Kana: Wow! With this, the rhythm will be perfect! I’m going to practice right away! Please listen to me~♪
People who watched it in the anime were pretty angry…
Of course you’d be angry…
I understand.
In reality, it doesn’t really matter and you just want to bash Millist, right?
Huh? I’m in love everywhere else, though?
Did you pull the loli Akane-chan?
I don’t have the luxury to consistently pull.
I understand…
It gets on my nerves every time it reflects, right?
I couldn’t forgive the fact that I found it difficult to join Noriko’s main community because I loved Miki calling her “Deco-chan” so much…
Miki is really great, isn’t she?
But Noriko is cute, so I’ll watch the main show.
I’m sorry that I don’t understand what the cause of anger is.
I think it means that the regular trash bin is red, while the non-burnable trash is in a blue bin.
The fact that the colors of the trash can for burnable and non-burnable waste don’t match was… unacceptable to me…
I have never thought about such things at all since I was born.
W-What, for something like that…?
I saw in some game that blue flames are hotter than red flames.
Common sense!
Trash goes in the trash can.
It’s brown, isn’t it?
I forgave everything because Kana is cute.
The same as the male and female symbols for the restroom.
I had the image that Kotoba would neatly separate things like this.
In our municipality, it’s either burnable waste or bottles and cans, so I never really thought about it.
A guy that sometimes comes up in conversation but doesn’t really matter.
Even though I collaborated with Iyemon, the fact that there is tea that looks like Oi Ocha is…
I was using an iPhone, but I was confused when I saw an advertisement poster that said, “If you’re going to make in-app purchases, do it on Google!”
It would be interesting if there were questions about the color of trash cans in the producer certification exam.
I thought, “What the heck?”, but I just realized for the first time about the color of the trash can.
Indeed, at this rate, it seems like cold water will come out from the red side of the water server.
Are you that concerned?
Depending on the municipality, there are designated bags or not, and the colors differ, but the boxes are a common understanding, right…?
It’s possible that these trivial yet unforgivable things piled up and led Momoko’s parents to separate.
In my municipality, the non-burnable trash bags are red, so I didn’t think much of it.
Since the left burns and the right doesn’t, it’s fine either way.
If it had been placed the other way around, I think I would have been angry too.
Does it really matter either way?!
Assuming that the theater’s trash disposal idol is on duty, there are people who are again throwing tissues into the non-burnable waste—it’s fine to have them touch the used tissue.
Are they seriously burning it to distinguish whether it’s combustible waste or not, rather than mocking the blue-haired character for being in controversy?
No one is saying anything about an outcry, right?
Are you living in a world where anything and everything becomes a scandal just because someone is angry?
Let’s do it this way.
Please think of Arisa as a trash can and throw away anything.
I’ll throw you into the pigsty, Matsuda! (Arisa isn’t garbage, so she can’t be thrown away.)
Red equals burning, which is biased.
Not good.
Bias is not allowed.
Isn’t it great? It’s the app that says “Burning blue” in the chorus of the new song that was implemented in Millist for the first time, right?
I was going to write it as a joke, but this might really be the reason why they intentionally made the burnable trash blue in Millistar…
The impression of Konomi-san being worn out and exhausted is too strong, but come to think of it, I remember her saying Burning Blue.
I see, in the context of Million Live, something that ignites has the image of blue…
I’ve seen a trash can anti for the first time.
It’s not as clearly divided between red and blue as people say, and I have no idea why it’s happening.
What does Michiko think?
The problem of loving “Aimasu Blue Flame” too much.
I remember feeling that it’s not right to say “Burning Blue” and then illuminate with Ultra Orange during the live performance.
I always think that instead of focusing on the P or the glow sticks, you should watch the performer.
I think there are some people who aren’t bothered by it because it’s a matter of image or impression, but probably more than half will feel uneasy about it.
Most people probably won’t even pay that much attention to it.
I’m a bit feeling that everyone really agrees that you need to pull in the gacha to wear glasses in Millista.
I’m used to casual clothes and hairstyles…
Sorry, that’s a lie. I actually want to change the hairstyle and make them wear glasses without pulling a gacha.
Stop being serious.
I think the saying “red doesn’t burn, blue burns” reflects the casualness typical of 765 Production.
It seems that the red is turned into burnable trash in the break room; you really look closely at such things…
If you could add more sexy outfits for Kana, that would be enough.
It’s just increased!
If you dislike it that much, why not switch to Shani?
Over there, there are a lot of costume changes and it’s fun.
If you’re concerned, there might be such things, but when it comes to being unable to forgive, I would recommend going to the hospital.
I thought it was about a typo or something.
In the first place, since there are many dress-up options in Millist, the appeal for recruitment is weak, so let’s focus on other selling points.