Dragon King Tournament Main Round, Second Round: Aida Aoryu vs. Dragon Co. Ryukun, Match Begins.
Aren’t there a lot of drone cameras?
I don’t really care, but is this drone floating with some kind of anti-gravity device?
It’s 100 years later, so that should be easy enough…
Title recovery!
A drawing of a dragon sitting in a seiza position seems difficult.
Just because you’re the Dragon King!
I wonder if there will be types like handsome guy or beautiful girl.
Could it be a gag manga?
Since the start of the future arc, I think it has been all about the gags.
What is this?
What is this really?
It’s just that I put a dragon in the manga with strawberries, isn’t it?
If things had gone as they should, Musashi was supposed to fight this guy.
Please be quiet during the match.
What is it? It’s a title recovery, but…
Ah, the Ryuo Championship… Is this really okay for the Shogi Association?
You have hands that can properly hold a koma while sitting in seiza, right?
As expected, reason prevailed, and they didn’t bring out the dragon in the finals to reclaim the title with overwhelming emotion…
Is this what the Dragon King Tournament is like?
Since it’s the Dragon King Tournament, there should at least be a dragon.
In other words… a dragon and a strawberry.
If this guy wins, he will become the true Dragon King.
It’s really an amazing manga.
I feel like I will never forget it.
Violence → AI → Dragon
What is this manga…?
What the hell is up with the terrible uniforms of the dragon development team?
Although my eyes are drawn to the dragon,
Upon closer inspection, why is the current Dragon King participating in the main tournament…? Isn’t the defense too harsh…?
I’m starting to lose interest… Maybe I’ll buy volume 1.
I haven’t seen it in a while, but does the appearance of a dragon mean it’s the final battle?
The final match is a bird.
It seems like a lion will appear in the Lion King battle?
It’s not a named dragon.
But this is a Western dragon.
A dragon from the East can’t sit in a formal seiza position.
I imagined the author drawing a dragon but not succeeding, so they asked for help from an assistant.
Is there a problem with a dragon playing shogi?
Is it racism?
You’re not human!
This is definitely a challenger elimination match for gorillas…
Seven Matches Challenger Deciding Match Best of Three Regular Ryūō B Bird Manufacturing 10751 Rib Raffy Manufacturing 1st place 2nd place Kady. Red Manufacturing 3rd place D e B Manufacturing 4th place 4th place N lotta Manufacturing 5th place Fire John Manufacturing 6th place Green yellow Manufacturing 7th place Amazonas Manufacturing 8th place Golen Manufacturing 9th place Pragon John Manufacturing 10th place Kenta MASA Manufacturing 9th place Put a Manufacturing 8.5 Aida Ryūō Warugaki Aspa King Silver Wolf Aspa Aota Aoi Ryūō
It’s probably just a game because Jeff Bezos and the editors won’t release it.
Why is the Dragon King participating in the tournament?
Moreover, the 6th group of reverse seeds.
Because it’s the Next Stage of the Dragon King Tournament.
Is the AI in 7th place really bald, I wonder?
I might be seeing a dragon sitting properly in seiza and playing shogi for the first time…
Dragons aside, there are a lot of AI with animal motifs, aren’t there?
Is it a trend in the story?
In this country, the Shinkansen is shaped like a rabbit.
Is the wyvern participating too?
When it comes to surreal art, it’s the best manga in Japan…
Aside from everything else, I don’t know what will come out with nuuta.
Originally, the title of Dragon King should be claimed by the leader of the dragon race, and it is not something a human should impersonate.
Well, then I have to win at shogi to get it back.
It feels like a weird world written by Kousuke Masuda… with no one to make retorts.
Which way is Garo coming from…?
Isn’t it difficult to differentiate when it comes to AI? I said that, but who said you should differentiate to this extent?
Is it no good for the Dragon King to be a dragon?
I understand the need to avoid Sota Fujii.
It’s hard to imitate the way to avoid it.
The hurdles for future opponents will rise in a different sense.
If the final battle had been this guy, I wouldn’t know whether to laugh or feel moved; it would have been a confusing situation.
Even if it’s a hologram, isn’t breathing fire during a match considered intimidation or obstruction?
The provisional Dragon King is in the reverse seed position because, from an AI’s perspective, humans are nothing more than amateur Dragon King level weaklings.
I’ve seen a dragon sitting in seiza for the first time.
Although I’ve been talking about this manga every week, I still see some first-time responses, so it seems that many people were intrigued by the thumbnail.
Well, no matter how many times I see it, I wonder what this is.
What is this?
These days, it’s just people who come from the Master Tournament.
Eventually, the Dragon King Tournament will be full of dragons.
Is it wrong for a dragon to play shogi?
You drew that thing on your back with a thorn brush or something, right?
What are you going to eat for a snack?
I want them to participate just to draw dragons since the author of Kokoro Himeru has finished the serialization.
Ah, everyone except the protagonist is a shogi AI.
Is it the Denou-sen?
Is it the Next Stage of the Ryuuou Sensen?
I was hesitant because of the previous work, but it’s about time I read it…
I thought the beginning of the future arc would lead to a ridiculous cancellation, but it’s actually pretty interesting, so I’m conflicted…
It’s a bit nonsensical.
A flashback of strawberries from the beginning + AI singularity
The second match is the title? Recovery and constant acceleration to the next stage.