Home » Video Game » [Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] I’ve finally started to understand Seiko-chan’s route…

[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] I’ve finally started to understand Seiko-chan’s route…

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

It’s not that just mindlessly practicing filling the gauge and making it shine will make you strong.

It’s a mechanism that strengthens you with buffs that are added by increasing your friendship level, isn’t it?

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

However, it’s frustrating that the friendship level won’t increase unless you release a fully filled gauge…

The key is how well you can manage both gauge release and gauge charge at the same time… in other words, it depends on luck.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It took me quite a while to realize that once my friendship gauge reaches max, the next practice will be a guaranteed specialty practice.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windy-chan didn’t know that her deck’s support characters would always come with a guaranteed specialty training when her friendship gauge is maxed out…

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

This formation support character gets an insane buff from level-ups compared to the collaborators, huh…

Could it be that the key is how close I can get to the mob…?

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

The way the friendship gauge increases when skill×2 is combined with charm is insane.

If things go poorly, the front leg type may very well be the correct choice, as there’s a decent chance that a guaranteed charm event will occur with Power-Wa rather than with Power-Dan.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s no power support to get hooked on Durandal.

I’m torn between going for Skibo in Aldan or Powerwa for the money.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There’s no room to put in power.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews


Instead of training with evaluation values, what should be used without adding power in the mile championship?

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that SP3 and ST2 are the mainstream when I look at it.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews


The image of Sp3 is that it was researched in mechanics and then disappeared into the darkness…

It seems like I’m going to strike out again this time.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews


10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Could it be that the mobs responsible for ungrouped training species will never level up?

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it strange that you don’t need power for a mile?

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I tested it with Still Irell’s Sp3, the power was quite boostable, but the lack of skills due to the absence of leg-type power became a problem.

If it’s possible to use Spibrian and Ne Fuji in advance, is it practical?

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought it would be easy to get “Off we go,” so I tried it for the first time, but isn’t this skill pretty strong…?

I feel like having this really makes a huge difference because we can practice fully during the training camp…

18: Japan Otaku Reviews


The central route is undeniably extremely strong, but…

I wonder how useful the activation triggered by days off and outings is in Seiko-chan’s route.

It seems interesting if you can leave plenty of time to go out during the first half of the classic.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I can combine “Mabiler Jikyo,” “Off we go,” and going out, I can practice and race for about six months without a break.

Is this the return of the days of tormenting my boss with crappy rotisserie chicken, green juice, and cupcakes…?

55: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want you to think calmly, but the fact that going out without a break can only last for six months shows a lack of wisdom.

19: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s strong, but it means nothing if it doesn’t come early, more than other understandings.

I can’t back down, wahaha!

16: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

If the free 10 draws don’t end soon, I won’t be able to participate in the conversation.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m told that extreme concentration is absolutely necessary, so I’m trying to achieve it for now, but honestly, I don’t feel much benefit from it…

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


When you step on a hint, the increase in the raw bond and the increase from the hint combine, resulting in an advantage that maxes out the friendship gauge in one go.

Also, with High Seiko, I fill ☆1 with Bonds x2, leaving no gaps to take Hint-type skills in ☆3.

The hint rate system is only available at ☆2, so if you want to collect skills, it’s something you want to get.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that friendship training is multiplicative.

…I heard about it, but I don’t really understand it well.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like something like “more” and “increased,” haha.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you have a training effect of 20% and a training effect of 30%, the output will be 100% + 20% + 30%, resulting in 150%.

If there is 20% friendship and 30% friendship, the output will be 120% × 130%, resulting in 156%.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Both Centlight and Sue are making good progress in their research, but it seems that Seiko-chan is the easiest one.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it’s well done that relatively all the legends have the potential to ride on UB.

Whether Windy-chan can make use of her potential is a separate issue, though, wahaha… waha…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought that in Seiko-chan’s route, if I couldn’t get Bond Level 2 and Maximum Concentration in Junior, then it would be a reset, but is that not the case?

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

The understanding gacha is gradually becoming more enjoyable…

Especially if it starts off well, I might create something amazing! I’m feeling pumped…

The result is… Wahaha!

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I want the hint types of ☆3 to be downgraded to ☆2.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the second step-up for the characters has been announced, I tried to list the characters I want, but it’s quite difficult to come up with 10 characters that I really want.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the effect of “looking ahead to the future” was not a hint +1 but an increase in hint rate, it would have been just right.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

Could it be that the free 10 consecutive draws end today…?

36: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is tomorrow too.

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There is also the day after tomorrow.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews


A wonderful harmony isn’t necessarily needed as much as one might say.

I think that even with other ☆2 characters, there isn’t much of a difference, so I would be happy if I could get them.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it would be interesting if, after mastering the openings of any route, one could flexibly choose which route to take depending on their understanding and experience up to the classic stage.

Let’s not think about which is more efficient: repeatedly resetting with a fixed route or not.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there’s only the exchange group for Stasapo, I can’t do the UB challenge.

For now, I have become able to make around UC3 to UC7.

If it’s Chanmi, I believe that with this much, there might be a chance after all.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that the hints are too much like garbage and that certain knowledge is too essential, which makes it a shame that there is almost no variety in the builds.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can’t help but think that after two months, I hope they won’t mess things up and break the balance even more with additional guidelines.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the bond harmony functioning at tier S on other routes as well?

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Because there are fewer people for support, it’s not that great.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

In actual training, it’s important to see how many support card hints you can pick up, so I want to aim for extreme concentration.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it would have been fun to have the ability to build about two different setups for each legend…

48: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it would be interesting if St. Light could move completely differently with the Charity Build and the Dear Friend Build.

The current situation is just that Dear friend is dead.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

The free gacha period is a bit long, isn’t it?

Well, I’m grateful, but…

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

As a result of trying various things, it seems that High Seiko, without needing to understand the winning rate, is the most efficient, right?

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When hint elements combine well in factor loops, it becomes “tonhoooooooo”!

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

So the top of the rankings was filled with Seiko-chan.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the hint system not delicious even on Seiko-chan’s route?

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s delicious, but the ☆1 is filled with bonds, and there’s no spare time to spare on hints for ☆3.

So it’s like extreme concentration aimed at a single point.

As an alternative, there is a perspective looking towards the future.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


Can’t you read that it’s saying extreme concentration is almost essential up there?

52: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

In other words, even if Seiko-chan is shining in a brain-dead way, it still ends up looking decent.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


As a result, there are many people who are evaluated as being quite strong but not as strong as machines.

56: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I want a feature to change the color of the acquired gauge with a limit on the number of times… It’s disappointing when the color that’s already filled is placed on the friendship I want to step on.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

As for Seiko-chan’s characteristics, she prefers an increased hint rate rather than receiving hints twice, but the only thing that achieves that is extreme concentration.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you can get a subtle tip early on, it’s fine to stack two hints at 80.

If you attract charm, then hint 80*2 is definitely a thing.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since both hints and friend gauges increase, it’s wise to maneuver in a way that ensures one of the friend’s gauges is always full by combining two bond-boosting effects, training effects, and bond-up from hints, right?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

I do occasionally get blueprints when my gacha luck is bad.

It’s a mindset that it’s only worth considering if you can find a decent extreme focus in a star 2 slot full of irrelevant things.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I understand that prioritizing hints does not raise the status.

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Seiko-chan often shines and pushes because she is not particularly strong in double friendship training, so I understand that she doesn’t grow.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Seiko-chan is a game where you successfully build up your gauge to raise the level of mobs.

No, I really don’t want to do something so bothersome. I want to let it grow automatically without thinking…

71: Japan Otaku Reviews


Step on something so that someone’s gauge fills up in a crowded place.

If you don’t have support cards stacked, you can’t forcefully touch this guy.

I only have a superficial understanding of the extent.

What parts change in your movements when you become conscious of leveling up?

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


In short, if you make high-level mobs and fill the support card gauge, then use a high-level mob that has filled the gauge at a fixed training spot specialized for that, you’ll be able to earn stats all at once, like a puzzle game chain reaction.

In short, it’s tedious.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

I went to see the Rumman, but everyone was using one of the Power Supporters from Power Power Arda and Chris.

I’m curious about Windy-chan’s deck, who says power doesn’t matter.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

When it’s left to someone else’s discretion, what should be the focus to ensure stable output?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


None of them can be properly managed, so after the legendary practice event, the one where Su-san’s stamina recovery and challenges are guaranteed to succeed is the best.

Well, the output isn’t stable anyway, ha ha ha.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I somehow understand what Windy-chan meant when she said that UAF and Gralight took the worst parts in the beginning, wahaha.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

The ideal is to go through practice with many mobs.

If the formation support is just shining, there’s not much benefit from leveling up.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was thinking of starting serious training after the free period ends, but it looks like our team is about to get relegated!

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aren’t you going to erase the knowledge of industrial waste?

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

How much does it change at the level of a best friend?

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


At max level, it gives a training effect of 25% and a friend bonus of 20%… roughly speaking, it’s like an increase in fully-maxed SSRs at the environmental level.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is the performance really that high…?

I’m glad to know, thank you.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t think we need overflowing charm.

Shouldn’t this at least be something like ☆2?

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t really understand the effect in the first place.

The calculation of the arrangement rate for each practice is 100×5 plus 50 for skipping, or something like that.

Is it okay to think that 100×5 is reduced by 25 for slacking?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ultimately, whether it can be used or not, the national idol really needs to disappear.

77: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

No matter how much the number of support staff increases, five is impossible.

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

It would be even more interesting if it could be controlled with a bit more precision, but a large part of it relies on luck…

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In Speed 3, while you can earn skill points, the speed stat tends to max out, causing waste.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

A performance that connects hearts can feel like a possibility if it can be continuously activated successfully…

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


When the color became blurry, I thought that if this came during the first half of the classic, I could at least consider the route of Seiko-chan.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

The reason Seiko-chan’s route stretches absurdly in the second half is that this high-level mob gets involved in multiple friendships.

Therefore, ignoring immediate multiple friendships and leveling up the mob creates the possibility of extending in the later stages.

No, I can’t control it anymore, and I don’t seek that kind of complexity…

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the national idol Uma Musume only used when it has a stamina of 4 or higher?

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s fine to step on a place where a lot of people are gathered, wahaha.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

The scope of case studies is too broad compared to mechanics.

Why do you have to use your brain in a game that revolves around cycles?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


Maybe the developers were thinking that those who don’t want to think should take the green route.

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If Windy-chan has the luck to create a rise with green, she would have become a billionaire by now from betting on horse races, po wa wa.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a luck-based game that looks complicated at first glance, but in reality, it’s a two-tiered scenario that doesn’t allow for mistakes in complex choices to create opportunities for downfall, wahaha!

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


Bond bond


Wonderful harmony

Together to the summit


Harmony played by the bonds.

The light woven by bonds.

Gathered ideals

Unquenchable spirit of challenge

Progressing by leaps and bounds.

Friendship Bonus 22

I would be happy if they could always come together.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are more opportunities for euthanasia than ever before, wahaha…

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a mystery why a wonderful harmony is being celebrated at star 2.

The hint collection is too weak, so there’s no way to assign the star 2 slot to anything other than hints.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


☆The hint type is only decent in terms of extreme concentration, so isn’t it just an evaluation as a second-best strategy for when you can’t draw the extreme?

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Hint +1 doesn’t have duplicate contents, so the collection efficiency skyrockets, and I even think it might be good to gather all three types of hints.

In other words, if you don’t do that, isn’t it questionable where you can spend your accumulated skill points?

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

So, for now, it means that luck is necessary?

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

On company wikis, it says not to take hints, wahaha.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

If in a Kizuna 2×2 state, I think it’s not absolutely necessary since you can easily max out with a hint event of 5+4 for 7+4, making it just beneficial.

99: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The national idol must have essential performance in idol games, but in the case of Uma, it’s worthless.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


If practice sessions with five people come together that frequently, we can mass-produce Windy-chan’s UB, wahaha!

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In a normal setup, there won’t be more than five people even on the Seiko route, wahaha.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


Activate the effects of the next training step once again!

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

They don’t understand the effect of a wonderful harmony.

Is it correct to understand that “when training is successful, it counts for the next time?”

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s right.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

The people are demanding a relaxation of conditions for four people.

Don’t mix in obvious trash.

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

A similar name’s understanding confuses Windy-chan…

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think if a strong star 3 skill with all colors appeared in the Classic March skill, it’s better to take from the green, which has a lot of hits.

If the remaining hits are biased, that color becomes difficult to step on.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have no idea what effect this door has.


110: Japan Otaku Reviews

Could it be that we will be doing this scenario for another six months?

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like the star 3 skills related to the gimmick have become just useless numbers because this type is just too strong.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hmm… I don’t feel like I can finish it without the High Seiko route…

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Windi-chan’s best record is only 200 points different from Seintlight and High Seiko.

I feel like it’s made in a way that, if you understand the basic strategies, it won’t change that much.

However, there are characters that can’t be made with Saint Light, and Speed Symbol is coming to kill with a 60% rate.

In the end, there is no reason not to choose High Seiko, which has no drawbacks.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s shine together! With you, it becomes even more! Seeing that on the list makes me smile.

Why is there no Friendship 22 in St. Light…?

116: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s because the route assumes that you have captured 60% of the friendship.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The light woven by bonds is different from others and is 25% stronger!

Ah, I’ve become dysfunctional due to a headache.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

The unconditional activation is 22%, and if the training succeeds, it’s 25%; the latter definitely results in a loss of one turn, yet the difference in effect is too small.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m still watching this.

I'm still watching this.

List of knowledge
St. Light
Good aura
Board debuff 30
Learning aviation
Hint occurrence rate up 7%
Social type
Skill hint occurrence up 2
Step of experience
Hint level up 15%
Memories of the sea
Skill activation rate 30%
Desperate environment
Hint level up 5%
Sometimes bold
Hint level up 5%
Long relationship
Board debuff 22%
Dear friend
Multiple training adaptation,
Hint occurrence rate up for stamina training 60%
Maximizing experience points
Skill activation rate
Board debuff 60%
Board debuff
Motivation state set for stamina training 25%
Walking together as a parent
Hint efficiency up for stamina training
Off we go
Pathway line, training
Failure rate down & board debuff 120%
A little time engraved in memories
Board debuff 100
Engrave the feelings you’ve carved
Time chart 25%
Speed symbol
Maximum event
Board debuff 30
Hint occurrence rate up 80%
Board debuff 2
Hint level up 15%
Modest movement
Board debuff 30%
Brave heart
Motivation state frequency 35%
Lucky choice
Board debuff 7%
Endless limits
Multiple training
Hint occurrence rate up
Courageous, here we go!
Hint occurrence rate up for stamina training
But good news
Board debuff 7%
Don’t glare at me
Board debuff 15
Hint occurrence rate doubled 25% 30% 50%
Fly through the night
Hint occurrence rate doubled for stamina training 25%
New work’s fate
Trace chart 120
Kindness forever
Board debuff 40%
Prevent list
Specific multiple training
Hint occurrence rate up
High Seiko
Good appeal
Board debuff 30
Trend check
Hint occurrence rate up 80%
Talk skills
Skill activation rate up 2
Idol step
Board debuff 25%
Hopeful escape
Motivation state frequency 25%
Normal trend
Be confident
More than 3 people, support
Hint occurrence rate for training
Diversify trends
In times of diversity
Motivation state 25% 25
Skill batter
Hint occurrence rate up
Regular race
Hint occurrence rate
Traffic jam’s modest minority
High tempo
More than 2 people, support
Hint occurrence rate for training
Before the moon race
Hint occurrence rate for stamina training 2
Three Upa-pat
Individuate end, immortal grapes 21 to keep air out
Motivation state
Not stopping
Board debuff 12 garbage

120: Japan Otaku Reviews


As a kind gesture, I would like you to teach me about landmine safety as well.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews


Dear friend and the national idol Uma Musume are dead in all routes.

Also, don’t take anything that has a cooldown as much as possible.

When in doubt, go for the one with fewer explanation characters.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s like a card game.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess it’s better than tilling the fields—wahaha.

119: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I think it’s good that simple friendship 22 is strong.

I think this is prepared as a fallback option when you’re unsure.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

With the effort it takes to finish one Symboli Rudolf, you can finish three or more Seiko Routes, wahaha!

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

Junior has taken three Seiko-chan and has gotten strong ones rated 3 stars regardless of color.

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

In auto mode, the green is strong.

This training, after all, is just that High Seiko is too convenient for both stability and upside.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

When my motivation drops in senior year, I just want to reset everything…

130: Japan Otaku Reviews


I really want to get the top motivation just because of that friendship with Seidlite.

126: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I thought that stars of rank 2 were chosen based on color for route selection, under the premise that they are less favorable than rank 3 stars.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I can save up my outings and enter April with a classic vibe, I’ll feel a lot more at ease.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the Central Route quite a gamble?

134: Japan Otaku Reviews


When you have a lot of 3-star characters, taking a break guarantees that friendship support cards will gather, and the effect becomes three times better, so it will grow tremendously.

The problem is that it doesn’t grow as much as it seems because it hits the upper limit.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews


Every route is quite a gamble, but Seiko-chan is just relatively better, wahaha.

143: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Motivation management disappears, and since the movements are based on not using your head, it’s not as much of a luck-based game as you might think.

The fewer times you practice, the greater the impact of one misfortune, Wahaha!

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

Regarding Seiko-chan’s ☆3, does something like the “friendship bonus occurring during friendship practice” get added to bonuses for friendship practices that are not selected?

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

The national-level Uma Musume might have four characters, and if the buffs are somewhat reckless, there seems to be a build that focuses on adding more characters, but for now, there’s nothing that can be done.

137: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In auto mode, it continues to display the set colors even after starting up, so if there are many weak settings designated by Seiko, there will be a lot of weak adjustments in place.

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During the classic summer training camp, I’ll switch to Su-san’s designated auto.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m really down on motivation after the second training camp; it’s seriously frustrating.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that initial Uma Musume with sparse target races can fully benefit from the Central Route.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think I could have endured this if it hadn’t been after the mecha…

152: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it would be something from the field… but since the gameplay doesn’t change much, it might have gotten boring quickly in its own way.

153: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


However, if I had come after being a farmer, I might have been broken-hearted, hahaha.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the number of additional people for the overall practice n?

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s really strange that those additional training options, which aren’t even strong, have a cooldown.

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It is for pressing the rest button during cooldown.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dear fiend, are you dead?

169: Japan Otaku Reviews


You realize it when you do it, but even though there’s no buff, the cooldown is long.

There is no strength that would make love unnecessary.

However, if you take away compassion…

Rest → Practice → Activation during outing → Practice → Extension of 2 turns during outing

The flow is so efficient that there is almost no value in an extra turn being inserted.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know to what extent I should balance friendship and training effects, wahaha.

148: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s troublesome, so I’ll just run as Su-san from the start.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re talking about the probability of growth, it seems to be no different from a machine…

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

The output of the St. Light is so insane that I have to keep pressing the rest button to recover.

Even the streamers are getting this, so they’re stepping on it just because it’s a 5-person trade.

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Isn’t it the case that no matter which route you choose, the factor farming is pretty much the same?

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It is.

It’s especially an error in a routine that runs on dirt.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


When it’s green, the number of times I step on the train increases markedly, so the probability of a downturn significantly decreases.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


Due to the rotation schedule, it will be impossible to control the timing of the challenge zone, so Seiko-chan is the best choice.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wished that the overflowing charm of the unselected star 3 would ensure that support cards and friends would definitely appear in some training, even if the friendship gauge wasn’t full.

The appearance rate might be higher than expected, though.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve done the suruut a few times, but every time I get bounced by the crun, so I’ve definitely decided not to do it anymore…

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m surprised that I’m now able to create things like UD5 automatically… I’m better than Windy-chan on the first day.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the first place, while I wouldn’t say that Sue’s seven consecutive wins are weak, doesn’t the probability and advantage not quite match up?

163: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I can step on it six times, I just need to participate in the race.

I don’t know about auto.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews


That sixth time also ends up with a 30% completion rate at quite a frequent interval, so it’s tough after all…

183: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since the stats increase by over 150 at 30%, I think it’s quite beneficial.

165: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I think it’s because the range of valid principles is wide.

If Saint Light and Seiko-chan don’t align, they won’t progress, but Su-san will manage somehow.

I believe it’s a difference between gambling based on experience and gambling based on success rates.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

The probability of a good change happening with just one person showing up, let alone multiple people, is too low.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering that each Sei-chan route has its strengths, I feel that it’s more helpful if they stick together rather than scattering, so I have a feeling that a big success in the appeal might be a landmine…

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that if I choose Suu, we’ll end up having to use up our outing time forcefully.

That said, if I consume at a high pace before the classical training camp, it becomes difficult to follow the guidance gauge, which is troubling.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

An average type that enhances performance during peak condition while maintaining an extraordinary and optimal state.

An ultra-explosive type that maintains an amazing condition while raising training performance during breaks.

The St. Light is in the process of developing these two forms.

Both feel great! Before the training camp, a loving reroll is essential! Wahaha!

184: Japan Otaku Reviews


The reality is that there is an influence from the upper limit of acquired status as mentioned above, so it will be somewhere in the middle.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

Um, is this… insufficiently adjusted?

173: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


I think that perhaps the adjustments are more significant than what Windy-chan and the others think, or rather, it seems that they simply dislike luck-based gameplay more than the developers anticipated.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

This scenario will die once the half-price sale is over.


172: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s not a completely free scenario like TS, isn’t it tough for Sue and Cent?

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

The future we carve together is one thing, but it’s generally understood that types with a cooldown cannot be used effectively.

If we are to carve out the future together, it’s better to keep the promise of training.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

Digging into long-distance factors while we have the chance.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews

I succumbed to the magical power of the designated path, wahaha!

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since the auto-implementation, I tried buying just the re-draw pass, but even after using up all 15 rental tries, I still didn’t get as many blue 3s and red 3s as I expected, and it’s tough…

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s enough to test your luck just with gacha…

181: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

I don’t think there is a lack of adjustment as much as it is said.

I think they are meticulously adjusting it because certain legends don’t end up having an overwhelmingly advantageous position.

If there were really a lack of adjustment, there should be a significant difference where everyone would only choose the same legend.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it that love combines with outings to create a mechanism that boosts motivation and allows for earning twice?

I didn’t know that… something like that…

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you give me ten times the tough drink, I’ll put down my spear.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mr. Centlight feels good even when the practice is like garbage and the bonus increases by +100.

It’s just pleasurable.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s just right to consider the mechanism that the practice until the super excellent performance activation does not experience a downturn.

189: Japan Otaku Reviews


It stretches that much…

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the St. Light’s rest type really capable of stretching that much…? No matter how many times you can hit the ceiling once every few weeks, is that really enough?

190: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The luck-based games until now were luck-based games that ranged from 7 to 10.

This scenario is from 0 to 10.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it really necessary to increase the winning rate with the St. Light?

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m a bit concerned about the increase in fan numbers in the circle rankings after the TP half-price sale ended.

Hey, how about trying to add a decrease in training points when starting to raise a horse mask? Wahaha!

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