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[Mobile Suit Gundam] I wonder what modifications will be made to the aerial type Gundam when it appears in build series.

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

For now, the permit score will be inflated.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

Place a solar furnace on the broom.

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The bit seems like it could become a sword or armor.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

(The user who pretends to take damage while being in high spirits, even though it shouldn’t have any effect.)

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Clear parts are piled up on the bit!

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you express the work as it is, it specializes in bits.

There’s no need to match the work, so it’s fine to go at it with your fists, but for now, the shining Pampesco has a high artistic effect.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Pretending the score went up, Trans-Am.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like it will become a female type.

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It doesn’t seem to have such an outrageous modified impression.

I would be happy if you could do a Lubris fusion.

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

There seems to be an episode where a beam-focused approach close to the worldview of Mercury encounters difficulty against an opponent with femtech armor.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like they might do even more outrageous magical girl customization.

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11


It’s a good idea, but I got caught up in the concept alone, and since I didn’t have any ideas for actual production, I tried adding parts while thinking, but it didn’t come together; that’s the feeling.

If you think about how cool it would be to have a weapon straddling an MS, then there shouldn’t have been any time to add something to the head. In other words, the inability to focus on making use of the idea resulted in a visible outcome. If you’re going to straddle something, the design of the MS’s legs itself might have changed, and more importantly, the weapon itself had to be designed to straddle. Because the creative energy that should have been used in that context went into the head’s accessories, a tacked-on silhouette becomes apparent, and it doesn’t turn into a finished product. You can come up with all sorts of logical explanations, but even if the creator is satisfied with them, it won’t be appreciated by outsiders.

The head needs to be organized more, and the beam rifle that straddles should have been designed on the basis of being several times larger. It’s a shame.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like it’s also nice to boldly go for something like a fully armored, bulky look.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thinking about it that way, from a build perspective, it might be treated as a specialized type, similar to Iron Blood.

18: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Well, I’m saying this, but if you don’t consider the Mercury-like aspect, you can do anything, right?

When it comes to the Mercury-like quality, it just becomes a Pamesco-utilizing bit.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like all the bits are weapons, like in Savania.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

It looks like I have a rifle in both hands.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

A broom turns into a massive mace of iron and blood.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Permet Score ∞!

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

Slettahead’s Witch Girl Caliburn

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the base is simple, there are plenty of ways to expand on things like carrying items.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Well, if I think seriously about it, since Iron-Blood has not been mainly handled yet, I’ll pass.

29: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


During the Diver’s time, there was a custom by the GBN development staff that added bird-like design parts to Graze Ein, transforming it into a birdman in a side story; that might be the only one.

It seems there was something wrong from a rights perspective, so it changed to a guard frame base.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, it’s already been almost 10 years since Meijin rampaged in Lupus…

57: Japan Otaku Reviews


It is only natural to pause due to the circumstances of rights.

Even if it’s been that long, it’s still a diver’s watch.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it were me, I’d say a permanent score of minus one or something.

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I thought about combining bits to create a great sword, but it overlaps with Quanta’s sword bits.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


It’s okay.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well then, let’s go with a slightly twisted version of the Great Sword Gundam style.

25: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

In other words, it’s going to become Schwarze Sette.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

The combined cannon is being upgraded by Aerial, after all.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m most grateful that the connection between the upper and lower body has become a stick since Mercury.

I wonder if they could release replacement parts for old kits like this.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shall we transplant it even in Alaya Consciousness Type E?

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it unfair that all 11 bases fire beams because the shield has fallen apart?

Isn’t it super strong if you use Bit-On and have it hold two shields?

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In the story, it’s about matters of the heart, but I think aiming for those that can be easily made as plastic models is a good target.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

Transplanting thrusters on the back.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

If they’re going to do it, I’d like them to create a new mold for the Gundam Frame ④ in Iron-Blooded Orphans.

The resale is too worn out.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

The aerial mixed with Quanta that someone made was really great.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

Maybe I’ll be made to wear a dress or something.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

I never got used to the scattered shape of the bits until the end…

39: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wasn’t used to it, or rather, there are so many effects that while watching the video, I don’t pay attention to the shapes or anything.

If we’re talking about Gunpla, we might care about the shape too.

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Since I was able to make the Amazing Barbatos Lupus, if I’m going to do the next build, I wonder if Iron-Blooded will come out in earnest.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was there... I wonder if they won't make a comeback...

Hehe… The wish of the Masuda diver ends… and it is a beautiful beginning.

I was there…

I wonder if they won’t make a comeback…

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s Build Fighters, Kaiser would use Quanzero.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Overriding and dominating.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If it’s a build type, it seems like there could be a reverse hack with a psychoframe, so it probably won’t reach the level of invincibility.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shall we combine the bits and get a ride?

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

Zero System



Berserker System

I’ll load everything up.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like messing around with Lubris more than Aerial will lead to a crazier Origan being completed.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want to see a fusion like a try-on with Thorne and Ul.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

It felt like they exhausted themselves putting effort into maintaining appearances.

54: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

I thought this was really good.

Before going to bed, draw. Whatever works, just something casual. Gundam Excalibur, a modified Gundam Calibur. The 12 Ex-Gambit units on the back can independently perform all-range attacks and can also expand in an X formation on the back, combine with the Break Satellite Cannon on the right arm for a Microwave Form, combine with the Ex-Rifle on the left arm for a Buster Rifle Form, and take on a defensive Esca-shun Rifle Form. By activating the special move Permit Score X, it establishes a Permit communication with the D.O.M.E on the lunar surface at Score 10, while the unit receives MW during combat maneuvers and supplies MW to the involved Gambits, unleashing an all-range satellite cannon with a total of 13 units.

I thought this was really good.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews


Could this be something we can release before the rights come in…?

131: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s clearly using the original parts instead of a modified version from the X framework…

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

So that’s why it’s going to be a magical girl enhanced version based on Caliburn.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once it’s lifted, I’ll use it until I die, but it’s tough having my mold tinkered with by Riku-kun, Double-O.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It was already being overused with variations to begin with, so…

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want a new build game.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

Should I attach the solar furnace on my shoulder and put a shield there?

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are so many evil-looking Gunpla based on Barbatos, so I want to see some with a heroic vibe too.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

By equipping a striker pack and flash system and replacing the lower body with a Bst, it becomes a Strike Witches.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

Should I equip the Bit weapon on the Darryl Bald?

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time, the new TV show GQuuuuuuX came not long after from Mercury.

If we’re going to build, it will probably be early in the 26th fiscal year.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

Who will lead the charge in the free-configuration aircraft?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s a potato person.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


I lost because it was Justice…! Should I switch to a different Gunpla then!?

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


No, rather, the Justice exterior shatters with a “parin” sound, and from inside, either the Impulse or the Destiny comes out.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it impossible unless you incorporate 1/144 into 1/60?

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


But the Build Burning came out of the Dom…

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like I can hide it with Dom because it’s thick, but the SEED series is thin…

70: Japan Otaku Reviews


Capes and wings are flashy, so they might surprisingly be on the enemy side.

It’s just that Karura is about to die from the overwhelming amount of information from the art team.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the beam sound of the variable rod rifle, so I want to tweak it in a build-oriented way.

I wonder if they could do some more build-related stuff after Zeke Axes…

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

No risk and the permit score! I want to scream, “SIX!!!!!!!”

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the build world, it seems like Pamesco might be recreated somehow.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

Normally, one would think that it would be a machine unrelated to Pameasco and Bit.

It’s basically just a shuffle aside from the first generation, and it’s boring.

77: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Where is the misalignment between the Double O Diver and the AGE Magnum?

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Should I mix a Varche type into Lubrisoul…?

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think Rudra is the most fun to touch.

Karura and Shiva have the rider and the aircraft both reminiscent of the original.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

Command Caliberan

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Score 8 → ∞

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re going to appear in a build-type, it would be better to go with a modified version of Daryl Balde or Faract rather than Aerial, and compete in the rival category.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if Bandai and Sunrise are really motivated to continue the Build series.

Since Ririze only streams on the internet now, the Metaverse is only at episode 3.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The build relies heavily on past heritage, so developing new series is important, right?

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

There was a beginner pretending to be a pervert by putting a top-down appearance on a Dark Hound, so I think it’s possible to make it look like that during the anime… Gunpla? It depends on Bandai’s efforts.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

I also did a rerun of the television broadcast.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

YouTube is just one week ahead; I think it was being re-aired on BS11.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a desire for the next protagonist’s machine to use either Iron-Blooded or Mercury.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a feeling that some of the mob members from the enemy team might casually ride on a Deserter, but now that I think about it, the Deserter wasn’t sold to the public.

92: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It’s great to bring out custom models of Iron-Blooded Orphans, but I wish they would do something about the frame’s strength.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can still do my best.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

If they’re going to seriously bring out the Iron-Blooded Frames, I’m excited about the possibility of someone doing something like an original frame!

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

I would do it like this.

I would do it like this.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


For some reason, my heart is pounding.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I’ll attach a folding cannon to the Zawort.

98: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Combine the Zawort and the Zaut.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

Energy explosion! Bang!

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mobile Suit Zettaimutechi 0

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a mundane place, then fully turning the Zawort into AC…

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since I was involved at 30mm, it seems like I might be forgiven for some reckless behavior.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like you’ll end up honestly giving out AC.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

The female protagonist with mixing of Barbados and aerial.

It seems like it’s bad for the body.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s exciting to have a harmful MS for the body, isn’t it?

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

Make the Zawot NEXT.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

The upper body of Lupus Rex!

The lower half of the Barbataurus!

Amazing backpack!

This is my Barbatos!

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

Permette Score Six ⇒ Max

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the seed will turn Shiva into a Gundam face.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like Rigel Gemenars will appear.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Instead of draining life, the Parmet Score has become a pay-per-use item that drains wallets.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


Gundam Pay-to-Win

130: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it the main mech from SRW?

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

Systems built on source material tend to be basically harmless as they put a burden on the original pilots.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Nitro system was explained to increase information processing, which resulted in the UI being filled with parameters.

I guess it would physically tire you out if you fully utilize it.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want something to be made in the SD Knight Gundam series.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the parmet like Asimulate?

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to make a six-armed model with Arm Bit specifications using Jetterk’s MS.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

Barbatos builds have been increasing quite a bit, so I would also like to see machines based on other designs.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to see something like Ardra in Greys again.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gusion Rebake Full Monty

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it unnecessary to raise the permit score since you can use bit weapons with AI?

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I think the strength of the permit score is the override.

A higher score can crush a lower score.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I could look more witch-like.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews


125: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Strictly speaking, it’s not part of the Build series, but Barbataurus has a super delicious role, and Amazing Lupus was treated well too, so I don’t think it feels underappreciated even if it doesn’t become the main machine.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

That aside, I want to see Rex’s custom build mecha…

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems more likely that they’ll incorporate perm… elements into other mecha works.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


To the Gundam Frame! Permet Score!

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s forcibly commercialize it with things like Gundam Gamijin Build or Gundam Full Full Build.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

It might be nice to recreate the mental pain that pilots experience with something like loud, explosive ASMR sounds.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Playing with the Darilbalde, where both the hands and sub-arms and the shield can be controlled wirelessly, requires a good sense.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews


There will definitely be someone who acts like a puppet.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

The enhanced mode types are not much different in terms of gameplay, except for the quality of the plastic models, so it feels like you should just use the one from your favorite work.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can make the witch elements stronger or completely eliminate them.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking at the settings, regardless of the principles, it seems that having a gambit brings out the characteristics of the permut in terms of phenomena…

It’s quite difficult to define the uniqueness of MS in Mercury, aside from the design…

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Falact also has wireless weapons, but it’s pretty understated.

I want to play around with it and turn it into a variable machine, but it would lose its Mercurial essence, so to speak.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there are clear disadvantages, it becomes difficult because then you might think about replacing it with a different system from another work.

142: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I think it’s a world where there are definitely people who would incorporate something like that without knowing if they have a work they want to use.

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Nitro, nitro! That guy uses nitro!

168: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Isn’t it good with ○○? Or thinking it’s fine to go with that because there’s ○○ is the kind of thinking that bad otakus have…

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Zawort Heavy that you made, huh?

Is this really made only from Gundam plastic models?

144: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is everything properly made by Bandai?

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

What were they thinking when they came up with the Trans Am in GP02… I couldn’t help but think that.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to modify the cool Begirubew and change the anti-dot to equipment other than Parment.

You can make that round pod an additional booster or a beam weapon.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews


Gundam Begirbeu!

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Is this a world line where the witch-hunting squad normally lost to Vanadis?

152: Japan Otaku Reviews


Like a red Gundam…

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think there was a notation saying that it’s using something like the Zaku Amazing or the barrel from military model kits in the settings.

It might be that the restrictions are loose in Build World, contrary to expectations.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews


Military model (U.C. HARD GRAPH 1/35 Earth Federation Army Type 61 Tank Model 5 Semovente Squad)

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want someone to attach a Gando Arm to Lubliss’s arm.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


So you’re from Hokuriku, huh?!

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

I saw a hellish modified machine here that uses a Raider equipped with a Parquet and is designed for disposable operations with a Boosted Man…

158: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s too absurd…

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

To hunt witches, you must use the power of witches!

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the well-made Mercury Gundam will be quickly overridden by the assembled MS Mercury.

There are psychoframe types and psychoframe jacks as well.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wonder how the pilot-dependent ability of the permethlink is reproduced.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews


When a diver reaches C rank or higher, their special moves are determined by experience and the characteristics of their Gunpla, so it might work in a similar way.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

The conversation changes depending on whether it’s Fighters or Divers…

165: Japan Otaku Reviews


Diverse seems to have some balance adjustments since it’s an online game, and there are also features that are treated as unimplemented in the spin-off.

161: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It seems that Grandma’s ultimate goal was complete mechanization to adapt to the space environment.

It seems like there are patterns that EL divers might use.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews


Instead of the brain being burned

The server will be burned.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I want to remodel a Gundam model…

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

It means that the mystery sand becomes a permitt.

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like aiming for a Gundam with a different material and different work could be a whole story in itself.

Let’s create a Gundam-like model based on the original Gundam!

171: Japan Otaku Reviews


Does it mean exchanging limbs to become a Gun Cannon and a Gun Tank…?

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s a core change, isn’t it?

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

Both the Fighters world and the Divers world will still work with knockoff Gunpla, right?

172: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

There are no elements of Canon!

173: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Learn to throw rocks.

174: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It didn’t work.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

When it comes to Mercury’s cannon slot, it’s definitely Cribari.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’d like to see an official version of Tanurial that dares to use Beargguy 3 as a base with Aerial parts and a raccoon-style paint job.

I would like a Petit Guy styled like Suletta, Ellict, or Hotz to be included if possible.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

Do you want to see a Calibur like Garayaka?

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hamarn’s Exclusive Magical Girl Calliburn

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s either becoming a magical girl or becoming Ex-Calibur.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want them to officially do PS armor + Gundam frame + GN drive.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews


I briefly thought that the Kutaan Type-3 from the recent build series included the Raphael Gundam with a GN Drive + Ahab Reactor!! But then I remembered that the Kutaan Type-3 itself doesn’t have an Ahab Reactor, and I became disappointed…

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, there weren’t many underwater MS or round-shaped ones on Mercury…

The academy’s Hozra is roundish.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think a build where you equip two swords and look like a cloak will appear in Schvalzet.

188: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


When the number of guardians doubles, we need to consider the position of the mount.

I want to be particular about whether it equips on the back from the start or whether it can unfold like a cloak through a mode change, just like the original model.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to see the official Apsaras-type giant butt MA Ketsusaras.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

Grimgerde can change its impression with just one maroon runner.

I think it looks very easy to modify in terms of build.

187: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It seems like handling the power supply would be a hassle…

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

GN Permanent Score!

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