GUNDAM × MIKU Anniversary Special project. BANDAI NAMCO Lucrea Hatsune Miku × Double O Gundam figure production decided!! ©SOTSU・SUNRISE © Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net piapro Art by lxy MegaHouse GUNDAM.INFO
What kind of Miku is this?
It’s Gundam.
It’s Gundam.
Aren’t you going to become Metal Miku?
The GN particles match the colors well, don’t they?
I also want Getter Miku, Bullet X Miku, and Spiral Power Miku…
There is already a connection.
I love twin-tail drive systems.
It would have been perfect in terms of color for Quanta…
Finally, it’s going to become Super Robot Wars UX.
This is the identity of déjà vu.
Where is the Double O…? But I see, there are two solar furnaces.
The motif seems to be something like a flower field that has withered.
Celestial Miku
I’m not very familiar with Gundam, but I like it.
If you look closely, it’s not a sword sticking into the ground, but a microphone, which was disappointing.
Person named IXY
Was he a writer who also did commercial design?
Isn’t the one with the flowers a Quanta?
Is it really impossible to change the part 01 of the arm?
Isn’t this a Quanta?
Quanta doesn’t have bamboo shoots attached…
It seems like they have a smile that suggests they can’t have a conversation.
The color leans more towards snow white.
Isn’t it zero cas?
I thought you were the person making erotic Jiko because the names are similar…
You’re making some kind of lewd expression.
Zugokku Miku was cute.
I’ve seen Endless Waltz showcase its aspect as a musical piece for the first time.
Overall, the need for strength is incredible.
It’s amazing that they even made a music video.
Well, there are elements of a theatrical version, but since it’s a Twin Drive, I think the basics are OO, right?
Do you want to roll around and sing?
Seeing this makes me want to see designs from other Gundam series too.
It seems there are fewer arrangements compared to W.
Maximum visibility with minimal elements.
I always thought that GN particles were a good match.
A ribbon for the Aerial Striker, huh…
Since she was referred to as “Eiru Pack” with the shout “Eiru Hagu” written on Busamaru, there isn’t much of a sense of discomfort with Eiru Miku-san.
Content that collaborates with Pokémon and also collaborates with Gundam.
Next is a collaboration between Gundam and Pokémon…
I was able to achieve Zeke Axis!
It’s just bamboo!
As expected, it was impossible to completely rot away my whole body…
Isn’t that the GN Sword of Quanta that’s stuck?
It’s basically a flower field, and apart from the base model, it’s mostly all about the Quanta elements!
It looks good on you, but…
The HG Double O Gundam for the 10th anniversary present also had colors reminiscent of Miku.
Well, Miku and 00 are the same age, so…
I couldn’t hold on when the MV suddenly started G Gene.
I see… Both were in 2007, huh…
Eight years ago…
Um… yeah…
I wonder what this is…
A bright future… Did that person have such a thing…?
Is it Hathaway?
Isn’t it unfair that you’re only getting two slots for seeds?!
Because it’s the latest work…
To be honest, I want you to spread this around regardless of that.
Even First-senpai has Zakumikku and Char Zakumikku!
Isn’t it rare for something like this not to collaborate with Mercury?
Aren’t you targeting the Heisei generation?
It’s so popular that they’re making a sequel, so that’s why they’re choosing it, right?
Indeed, G Gundam also had a sequel made…
Kids of this generation will lean more towards Prosecco, so it’s a matter of separation.
IXY… you’ve landed a big job…
If there were Iron Blood, it would have been officially bare breasts…
Twin drive it should be on your chest.
I liked your song!
That’s what the final boss is saying, after all.
If you use Trans Am, you’ll turn red, but is that okay?
I can’t believe that both 00 and Hatsune Miku are 18 years old…
The selection is OO Gundam, but
It feels like a collaborative design with the concept of OO combined from the TV version and the movie version.
I’m an easygoing otaku.
I was moved to tears by the sudden TRANS-AM RAISER, and it even had a chorus.
Is it not allowed to hold weapons, Hatsune Miku?
It’s clearly sticking with a weapon, but if the tip isn’t visible, is it safe…?
No, that’s not the case at all.
You can see the ugly Miku-san holding a weapon in MtG.
If a clear future comes, will flowers and grass comfortably reside as the first three-dimensional manifestation?
Since it’s a DS mile, it means it’s going to be made into a figure.
The younger generation is okay because they are driven by 00 and their potential.
Isn’t that an old man?
The main target is the purchasing demographic.
Except for the first generation, it’s a full-on Heisei choice with GW Seed OO vibes.
In Double O, there were flowers in the fourth ending too…
If a collaboration with Gundam comes, even grass and flowers will be blessed by Miku.
Well, if it’s a selection from Another, I can’t help but think that the slot for Ale Strike should be given to X.
Even if you give it up, that seat will probably end up being a UC in the MV.
It’s not a Gundam because it doesn’t have a V antenna!
In the MV, they use UC, but there’s no Unicorn Miku.
There seems to be a possibility that illustrations will appear later since they are already available.
If it’s a V-shaped antenna, then Rin-chan would be there…!
Remember what month and day today is.
Aren’t you holding back because there’s going to be a second round?
First, we released 1st and G, and this isn’t the second round?
Shining Miku-san, casually mixed in.
The part in the MV where Exia releases GN particles that look like tears is really great…
To be honest, I feel like 00 was forced in just because it belongs to the same era.
Since it’s already appeared in Fortnite, it’s too late now.
Is there no Zgok Miku?
Miku-san… integrated into the body of Holo…
The seed should be a work of the Reiwa era…
The Trans-Am part is great, isn’t it?
In the first place, both Gundam and Miku are content for old men, right?
Miku is very much active.
It’s great that the low per capita spending quantified in the Project Sekai movie clearly shows that the fan base is largely composed of younger people.
Miku is content for elementary school girls.
It’s time now♪
UC can turn green, so it’s just right.
As expected, outside of the original, W, SEED, and 00 are definitely solid choices.
Miku’s birth was in 2007, which is the same as 00’s debut.
Miku and Halo are the same (in a functional sense).
The song “Halo/Hawayu” used a bit of Gundam’s Haro as a theme.
A song that deeply resonates with some working adults.
I only know the song part.
Was that related to Gundam…?
The lyrics say, “Hello, I wonder if there was something like that in old anime.”
Well, it’s close to hinting.
I see!
When you mention it, it really is exactly like that, I see, I see!
Aiga Ai wo~
Why is only W the theme song while the others have background music…?
Was the boy’s wings, who killed puberty, too difficult to mix?
Maybe it’s because the motif is zero (EW version).
It’s amazing how I can put lyrics on the usual BGM without messing it up so much.
I see… the Z’gok is the original mobile suit, huh…
It’s funny how the cuts get stuck in the non-branded G Generation.
I definitely think they are of the same generation as the people involved.
The flow has changed.
There’s a fan art contest, so works not selected this time might get a chance to be featured there.
I want a Twin Drive Miku.
I guess we’re going to live in a shared consciousness space.
By the way, the collaboration song is getting a lot of plays…
Because there are many highlights…
Hatsune Miku is also a popular content among fans.
The same goes for Gundam.
If they are united, then the answer is clear.
It feels like Miku is saying HA HA HA.
It seems like a strategy to attract young people with Hatsune Miku and draw them into Gundam.
Miku-san has a solar reactor growing out of her head.
I thought it was just the first one, so I was surprised when a Freedom song suddenly started playing.
GN Twintail!
Don’t use the Trans-am!
Together ~ Yes! Trans-Am!
I had never thought of using the song from the 1st example as a rap accompaniment.
It would be nice if there were a Gundam themed around songs.
Should I make Miazak in Miku’s colors…?
It overlaps with Macross.
The impressive use of character songs, or insert songs, was indeed in Seed and 00.
It looks like an amazing mobile game.
Using songs by Yuji Matsuyama, Toshihiko Sahashi, Kenji Kawai, Hiroyuki Sawano, and TWO-MIX is such a luxury.
They’re pretty much doing as they please, but the fans of Hatsune Miku are okay with it.
Miku-san has no rules, right?
You’ve probably had more experience with ridiculous collaborations than this.
A pseudo-solar furnace should come out too.
Isn’t it a bit too extreme to compare Hermès with Hermès?
Lalah Sune’s exclusive mobile armor (brand name)
Huh? Isn’t this a mobile armor specifically for Lala Sune?!
It is true that a quanta suitable for dialogue is indeed that.
Miku is the least bound by rules, and the fans know that best.
A bright future is Hathaway.
Where is Mr. Dayo?
Is there no Zieg Axes?!
I want to see a bad-looking Barbatos Miku.
Please give me Pale Rider Miku.
The wings suit you better than the Zero Caus.
Isn’t there a Gundam that looks like it would be erotic?
It’s more like “saku” than “zaku.”
Of all things, it’s the Double-O…
Isn’t Quanta fine?
The twin drives on both shoulders probably matched well with Miku’s twin tails.
This is the strange Z’Gok that was in the thumbnail…
All that’s left is to collaborate with Mazinger and Getter, and then we can have Super Miku in the great war with Fei Yen.
Fujita Saki will die in my throat.
It’s okay, in Project Sekai, the software Miku is talking normally and I can hear her without any problems.
It feels like I’m seeing a phantom of Super Robot Wars UX.
This Gundam is out in an instant.
Talking through songs… You are also Gundam.
It’s Miku who seeks peace through song instead of battle.
It’s the Gundam itself.
That song… is it from Gundam?
Has Hatsune Miku ever appeared in Super Robot Wars?
I was performing with Arushichou and 00.
39-san dressed as 39-san is too cute.
Overall, it’s indeed really cute…
I wanted you not to wear shoes.
It’s nice that you can tell it’s Double-O just from the bamboo shoots.
I want you to try Super Robot Wars UX because Cross is used really well in it.
Miku-san’s usage was the best.
Twin Tail Drive
It is an existence that can embody the ideals of the Double-O Quanta.
It was said that it would be more unreasonable to fit a Z’gok inside a Justice, and I laughed.
Gundam has already collaborated with Hello Kitty…
Miku has already collaborated with both of them, after all.
I wonder what the collaboration for Ex keep will be like.
If it is the existence of electronics that is active in spreading songs regardless of nationality.
Well, it would be judged as being on the side of innovating the world.
Both Gundam and Hello Kitty have a white base with blue, yellow, and red tricolor, so their collaboration outfits look a bit similar.
If anything, this collaboration is rather calm since it’s just an arrangement of Gundam!
There are a lot more weird things!
There was definitely someone like Getemono Miku from the beginning, like CEA…
Well, both of them are like that…
The silhouette is too good…
Gundam…? What is this…?
Please release more of the latest Gundam series!
Zero Kasumi seems to be on the side of the establishment.
Wasn’t there something about Hatsune Miku not being allowed to fight?
So, Stofurimiku is playing the guitar…
As expected, this is Basara.
Well, shall we have Amate wear Miku’s outfit?
Can you do a Trans-am?
Let’s go together! Trans-Am!