I glanced at the bed and felt like sighing. Nobuki’s words stuck in my mind, and after school, I’ve been visiting Mortis and spending time sitting next to him. I quit my part-time job and now have free time, but I didn’t quit for something like this.
“…if I go home”
The futon moved slightly, and when I looked, Mortis was staring at me.
“Should I go home?”
If possible, that would be better. There are still the invitations from Toyokawa and the others. However, Mortis silently turned away and averted his face again.
“You don’t care about me, do you?”
Why do you ask such a thing? However, I understand that it would be better to answer.
“…Wakaba is also necessary for Musica.”
That’s the condition for rejoining, but I won’t go that far.
“Young Leaf’s guitar is the core of the music, so it’s not something that doesn’t matter.”
“I knew it, I don’t care after all!”
Mortis covered himself with a comforter up to his head. Does that mean he didn’t like my answer?
“I’m glad you told me about the guitar, even if it was a lie…”
Hearing those words muffled, I silently let out a small breath.
Umimo is good for your health!!
Is this good for your health…?
I was bracing myself for when Itsuriki would appear, so I’m at a loss for how to react.
Nyamu and Umine have been raised in decent families, so go back to your hometown.
It feels nice, like a complement during an intermission.
I wrote this scene so that Mortis-chan would be told “I love you” by Nyamu, so I would be happy to hear you say that.
It might be worse than the girl who firmly states, “I’ll go visit Mutsumi after finishing my parfait.”
Is this… the Umi Mutsu Restoration faction?
“I need Wakaba’s guitar sound; I cannot spend my time idly.”
It seems that it has become routine to send it every day.
Even in a strange document, it’s still a one-way band, huh…
You probably don’t fully understand the reason why this happened to you, but it seems you’ve started sending it every day.
Doing this and bringing protein bars, there are some signs of growth from the idiot Umiri.
While I was accompanying Wakaba-san, Muzika revived.
It seems that by taking care of Wakaba-san, one can gain trust.
I will escort you to Wakaba’s house.
Hello, is this the doctor…? The Super S Class Kei-Rin concept… it won’t wake up…
Yes… yes… I’ve been lying down the whole time……
Spadari Kazune-chan has died.
Even the strong character Mortis died in one round.
In episode 12 of MyGO, it seemed like Mutsuki was caring, but once the lid was lifted, it turned out like this.
Furthermore, I thought that you were having a friendly conversation with Hatsuka, but in reality, it was like that.
I could talk about work properly, and I was simply excited about being invited to the band.
It seems that while starting Musica, they have adjusted by reevaluating Mutsumi’s character once again.
Unexpectedly, all the characters might have changed from the last game.
I feel unsure if it was okay to say this in the interview.
Of course, I think they are being careful not to make the depiction strange.
That said, Umisuzu hasn’t changed at all.
It’s not good that I’ve been acting like a mercenary as usual even in Musica.
It’s not exactly small talk; it’s about band practice, so there’s no inconsistency in character.
The content of the conversation was unclear, right!?
That’s what it’s like, Umisuzu.
Umiyaki’s brush has broken, so now Umisuzu is a little lost…
The bonds born from a relationship formed out of calculation are what the director was talking about, so it’s just a low point right now, and it might turn into the usual Bang Dream after this.
If it’s sunny tomorrow, I’ll rip off the futon.
If I sleep on a dried futon, good ideas come to mind.
However, it seems that not only Tachiki but also Nyamu had relatively heavy feelings…
Ugh, it’s so annoying, I can’t understand.
Don’t blow air out.
The perfect communication departure called in MyGo episode 9 is what I learned from the results of the 20 bands that have finished.
As a mercenary, I’m exceptionally skilled…
U-chan has turned into an accessory stand…
If you keep sulking in bed too much,
It can’t be helped, I’ll leave it alone for now… so I won’t come tomorrow.
The reason why Hatsuka, who even went as far as contacting Tonara, did not talk to Taki is still unclear.
Was this a protein bar?
I love this kind of thing.
Cucumbers are called “cucumber” in English, so it seems like they might be messing around with it in Garupapiko.
I’m too clumsy… Thinking about what comes next is painful.
I want to know how Mizuki felt about Mortis dying.
Mortis was the one who earned the most trust points that I wanted, but he died.
There was actually never such a strange document written…
Maybe everyone disposed of them before coming out.
It’s unavoidable because I started showing my disgrace before the strange documents became popular.
To write it, I need to completely disregard the original work and build the story from scratch.
The ones who seriously faced Mutsumi were Soyō, Tatsuki, and then Nyamu, and while Umiri was just getting started, Nyamu confessed first.
What tempted Mortis to become a real one is that thing.
It’s like saying that by denying Mourtis, Shoko is also denying Mutsumi, so I can’t say I had high expectations for that…
Shoko: I’m not motivated.
Nyamu: Mortis isn’t here.
Mutsu: There is no smile from Yoshitaka.
Umirine: No trust.
This means that since Hikaru was the only one misunderstanding, remaining at her peak would disrupt the balance, so the old man’s restraint was necessary.
Will Umisuzu learn something about the new Mortis by accompanying him home?
…■Do you want to eat?
Would you like to eat…?
It’s better than I thought…
It’s not as a coupling, but more like… you know.
It makes me feel as if I’m nurturing an expectation that warm affection will blossom.
I might come to teach Mutsumi math instead of Shoko.
Even though it’s air, I think the fact that Mortis taught me guitar is an element that allows me to affirm myself…
Even if it’s a betrayal to Mutsumi
It seems that there are many people in the 30 bands who mistake themselves for a “spadari.”
The reason I was able to defeat Mutsu, even if only for a moment, is thanks to learning air guitar.
During the time of my lost child, there were only cool scenes that would definitely be called “spadar” (a charming and admirable person)…
Conversely, I wonder if people who only see Musica see Soyorin as the Holy Mother.
In episodes 1 to 2, they were really leaning towards the low tones.
You can manage except for up to the middle of episodes 1 and 2!
Mortis, who has only ever had proper meals, might not think of Calorie Mate as food.
So, would you eat BASE bread?
Away from healthy food…
From today’s Garupa event, RAS is still being sidelined due to harassment from a major agency.
I was told by the support team that I don’t need to come for a while, so the lack of a base is becoming serious.
That’s the worst, win-wing…
How about complete curry rice? It’s curry!
In episode 2, she gets angry and leaves Aine behind to go home alone…
They leave messages on read and ignore them…
Since the Toyokawa family failed in their business and fell into poverty, Shoko quit classical music.
– Mutsumi is practicing guitar in the basement, and from the atmosphere of the house, Mutsumi’s parents are dangerous people.
Maybe Namu is disguised as Riki’s sister because she has an unusual hostility toward Shoko?
The handsome first-year student, Hoshika-chan, looks like that but is actually a young lesbian.
– The sensible Umi helps Mutsuki, who is troubled by Shoko, who has fallen into darkness.
It’s just about Mutsumi’s parents. The prediction about the lost child broadcast was correct; Hoshika was weaker than expected.
Well, I think it’s up to each person to decide whether it’s different or not.
If you’re not convinced, then pour that passionate feeling into a cryptic document.
Soyoko no longer has a reason to treat Aine coldly so that her memories of CRYCHIC won’t be overwritten, but she has always thought Aine’s sense of style is somewhat lame.
I wonder if Mana-chan has changed too…
Soyo is annoyed and uncomfortable because Ai-ne is unrelated to the classic.
Even that Umi-ru has now succeeded in accumulating a large amount of trust and has revived Musica.
Initially, Chise was thinking of maintaining a friendly front while also planning to cut ties and escape if Pasupare went under.
If Mana-chan is an actress’s talent, then Hika-chan seems childish and annoying… I think.
Since I can play the guitar and have a decent face, I might feel that I should protect him as long as he is useful.
To be honest, this series is full of characters that are not particularly favorable for moebuta, with quite a few quirks.
I think Mujica just adjusted in that direction.
Mana-chan is a classic heroine, so I want her to go through terrible hardships with all my might.