Mobile Suit Gundam EX-TREME VS 2 OVER BOOST Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Versus 2 Over Boost
Give up.
Do you want a large number of Vtuber fans to come rushing in…?
Is the public decency going to decline further…?
There is no element that benefits the collaboration partner in this collaboration.
There’s no reason for a community that is currently being mocked for its poor behavior to be involved with V.
I mean, there’s no way a game center is possible!
Both are being made fun of for their low level of civility, aren’t they?
In the first place, even if we try to increase new players, the actions of current players become a barrier and drive them away, so it’s impossible to suddenly increase by using popular influencers.
Look… like becoming a navigator…
You just want to see V getting mad at their partner, right?
Even though it’s said that the level of culture is low, unlike the Vtuber community, there isn’t a religious war happening… The Gundam franchise itself is somewhat involved in a religious war, though…
At the point of arcade main, V and it clash too much.
We should revive “erai erai.”
On the contrary, try turning existing players into Vtubers.
It doesn’t contribute at all to the original goal of increasing new additions…
Even in fighting games, there were people like that, and the quality of the visuals was high, and it was interesting with things like electric currents flowing, but there were mostly fighting game players as the viewers.
It’s a three-way choice: either the quality of the Vtuber community declines, the quality of the EXVS community declines, or both decline…
I called in a fighting game pro, but I wonder if that was effective.
That is a unique case of being a normal player, a friend of Nakao-san.
If you say that, then whether V does it or not will also be dubious in terms of gaining new users…
Before Street Fighter 6, there was a trend where it was said that games like V didn’t even overlap and there was no way for the player base to increase.
It is meaningless if you don’t prepare and properly establish a solid foundation before proceeding.
Implement Vtuber Nagata Zaku (blonde, big-breasted high school girl).
Don’t forget the vertical rolls.
(The voice remains the same)
If a high school girl opens her mouth and Gundam references come out, she can definitely fit in at Nagata.
The biggest drawback of arcade games is…
The streamer seems like they would do something like Mecha Break.
Let Kotan and Leoshig become V and line them up next to each other.
A collaboration with Miku should be enough, right?
Gundam doesn’t need to do things like that.
Because the market size is incredibly large.
It’s super big (overseas trash).
It seems like if V plays Makion and does casual matches, they could easily create a hellish situation.
I wonder if mixed free will come with a skin.
After watching that video, I couldn’t predict anything anymore about Miku, because all sorts of things just popped up!
We don’t need people who come to unrelated places and start yelling about V-gar or anything like that.
I can no longer keep a stupid monkey.
No matter who you call, it should be the home version first.
I wonder who will operate on the genital area.
I’m looking forward to it quite a lot each time.
It’s impossible since it’s not a game that you can play while watching V’s stream.
Games with a wait time for matching are a good fit.
Even though it’s a Gundam content, there’s little benefit to getting involved, and it seems like only the drawbacks will increase.
The voice for this “Harii” Vtuber avatar is really deep.
That’s Astolfo.
Why not just put V in the navigation?
Isn’t the level of civilization not really declining as much as people say?
In other words, no matter how you look at it, this side has a lower level of civility…
Is that so… is that so…
I have no intention of defending or promoting the zoo, but honestly, isn’t it on the same level?
Because SANKYO’s president is going to open Ryōgoku for free again this year.
I think just a cute girl screaming “Aik!” would get the old guys all excited.
That’s already a character of Nagata, isn’t it?
I want to entrust that child, who carries the red frame modification on their back as Honor Gundam V.
It doesn’t seem like either the manufacturers or the players are looking for newcomers in the first place.
Since it’s about implementing a tutorial, they probably want a maker, right?
The implementation was way too slow, and honestly, if they’re expecting beginners to come with this, they’re underestimating things.
Well, I think they have given up because there is no environment for beginners to grow.
I can only see a future where those who spoil the story in V’s stream become the comment marshals, creating a hellish scene.
If it becomes V, sales can go up and up.
Even now, there are quite a few monkeys who are also V fans, and I have a bit of a desire to see a properly mixed miasma.
Let’s make do with Miku-chan for the collaboration.
Even at this moment, I’m itching to practice Street Fighter 6.
If they come near me, except for the fighting game old man, it would be hell.
There are a lot of V jokes in the famous usernames, right…?
Aren’t arcade games and V not a good match?
Well, whether it’s V or something new, it has to be based on the home version to attract people.
I think there are similar ones in the competition genre.
I don’t know where they are looking to compare the level of the people, but I can’t help but wonder what they’re seeing when they say that Vtuber’s community is better.
Even if we involve V, it wouldn’t make sense unless a home version comes out.
I wonder how Bandai Namco feels about taking Miku away from V.
I can’t argue or dispute anything.
If you want new users for Ake, V is not very effective…
I am Nagata Zaku.
They say I am the reincarnation of Gal Sone.
Isn’t it better to leave it to Nagata and the others?
It’s a bit much to tell streamers who don’t show their faces to go to the arcade…
If we’re going to stream Makion, it would be a hassle to turn off the licensed BGM and deal with various issues.
IB and Miku are collaborating!? I’m looking forward to it~
Nagata Zaku is collaborating on a V-stream, so if there’s a chance, they might get to interact.
It would be impossible without something easy to use for home use or a more accessible method.
If V doesn’t work, I guess I’ll rely on Karasuma, Watacare, or Maizen.
Is there a possibility that Nagata-kun could become Nagata Zaku (in the form of a beautiful girl VTuber) since he was recently interacting with V in another robot game?
Isn’t it better to fight with a Vtuber body instead of a Gundam?
A game like that would probably be quite popular.
Wings of a star…
I’ve seen V’s name quite a bit in names.
(Nakao smirking while explaining next to Hololive)
Well, the current situation is already quite exciting, and the next project is already decided, so there’s really no need to force a collaboration or anything.
I won’t do V, but I will collaborate with Miku.
Miku is on a different level…
I haven’t seen it lately, but LeoSig was also using an avatar image that looked like it had some kind of Ribbons TS applied, right?
Leo Shig is essentially a girl.
Well then, how about Nakaō-san also being a girl?
The Nagata squad is essentially a Kirara manga.
Taking the car out and doing a homestay with four people – just looking at the content, that’s completely the grammar of a Kirara manga.
Karasuma probably doesn’t want to go back to Gundam anymore.
If the rival final boss machine from the TV series joins, it’s a game where everyone says “Minor machine, disappear!”
Collaborating with a Vtuber is 100% going to cause a commotion.
Even if you rely on V, it won’t make sense unless you can do it at home anyway.
A giant IP like Gundam doesn’t need to adopt such weak strategies.
It’s a safe Gun-Evo because it’s a clone of a super popular game using a huge IP.
It’s Bandai Namco’s basic style to overlay popular works, not limited to Gundam, onto trending games.
It’s amazing that Osada-kun is invited to China for a project.
I’m not interested, so I haven’t watched anything other than Gundam videos, but does the population increase when he plays?
It’s absolutely impossible without a home use version.
A VTuber who dislikes being doxxed would never go out of their way to stream for hours and travel such a long distance.
Nakao… become V…
Even if a home version were to come out by any chance, there’s no way an event like the CR Cup would be possible; there just wouldn’t be enough time.
Kota Leo is essentially a cross-dressing lesbian…
Wouldn’t it be good to have them play with the character as a V?
If you use Heero or Milliardo, it will become V.
Isn’t it cheaper to use handmade masks like village folks to create a quote bot rather than V?
I don’t think that will make you an influencer anymore.
Mekabreak reminded me of Gunslinger Stratos and felt nostalgic.
I was watching Nagata’s V Collaboration stream, and he mentioned that during the Gun-evo event, the official said that if they keep doing lowbrow stuff, they can’t call it an official event anymore, which made me laugh.
Also, Ondreyas, who participated in the collab stream, didn’t know much about Nakao and when they had a little match in Guilty, he said, “You’re good at fighting games!” and it was kind of embarrassing.
I may not seem that skilled at fighting games, but I’ve won a national tournament with a low-tier character like Juubei.
In Nagata’s stream, the Fabaro is just a victim of sexual harassment…
(Kiss sound)
Since this game is still going, there must be new players joining, but I have no idea how new players are improving or what kind of path they take to get better.
It’s probably true that you’re walking a more correct and faster path than I am, who has been a player for ten years.
Is Nakao strong in fighting games other than GBA?
If I had to say, I’m not that good at Guba.
The BlazBlue I used to play is strong.
I’m a man who got results with a weak character, the cat, in BlazBlue.
Is it true that Nagata and Reosiga are having a lesbian session in V?
The NGT squad has a logo now…
MECHA BREAK PRELAUNCH GLOBAL INVITATIONAL “Mecha BREAK” Global Pioneers Development Battle Team Announcement Japan Team Anubyss EXT LunaBreak NGT Reject TIE North America Team ORCA DSG Empyrean TL Ace pilots from North America and Japan gather here! Who will be the guardians of the “Mecha BREAK” China server?
What does this logo intend to convey…?
I’ve seen a V who plays Makion very rarely…
I have seen a VTuber who is streaming Obabu.
Sometimes suggested.
I think the new connection ultimately ends up being just like a home-use Makion.
The GGGP commercial has been airing continuously on Mercury…
I can’t say exactly how effective it was, but I think it was quite significant that pro gamers who had been idle started to get involved.
Everyone is going crazy because there are too few women.
Well, if you become a woman in V, that solves it, right?
I’m not particularly concerned, but I recently started playing Mahjong Fight Girl, and I watch Gundam in anime, so there are probably people who get into it through games.
I don’t like girls who play exvs…
I have seen a snake charmer girl.
I have seen a sister who uses the Full Armor Gundam.
I occasionally see couples doing fixed (positions) together…
Then, please release the home version of Bar 2 as well…
I’ve been doing it casually for personal V.
Company V is unknown.
A beginner who has never played Obabu before might think, “I’m never playing this game again,” if they quickly lose 100 yen.
Why does it go into the 100 yen melting mode…?
If you’re going to let me do it, you have to release the latest home version; it’s impossible since I can’t go to the arcade.
I don’t really know much about Ondreyas, but it turns out they also play fighting games.
In fighting games, I may be overlooked, but in EXVS, I get referred to with honorifics.
Archangel Fabaro (Mystery)
Fighting games are stronger, huh…
The comparison is with top professionals, so of course…
I have seen women who are getting beaten up by using Nightingale while doing fixed matches with their boyfriends.
The new pathways and methods for strengthening are certainly quite mysterious in Exvs.
I’ve been curious and thinking of trying it out, but I don’t know how to get stronger at all.
I’ve been able to do this for a long time because of inertia, but if I were told to start from scratch now, I have confidence that I would struggle.
The player hasn’t practiced verbalization at all, so when coaching, they can only say localized things (this is the same for fighting games as well).
In the end, let’s properly get used to the basic operations and techniques to avoid face-to-face attacks and aim for drops. Make sure to use your awakening effectively.
In fighting games, it’s like practicing combos and learning wake-up pressure; the line is about evasion in this game.
It’s an unavoidable thing, but basically, I can only give advice depending on the situation in this game…
It depends on the situation, so first I’m told to show the replay; this is the same for fighting games.
So you gather the situation and then start, that’s what advice is.
This is not advice or anything, so it’s better to say at least one way to deal with it.
What is it… (Doppler Nagata)
I used to like the old opening’s title that seemed to indicate the ocean was getting polluted…
There are plenty of people who engage with content even without any clear pathways in the world.
If a new mobile suit from Gundam appears in a new anime, that’s already enough of a lead-in.
It feels like it includes people who have played for about 2 clues?
Well, there might be people who continue from there, right?
Honestly, there aren’t many games that I continue to play.
Speaking of women, I was surprised that Lunainpa’s shots are really strong.
The players of Exvs. are starting to settle down, right?
The final episode of Mercury’s Witch!
The witch from Mercury joins the fight with Gundam Ariel!
You guys are done here!!!
Was the Mercury raccoon not very popular?
I really like the flow.
I laughed at the discussion about what to do with the name “Nagata Zaku,” which slightly touches on copyright issues.
The name is one thing, but the channel icon that looks like the F91 title logo is quite out of place too!
Nagata is fine at NGT, right…?
There really is no one who calls it by the Zaku part…
When you get hooked on Exvs, there are no alternatives, so it ends up being troublesome as you’re tied to Exvs.
There were several women during the recent location test.
There are also people in my hometown who are dating and were using Garigari-kun.
There are still female streamers broadcasting Makion, but they’re not gaining much traction, so I think it’s surprising that just being a woman doesn’t necessarily lead to growth.
What do you think, how many years old is this game?
In official streams, even though it’s about a series, everyone gets all excited shouting “Women!!”
I would gladly watch it if it was interesting.
If it’s a small piece of wood, there might be a chance.
Unlike before, it’s a bit tough now that I only go to the arcade just to play Examu.
There used to be more titles to play with.
Let’s play Mahjong Fight Girl.
(Not available)
Let’s rename it to Nagata 39.
Will I become a Vocaloid…?
It’s basically like a Vocaloid even now.
Good plays are fun to watch, but there’s nothing to gain from watching the lower streams among the over ones…
PvP is basically like that, right?
It’s just that my ability as a viewer is lacking…
Not everyone wants to see that, as has been proven by other games.
Most of them are trying to distinguish.
There are parts that are so skillful in the work of talented people that I can’t use them as a reference, and sometimes I don’t understand the intentions behind their strategies.
That said, just watching the lower-tier broadcasts from the inside only makes you anxious and there’s nothing to gain from it.
There’s a senior named Itabashi Zangief who gets angry when I just come up with a name on a whim…
I tried to play Bonga while I was at Exvs, but it was too difficult, so I gave up; it’s a good memory.
I wonder why that game is still showing store names.
You can’t attach training wheels like in fighting games…
That said, changing the game mechanics can instantly make people disappear.
My local area has both Ekuba and Fight Girl side by side, so I’m alternating between them.
I’ve never heard of Nagata’s main job.
In a time when even famous game centers are closing down left and right, being exclusively a game center is downright madness.
Even though the population is decreasing, having such strong drawing power in this era is monstrous.
Even though the version has changed, I’ve been playing the same game for over 10 years.
Since your real name is Buppa, you should just work under your real name.
You’ve got a similar name, huh…
It was really strange but interesting to see Shinonome Umi play.
I wonder how many characters it would take to verbalize all the strategies of this game.
Compared to fighting games, it’s a game that comes with training wheels from the start in terms of controls.
It’s just that the difficulty isn’t there.
It’s amazing to have high-speed 3D action with just one lever and four buttons, isn’t it?
I feel like this is just because Capcom is amazing.
The local arcades other than the Round One and those inside Aeon have all disappeared.
Even if you mistakenly think you’ve gained something from a match against a skilled player, it might just be that the person next to you is strong or that they are just hunting weak players.
I feel that the live performances of skilled people are the most helpful.
Village Motokeiya
To get better, there’s no choice but to be taught.
I thought it was safe because there were a lot of arcades in my area, but I didn’t expect the Round One to go under…
There are only 2 stores left…
My local arcade doesn’t have Bongaa or Fight Girl…
All three arcades in the neighborhood have closed down, and now it takes 50 minutes by train and bus to get to the nearest one.
I came to the arcade with a girl and got to play Gundam together… I’m so frustrated…
It’s more frustrating when I get reversed by a strong character’s character power, even though my opponent is the type to get hit randomly…
It’s a remnant of old naming traditions, a combination of place names or personal names with character names.
I really feel like I’m improving the most when I’m getting beaten face to face by someone who is clearly better.
Oh, so that kind of movement was strong… That’s the most common realization.
I’ve seen streams that incorporate eye tracking, but surprisingly, they don’t pay much attention to the radar.
Let’s use the video of a really strong guy using a weak mech and somehow fighting with skill as a reference.
I’ve been able to go one-on-one with strong neighbors and have them wipe my whole backside for me…
I used to watch Minefune’s Orlan livestreams for a while, and if this is helpful, I conclude that it wasn’t hard at all, as it was amazing in many ways.
During the time of the home version of Makion, fighting game pros were playing quite a bit, but unlike fighting games, the range for improvement through being taught is also limited.
Well, I think it will get exciting when a new home version comes out.