Under construction. Ch——n 004. Four times. Five times. Let’s stay hidden quietly. I’m going to die! Is there somewhere safe… Someone who looks like they could help… Six times. Gradually, it’s getting worse.
Is this hell?
You might be able to barely survive a car accident, but being struck directly by falling steel beams would result in instant death.
It must have been a car with the speed of a firepower cigarette, exceeding the impact of the falling steel frame.
Isn’t the steel frame the final level?
Didn’t it seem like you were about to be stabbed on the seventh time?
Nobita is pretty used to steel beams coming down…
There were also times when wrenches fell.
I think the difficulty setting is off, even if it gets worse little by little.
Kids from the Showa era are tough…
This goes up to 100, you know.
No one has endured up to 100 times.
What were you thinking when you made this…?
Did the person who made it test it themselves before the adjustment?
It may be based on the principle of the five bodies being turned into adamantine.
To die.
I really love the sense of speed in the fifth panel.
In Fujiko’s comics, falling steel beams often appear, don’t they?
Was it more common in the past?
I was falling somewhere every day.
For some reason, I suddenly got beaten up by my grandson and Doraemon the first time.
The second time, the light falls on my head along with the main unit.
In the third time, Gian suddenly loses his temper.
On the seventh time, Shizuka-chan with a knife looks like she’s going to stab me.
I thought this would look like being punched by Son Goku, and at this point, I thought it would be instant death.
On the contrary, what will happen on the 100th time?
It could still become a YouTube topic.
Is it the hundred suffering counter?
I don’t really understand what the name is connected to, and I wonder why I was born.
It seems to be for the training of the mind.
Hundred Suffering Timer
In commemoration of the 100th Doraemon work (the number of episodes is not 100 as it was serialized in various places).
It is said that they came up with a tool related to 100.
Once it is activated, it cannot be stopped, so you just took it to the future and postponed it, right?
It feels like a solution straight out of a skill battle story…
“In the 22nd century, those who die from something as trivial as a thread are considered weak, as they say things like, ‘Weak people might die after about ten tries.'”
The future comes with a strong resolve…
Isn’t it thanks to advancements in medicine?
But it can die after about 10 times…
I hear that they sell things like body cutting machines in regular department stores…
Am I being subjected to this on the occasion of the 100th episode celebration?
At least a reset button or something…
I would be dead by now on the fourth time.
If it’s someone like Gian, since he’s an elementary school student, I could probably kill him no matter what, but I can’t do it with steel beams and cars.
I sent this to the future and solved it, but if Nobita lives a very long life, the continuation of this will suddenly start with elderly Nobita.
If you live to be 110 years old, you will be attacked.
If you live long enough, it seems like there could be a future where we meet again.
I wonder if Doraemon is still around at that time?
If you make a time furoshiki, life will become lighter.
Don’t most people die from being crushed by steel frames?
The steel structures of the F world are not that powerful in terms of fire.
It may just be real-looking and not actual steel beams or cars.
Otherwise, the lives of the construction workers and drivers would be completely messed up.
Shizuka-chan, who was there, was attacked by Gian and will be attacked with a knife.
Is the developer crazy?
Don’t say lame things about secret gadgets.
What does this tool mean?
The heart is strengthened.
How was it?
I wonder if I can somehow clear it by using sturdy and Teikou lights.
This timer has the ability to manipulate unrelated people…
This is already the final boss stand from Part 8.
I’m not chasing anything…
There was that thing in the quiz where something chases you, right?
It’s amazing to be able to keep moving in the 4th and 6th rounds.
Watching Home Alone makes it clear that a human would not die from something like this.
It is called the “Hundred Sorrows Timer,” a machine that subjects you to a hundred hardships. Why is there such a boring machine? There is something called “going.” You deliberately go through painful experiences to strengthen your heart. Once it starts, nobody can stop it for sure. Stop it!
The description of the tool is like this.
It’s understandable that you developed tools for enduring hardship.
Why did you make it so that I can’t stop?
If you’re going to give up halfway, there is a mindset that suggests you should commit ritual suicide, as such actions do exist in reality.
There’s no way I can just casually give up on a tough challenge by saying “it’s too hard, so I’m done.”
It’s normal to have it, right?!
It’s said that Gian can endure up to 50.
What I hate is that weak people have to endure a painful trial that comes every minute, and they could die after about ten times.
You’ll probably die in four times.
I’ll carve it… normally, more… step by step…!!
If it’s a chasing type, there are also strong stones like Ishii and schedules.
Both have a high level of murderous intent.
I guess Mr. F was tired from being pressed for time with his schedule…
The trap is that it’s too easy to start, yet once you begin, you can’t stop at all.
It’s like having a cover or dual-hand activation, or something like that.
Isn’t it originally something used for assassination?
Are you really okay? Really? I want you to ask persistently like when I’m about to delete my Smash Bros. save data.
Nobita often falls into holes at construction sites and manholes.
I feel like I’m frequently going to the future, but I wonder if that’s okay.
Getting punched by Doraemon feels like it’s seriously intense.
Packing 100 times into 100 minutes is quite insane.
Tachikawa’s punch seems to be happy.
The intent to kill in the first half is so high that I can’t imagine what kind of trials will come in the second half.
Why did you buy it, Doraemon, if there is a niche demand?
Sometimes there are tools that the Future Department includes as a bonus, almost like a bundle…
Since it hasn’t explicitly stated what the suffering is, it can be considered to a certain extent as physical pain.
It may become a mental pain halfway through…
They say seven difficulties and eight hardships, but there are about 13 times that.
It’s too much for a human.
It seems more like something that happens 100 times in 100 days.
But I don’t like not knowing when it will come in a day…
Was the Showa era so indifferent to others that even if steel beams fell or a supervisor didn’t apologize when a car ran over an elementary school student, they would just pass by?
I think there were quite a few times when a kid suddenly jumped in front of a car and even if they got hit, it would just be “What were you looking at? Do you want to die, you idiot?” and that would be the end of it.
As expected, there are no steel frames.
I’ve had a head-on collision with a scooter and a bicycle, but the first move was an insult…
If I cried, I ended up being given 100 yen.
It’s a secret gadget.
It probably has some sort of recognition inhibition function.
The thousand-day pilgrimage is 1000, you know.
100 is nothing difficult at all.
Because it was cheap…
This town is special.
Just walking around the city, you might get hit by a wrench or hammer from electrical work, steel beams might fall, furniture from a couple’s fight might fly at you, a car might come crashing in, and murderers might be lurking around.
In the future world, it seems that the handling of life has become chaotic since you can just come back from death easily.
Isn’t there an increase in tools related to causal manipulation in the latter half of Doraemon?
Isn’t what I wrote in the first half, such as scheduled notepads or “lies,” also a form of causality manipulation?
Strong stones are turned into rags.
The combat power of Gian that can barely win against the protective paper.
A pair of pliers fell from the construction site and hit my head.
I feel like there was a scene that ended with someone saying “I’m sorry.”
Will the effects of the hundred woes timer be reduced or will it lead to good fortune during the month of luck?
I like it when mom throws unwanted things out of the second-floor window onto the street.
The seventh suffering will be carried over to 100 years later with the time machine.
Nobita feeling anxious about the suffering that will come in 100 years is quite something…
The Dragon World shows that there are souls, ghosts, and even heaven.
It’s too scary to think that there might be something after death.
Do you want to say that the serialization was such a hardship?
The weak will die, so this is a tangible attack.
It’s a tool likened to the phrase “Grant me seven trials and eight hardships,” but it seems like there are only unreasonable and fleeting disasters that cannot serve as nourishment for growth…
That was tough on your side too.
The victim was Dad.
I think the future operates on a theory that if we can resolve issues with secret tools, it’s safe within the bounds of law and ethics.
The aftercare that created dangerous organisms at the Galapa Star Research Institute offered refunds and told users to handle it themselves…
For those into extreme masochism, even things like black miso or forced training pants are enough.
Finally, it is completed with the explosion of the old-fashioned cannon.
If we actually dropped a steel beam and it hit an elementary school student below, would the company go under?
The parents shouted angrily, saying that the kid below was bad, and there were prank calls as well.
There are tools that can make contracts with demons, and surprisingly, the future seems to be leaning towards spiritualism or the occult?
If the existence of demons is proven, then it’s no longer occult or anything like that, right?
I wonder what will happen when the time of the future that was taken away arrives, Nobita.
Although they have long since passed away, I wonder if the gravestone takes on their misfortunes instead.
This is probably dead on the fourth time, isn’t it?
Why is there such a boring machine?
It seems that practitioners use it to purposely encounter hardships.
It’s unclear why Doraemon had such a tool with such an incredibly niche use.
The future department store rents out secret tools.
You borrowed it like a trial, right?
It’s scary that even if I die from this, it doesn’t seem to be regarded as an accident caused by a machine malfunction.
In the future world, there will be anti-gravity, so steel beams might float down gently.
It is said that no one has endured it 100 times anyway.
Whether it’s fluffy or whatever, after suffering a hundred times, you just die somewhere.
Don’t sell things that will definitely kill you if used.
Maybe it’s just enough to avoid dying at the last minute.
If the first digit is this, it definitely looks like it would die with 10 units.
A tool that originally causes deaths due to such dangerous materials.
Isn’t it crazy to think about a future where children could accidentally touch something because of poor management?