You can dash even while taking recovery medicine.
Huh, really…? I’ve been on a Secret and I’ve never even tried it…
I know how to walk, but I was able to run…
From the world…
I’m a returning player from 4…!
I’m not sure if I’ve overlooked the explanation or if there isn’t one, but there are really many things I don’t know.
But the recovery will be slow, right?
Don’t worry.
I usually don’t explain.
I really think something should be done about how terrible this UI is.
The difficulty has become quite casual and accessible, yet it still leads to moments like this.
I’ve only done things other than drink after riding Secreto at Wilds…
I suspect there are one or two specifications that no one knows about because there are no explanations.
It’s been a long time since the package and paper instructions disappeared.
I don’t know about that even though I play various games…
It has increased, hasn’t it?
It’s okay to assign strange buttons.
I wished there were small tricks where you could talk to NPCs or gather items while riding a secret.
It’s already the fourth day since I started collecting gold crowns, and I’ve gathered nearly 70%.
It’s easy to gather this time.
Even though the golden crown quest can be saved three times, though.
I feel like the recovery amount decreases when I’m running, so I’m calling for a secret.
You can use items while guarding with a one-handed sword.
Right now, it’s impossible unless you can get into the tutorial.
If it doesn’t say you can offset it in the tutorial, you would think you can’t, right?!
Where did you learn how to use it?
I didn’t know.
You can manually stack items vertically on the item pouch operation screen…
Tell me this!!!
It seems you can use the slinger while drawing your weapon.
Is it L3 or R3 that you press down…?
← Stick press
Since I’m almost dashing during the battle, it seems like I should notice.
I didn’t realize I could launch a slinger at objects outside my field of view while riding a secret.
The glide of the secret is actually useless.
I have it, just in case!
It’s just that I can go even without it…
When you glide as a shortcut from above the Uzutuna Dam to below it and then dive sharply, you can get ahead of your surroundings!
Create a difference in the air.
There are ore and mushroom points in a space where the direct path of traces is not connected.
I wonder if I can go there without gliding.
Can we go with that in secret?
I was jumping and swinging on the vines like Tarzan.
Are there places where desert shrimp can be caught even when they are not gliding?
I didn’t even know that in L1+L2, only the slinger would allow item selection.
I didn’t know how to dash with R1 until I defeated Zosia, and I was pushing down the left stick.
I’m playing Iceborne…
You can select and grab from the targets displayed on the left.
Incidentally, the perspective can also be directed toward that.
Often, I can’t tell if I’m dashing because I’m pushing myself due to being slow, or if I’m failing to push and therefore not dashing.
I just learned how to instantly perform the step rapid fire with the light bowgun in the training room.
Is there no way to change modes and prevent accidental chase shots?
Is it a feature or a bug that you can’t use the slinger while drawing your bow?!
Aren’t you trying to dodge the bullets that dropped from the monster?
I can shoot a flash now if I try.
Gliding is used when the arena monster is facing the jump-off point to grab its butt.
I feel like it’s okay to go about it loosely.
At first, I didn’t even really understand the operations displayed on the screen while riding.
I can’t believe it was up there in the top right corner…
The way to use the sword-drawing slinger has changed, and it’s difficult to do.
I reached HR160, but today I got a sleeping bag for the first time.
Are you the head swordmaster?
I wish someone would explain that you can instantly wear equipment by pressing L1 and R2 at the same time!!!
If I have this, I should be able to use stealth in L2! But then a different function activated and it didn’t work.
But it’s tough if gliding becomes a necessity, so this level of plainness is just fine…
In fact, there are only two large creatures that are affected by sound bombs.
Let’s use it for environmental biology.
Is there perhaps a way to put on the stealth clothing with one button?
Make it a shortcut.
Wasn’t it a hassle to reach the second flower when picking flowers without gliding?
Because I did that, I can go.
Wasn’t it possible to just abandon it like Yoshi?
There are too many gimmicks that I only find out about after they become a topic in the thread…
I like the game, but it’s really too unkind and it’s crappy!
It has become significantly more convenient to use the item slider while expanded with R3.
Why don’t you explain such things properly?
Huh? Huh? Huh?
I don’t know…!
Gliding…? Wasn’t that a motion exclusive to the movie?
This level of disarray probably means that each staff member is not fully aware of all the operations.
If you check the official web manual, it mostly covers the operations!
There’s no way I’d see that, right? I think so too.
I knew from the beginning that I would be able to switch to Focus Mode with a single button from the settings.
I just found out yesterday that you can open the extended item menu by holding down L1+R1.
I recently learned that you can capture things out of sight with the slinger by using the up and down directional keys followed by a circle.
It’s listed on the play guide, just in case!
No one is watching!
This time, since it’s set for a seasoned hunter, there isn’t a tutorial, right?
The first battle isn’t a small fry hunt; it’s a big one.
I was resistant to languages other than Ailou, but once I got used to it, it was so cute…
It’s said to be unkind, but if everything is explained in detail, it would be tedious…
Tips while loading are just right.
The loading finished right away!
I’ve been playing various games, but I don’t remember reading a web manual in the last five years or so.
It’s the result of the game developers’ efforts.
The manual has to be on paper, doesn’t it…?
I didn’t know that the friend could change the location of the damage while riding or that slinger gathering can be done from the left list.
This is a newly born wiki.
Someone compile the light items, please!
No one is using it!!
It’s the one who is using it that does it!
I did it.
What else am I supposed to write?
What should I write on the page for wanting to serve a meal!?
For some reason, there was an entry for Lagiaxrus and it was no good.
Even if you forget the URL, you can feel reassured with Lagiacrus’s pubic hair.
At least check the operation with Nesuke.
By the way, has Monster Hunter ever shown tips during the loading time even though it still has loading times?
A useful equipment called a Slinger-guided missile.
It’s seriously useful, but I’ve never seen anyone use it.
In the corner of the arena, where the slope is, the stray cat has been fighting for a long time and is unable to hold back its launch.
A silent declaration of the desire to stop fighting there.
The material is quite heavy for regular use…
I have a bad impression because it didn’t work on the cook in the tutorial.
That’s a Slinger paintball.
I don’t understand how to use this.
Isn’t that a paintball?
I casually looked at the weapon text, and there’s no change until the second stage, but when it reaches the final upgrade, doesn’t it seem like you’re gaining a sense of self?
A frozen giant bluefin tuna. It is also a proof of the ultimate fisher. It is classified as a great sword. The giant bluefin tuna has already discarded its name. I am the frozen true tuna. I am the enhanced form of the frozen tuna.
The Ailu is so cute when it makes that “auuuh!!!” scream during flying fast travel after I made it able to speak Japanese, so I decided to go with that.
The top trophy of the ecosystem is too much of a hassle, but can it be achieved while collecting gold crowns?
I wonder if it’s information I don’t know… like an outrageous UI where the ID of the room I built can’t be seen unless I’m on the screen searching for someone else’s room.
Isn’t there any other way to watch seriously?
A tutorial aimed at beginners that isn’t suitable for beginners at all is just unacceptable.
The development head is too much like Monster Hunter.
There are too many operations I don’t know!
Moreover, it’s quite useful!
I thought you would whistle every time you used a healing item, but I was just mistakenly calling for a secret.
For some reason, the name of the swordfish has changed.
Rather, it’s a bug that some slinger shots can’t be fired.
Prioritize comfort over refining that level of motion.
Only those with experience in Monster Hunter are likely to buy Monster Hunter.
There are too many things that even experienced people don’t know!
Personally, the motion when catching bugs is the most unnecessary for me.
I don’t really like the motion of looking at rare materials either.
This is really true.
It’s harassment that you want me to collect it but I can’t even cancel…
I set it up so that the explanation “If you press this button in advance, you can do this” is always displayed on the screen.
Moreover, even with that setting, I find out about some unknown shortcuts outside of the game.
Pressing the left stick allows you to add text to the stamp.
I was using a hammer, but I didn’t know.
There’s a camp that I don’t remember setting up.
Could it be that this will be led by the room owner?
During multiplayer, it belongs to the person who placed the quest.
Sometimes quests can carry over even after completing them due to a bug.
Is this the simple camp that I have no recollection of setting up being endlessly destroyed?
In L1+L2, item selection will only be related to the slinger.
It’s for hunters of seasoned individuals.
Little tidbit.
It seems that when you log in, it becomes a full moon night.
Please give me two flowers.
It seems that the person named “Nameless” doesn’t know how to change the title of the guild card.
I changed it first.
This time I won’t be going into the room much, but the online situation is really bad.
It’s comfortable once you understand, but until then, it’s just too confusing.
What!? The lobby, friends, link parties, and circles!?
They are discussing the idea of possibly creating a gathering place.
Give it to me from the start!
The environmental link has been added!
Additionally, although it is not specifically warned, you cannot fast travel to other areas while linking to the environment!
When I tried to proceed with the main quest together with acquaintances, it was a meaningless system where everyone except for one person would quit and re-enter every time a hunt started.
Someone, stop this already!!
It’s terrible, but I thought it was like this from the world, so I assumed everyone else felt the same way.
I see…
I thought Rise could go smoothly this time as well, just like last time.
There are certainly reasons why the story progression and quest occurrences are seamless.
Is it no good even if we form a link party?
It was no good.
I tried the environment link as well, but it didn’t change anything.
Since we will accept quests separately, the three will retire and join the remaining one.
I’m doing it with a link, but it’s no good.
In short, it’s a system where you should watch the movie before coming.
Take charge of your responsibilities.
Please tell me about the equipment for my cute companion.
According to the wiki, the one with the jar is extremely detailed about the flute, so it’s sufficient.
Is it okay if I start with one on my left hand?
It seems there’s a command to suddenly launch a concentrated attack on weak points after sheathing the sword.
I bought a PS portal to play Monster Hunter during my work breaks, but the carrying case was so big it was kind of shocking.
Manually searching again after a failed search drives me crazy.
I wonder if it’s a harassment that the menu closes when I look at someone else’s profile and then go back.
On top of that, there’s a badge for seeing about 30 profiles or so.
The lack of poor UI and pathways to various elements is like a demonic fusion.
The issues like bugs, weapon disparities, and the lack of monsters may be resolved with updates, but honestly, there is little hope for changes to the UI, which is also frustrating.
📞🐱 Why is the nutritious extract so bitter?
In other words, the common materials for the dragon are too cool.
There are no scales or skin at all, what the hell is 12%?!
Perhaps it’s more efficient to go in for the rescue of Zo-Shiaki?
Oh, there’s a follow feature too!
Do you need this?
What is a link party?
Is there anyone using it?
I casually play in the desert with my friends.
Doing it with the usual Freemultic feeling is closest to links.
It’s a bit concerning that if you’re not linked, you can’t even see the quest requests.
Why is there a mention of Armajemange, but not of Olivia…? No, I’m sorry, that’s not necessary.
The armor CT fixation is a bug or something.
You can select your aim with the D-pad and perform a hook sling.
You can shoot slinger ammo while drawing your weapon.
Existence of optimal recovery
I want you to appeal this area.
Everyone in the lobby should be linked to the environment, right?
You want to butt in on the field survey quest, right?
I don’t know how to use paintballs.
Used when there are many of the same monster in a group and it gets confusing.
Even if you don’t use it, it is automatically categorized as a target.
Using environmental traps as a substitute for throwing knives.
It’s free to be restrained in a sea, so it’s better than a flash.
Is there possibly a way to protect the endlessly destroyed makeshift camp?
The moment the notification comes, I can fly over and protect half of it.
I seriously failed with lateral jumps.
I want to join rescue missions automatically and randomly without even choosing a quest.
Didn’t this feature exist before?
I feel like it was in Rise.
I liked the feeling of a mystery pot.
Even if they say it has been discovered, I think it will break immediately as soon as it’s reported.
If you register the member list in favorites from the submenu on the menu screen, you can access it immediately when you open the menu.
It’s convenient to register things like returning from quests or checking streaming bounties.
First, I will build the room. I will look for an ID for about 5 minutes.
I will call a friend and exchange follow gifts.
I can’t play properly.
I will try the link party for about 5 minutes.
I understand it, so I can play a bit.
I thought there would be a defense battle to protect the camp from monsters, but there wasn’t any.
I thought there would be quests to protect Kunafa Village from being attacked by Doshaguma on a regular basis from a PV perspective.
I thought we would definitely be attacked because it’s continuous with the base camp.
It’s better to chase them away with manure than to mark them with paint.
Don’t forget to press L2 while selecting with the D-pad and confirm with ◯.
You can collect items without having to aim or look back.
This will let you focus on that spot with the left directional key, making it easier to find traces.
It was convenient to do it in the circle with friends.
An item that is losing to something called “big dung.”
In this work, if the wall is stuck to your head, will it automatically bump into you?
The settings around the support handler are quite tedious.
Usually, I want to set it up so that when my friend joins, they can just enter directly with the support hand, but isn’t this possible?
I feel like participating through a link party would create some kind of buzz.
I wonder why it connects automatically even though it’s set to solo online…
I’m doing it at the link party, but it’s going to move like that.
The support hand is pushed out, and the meaty one comes in.
The UI designer for this work should definitely quit.
The new system’s UI isn’t the only issue; it’s really terrible that they’ve also made improvements to the existing one.
The great manure is the worst weapon that explodes manure with nitro mushrooms.
Do a victory pose after taking the recovery medicine.
Could it be that the person who made this potty system is an idiot?
I see… a yakuza!?
I realized for the first time that the item loadout and ammo pouch are not linked after carrying the crossbow.
Why did they make it like this, like some kind of harassment…?
The base camp is protected by a mysterious wall.
When I called for the support hunter, I wanted just one person to come and I feel like I don’t want the companion to leave.
If you specify the number of people, it can be done, but it’s inconvenient when you’re usually playing multiplayer…
You can limit the number of people.
You can set the number of participants to 2 in the quest counter settings.
It seems like there is a limit on the number of people.
There are times when the support hand I want doesn’t come.
You can do it if you have Alma set it up for you!
Well, it’s a hassle to set things up again when we’re doing it with four people…
UI I resemble you.
That’s quite self-deprecating.
It is normal for humans to gradually deteriorate…
Have more confidence in yourself.
Well then… I want to finally abbreviate perfection ❤️.
The nameless one became kind, and that was no good.
In this game, there are icons on the map from the start, so I have no idea what the slinger paint is used for.
Why not try shooting at Dodobran?
I heard that paintballs can be used as markers for falling rocks, but there’s really no use for them.
I used to think that if I made a thunder weapon in Monster Hunter, I could manage anything, but in this game, it feels like if I have fire and water, I can handle anything.