Miler’s Cup 2nd favorite ○○○ Status Skills Base Abilities Speed 665 B Stamina 730 B Power 614 C Guts 572 C Intelligence 730 B Suitability Turf A Mile A Front Runner A Motivation Good Strategy Close 2 people Sash 7 people Front Run 5 people Escape 1 person Strategy Change Almond Eye Racing Horse Daughter Commentary: 10th favorite is 14th Against Gail Explanation: The preparation is quite good. Request: Balancing propulsion and endurance is this girl’s challenge. View Results Race to the race.
Aren’t you strong?
It’s unfair that you can wear bloomers.
You can wear it too, you know.
You can wear them however you like.
Super cute!
I wonder which colt will become popular once they start being ridden.
I want Chiyo-chan to wear it.
Falco in shorts is slightly out of place.
Spe-chan and Nature will definitely look great together.
I want to make Palmer wear it.
They will definitely blush in a good way.
Isn’t inner color just cheating?
I think Rice and Maya would look good together.
That being said, it’s also nice to see kids like this wearing shorts, so it’s hard to choose between the two.
In this world, there are just kids who wear bloomers as a mere hobby.
But actually, it’s embarrassing, but I think it’s good that some kind of coercion forces me to wear bloomers.
Well, in track and field, that choice is made in reality too.
Strictly speaking, it’s not a bloomer, but…
Put on Bright.
Isn’t it unfair that it hasn’t been implemented quickly, even though it should be the highlight of the anniversary?
The ribbon is cuter than I thought.
I like black bloomers.
Somehow, being interesting wins over being cute.
Is it bad to be standing still?
I wanted to see the black bloomers of Flash.
I want the king to wear them.
I love the combination of the young lady’s pink bloomers and white tights.
The mismatch of Reiwa design with Showa bloomers.
Since I’m balancing it with Heisei-style knee socks, it shouldn’t feel that mismatched.
You are combining three eras, aren’t you?
It’s like training VTR in this world, or the footage of three girls in bloomers desperately trying to synchronize…
If McQueen was wearing bloomers, I feel like they’d be told to return to Ikuno.
But the idea of wanting to wear bloomers with the left ear accessory is good…
Kita-chan and Sei-chan are going to be amazing with their butt cheeks spilling out.
The fact that U.A.F. was made to wear gym uniforms instead of competition outfits or tournament uniforms is the conspiracy of the higher-ups at URA.
The “XX Umamusume Stakes” might have a lot of bloomers girls and could be as popular as G1.
It’s been revealed that it’s okay to have a bazooka-like camera…
There are named characters that are male, but all the mob characters should have been wearing bloomers.
The male customer ratio noticeably increases in the Victoria Mile.
But when it comes to competition outfits, there isn’t much of a difference, so to speak.
Sometimes the earring on the right ear can be more erotic.
Speaking of which, all the guide horses are males, but when the guiding Uma Musume are leading events like the Victoria Mile or the Oaks, I wonder if they’re wearing dresses after all.
I was thinking it might be a costume like the one from the swearing-in ceremony, Chikezo?
But for example, if Flash is in shorts and Daska is in bloomers standing next to each other…
Sometimes I think it’s nice how the bloomers emphasize the figure even more…
Air Groove’s bloomers are a bit tight.
The privilege of being a girl is great, isn’t it?
I think Ramone is amazing…
Since there are also trials, I’m showing off the bloomers, competition outfit, bloomers, competition outfit, bloomers, competition outfit, and I’m wearing a tiara after all.
Ramone’s black bloomers evoke a sense of divinity.
I would like help with serving at the training camp.
Huh? What about loose socks?
Is the sen wearing spats or something like that?
There are kids who wear loose clothes as their competition outfit, but I don’t think there were any in gym clothes…
The racing outfit that looks the loosest is Vibros, and it also has regular white socks.
I want the big-assed people to wear bloomers!!!!
The bloomers of Creek and Taiki must be really impressive…
Some Uma Musume end up becoming bloomers hostesses.
It’s the best, isn’t it…?
The feeling of a mare being a mare is amazing in Uma Musume.
Everyone is a beautiful girl, but that’s strange, isn’t it?
The process of personification omits the step of feminizing men, so the essence of the material is preserved as it is.
For some reason, there are people who only like mares.
It’s quite understandable and appreciable that Caleb wears bloomers in the character design.
Recently, there aren’t enough positions for female proprietors.
There are those who come in the divine combination of white tights and bloomers.
I haven’t seen it yet, but could Fusaichi Pandora’s bloomers be amazing?
I feel like it’s unfair that Vodka is wearing bloomers.
I might want to wear bloomers too, so I guess I could have been a mare.
I can’t wait for the bloomers rush to come!
Mile-chan is amazing because she does backflips in a bloomers outfit.
It seems that the gallery will change noticeably depending on whether it’s a female or male debut match.
Ms. Pearl is a mare…
Is there a rule that the Tiara route Uma Musume has to wear bloomers?
But there are certainly left-ear Uma Musume who don’t appear on the Tiara route at all, so I wonder what’s going on.
I think I choose not based on rules, but with my soul.
Choosing bloomers because the soul is a girl feels kind of erotic…
The girl that makes you feel like asking, “Aren’t you going to wear a bloomers just for character design?” is Chiyo-chan.
Yukino’s bloomers are baggy at the café.
It’s a bit of a tough situation.
Sure… I’ll lend you as much as you need…
I think there’s a chance that in that world, the ban on bloomers may not have happened even for Hitomimi.
At a historic girls’ school, etc.
It’s because they are adopting a route that particularly values the glamour and elegance of national entertainment.
It makes me think that just the face alone probably took way more effort than the other kids…
When the number of fillies increases, it’s nice to naturally get to see the bloomers during training.
It seems like there are a lot of discussions about “ohinba” and “oburuma” since this morning.
Emphasizing that Caesario is in bloomers.
Spachan is forced to wear a bloomers sandwiched between Zario and Buena.
Female fall…
It’s unfair to have a special article written about Ai-chan.
It is truly the treasure of silk.
There seems to be something like 4P…
The way the silk is hanging is appreciated…
It seems there was a pushback from the members of Silk asking why the horse I own isn’t being turned into a Uma Musume!
There are people like that among the Silk members, huh?
The Uma Musume world has a high level of civility, so I suppose there are no instances of things like bulsexuality, and the atmosphere of sexual or immoral feelings towards bloomers is likely thin.
Sometimes, there are people with the worst character that emerge as a backlash in Hitomimi…
Aldebaran Eye is being favored too much! Is it really that amazing to win three crowns and break Rudolf’s great record?
I think it will continue to be one of the seven mysteries of Uma Musume that I will never be able to touch.
Selection of earrings and gym clothes
Vodka will probably be the most popular.
The Woshiko group is gathering with incredible momentum!
I like fan art of a male horse wearing bloomers; it has a sense of forbiddenness.
A dude who isn’t excited by Vodka’s thick legs and bloomers is a homo.
Ai-chan’s serious face is somehow funny, like our cat.
Your cat’s eyes are sparkling, huh?
Let’s check it.
Is it true that some hospital symptoms can cause the eyes to sparkle…?
What I saw before was the thyroid gland.
My cat was also said to be just cute.
Seriously, every time Vodka moves to the paddock, my groin gets surprised.
You have long legs.
At first, people said vodka didn’t suit her either, but compared to Mr. Gimlet, she really does look like a mare.
I wanted to send Venus to study abroad and have her receive the baptism of bloomers…
Vodka may be easily mistaken by her tone, but she’s actually a really amazing girl.
It seems like if I trace my lineage in that world, I might end up with a Uma Musume somewhere, and the girl who laughed and said I might be able to win even if it’s me might actually have a real chance of being fast.
If you’re faster than Taishin, you can enter the race.