Super Creek, good boy good boy♪
I think they’re playing in a way that absolutely cannot be revealed.
The range that is exposed is already quite dangerous.
Playing in the bath almost led to something, it’s just a matter of time.
The generic racing outfit looks good on you.
If you don’t pull it out before playing, you might end up with a bad situation during the game…
If it’s Creek, they might forgive me with a “Oh dear 😊” even if I’m doing “umadatchi!” while playing!
But when it’s a proper Umapyoi time, it’s great to get all flustered.
A tendency for both to be shy towards each other in typical play.
To be honest, I look at Uma Musume in the most sexual way.
What do you mean, Mom? Are you stupid or something?
The text you provided does not contain any Japanese words to translate; it is an emoji representation.
Hmm… Mama…
(It seems like they’re playing with the setting of a rebellious phase…)
It’s just the way it is for Creek’s mental care… I keep telling myself as I suck on the pacifier day after day.
Kuriik has a nature that combines the traits of wanting to be an older sister, a mother, and a younger sister.
The baby domain expansion of Creek is really scary…
When I gave birth to my child, I feel like I awakened to a new level of ability as a mother.
That Oguri is something else to be pulling this Demon King…
Since breastfeeding is my kink, it hits me hard, but of course, you will let me suck, right?
If you reach the extreme of playing, there is a possibility.
I think I’m sweating because I have a tendency to sweat a lot, but if that’s okay, then it should be fine.
Because I’m playing baby…
If I try to do something serious like breastfeeding or playing, will they cry or will they try their best?
I think there should be as many options as there are trainers when it comes to what can and cannot be done.
If it’s against a trainer, they would probably do their best.
From around the second year of implementation, the policy is to have all characters modeled after historical horses as closely as possible.
I think there won’t be any more goofy characters like Kreeq, who are typical of early characters, appearing in the future.
Straight line straight line straight line! Are you kidding me with “Good morning Mile!”?
Raito O is taking this seriously!
Can you really say that after seeing the light?
It’s really troublesome that it involves mental care.
Can you stop the negative special events that hinder the development of certain kids like Creek?
Legends would be helpful just by not having this.
My mom.
If becoming a baby will allow Creek to win, then I will become a baby trainer.
Blast One Piece has a character design that flies off in a different direction…
She’ll breastfeed, but it seems she won’t do a handjob.
What kind of mom are you?
The Training Center Academy is not a kindergarten.
The kindergarten teacher is not mom…
I like it because they are big.
I like it because it’s big.
Baksin too.
Straight line also
I’m grateful that Single Race has been successful in a different direction.
The only one who can produce milk is Bouquet-chan, so it’s impossible for Mama.
Creek Creek
Big-breasted motherhood! Big-breasted motherhood!
It seems like the fans are probably supporting the love pairing, so that’s fine…
Kaminoko kaminoko~
Playing with the trainer in public while being watched by many, and the fans’ reactions were “I can support this!” It’s like the world has gone crazy.
I still like Creek and Marzen.
There is a trend of being inexperienced and naive in ordinary romantic relationships.
It’s nice, isn’t it…?
Then let’s play!
In that world, Nishino and the trainer are okay, but Maya and the trainer are not…
It seemed like there were quite a few people watching Maya’s stream who were somewhat new to racing.
There are many moms, but the only mom with big breasts and a huge butt is Creek.
Creeq is a complete nutritional food that is good for pampering and being pampered.
I can breastfeed without any hesitation, but just holding hands makes me blush to my ears.
A child who is caring but becomes anxious if they are not taking care of others.
I like Creek, but it’s really tough when there are times I can’t get a zero failure rate.
We’ll be cursed too, won’t we?
My mom suggests that we take a bath together when we go to the hot springs.
It’s a good thing the trainer stopped it, but…
This stupid couple!
I’ll crush you so badly that you won’t be able to get back up, so you won’t ever be able to interfere with me and darling again!
The Demon King was furious.
I thought I should make this terrible, barbaric rebellion a thing of the past for the baby.
I can support you~
The fans who were shouting “God’s Child, God’s Child!” were crazy.
We haven’t even kissed yet, but we’ve already experienced baby play; our order is all messed up…
The fans of Creek are too intense.
I feel a power that seems to be altering the world.
There is that level of maternal instinct in Creek.
It’s great, but even in the world of common kinks, it’s a bit too abnormal.
Victory pose, breasts are scary.
How many do you want? Actually, it’s scary.
I’m really envious of Tama, who gets to be with Creek and doesn’t look bad in the pictures.
Why are you refusing?
The single’s Creek has a strong girl-like aspect, and since the vibe is serious, the impression of being dangerous has faded a bit, but seeing the same character doing cute stuff in the app gives me a strange feeling.
CreeK, Flash, and GekiMabu are the only ones who hold the title of master.
The thickness of the body is amazing.
There are definitely some other fans who are also crazy, just because the direction is different.