Buy 20 items per person.
Only the cables are increasing now.
We still have stock…
Sometimes the shiitake mushrooms blink and the wireless connection gets cut off, I wonder if it’s due to radio interference.
If you are using it on XBOX, try the pairing button on the console and the controller now.
There is a phenomenon where the connection briefly disconnects even when using a controller from a different manufacturer.
I think something is wrong on the Windows side.
It’s good to update the controller’s firmware.
The management app for the box controller is available in the Windows Store.
I wonder if the Elcon will get cheaper.
I wish the colored ones were a bit cheaper.
It’s monochrome, but some colors are on sale too.
Can you connect to a PC wirelessly?
Wired now with the included cable.
If it connects to BT, then there’s no problem now.
I bought it to play Wilds, but does the battery run out in a few days and does the vibration stop after that? Is that how it is?
The controller runs out every other day if you play games intensively, so I’m currently recharging it every day.
The type that takes AA batteries is a bit heavier…
Hmm… at least let me buy when it’s in the 3000 yen range.
There’s no way such a price could exist.
I was just wanting a controller, but I would have bought it if it were a bit cheaper.
It’s the lowest price level in the last two years.
What happened?
Is it because it’s White Day?
I also want a dedicated receiver.
A dedicated receiver that has stubbornly not been sold for the past few years…
I ended up buying an 8bitdo receiver because they don’t sell dedicated receivers enough.
Even though the connection is via Bluetooth, it quickly becomes cluttered if you don’t have a little creativity.
I thought I could graduate from Eneloop after buying a battery pack, but it turned out to be defective and couldn’t charge at all, so I cried when it kept disconnecting during the game.
Even now, Eneloop is still in active use.
If you have Eneloop, isn’t it good to just use Eneloop?
I’ve been wanting to switch from my wired Xbox 360 controller for a while, so this is appreciated.
But the Enemagura will be used for other things when there’s a power outage.
I won’t be able to use the controller during a power outage…
Most household appliances will become unusable…
Why don’t you make a new dedicated receiver?
If you want to use it on a PC, it won’t be useful without that.
A LiPo battery that supports 1.5V output is recommended over Eneloop.
I was using a wireless receiver from a generation ago that I bought used, but it worked well with the one in the thread.
The fact that current products cannot be bought normally makes me wonder if wireless receivers are something they don’t want to sell that much.
I’m using a dedicated receiver, but if I don’t attach a heat sink, it overheats and becomes unstable after about 30 minutes, so I don’t think it’s a very good product…
It’s really hot, but since it’s still usable without breaking, I guess it’s okay.
Mine has finally become unstable despite that, and I have no choice but to use it with a wired connection.
In that case, it might be fine to go with another company’s product… and it ended up being a spare.
The 360 controller is still usable, but at this price, I kind of want one.
I bought it for 500 yen more a few months ago.
I have no regrets at all.
I’m using the vader4 pro, but I’m thinking of trying out the rumored box controller just once.
If you’re used to feature-packed types, it will definitely feel lacking.
If you’re going to try it, Ellicon is a comparative option in terms of price as well.
Is it okay to use the Elite Controller?
There is quite a price difference depending on the color…
It’s true, black and white pandas are really cheap, I wonder why.
Still, it easily surpasses 10,000.
The black and white version, as well as the red-black and blue-black versions of the Ellicon 2, have a core version of the Ellicon 2 where the back paddles are sold separately, so be cautious when buying.
Eri 2 is good.
It’s good enough to replace the battery on my own and continue using it.
Is there really such a difference between Bluetooth and a dedicated receiver?
Is there really that much of a difference between elites and normals?
I don’t have a receiver, so I’m using Bluetooth, but I’m not having any issues at all.
I’m using a non-genuine receiver because I don’t trust Bluetooth.
An experience of feeling sad when the connection was lost during the game…
I don’t have an XBOX, but I have a controller.
There are probably higher performance controllers, but the strong point of the Elgato Stream Deck 2 is that you can choose a clear color in DesignLab.
Since it’s not a cheap product, I want to pay attention to things like color and details.
I wonder if skeletons will become cheaper.
If you want to use it for a long time with simple self-repair, it’s better to go with the official products from the hard shop.
I understand that you can’t be satisfied using recent Chinese consoles.
I bought a genuine wireless adapter about 8 years ago because with Bluetooth, it was like I had to pair the controller every time I turned it on.
I heard they were using some kind of wireless technology like Wi-Fi Direct, and it made me excited back then.
I bought it last month, but…
The right analog control part is prone to wear, so I have a spare.
Buy now!
If it’s the same price, there are also things like this.
The back button is convenient.
Isn’t there something weird about Windows Bluetooth, not just with the controller? It seems like I can’t use it unless I pair it from scratch every time.
I’ve started to buy a dedicated receiver because headsets and such quickly start to malfunction.
If you’re not going to use it that rigorously, it’s a really great option.
Above all, it’s huge that it runs on batteries.
This is cheap.
If only this thing had a back button…
I was using the GameSir G7SE and thought that it was enough, but…
Since starting Street Fighter 6, I’ve realized that the D-pad is terrible, and it’s been a problem.
I never thought I would want back buttons in Monster Hunter.
(You’re a insect glaive user, huh…)
I’ve been using one for a few years, but I wonder if I should have a spare?
Is it not okay unless it’s a dedicated one? Is Bluetooth not acceptable?
After about six months, the right analog stick starts to wear out and gradually moves to the left…
I want you to equip it with a Hall effect sensor.
If anything, the current XSX consoles are becoming about a generation behind around here.
The buttons are noisy in different directions, and the stick is powdery and heavy, so I wouldn’t be using it if it weren’t for being the standard for PC.
I upgraded this for Wiles, but unfortunately, Wiles kept crashing and it didn’t work out.
But this is quite easy to play fighting games. I might use this for Garou.
I’m using the 6-button expansion pad for the Paddle 4LR2, but once you get used to having multiple buttons, you can’t go back…
It’s comfortable to assign the cross button on the paddle to the four directions of LR and L3R3.
The rubber on the B button wears out quickly, doesn’t it?
This is the most troublesome.
Aside from the stick, I don’t really know many other original controllers that have buttons that malfunction like this.
In my environment, Bluetooth was a mess and it didn’t work, so I’m using a dedicated receiver.
A controller without back buttons nowadays is just a little…
They said it was a 20% discount, but they’re adding the original 8% too, huh?
It’s super cheap!
It’s fine to connect via Bluetooth, but sometimes you have to regularly delete devices and reconnect, which is a hassle, so it’s better to just buy a receiver; they’re cheap now.
Is a receiver with Class 1 of 5.0 or higher recommended?
That’s not the case.
It’s nice that the polling rate automatically increases with the genuine receiver.
Probably the same behavior as when connected to a CS machine.
In other words, it’s because a genuine receiver isn’t Bluetooth, so it’s stable, high-speed, and has less lag, which is why the discussion is to use a genuine receiver as much as possible.
I can’t feel any delay with BT, but I don’t want to be swayed by thoughts like “if there were a slight delay, I could have avoided it,” so I’m using a receiver to avoid making excuses, but I won’t switch to wired.
The receiver is not being restocked at all…
I want it as long as it’s a set with the controller.
If you’re okay with a wired connection, it’s better to buy something like this.
The box controller is now only recognized as a Windows official controller with guaranteed functionality, so it’s fine to treat it as a secondary option.
I just bought it for Wiles at the beginning of this month.
I’ve been using a wired Xbox 360 controller for PC until now.
Is it correct to understand that over here, as long as the cable is connected, it can be used essentially like a wired connection?
It’s better to switch to a flexible and easy-to-handle TYPE-C since the included cable is stiff and there’s a possibility that the terminal could get damaged.
The increase in affordability and performance of unofficial gaming controllers has made it less worthwhile to buy official ones.
I still have no intention of buying unofficial controllers because it feels like throwing money away.
It feels like the evaluation has reversed since about two years ago when third parties started actively adopting Hall effect sensors.
I’m still haunted by the fact that I bought a PS converter over 15 years ago…
If you’re using it with a wired connection, you can remove the battery to make it lighter.
I bought a suspiciously cheap dongle on Amazon, but I was able to connect it, so I recommend it.
Isn’t it good enough at the G7?
Analog is nice, but the buttons are… hard?
The fact that there are no misses and it doesn’t break easily is a great advantage, but…
It’s cheaper than I expected, and I’m hesitant whether to buy it as a spare.
I’m surprised by how many people use wireless.
I think it’s light because I don’t have to put in batteries when I use it with a wired connection.
If you’re struggling with the weight of the controller, you won’t be able to handle a smartphone or anything outside…
It has been about three generations since home consoles stopped using wired controllers by default.
People like me who are not very tech-savvy need the reassurance that comes from official sources… There are too many unofficial types and I can’t understand anything…
You just need to choose an incredibly well-reviewed unofficial one.
(This is higher than the official price…)
If you choose the highest class of that company, that might happen.
Usually, a cheaper version with limited functionality is also released alongside, so it’s a good idea to buy that one.
In the low price range, there are good options like 8bitdo and Flydigi’s DIREWOLF2 mentioned above.
I’m just letting the wireless controller for the Xbox 360 gather dust.
I don’t know which receiver to buy for my PC.
I’m playing with BT.
I’m not going to play a fighting game or anything…
There were quite a few anonymous comments saying that the Elricon drifts, so I’m curious.
It seems like there was someone here who gave up after exchanging seven times.
I see.
In that case, would it be better to buy this one that was just below? If you want to use it wired.
I bought a cheap controller and thought it was impossible for me since I’m a mouse and keyboard person, but changing to the one in the thread changed my world.
Last year, I was blinded by the price and the back buttons of a suspicious controller I bought, but it kept connecting and disconnecting endlessly, making it unusable. So I realized that I don’t need to gamble and that it’s fine to just use a regular Xbox controller.
If you buy without checking the reputation, then that’s to be expected.
A typical case of buying cheap and losing money.
It’s more of a feeling that wired is lighter than wireless! It feels a bit rewarding.
I’m using it while repairing the box 1 console…
This is good enough for me.
Using a wired connection without batteries is nice, isn’t it?
I was powering it by removing the battery with the Charger Kit cable, it was light.
I’m so used to the convenience of wireless that I can’t handle wired anymore.
The delay is comparable or, worse, sometimes even less with wireless.
I had some issues with the buttons on the controller, so I got it exchanged.
There were some subtle issues, but I tolerated them.
I’m still using my micro USB box controller wired, and it hasn’t broken or anything, so I’ve just been using it all this time.
>> https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0D72RVDLH?pd_rd_w
I personally recommend it.
If there are any complaints about this, I guess I can just buy the thread images.
Even the unofficial supporters end up…
With this kind of thinking, I can only feel that it would have been better to just buy an Xbox controller from the start.
First, if you don’t know the standard specifications, you won’t understand the merits of third-party controllers.
I think it’s better to have at least one box controller for complete operation assurance.
What I bought the other day has 4 macro buttons, a trigger stop, and a 2.4g dongle, and it was a good product for this price range.
The biggest difference from the original is that it glows in rainbow colors with LED! It also lights up while charging!
If there’s an opportunity to bring your own controller, you’ll definitely stand out!
Batteries are heavy objects.
I think I’ll keep one as a spare.
I’ve been using my current box controller for about 5 years.
There is already a spare box in the room somewhere.
If there’s one that doesn’t go to sleep even when left idle wirelessly, then that’s the one I want.
…I had never thought about it until now, but can this be something that can be adjusted simply by changing the settings?
I want a battery level indicator.
There’s something called the Win+G key…
Press the mushroom button.
Using a box controller on PC feels like a minimum guarantee now.
I wish they would officially adopt the Hall effect.
I want to experience the Hall effect… I mostly play on Steam, so I guess I should look for something suitable for that.
There are surprisingly many people who have experienced this because it’s the case with late controllers of the Dreamcast and PS3.
I’ve never experienced a back key, so I’m still unsure if I should try using it.
The pad I’m currently using is doing just fine, so I’m even more uncertain.
Buying something cheap and regretting it will end up costing more than buying the genuine product.
I gave up on the thought that the XBOX controller set with a dedicated receiver would go on sale and bought the set at full price.
Is the receiver set still not back in stock?
It seems like its presence has disappeared from the MS official site, so there are rumors that it is no longer supported.
It’s really cheap.
It’s probably about twice that of a wired 360 controller.
In the end, when you seek a balance between stability and comfort, isn’t the official genuine product the cheapest option…?
Game controllers are cheap to begin with.
If you seek safety and reliability, choose genuine products.
Comfort is already about two laps behind.
(I hope it gets cheaper quickly in the sale…) someone who’s interested
I think you can trust 8Bitdo because they are a third-party company officially recognized by MS.
I tried out a high-end Razer controller in the store, and the feel of the buttons became addictive, making me want to get one.
It was 30,000 yen, so I gave up…
I played Monster Hunter World with a PS controller, and since this key comes out, I couldn’t tell which key I was pressing, so I got stuck and quit.
Is it better to buy this if I’m going to do Wiles?
You can change the button display in the game for both World and Wilds!
I can’t do something…
That is way too much of a personal environment issue, so it would be better to reassess it.
Aren’t you looking up any old information…?
Since you can choose it in the in-game options, is there really something that can’t be done?
I think the world also supported changing the key layout display.
In the end, it’s suspicious how much the external product is being pushed by someone anonymous.
I feel sorry for making you feel that way, especially since you’re supporting me.
Considering it’s far cheaper, I think it won’t make sense to have a conversation without touching on the range that includes those who can use it (with some restraint) because it’s expensive but has many features.
Maybe you should stop looking at the controller threads first…
There’s a thread about XBOX controllers on sale.
The Vader4 Pro feels good to use, but the battery life is clearly bad.
The battery usually runs out in about 5 hours.
I was playing Wilds with the 360 controller I bought in time for the start of the MHF beta.
As expected, should I take this opportunity to upgrade?
That’s a good possession…
If it’s for Monster Hunter, I think it’s comfortable to buy one with back buttons and assign L3/R3 presses to them.
If you’re switching from Xbox 360, whether you choose official or unofficial, it will generally improve your basic operation feel, so it’s good to buy what you like.
I bought this for a 2D game primarily using the D-pad.
I understand the feeling of wanting alternatives because the Switch and PS5 accessories are expensive, but since the Xbox controller for PC is cheap, this will do.
The reason it can become unusable is that it’s made of rubber and can be replaced, so if that’s possible, then it doesn’t really matter if it’s PowerA or anything else, seriously, seriously.
I suddenly started wanting an Erikon.
It seems that there are many bugs, and whether version 3 will be released or not is unclear, so I guess this is just a stay.
It has been two years since I thought that way…
Well then… don’t come out this year…
I thought so, but I gave in after seeing the skeleton added to the official Design Lab.
I’m satisfied except for the lack of a screenshot button… Not having a screenshot button feels outdated…
After all, whether it suits someone or not varies greatly, so you won’t really know if it’s good for you until you actually try it.
What can be determined by investigation is just the presence or absence of issues.
Well, the thread image is from a thread that’s on sale and cheap.
In recent years, high-end controllers tend to have eye-catching designs that emphasize their high price and functionality, so I don’t really feel motivated to research them much.
I hope I could enjoy it, including that high-end toy-like aspect.
When the battery runs out, it suddenly disconnects during play, so I wonder if there’s some other charging method or a notification that can be given before it runs out?
Just do it while connecting with TYPE-C!!
Is that going to work…
I lost the included Type-C cable, but I’ll give it a try.
If you think about the fact that it has a battery, Core doesn’t seem so expensive after all ♥
So please increase the color variations ♥
There’s no need to differentiate the colors when the only difference is whether or not there are accessories.
Honestly, the box controller is so easy to use that I don’t feel like buying anything else right now.
I’m going to buy about 5 of them because the R2 I’m currently using seems suspicious!
I laughed at how many people couldn’t tell the difference between the original controller and others when a thread about G7 images was posted before.
It’s not that it’s high-end, but I’m using it because it doesn’t shine.
I bought it.
Setting the back buttons to R3L3 for now is great because it frees you from the awful operation of pressing the stick.
Sorry, I have an Elcon.
I was troubled because I couldn’t set simultaneous button presses on the rear button of the Elicon 2.
It worked out because it was Monster Hunter.
The thread image has a button, huh?
The rubber is too weak.
I’ve recently been seeing controllers that allow you to swap out the sticks.
Is there still no controller that can have its buttons replaced?
The dedicated receiver gets really hot and often disconnects, so if it’s sold out, regular Bluetooth is perfectly fine.
Well, when using rewasd, the Bluetooth connection keeps dropping, making it impossible to configure properly, so in the end, I want a dedicated receiver…
Those who say strange things often haven’t even done the bare minimum of verification.
The dedicated receiver keeps losing connection, so I thought it was a distance issue. When I moved closer, it stopped cutting out, and I felt relieved, but…
I didn’t notice that I also had a fever.
I thought the receiver was hot, but it’s at a level where the connection is cutting out…
Back in the days of the 360, it would gently flash to let you know “Oh, the battery is dying ♥,” but is there actually a setting for that in the current controllers too?
I’m dealing with it by plugging it directly into the USB when the connection is cut off.
The receiver doesn’t get very hot, but is it a good unit?
I’m currently using it heavily for Monster Hunter and its behavior is suspicious, so it’s time to get a replacement.
Is the cross key in the thread image shaped in a way that makes diagonal inputs easy?
There are times when I want to move properly in 90-degree angles up, down, left, and right in STG, so I wonder how it works.
I was using a PS4 controller on my PC, but the connection has become unstable lately, so I bought a new one on this occasion.
But the options in Monster Hunter are so unfriendly that only those who already know them can understand.