No way! You idiot! At least say something like, “I’ll defeat you and make you cry!” You’ve always been so laid-back, Masaru.
Wasn’t it you who caused the trouble first, brother…?
If I had confessed earlier, would things have settled down smoothly even if I had been rejected?
Brother… is there a reason…? (Brother… it can’t be different, right?)
Francine? (Could it be that my brother is also thinking about Francine…?)
Wait a minute, brother (Ah… brother… no…)
That night… after I got completely drunk… did something happen with Francine…?
Hey… big brother…
Francine might be the one I fell in love with first…
To take that… from the side… is not allowed… brother…
This area really has a whirlwind of developments, it’s overwhelming.
I am Platinum’s brother.
I apologize for the trouble my brother has caused around the world…
Well, it’s not that my brother has no responsibility at all.
Why did you propose so quickly?
I don’t know about a proper romance because I’ve only focused on studying.
It’s a bit too amusing to become aware of one’s own ugliness through methods like self-harm.
When I reread it, there are hints scattered everywhere.
In the scene where they talk about the master tape and stretch their faces out.
Wow, wow, wow! What just happened?
Why can’t everyone be happy?
I don’t think Francine would be rejected whether it’s gold or silver given her circumstances.
I have no interest in girls like that! Let’s stop making those virgin moves that don’t make anyone happy!
He was a really unpleasant guy, but in the final volume, he completely raised his likability.
I am weak to developments like the final boss who has been rampaging with thoughts of their first love for so long, suddenly saying something sentimental like “what if I had a younger brother…”
There are things I understand now that I’ve taken on the role of an older brother.
But… um…
That’s not your younger brother, it’s your son, right?
From what I can see with Guri-pon and the silver dog, it seems they are just covering themselves and sticking out their tongues, but there is certainly some room for conscience.
Even the oldest four people and Francine doll that I probably made when I was at my lowest could have ended up like that if something had just been different…
A Karakuri Circus in the Reiwa era!?
The Demon King Narumi has awakened.
This is not Minhai anymore!
🐶(Ugh… I’m so gross… Isn’t it all my fault?)
👺 You’re slow to notice!
It was for sure that the older brother was still tangled up until the end over there.
I took care of my descendants myself, so it’s like I killed Katsu.
But I always had the flute.
But this guy is a rapist, no matter what he says.
Looking back, 90% of the reason my brother went crazy is you, big brother.
The subsequent actions were my brother’s fault, though.
The problem lies with the brother who is going crazy because of that.
If you had just said even a word that you also fell for Francine before me, all the incidents in the main story would have been avoided…
If it weren’t for a mistake of this level, I’d say you’re partly to blame too, but what your brother did is just terrible; he’s dragging in way too many unrelated people.
It seems that a lot of anime discussions are being cut off rapidly, but is it interesting?
Isn’t it too much time allocated in the second half?
Seeing Diamantina made a big impression on me…
Well… there are circumstances for those who are loved too.
Why did I end up making the last four people just like myself?
Others have developed their personalities through long experiences, but those guys have their personalities set by themselves.
I’m having trouble bringing back Francine’s hair.
I, the dog, have no choice but to keep watch because I can’t let Aqua Vitae be left unattended and increase my numbers.
Brother, you’re doing some pretty terrible things, but it’s getting out of control.
What happened to the plan about using Francine’s hair?
Aren’t you a different person from Francine?
But for now, let’s enjoy this moment…
I can’t help but wonder how someone as good as Masaru was born from this guy’s genes…
Masaru won’t betray me, and because there was an older brother who fell in love before I did…
The plan was already doomed once Francine and the Francine doll melted together.
Well, since I changed my target to Angelina before melting, there’s essentially no plan anymore.
The dog can seriously bite face-less.
It’s unclear whether Masaru is this guy’s offspring or not.
How did you create the Zonah illness?
That proposal at that speed is simply terrible.
Well, that would definitely cause a rift between brothers.
Whoa, that’s too complicated…!
At the point of the sneak attack proposal, it’s 100% your brother’s fault…
Although it’s been said many times, the weight of being betrayed by my brother is much bigger.
The loss of Angelina wasn’t really due to any fault; it was just a matter of bad timing.
Well, I don’t think it’s going to go well.
When I take another look, the settings are all tangled up…
The faceless false memories are just too unfair.
A recollection that has been slightly embellished from the person’s perspective, where various things have been twisted based on subjective views, so it ends up like this.
Don’t expect common sense from a brother who proposes with his feet thinking he needs to clear up a misunderstanding.
No, brother…
That’s definitely my older brother…!!
Watch me flirt with Francine (Eleonore)!!!
The scene of “I was wrong” after all that buildup.
That’s good, isn’t it?
The man who declared to God, “I will no longer smile,” has been playing the villain with a smirk towards the world all along.
Ending with a mix of tears and laughter is so good that it’s worth it by itself.
It seems like I become helpless when stared at with victory in mind.
After understanding the setting that my fiancé was taken by an automata, it makes me realize that they are saying some really nonsensical things.
Is there anyone else like a Harlequin?
Before acting like an older brother, there’s a part of you that is essentially a father.
Isn’t the setting of the Zohar disease changing back and forth?
Don’t worry, I’m just killing automatons with Lucille and a starting gun.
The fact that the scene that heavily influenced Eleonore’s character development was set up in a reincarnation story with a young boy is just the worst.
The image of a solitary childhood Eleanor, shedding tears while narrating a path to live, is too much with a creepy grin.
If you had taken a few more steps, big brother…
I feel like I’m really losing sight of myself as my goals keep sliding into compromises.
I think you should properly remember how to make soft stones, brother!
I only knew the last scene, but reading it actually reveals that the process of this character changing their mind is extremely lengthy…!
This guy really doesn’t listen until the very end, does he?
It’s true that money is bad, but it’s really terrible for Silver to take advantage of Gold, who was properly discussing things regarding love.
My brother was in kill mode, but when he realized I was there at the confession scene, he went quiet because he knew he messed up.
Every time, trying to come up with a good story and show off a cool side to make someone fall for me is such a roundabout way…
I like puppet shows.
This is just a clown…
I won’t fall in love with a girl like that!
Fujita’s manga’s final boss is usually useless.
Well, there’s a part where I become the final boss because I’m no good anyway.
Are you listening, me (Katsu)?
In front of Eleonore, I (Faceless) will take out the enemy in style and save you, you know?
It’s true that my brother is in the wrong, but since Francine ended up swayed because of it, there’s not much to be done about it, right?
This final boss has a face like Fujitaka Jubilo.
The final boss’s complications are so severe that it doesn’t come up much in conversation, but…
The aftermath of Narumi’s midnight circus is quite severe.
To me, you see.
It almost seems like the Francine doll deliberately melted to drink and give birth to a baby herself.
I can’t forgive you…! It’s going to be a long sulk from here on out!! I’m going to sulk all the way to the final volume!!
I read it all at once, but this chapter really caught my attention…
Look at Eleonore’s memories!!!
The episode of Kurogama Village is so divisive that Narumi in that context seems overshadowed.
I was already feeling strange because the Sahara was too traumatic for me…
But I already remembered, so let me take a swing at you.
Don’t perform a joint battle scene alone.
It seems that you’re only focused on getting revenge for your first love as you start to become obsessed with someone who looks like a different Angelina.
A young man who was cherished as a disciple by his older brother has his beloved taken away.
It’s too funny that I’ve been brain destroyed three times by two guys who look like my older brother.
Isn’t this guy quite the older brother?
Alright, let’s call this guy “big brother”!
Well, if you say it’s just a love quarrel between my brother, Francine, and me, then yes, it is, but we’ve been on stage for a long, long time…
If he wins, who could the father be if this isn’t his son?
Fruit Che!
It seems like the Concorde Effect thinking is strong in the sense that if I give up now after all that I’ve continued, it would be pointless.
In the joint book with Shimamoto, I’ve been losing all the time, and it’s because of that damn Fujita who makes me say that.
After that, although it’s not like he did it on purpose, this guy is mostly to blame for deceiving and outsmarting my younger brother in the end, so my brother is quite at fault.
Well, I think my brother felt bad after the chase and felt a sense of responsibility.
Thinking about the outcome of the midnight circus, it makes sense that it would turn out like that…
Masaru also had the potential to become like this, depending on how he was tilted.
Narumi has had quite a bit of mental strain, so it can’t be helped, but honestly, I think the stress for readers is much tougher when watching Narumi in the later stages than in Kurogamura.
If Masaru is distorted, there is certainly a tendency for that to happen, but the one I liked first was Narumi niichan…
I’m being mentally destroyed by my brother, but Françoise is also kind of like someone who took my brother away, so I’m being mentally destroyed by Françoise too.
But it’s Narumi-nii who is at fault for confessing first in a surprise attack.
Fuu isn’t at fault; it’s just that Shoji and Gii, who were hiding it, ended up messing things up.
It’s not bad, but I think it’s not really a good idea to talk about hypotheses at the hypothesis stage.
Where did the Pachinko demon king Narumi really come from?
And why is that the biggest jackpot?
Don’t you know?
Nobody knows.
From the app that has ended service
So I’m not there either!
If Narumi’s memory had disappeared until the final volume…
That development could still be dismissed as “Fuu, die.”
In the final stages, while it can’t be helped, I thought it was quite something.
Well, I lost my memory, so I can’t help it… but then I heard that I’m getting it back, you jerk!
Narumi suddenly burst forth like a wild older brother from a completely unrelated place.
I am technically a victim.
Even if you say you like someone first, the other person still has the right to choose.
It’s not a first-come, first-served basis.
You really won’t realize it until you get taken down after a few hundred years, huh…
Right after the first memory reincarnation, it seemed like there was a serious intention to start life over… If they ended up with Angelina, I wonder if they would be satisfied and end up dying after annihilating all the automatons.
Even though she was doing so well, Angelina wasn’t really into it…
Perhaps I was too devoted to being a gentlemanly older brother figure.
Did the nameless one jump into the circus of the nameless story?
The worst thing about my brother is that he left me behind and went home.
Is it a scenario of what if the Demon King Narumi kills Shirogane?
Narumi’s recovering memories is foreshadowed by Gii’s reaction towards Narumi regarding his thoughts on Eleonore.
After the tragedy in the Sahara, Narumi, who believes he should no longer be happy, is a sad person who is willingly moving towards unhappiness.
Compared to Demon Lord Narumi, it can’t be definitively said that Mecha Faceless is far removed from the original story, which is why it isn’t talked about much.
Even if I could easily conquer the world, I’m a man who isn’t popular.
A man who can do almost everything except for being with the woman he loves is on a different level.
But you won by first come, first served, didn’t you, big brother…?
Something like… I’m a demon! I have a cool catchphrase like that, so I want to reach the next level…
When you say above the devil, I guess it would be the demon king…
If you’re becoming a demon, then it would be a demon king if you’re going to exaggerate it from there…
The mecha faceless is just as it is in the original, isn’t it?
A man whose mind has been shattered not by the fact that the person he loved was taken by his brother, but by the reality that his most beloved brother betrayed him.
People who got into it from Pachinko might think, “I’m a demon now… so I guess I’ll become a demon king from here on out.”
I understand that it’s been prolonged and complicated too much.
Apart from that, it makes me feel like questioning why you think you wouldn’t complicate things by doing that.
If anything, even after getting twisted up, the real person is going through various things and is already thinking of dying.
What remains and continues to survive are only unclear memories and feelings.
Was the app that ended support the one that was really promoting Fatima?
I feel like I could get really close to the management.
Also, Marina.
It’s a pretty reliable operation…
If it’s Fatima, I’ll allow the pushiness.
It was enough to have Francine, my brother, and myself, but after seeing the world of just the other two, I acted on impulse…
My brother, who I have full trust in, threw aside what he had talked about not long ago and took a woman…
I reflected that I was too harsh on my brother at church, and in the end, Francine’s feelings are what really matter!
Well, being in the church at that time caused a big problem.
I am being completely betrayed by someone who is the same as me.
Sometimes I snap back to reality, and from an objective point of view, I probably always have the perspective that this guy is gross.
If given the chance, I can quickly return to my senses and reflect…
The Demon King Narumi isn’t really that important in Pachinko; he just occasionally appears when you win, and there aren’t any scenes or dialogues, it’s more like a product made just for the sake of creating a comedic moment or something like that…
That being said, there are quite a few instances where the Snake Demon King from the original story of the chimney sweep is likened to Narumi, and there are covers where he is depicted in that outfit.
That being said, Demon Lord Narumi is not related to the Snake Demon Lord at all.
The scene where he awakens as the Demon King after stabbing the Harlequin’s horn while crying is one that cannot be watched without tears.
Because Francine was too brave and beautiful, my brother completely lost it…
If I had a heart to face my past like Reborn Ashuraman…
It’s too funny to imagine without a face…
Did you fall in love first!?
Such a child’s reasoning… Ah… Ahh~!
Well, if you’re wondering where to get a corner like that, it’s from Harlequin…
When Silver told me that Francine liked you too, it felt like Gold’s story had reached its conclusion.
The continuation is being carried on by a clown called Faceless.
I wonder how the dog felt being by my side all the time.
🐕️Wow, I’m gross…
For a moment, I return to my senses, but then I repeatedly fly off in a completely different direction, so it’s a relief that I could die while I was sane.
But you know, the Demon King Narumi gives me money.
Even if Narumi goes to space, it probably won’t solve anything.
Even if you could beat up as much as you want,
I can’t get out of my spoiled child mode when it comes to my older brother…
Whether I kill or get killed, this guy will probably die feeling good.
I was just interrupted by my brother again.
Men with mental health issues are unattractive.
My favorite is Minhai’s master, you know.
What’s up with that one person who’s so strong and totally out of the ordinary?
A doll with the limiter removed moves at the speed of sound to come and kill you, right?
An old man practicing martial arts is stronger than a cyborg.
I’m doing it in the void of instant strikes.
If big brother intervenes, it will only make things more troublesome.
I’m glad you didn’t start saying things like, “Winning is no good, Narumi big brother…”
It was Narumi brother who fell in love first.
I became Gii, but there’s no way I can become big brother Narumi.
Well, in this case, if I had gone first, I could have won normally, but I just gave it up…
I mean, by the end, I was like, “Ah, I don’t care anymore, I’m going to commit suicide and take the whole world with me,” that kind of vibe…
Everything just isn’t going well at all.
Anyway, that’s how I am.
It felt like I went to space.
It’s just right, so I’ll have you be my brother from now on. Come here, Narumi.
Because this vandal had some outrageous skills…
What the heck is going on that you can make a nanomachine all by yourself?
Well, Narumi’s brother was also getting entangled with Françoise from Shirogane, so the situation is definitely getting complicated.
He is the man who has inherited the essence of Kin the most.
The fact that all the puppeteers struggling so hideously up to this point are one of a kind is impressive.
Perhaps the existence that most thoroughly embodies the concept of a losing heroine.
I was really surprised that Katsu ended up being with Coronnine.
It’s not Francine or the Silver Girl, but I gave up a woman! I kind of like that.
Even if I get defeated normally, it’s like escaping with a victory, so there are times when I have to make them say, “It was my fault” to finally achieve victory.
On one hand, I think each person’s character is incredibly distinctive, but on the other hand, sometimes unrelated random appearances, like a doll resembling a circus mom, show up suddenly.
Did I not fall in love with Narumi-nii first?!
I wonder what would have happened if Platin had ordinarily been turned down by Francine.
I wonder if they are really being abducted.
It’s not that I’m so broken that I can’t return to my senses; rather, I created an environment where there’s nothing even if I do come back to my senses, and I was just looking away from it.
Despite turning away, there was nothing there, and by presenting that copy, Katsu created a reason for being on the sane side, ultimately choosing to face it.
In other words, for Katsu and Eleonore, Narumi is definitely a hero, but he also somewhat resembles a lost heroine.
I realized that not being popular can twist a person like this.