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[Pokémon] Meganium 80-82-100-83-100-80

Japan Otaku Reviews+





1: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it were to Mega Evolve, Emboar would probably become the strongest.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

After all, Meganium’s base stats are…

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s beautiful and durable, isn’t it?

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

Assuming it’s a region.

It seems like Emboar might be easier to save with type changes and some adjustments to its base stats…?

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since there are no major changes in the region, I think I’ll end up wasting either A or C.

Considering that, it’s subtle.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is with this half-hearted allocation of Orduil?

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

First, let’s go with a firm nail and a strong jaw that don’t seem out of place visually.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you invest some of Meganium’s mediocre Speed into HP and make it Grass/Steel, it seems like it could establish itself as a tank-type Pokémon.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s acceptable to reduce by 30 if you don’t need extra megalo.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Meganium really the fastest looking like this?

10: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, because it’s quadrupedal.

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

Three tough ones gathered in the stylish city of Kalos.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

Seriously, everyone is heavy.

13: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Was it only the A105 with that appearance, Orderil?

17: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Because it’s the second generation…

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s take a look at Eragami!

It wasn’t gills…

19: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems reasonable to receive a special move like one that is compatible with “Eragami.”

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ll confiscate your Dragon Dance.

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I forgot.

That’s no good.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hope they’ll come as a nice mega region…

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like everyone is going to become a dual-wielding, slow, paper-style tank.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that Jade had a good balance.

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The recent sharp race values are a result of being considered in competitive games.

Well, I think this is about it for the three great houses.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The way this character appears makes the second and fifth generation starter Pokémon look like debts.

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


The second generation, in particular, is really something…

72: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Odal is pretty decent, isn’t he?

Baku and Mega are like, Yeah…

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Odarile has some power and decent moves like Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance, so it’s not that it’s weak, but the water physical type is quite a challenging environment…

47: Japan Otaku Reviews


When it comes to water physics that dances like a dragon, Gyarados is just too much of a headache.

Losing in speed is painful.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think evil suits Oerdile.

Don’t overlap with Daikenki…

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s a water dragon, a water dragon!

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


As expected, it’s Elra…

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

Believe in Chikorita, who for some reason was given a charm voice.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if it will be the colors of the French flag with white, red, and blue.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews


Meganium is going to turn white!

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

With a forceful Aqua Break and Drop Bomb, Crocodile’s attack on the opponent’s lower side is higher than you’d imagine.

The problem is that the opposing candidates are Marill and Urshifu.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews


I haven’t seen Marill lately, but Uruas is still around…

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you put your heart into it, Gyarados can give quite a lot of firepower, right?

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if it will turn into something like bok choy, Meganium.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s just that I switched B and C of Bana, but Meganium.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Laos has eaten up all the fighting and water, so I’ll let it slide this time.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the same with Bakphoon.

While I do have a particular skill, it’s not to the extent that I can’t compete at all, but it’s not enough for me to be hired.

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I hope we can move on from the evil, ghost, and fighting subtypes of the Three Great Families soon.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was supposed to be increased by a mega plus 100.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s as if Jalorda was excluded because it was originally strong and contrary…

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not good that Juniper was put in instead.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews


Walk on two legs.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

H seemed to have a somewhat believable image, but aside from the roar, it doesn’t seem to be that way.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crocodiles don’t have gills!

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

The additional evolution will be prioritized for the 2nd and 5th generations, and I feel that from Game Freak’s perspective, they probably think that’s somewhat unsatisfactory for those generations.

It’s curious that the fourth generation of Pokémon is still causing quite a stir, while the fifth generation, which came out later, is treated that way.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


Overall aside, if we look at them one by one… that would be it.

Kirikizan wasn’t that weak, though.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

The problem is to pretend that I didn’t see Urshifu or Marill.

There are things like Dolphin Man and Flozel.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


If we’re only talking about firepower, there are also Pokémon like Idaitou, Shizarger, and Onishizukumo.

These guys might be a bit picky.

50: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Well, I think everyone will receive new techniques.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

These guys are incredibly fast, I can’t even describe it.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve thought of the strongest ability.

Flower Gift Meganium

Let’s team up with Genshigradon!

Simple Emboar

Pigs seem somehow simple!

Bubble Orderile

– It’s strong because it doesn’t get burned!

58: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7


Hmm, hypocrisy.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the water has a thick layer, to be honest, if you compare each individual item you have, at least one of them will be an inferior version to someone else’s.

Don’t compete, make the most of your strengths.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please give me a Rock-type biting move with power 80 and accuracy 100 that has the Water Rock + Solid Jaw ability.

And if possible, please give it to Gachigoras as well.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

The combat system is different this time, but if speed is still important as always, I think we need to consider cutting the starter Pokémon.

59: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Suiphō is certainly strong, isn’t it?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

What types might be interesting when combined with fire?

I did it with a Jade Windie.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Since it’s the first generation, we’re managing somehow with layers of consideration upon consideration.

The Kanto starters aren’t that different from Johto if you remove the enhancements, right?

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


Banana is always consistently strong, and Lizard has high firepower even in this version.

I think there is quite a difference from the Johto group.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews


Although it depends on the weather, I think Chlorophyll Banata and Sun Power Riza are better in terms of usability even when compared with the same characteristics.

The turtle honestly doesn’t feel much different from Ordial or Sudaikenki…

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the Dragon Dance sturdy jaw and gill bite just too strong?

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s sad that they are buried when I want them to shine! It feels like the fifth generation is getting additional evolutions.

There’s nothing we can do about this… it feels like the second generation is getting an additional evolution.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there are Pokédex tasks like Arceus and you can relearn moves anytime.

Since the range of attack is crucial, the only choice is Emboar that can use punches…

68: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If it’s a task with the same specifications as Arceus, then as soon as Emboar’s own task is fulfilled, it will be out of the list…

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

Couldn’t we have done something a little more about the Jade Bakufuun…?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if I can get a Mega, if there’s no region, it will be a one-choice situation with Otaru due to appearance issues.

70: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Well, comparing Blastoise and Daikenki is just too disrespectful to Blastoise.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Water Three Houses have finally realized A120 with the Weenival, but overall HAB feels a bit compact.

73: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Well, if it’s travel, it shouldn’t be too difficult to use Oditl.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


During the time of gold and silver, since you could buy the Technical Machine for cold buns, it was generally fine to use Oda Ril instead of Shijima’s Nyorobon or Ibuki’s Gudra.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

All three have an awkwardly mediocre speed…

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the Kalos starters will also get stronger, so I want to avoid choosing starters of the same type.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Hisback is not actually that poor in performance.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews


The flame terrace eruption is easy to understand and strong.

It can also be sunny next door.

93: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


For scarf eruption spamming players, it’s helpful that they can cheat with items like Focus Sash and Scarf.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

Blastoise has moves like Fake Out and Support…

In Sword and Shield, it could also be used as a Dynamax option.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

The importance varies greatly depending on whether speed affects the cooldown time of the skills or not.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


Once the battle starts, should I just run away and stack Dragon Dance six times in the corner of the field…?

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the more original PP there is, the faster the recast will be, honestly…

If it’s S-dependent, then the three bodies in the image are definitely tragic.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

I remember that without any support until DP, Bakufuun was the best among the six.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s better to have at least one skill…

83: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Pokémon Scale World Johto Region Meganium

3850 yen

Pokémon Scale World Johto Region Croconaw

5060 yen

[Standard Single Item Sale] 15 Pokémon Scale World Johto Region Typhlosion

748 yen

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

A105’s special defense effectively becomes a base stat of 262, so it’s no good.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can just have Heirasha stop it for you!

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


If this idea takes hold, nothing good will come of it!

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I’m going to buy a Typhlosion.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hope they retain that quirky feeling of Arceus’s move lineup.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original three starter Pokémon, including Blastoise, all have the achievement of being participants in the Eighth Generation World Championships, which is not even comparable to ordinary ones.

94: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The combat system of Z-A is

Somehow, the special technique seems strong.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can hit while running away, you know.

Considering that, it seems like Nium may have an advantage leaning towards the special side.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


But among these, the one with the highest C is Emboar…

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

Where is Meganium’s strong point?

99: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Unusually, the second evolution is popular.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


Wall and Counter

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since it’s a grass type, it has five weaknesses and is only strong against water, ground, and rock types.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want a special move and Mega Evolution that take into account both the characteristic-less (temporary) ZA and the characteristic-possessing Champions.

Meganium Healing Shift Grass Special 2/3 absorption

Orderil, sturdy jaw, water physics, jaw technique, equipped to handle it with force as well.

I don’t really know what to do with Emboar.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

I remember that Meganium’s moves were too weak before, but I wonder if it’s better now.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


As a precaution, useful attack techniques such as Knock Off and Zen Headbutt have been added.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Mega Evolution doesn’t come to the next generation, it would be better if they continued to strengthen it in the regions beyond the next generation!

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think all of that has been consolidated into the Champions to enable battles that transcend generations.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


Some of them are not even strengthening the original species.

Isn’t it uncertain whether it will even be adopted in the main story?

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t really care whether it’s a wild type or not.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

If speed affects movement in battle, there could be a significant difference.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like the technology is going to change completely this time, so I wonder how it will turn out.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Meganium doesn’t have fists or fangs like the other two.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are no hands…

121: Japan Otaku Reviews


Both pigs and crocodiles have front legs, right?

129: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Because heavyweights learn physical ground techniques not only for earthquakes, it’s fine to be ready to pick up the stomp technique machine at a random timing.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Doesn’t Emboar just need a change in distribution?

Even at 110-123-85-65-80-65, I would definitely be stronger than I am now.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Megameganium’s offensive stats lean towards special attack, I would like it to learn Earth Power as well.

114: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I think it’s okay to change the base stats of old Pokémon.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

The S80, which is hard to imagine from its appearance like a banana, will come to life!

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a competition, that’s one thing, but when it comes to the story, I can’t be bothered to put up walls all the time.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

The maximum physical power of the move Dust Shoot without charging is what makes Croconaw a dual-type with Poison.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that Meganium’s stats are particularly bad or anything.

There are too few skills and traits.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think if you believe you can bring someone from the next generation to the region, you will soon face a painful reality.

Like Eevee, it seems that the increased number of linked variations may increase the burden when implementing them.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

Meganium reduces either AC by 30 and gives it to one side.

Let’s shave S50 and allocate it to H.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s fine just with the spear.

Also, the mid-speed is quite effective, so it’s better not to shave it off carelessly.

123: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The Leaf Guard ability itself should be addressed somehow.

An excessively salty characteristic.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can increase it to about half damage reduction during clear weather.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

It doesn’t help if only the region becomes stronger, so the additional evolution types are better.

126: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


In the first place, we are not seeking any enhancement of the original species in the region…

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


Then there’s no need to deliberately choose the weak starter Pokémon, right?

135: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


In other words, isn’t it possible that it’s not because of weakness?

127: Japan Otaku Reviews


The three main families are evolving one more time!?

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

To be honest, these original species can’t be saved just by messing around with them a bit.

It’s much better to create a region from scratch and give overpowered moves and broken abilities.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

In Mega Evolution, no one’s HP changes.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

First, can a regionally modified original species still be called an original species?

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

The original base stats are high.

It might be strong if you modify it like a Mega Spear.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews


The base stats of original species and regions basically only change by plus or minus around 10.

The exception is just Galarian Darumaka.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Actually, Totodile has better durability in both physical and special defense than Emboar.

You can see how terrible the distribution of Emboar is.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there any examples of changes made to the base stats of existing Pokémon?

139: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


There are a lot of them.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


As much as you want.

The biggest increase is probably the special attack speed of Amemōsu by +20 each.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can become stronger in the region, then the Hisui starters are even more exaggerated.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that Raichu became incredibly fast.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s just 10.

But the difference between 100 and 110 is significant.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

Enekororo also had its speed increased by about 20, right?

144: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you want a strong heavy tank distribution in the Goseinken, it would be Lagrange.

Incineroar is almost laggy too, you know?

156: Japan Otaku Reviews


Dragonflies, throwaway lines, and highly mobile heavy tanks.

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Johto starters have their base stats shuffled from the Kanto starters, so it feels really lazy.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Three Great Families are the same, and the two Legendary Pokémon from the Shuffle are also Mewtwo.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s weak starters, it should be Chikorita, Turtwig, and Snivy.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews


Tsutarja is strong in battles.

Naetle is strong in the story.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews


Chikorita is very cute!

153: Japan Otaku Reviews


Dodaitose got stronger by receiving the underbrush, and Jaro has been strong ever since it was allowed to be a contrary.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


Compared to the fact that I received something from Kanai Mika, it’s about even.

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There are not many cases where things change even though we mess with them.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t Daikenki relatively not overhyped?

Well, it’s exaggerated, so it’s also a question of how weak the original was.

163: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Let the original species be sharp too…

Shell armor, huh?

169: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Isn’t that just a degraded jade?

179: Japan Otaku Reviews


The vest suitability is better than that of the jade.

151: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I feel like Pokémon from Johto are generally unfortunate.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews


Both Shinx and Mismagius, as well as Delibird, have become top-tier in SV.

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


It’s lucky that the remake is the greatest masterpiece of all time.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews



171: Japan Otaku Reviews


I understand, I understand.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews


187: Japan Otaku Reviews


You are a bit too favored, so I think you should nerf the dragonfly and the flapper a little.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

How many years have you been a one-hit comedian with a volcanic scarf, Bakufun?

177: Japan Otaku Reviews


Due to the limited capabilities based on its base stats and type, I think using an Eruption Scarf is the best option.

All that’s left is to just increase the sub techniques.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dodai has properly gained a unique skill, like a continuous dice technique that breaks its shell.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crocodiles can be intimidating too, right?

165: Japan Otaku Reviews


Can you compare it to the fee any further?

166: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it okay to just be the second coming of Gyarados?

Even though sheer force itself is a strong trait,

174: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think I’ll lose to Mizukenta, not just in terms of the fee.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the spin-off, Chikorita in Pokémon Dungeon is relatively competitive as a grass type since it can utilize walls effectively due to the many strong enemies, and it can learn Genesis Power as a base move.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like the three main families that enter the environment later are generally heavy tank types.

The speed type seems to disappear from the environment by the time it has crossed two generations.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kirimi is seriously strong… I heard that Elreid loses power when it mega evolves.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

Will it be that there will be two additional types for both regions and Mega Evolution?

I can’t think of much, but I was pretty forceful with the jade, so maybe I can make it work.

176: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There’s no future for Inteleon, which is neither a topic of conversation nor likely to see any improvements.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews


I only remember this guy being reduced to a one-liner skit with a cool voice in anime…

183: Japan Otaku Reviews


B-but at that time, Decidueye was still new, but I was able to get Hisuian!

184: Japan Otaku Reviews


Against the flame ball and drum attack, I wondered if there was something else… like an extra touch or something.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it would have been okay to make it a definite critical point.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

But real alligators don’t really threaten that much, do they…?

182: Japan Otaku Reviews


It has a tendency to sneakily come and kill.

185: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Blaziken was also quite lackluster, but just by getting Speed Boost, it became top-tier, and its ability generally makes up for it.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

If everything can be boosted to around 100 with Mega Evolution, it seems like it would become stronger.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

Grass types struggle unless they receive a gifted specialty like Tsutaja or Gorira.

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the first place, there haven’t been many eruptions, so we’ve been able to manage until now.

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to connect with crocodiles through a physical water flare song?

Loud Bone is moderately strong.

191: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


The moderate line is quite high…

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Inteleon could get a guaranteed critical hit with its STAB Water moves, it would become much better, right?

200: Japan Otaku Reviews


The firepower becomes incredible with the sniper in between.

I think I lined up with the Rabbit Gorilla.

202: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a bit concerning that I can only secure critical hits with Water-type moves for attacking…

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t think Meganium can ever become decent no matter how hard it tries.

At least stop making dream abilities into such garbage.

197: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I could get a trait like a mischievous spirit, that would be fine, I guess.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews


Regions have more hope than megas, right?

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

The three branches of the leaf have quite impressive performance, but it’s forgiven because the owner is Decidueye.

196: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Flareborn is the absolute top tier, isn’t it?

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t it good that it was a guaranteed hit on the target?

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ghosts are really nice, aren’t they?

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