Home » Manga » Medalist » [Medalist] Wasn’t the music video by Yoasobi filmed with a drone?

[Medalist] Wasn’t the music video by Yoasobi filmed with a drone?


1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


2: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can take pictures while sliding, huh…

172: Japan Otaku Reviews


The speed at which figure skaters move is incredible; it’s a pace that photographers can’t keep up with.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you have the technique to use a fishing rod while sliding, taking photos should be a breeze.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today at my workplace, this song plays about once every five times, but has someone had their brain fried by this music video?

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(It’s not burned yet…)

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx28


Yonezu and Yuzuru collaborating is just a bit too powerful…

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like the camera was at a high position, but did you use a fishing rod?

8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx25

Even if they don’t know the medalists, there are a lot of Japanese people who know Kenshi Yonezu and Yuzuru Hanyu…

25: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Please read Medarist during this opportunity, the person who is singing.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the music video had Yamazaki doing serious special effects skating, it might have been funny as a gag, but seeing something too serious is a bit… troubling.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

No… that’s funny.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was written that Yotaka Jun doesn’t have any money problems, but I really felt the strong enthusiasm from both the sponsors and supporters in the Yuzuru community.

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx15

To be frank,

The heat is scary!

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The link melts away!

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it moves sideways when sliding, maybe the footage will be more stable than filming while walking on the ground.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, I still wanted to see a kickback vibe from Yonezu.

23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


It shone around there just a little over a month ago…

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This guy keeps collaborating with hit productions one after another.

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A man who becomes unable to speak due to too many tie-ups.

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I need someone to erase my memory every time, just like Yuichi Nakamura…

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Thanks to that, I now need to become a gold medalist before I can dance.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s probably a YouTuber practicing for a video of them trying to skate soon.

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


If you can do it, you can spread your wings and soar into the world.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17


First, 4Lz!

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Only about 20 people have succeeded in the history of figure skating.

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Hanyu’s team is thrilled that a quadruple Lutz was included in the short program.

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Upon closer inspection, Yonezu isn’t moving that much…

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Just trying this out could earn money on its own.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx20


You’ve already taken it twice, right?

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Is it about the medal…?

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Bow and arrow is a song dedicated to Hanyu…

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


You should also check out Akiko Suzuki in the Skytree, which will be released soon…

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The Japanese figure skating community might pull out various legends, aces, and hopes to have them skate or something like that…

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This song has come to refer to Yuzuru Hanyu…

29: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


It’s a bit too perfect that his name is Yuzuru.

30: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Is it really okay to see something like this for free?

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

What kind of work is at the level of collaboration between these two? It’s great to hear that even people who weren’t interested at first are now reporting that they are getting involved.

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I guess I’ll have Maho Shimada dance instead!

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In Japan, there is only one person, Hanyu, who can jump a quadruple Lutz and land a clean triple Axel, and has better flexibility than women.

Is it Kana who is in charge of light motion capture?

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Even my sun is sliding and shooting on its own without using Dory, so their skills are guaranteed.

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Practice the second season opening using a harness.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everyone who started skating after watching the medalists! Let’s aim for this example first!

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I see… so this is what they call a real night hawk, huh…

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16


Apologize to Yuzuru Hanyu!

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

When you draw a medalist, the medalist dances for you!

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t believe how excited the atmosphere is since the announcement of the anime adaptation.

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Anime adaptation is a good thing, but the place doing it had a somewhat delicate line…

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

One day, a disciple of Hanyu will dance this.

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

Initial movement – Kaoru Ryuzaki

~Exhibition expansion omitted~

Final Board: Kenshi Yonezu, Yuzuru Hanyu

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There are often cameras chasing on roller skates in movies.

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Fans of Yuzuru Hanyu were saying that his performance is more intense than during his active years, and it was just too much.

51: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s not something that an adult male’s physique can easily do, like a beer belly spin.

52: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx21


Unlike being active, if you fall, you can just retake it.

It’s not a good composition when you can shoot it again.

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The moment when you realize, “So that’s why I kept saying my butt hurts!”

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If we do this in one take now, it’s definitely guaranteed money.

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Is that an amazing program?

60: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The quadruple Lutz is a technique that caused a major injury, and I only succeeded in it once during my active career.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Did you really include such a dangerous technique?!

What makes you go that far…?

72: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s because I want to enhance the quality of my favorite’s music video…

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Maybe the fact that my physical condition is clearly better now is also a factor.

54: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I’m glad to see Yuzuru skating again.

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The movements along the way look incredibly feminine, but is this how it is…?

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Because it’s Yuzuru Hanyu…

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s the opposite of what Hikaru-chan was doing in the latest episode of the original work…


57: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Hanyu wasn’t born into a wealthy family, so he sold his house and became associated with a famous asset manager (Horiemon).

I write petitions because I produce results, and figures cost money, so it’s tough to keep doing it.

Competitive skating is not particularly recommended, you know. We received support from ANA and the Olympic Foundation, so we were able to secure funding.

It seems like everyone wants to enjoy skating because it’s fun, but it really should just be a hobby.

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Kenshi Yonezu × Yuzuru Hanyu vs Medalists

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Because it came up in the morning news.

Look… I’ve done it for my family with my medalist…

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This must be the ultimate joy for a writer…

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The problem is that the screen is cut off so drastically that even if the composition is presented, about half of it is not visible.

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Please come and see it☆

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Hmph… Even if I fall on the ice, I can at least break my fall.

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70: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can do it too (if it’s about Yonezu’s movements).

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


That’s awesome!

I only have the confidence to become like a newborn fawn.

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The latest developments in the main story synced up a bit, which gave me goosebumps.

The latest developments in the main story synced up a bit, which gave me goosebumps.

Landed the quadruple Lutz…! □ Points added ■ Points deducted ■ No evaluation ✕ Mistake Quadruple Lutz □ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Current Yuzuru Hanyu’s program at a level that could break his body is being performed by elementary school student Hikaru-chan, who is already burning with passion…

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They said in the play that it’s tough because it costs money, but is it really that bad?

76: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Since yesterday, Inori-san has been saying in my mind that there is nothing more precious than this.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the choreography was done by Hanyu himself.

You’ve become hooked on medalists, huh?

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A well-made manga with good figures is also rare.

82: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


This top artist and top athlete have a deep understanding of the original work.

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Did you watch the music video, Shiki-kun?

Do it?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s about Yonezu…

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is an ice show this amazing? No wonder it becomes popular.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just wait and see, everyone will notice the brilliance of Yuzuru Hanyu.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10


I’ve already been shown a tremendous brightness.

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That’s strange… the time when I shone the brightest should have already passed…

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

It has an amazing delicacy while being full of momentum and power.

Well, if you keep doing something like this, your body will break down from the strain.

87: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Just because it’s a medalist’s MV, they brought in a perfect gold medalist among the medalists…

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s an amazing scene where people are competing in a world tournament while acting like fools in middle school and high school…

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

The title of the medalist is like that…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

Figure skating ranks at the top of the list for expensive hobbies, almost at the very top.

92: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Lutz is impressive, but the 4S + 3T is seriously amazing.

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It seems that since it’s for filming, they cut and edit out the mistakes.

Still, it’s amazing that I can do it as a one-off at my current age.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

Honestly, I can’t tell the difference in jumping, so I’m just amazed by the elegance and beauty of the spins and steps.

94: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Yuzuru Hanyu = The Beast of Ice Flame Theory

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The rotation speed of the quadruple jump is so insane that it makes me laugh.

It’s clear at a glance that only the chosen ones can control something like this.

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It’s amazing how it accelerates so quickly, as if there were a motor in the skates.

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When Hanyu was 14 years old, this kid was cute or something.

I remember there was a lot of excitement here about someone who seemed likely to become a big deal in the future.

They said it sounds like a name that otaku would like.

Sixteen years ago…

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Competitive skating has many restrictions, so there are lots of things that feel like we can do freely now.

It seems that due to the weight restrictions, she couldn’t even eat properly like the Russian women.

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There are some instances this season where certain anime creators are doing whatever they want with the source material…

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The passion of both the Sentai Red and the medalists is incredible, isn’t it?

Well, it won’t become popular.

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Are there any standards for people like this?

122: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


I saw you in the morning thread too.

You don’t have to touch it.

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


It’s just that I hate things that are getting hyped up, so no matter how popular they are, I find something to nitpick about them.

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I’m worried that people might misunderstand and think I’m collaborating with Demon Slayer on the jacket.

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If you can follow the structure of this MV, you’ll become a medalist! Let’s all do it!

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If it goes up to the song, BOW AND ARROW, it will become a program that remains in history.

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

You’re doing a layback spin, aren’t you?

Is this something a guy can still do?

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Boar and arrow… bowstring… I see… Yonezu, you…

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I realized again after watching the MV that the bow and arrow represent the coach and the athlete.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

You should show the making without cuts, right?

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I want to see the video of the motion included too.

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In the later years of my active career, I said I would seal it away because it felt like my spine would break.

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In his active days, he was an amateur; now he is a professional, according to his own words.

What are you talking about?!

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Even the Russian who can skate a little had bolts put all over their body to skate…

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(Broken bolt)

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Yuzuru is singing like crazy, it’s really funny.

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The discussion video will likely be released as usual, so we can also expect the making-of.

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Look… the Romeo and Juliet from the 2012 Nice World Championships…

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Isn’t it terrible that even active skaters get eliminated mostly on the quadruple Lutz and almost all male skaters get eliminated on the Biellmann?

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Not just the majority, but there are only two people who can do it in Japan.

Kagiyama said that he would seal off the quadruple lutz in the upcoming tournament, indicating that the hurdles are quite strict.

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Hikari’s routine includes a quadruple Lutz followed immediately by a quadruple toe loop + triple toe loop + double toe loop, and then another quadruple Salchow, so it feels a bit excessive.

Even Russians wouldn’t do it.

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It could be a dangerous program that, if done during a growth period, could lead to getting completely broken and unable to recover…

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Right now, Hikaru-chan is burning with energy and skating…

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To come up with such a strategy, you clever Shinichiro…!!

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First of all, you will definitely get hurt.

Even at the highest level for men, that’s impossible, and it’s unlikely to be achievable by Yotaka Jun either; that’s the content here.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like we can go quite far if we compete in the championship now.

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Gen Hoshino

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Look at my Yonezu…

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Look at my Yuzuru…

133: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


Who is this guy?!

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Hikari-chan, are you possibly already touching the highest point of humanity?

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The Olympics are still seven years away, so it’s not surprising if this is considered Hikari-chan’s peak.

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That’s why it was necessary to change the title to “Medalist.”

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m going to practice this PV a bit.

148: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Don’t die…

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Yamamoto Marshal is strong.

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I like the jump in “Surpass Me.”

139: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I feel that the beauty of 4S is on a different level between Fernandez and Hanyu.

Even if they can fly Lz, there are quite a few who are not good at 4S.

141: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I am surprised that Yuzuru Hanyu is already 30.

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Is this the skating rink in Sendai?

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It seems like it would be really difficult to shoot the scene where Hanyu is skating vigorously next to a singer who isn’t skating at all…

146: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

This is a song by a medalist, so it’s funny that it has a double meaning!

147: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

To be honest, I wanted to see Yonezu’s quadruple jump too.

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Not a ligament, but a human body injury.

153: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


When he gets serious, he not only does quadruple jumps but also hovers in the air…

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I wonder if the guy who can skate a little, given the circumstances, also made an appearance in the music video…?

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It’s nice that Yuzuru sings “I have been born.”

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This is Inori-chan’s song, but isn’t it “Yodaka” that is sliding?

157: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2



Comparing Yuzuru Hanyu to that social misfit is certainly an insult!

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Hikari-chan probably has the image of a monster girl that regularly appears in Russia, considering the height of that free leg and all.

Including the possibility of an early peak…

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It’s the Russian training cycle where if you peak and win a medal at 15, you’ll break and be gone by the time you’re 20.

But it only works because there are geniuses coming up from below who are unbelievably talented…

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State-sponsored doping, you know.

177: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s a combination of ballet training methods and various out-of-bounds doping.

It’s consuming not just their athletic career but their entire life.

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“Look at my Yuzuru.”

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I wonder what amazing thing the person who started this is capable of, like having a gold medalist join the Kōhaku singers…

164: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The beginning of it all was when Natsumi Haruse voiced Kaoru Ryuuzaki in the Deremas anime.

This is on a whole different level than the butterfly effect.

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Um, I heard that the lifespan of a figure skater is short and that when they become older, they can’t perform big tricks anymore.

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It seems that there have been several failures because it’s a PV.

To decide it in one shot during the actual performance is the hallmark of a true monster.

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Inori’s sit spin will become faster like that as her skill level improves from now on…

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The character for “gen” is amazing.

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1. Black with a tinge of red or yellow. “Genko, Genmai”

2 Deep and dark. “Entrance, secret room, subtle / mysterious.”

3 Deep principles. “Mystical learning”

4. Far away. “Great-grandson”

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

Despite being such a hot topic, the earthworm plushie is not popular at all…

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s so scary that the factors indicating a breakdown have been suggested for some time.

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Power stone… Cascade…

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There might be Inori-chan, who wants to have her brain fried by this MV…

170: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Did you just land a quadruple Lutz?!

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Read it… the medalist from Tsuru-mai.

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I don’t know if it’s due to a malfunction or growth, but Hikaru-chan in the latter half of the story…

It seems like I’m going to end up being the one who struggles.

178: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

[Medalist OP] Tried BOW AND ARROW Challenge [Yuzuru Hanyu]

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Tag, give it a try.

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No one will come…

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Content with excessively high fate power.

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The author that Kaoru-chan likes created a manga, adapted it into an anime, and was able to make the main character just like Kaoru-chan.

Yonezu, who likes medalists, called Hanyu, who likes Yonezu, and they were able to create a music video.

182: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Regardless of popularity, they seem to be very satisfied, and that’s great.

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Since it seems that both of them have already graduated from acting for financial purposes.

It feels too much like a collaboration born out of passion.

184: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Everyone involved in this work is quite something…

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Everyone involved in the series of incidents is supporting their favorites.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

Haruse Natsumi ← Tsurumaika da

↓     ↑

Yuzuru Hanyu → Kenshi Yonezu

193: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


Has goodwill circulated?

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When I think about being able to skate fast, it reminds me of P-chan, who often crashed into the walls due to the differences in the venues.

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I want you to take pictures of me while I’m taking them.

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Since it sold so well in the world, I wonder if the voice acting jobs for Nappy will increase a lot.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bar for the second season’s opening has been raised too high!

196: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


This song is really fast for a figure tempo…

197: Japan Otaku Reviews

Tsurumai Kada ← Kaoru Ryuzaki ← Natsumi Haruse

↓         ↗

Kenshi Yonezu → Yuzuru Hanyu ↗

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it about time for the disturbing historical facts about my favorite voice actor to disappear and be rewritten with information like “the author has loved figure skating since a long time ago”?

200: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


The main body won’t just disappear.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you okay? Won’t the original author turn to dust and disappear after the anime ends?

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