can also take damage.
Is it the same as the Hierophant?
I was mistaken, thank you.
Is that on autopilot?
I thought it wasn’t an automatic type because it targets specific subjects and isn’t indiscriminate.
Since Narancia is properly controlling it, it’s not on autopilot.
You were bleeding from your arm after being attacked by the wing of a hormaggio, right?
I love Moody Blues from the Iluso battle.
Sometimes, a bullet is much more powerful than a strange stand.
Humans die when shot by a gun!
There is someone who got shot multiple times in the head and didn’t die…
I somehow prevented it! Misumi has died!!
Abbacchio is a former police officer, and even after becoming a gangster, his spirit of justice is still alive.
I really love how Moody Blues, which embodies that spirit, has such a great character consistency as a character specialized in investigation.
But this guy wets himself from bullying the new recruits…
It is the work of jealousy.
It might have been that even in the police, they welcomed newcomers with urine tea.
Is it possible for a white album to be pierced by a steel pillar’s splinter just because it leans back and puts its weight on it, even though bullets don’t affect it? That’s what I’m questioning.
It’s a solid strategy to have a trusted subordinate protect you, but there aren’t any bosses around…
My cute Dopio… just run away…
Perry Koro and Doppio are here…
The guards are too peak… I mean, they’re not even guarding.
I think they are keeping those guys close because if left alone, they would only have a negative impact on the organization.
Moody is useful for investigating if the enemy has set something up, but you really become defenseless while investigating…
Abbacchio was a god-like Stand if it was in a detective or crime story.
The size is fine, but isn’t there too few guards?
Given the boss’s pathological paranoia, it’s understandable that they wouldn’t want to increase the number of the loyal guards that much.
I get it, but I definitely can’t leave Chocolata and Secco in my place!
Regarding this, after thinking about it in various ways, the theory that Polnareff was killed seems the most convincing.
I see…
The Pistols seem to be the type of stand that is possessed by a gun favored by a legendary gang, from “Mr. has passed away, yooooo…”
It’s troubling because it seems likely due to the precedent set by the god Anubis.
It’s unfair that many enemy remote control stands don’t take damage to the main body.
Speaking of the Hierophant, didn’t that guy take no damage even when his tentacles were ripped off?
Maybe it’s the capacity that was torn? I think it depends.
No matter how many seconds I skip, it’s really tough if I keep getting shot at relentlessly.
It seems that the two members of the bodyguard team are treated coldly by the assassination team, which appears to be the boss’s style.
I think the boss’s biggest mistake was treating the assassination team poorly.
Because the sorbet, gelato, and also the melon were creepy…
The reward for killing a high-ranking politician in the anime is 20 million lira (about 1.2 million yen), which is just terrible…
If we divide it among everyone, it’s only 200,000 yen…
With this, it’s destruction power B, so it’s terrifying.
It has destructive power B, but it can drop bombs.
Is it really b…?
I thought I could rely on Bucciarati because he was loyal to the organization, but then he suddenly betrayed me…
Why did you betray me…?
If you just waited a little longer, you wouldn’t have dropped your daughter’s wrist right in front of Bucciarati!!
Because… if you just became an executive and completed my request, you might get carried away and start thinking about aiming for the boss’s position…
I thought it might be better to emphasize my intimidating side as a boss…
You will never understand my heart, you scoundrel!
The feeling that the Diavolo battle starts and ends with Aerosmith is irresistible.
If sorbet and gelato are gay, then what about Crash and Talking Heads?
No matter how you think about it, they must be dating.
No matter how you look at it, those two are definitely together, right?
I think Salé and Zucchetto can do it too, you know?
It must have hurt the boss that someone like Perrykoro, who is a bundle of loyalty, doesn’t have a stand ability.
I should have poked him since I had my underling Porpo carrying a bow and arrow…
If you die from that, it would be quite a loss, wouldn’t it?
Even just a little poke at the tip can wake me up, so there’s a chance…
I have a really high fever…
If anything, I could manifest a Stand, so it’s only because of that that things have gotten this far.
My whole body can become mushy like tomato soup and die.
Even if your fingertips are slightly injured, if you lack the ability, the worst-case scenario is that you could end up looking like a tomato sauce face and die.
What is the gay rate in the 5th division?
Because the setting is Italy.
There are probably only Brother, Pesci, Sorbet, Gelato, Squalo, Tizzano, and Chocolata who fit that description!
When you think about it calmly, Beach Boy is really suited for assassination, isn’t he?
They died because they were cowardly and gave in to personal vendetta at the very end.
Even though the boss is totally taken aback by Chocolatte Secco, he himself is a psycho guy who buries people alive with their mouths sewn shut, including his own mother…
It’s typical for a psycho to look down on another psycho of a different type while putting themselves on a pedestal.
That said, a Stand’s ability is all about being able to assassinate.
Isn’t it that an assassination team specialized in that could do nothing but assassinate…?
I can’t help but think that way.
If you’re entrusting me with the most important assassination, then raise my salary properly.
Giorno and Mista left thinking they were a couple, didn’t they?
I wonder what kind of guard a bodyguard team is when they don’t even know the identity of the person they’re protecting…
In the PS2 game of Part 5, Narancia was the most fun to use.
Even in a 5-part game, Aerosmith is the strongest in the universe in every aspect, but even if you were to completely seal Aerosmith, the main body just swings a knife with an unusually high power to intimidate, allowing it to one-sidedly trap and kill, which makes it truly terrible with no weaknesses at all.
I bet they gave a ton of rewards to Mr. Perry Koro, who quietly dies for the boss.
In the anime, Trish is a childish result of Doppio’s one-night love.
It would have been better if we had done something about Doppio.
Perhaps Mr. Perricolo and Luca, who likely took their duty to protect the writers very seriously.
Is there really a need for a personal guard for a boss who hasn’t even revealed his face to the executives?
Even in a tense scene, I can’t help but laugh at Polnareff for being considerate of sexual matters.
A gay couple consisting of Boss and Doppio.
Regarding the Schutzstaffel, it might have been that there was a limit to the number of personnel that could be gathered in just one or two days, considering the entire group needed a week.
If the boss had escaped, they might have attacked in greater numbers.
“If it’s anything, Perry Koro could easily pass the writer’s exam.”
After Fugo died in the “Shame-Pa,” I realized it would be bad if Purple Haze went on a rampage.
Well, I can’t just leave that alone.
To eat in the dark, it’s a difficult story because even if you pay an amount that won’t cause you trouble (about five times the anime standard?), there’s still the question of whether you’ll be satisfied with that.
It may seem like readers watching from a god’s perspective will be satisfied, but the boss can’t really say anything.
Well, the fact that they were really stingy with money in the Dark Clan is just something from the anime’s setting.
By the way, Giorno has taken control of the organization and is actually saying that I was the boss all along.
So, does that mean people think Giorno was making those Chocolata guys his bodyguards…?
I think only Giorno and the others who fought the boss know about the Guardian Corps.
That is the result of some traitors going rogue.
Because I, the boss, was hiding, a tragic incident occurred where an unrelated woman was rampaging while claiming to be the boss’s daughter.
I express my regret and will actively make an effort to prevent recurrence going forward.
There’s no way that’s true! But it’s also true that he managed to kill the previous generation… so all I can do is obey.
Well, it makes sense to say that letting Chocolata and Secco run free would be way too dangerous, so keeping them in captivity is a valid excuse.
Diavolo himself was a despicable guy who fundamentally hated, so there’s also a sense of agreement among those around him.
Landing on the back and putting away the stand is really nice.
The 5-part game is faithful to the original work, but since it’s impossible to reproduce King Crimson, it just ends up slowing down, so…
It was nice that there was a little added scene of Trish meeting her mother in the anime original.
It’s worrisome that those who awaken to a stand that is too strong are likely to become targets for elimination.
A stand about the size of a turtle is just right.
In the first place, since the main business is drugs, we won’t treat those who only know how to assassinate well.
Wasn’t Bucciarati internally frustrated with the organization for getting involved in the drug trade relatively recently?
The moment they pulled out a stand user with such a limited application like Talking Heads, they must have been experiencing a shortage of personnel in the fan club.
My cute Perikolo… You don’t have to take Polpo’s exam because I would be troubled if you died…
Mr. Perry Koro seems like he is really serious, so he might be able to protect the writer.
Well, the exam content might have been different back then.
Isn’t it tough to have two choices: dying from being pierced by an arrow or manifesting a Stand?
There was a possibility that DIO could have died because of this, right?
So I should have used arrows with an automatic selection feature.
I had always thought they were shouting “Volare via,” but I was surprised that in the anime it feels more like they’re murmuring it.
But when I think about it, there weren’t originally any exclamation marks, so I guess that was the right answer.
If I were to let them die gradually, I’m scared of what they might do!
I’ve recently come to understand that Bucciarati, who makes an effort to be liked by the locals rather than those who can only engage in assassination within the organization, is more important.