Fishing is work time.
Is it okay for someone like this to exist…?
It’s Episode 0 of Takeda-kun…
Isn’t that a real salary thief?
There is a possibility it’s a parody account.
It’s quite troubling how likely it seems that I would punch out and go fishing.
It’s tough to have to uphold something like this…
I wished it was just a meme account, but Takeda-kun’s original was the real deal, and I don’t know what to expect next.
Seeing the true nature that’s been apparent so far, it’s troubling because it aligns so well with what that account says.
What will happen if everyone refuses to join?
It seems like you would be suited for sales in shady real estate or investments.
Why did I choose surgery, which requires physical stamina, when I have such a lazy personality?
I don’t understand that.
I wonder if it’s a desire for power.
I think it’s just cool that I’m having surgery!
It’s not just Takeda-kun’s fault; I think it’s important to remember that the hospital itself was also problematic.
The cover-up mentality of public hospitals is particularly severe.
In that way, if you make even a slight concession within the bounds of common sense, someone like Takeda will take advantage of that…
A former colleague driven by righteous indignation has entered the contest…
Honor courageous actions.
A colleague from before Ako is rare, isn’t it…?
From a god’s perspective, it’s easy to see that Takeda-kun is the bad one, but…
I think that normally, if someone with the brain capable of being a doctor and the eloquence to attract followers on Twitter attacks, an average anonymous person would be wiped out in seconds…
Even though it’s already a topic of conversation, if Takeda-kun’s model account is created…
Huh? Isn’t Takeda-kun not at fault? That kind of sentiment has been surfacing quite a bit…
Instead of being all things to all people, if trouble occurs, you’ll just shift the blame, right?
There are quite a few salespeople who think it’s okay to lie as long as they can secure a contract…
Seriously, don’t mess with me…
I’m in trouble… the original work isn’t finishing at all.
If you catch my eye, I will definitely disclose and file a lawsuit.
Well, they must be doing it with that determination, right?
I think that if I were to be taken care of by a doctor, I wouldn’t see them as a strange person at all in times of need.
Having too much confidence in oneself.
I was briefly wary when I saw the new character’s text, but it turned out to be an ally…
The victim seems to be reacting, so it doesn’t look like a joke but rather something real.
If this is true, it seems that the petty life hack of manipulating work hours had become normalized, making it truly hopeless.
The manga focuses on exposing hospital cover-ups, so it’s understandable that even if it’s true, there could be reasons for leaving it out.
It’s really scary that no one from Takeda-kun’s side has said it’s a false bamboo from the people involved…
If Takeda-kun takes on sales, he might take on more work than he can handle and attract resentment from the field.
Regarding Takeda-kun, reality surpasses fiction too much…
It looks real.
May a fair judgment be reached, regardless of anything.
Well, they’re the type to drink and smoke during working hours anyway…
It’s deep to think that this rare character probably wouldn’t have appeared if Takeda-kun hadn’t been active on X…
I was impressed by the author’s sense in using “Ozak” as a euphemism for alcohol.
It was correct to keep it hidden because it sounded too much like a lie.
I feel that there has been some reputational damage to Ozak.
It seems that support for Takeda-kun unexpectedly surged, so they must have felt a sense of crisis.
No matter how you think about it, it’s clearly a dangerous person… but it’s easy to see that they have a lot of supporters if you look around in various areas.
It’s really troublesome because even if they actually get arrested after being seen in such situations, the followers who have once been convinced will stick around forever.
Just like Tachibana and Hima Sora.
In this area, because the person is not very smart, someone who has received a certain level of education wouldn’t be deceived.
I think Takeda-kun’s ability to deceive even medical professionals with his first impression is a remarkable talent.
I wonder why I’m doing surgery…
Many people have the context that being a fool leads to being deceived, but…
There are people who easily lower their guard due to their pleasant demeanor, regardless of their educational background.
Intellectuals who have that kind of bias are easily taken advantage of.
The medical department is being taken advantage of…
It has started to be remembered that people who are supposed to have received a certain level of education also mess things up on the internet by themselves.
I think both are fishing accounts.
Certainly, it seems like Takeda and the others are like fishermen…
Honestly, just focusing on the episode of slacking off, it seems like there’s enough to potentially get fired.
It’s so unrestricted that you can’t help but think there must be some dark power at play.
Since there are many people on the internet who prioritize contrarian viewpoints over the content itself, standing out often leads to trouble…
Even someone who slacks off like that is being protected and concealed.
Akō Kasu Hospital is
The feeling that it’s better to die is experiencing an inflation that knows no bounds.
Isn’t it that you were told, “I have a really unpleasant thought, but I’ll treat this as work, so please don’t get involved with the hospital”?
I thought that someone with horrible writing skills becomes uncontrollable when they lie.
In the end, it’s the hospital’s fault for not reprimanding or taking any action despite doing whatever they wanted…
What hasn’t this guy done?
It’s tough to create a completely opposite parallel world by reinforcing lies with more lies.
My true calling was not a doctor, but a con artist.
I heard about the situation where you should have been at work, but there was no contact at all, from Takeda-kun.
It’s already a complete mess.
Is Takeda-kun really that good at writing…?
I felt it was just a slippery text.
I thought it was a style of wrapping novices up in a haze with a string of technical jargon.
That being said, I think there will be people who judge that there is a high level of writing ability in that.
It looks like a middle or high school essay that tries to increase the word count by any means necessary.
Basically, what I’m doing on X is just to spout off knowledge.
Stories that I wished were fiction keep coming out.
I think they have the writing skills and the techniques unique to con artists that appeal to people’s emotions.
It’s not something that can be understood logically.
In the future, it has been warned that we will have to hire doctors like Takeda due to the shortage of physicians in rural areas.
So the punchline is that Takeda-kun was the clear oddball, huh?
There was a story that Akō’s time cards were lenient, so maybe it became even more unregulated.
I wonder why there isn’t a teacher who would punch Takeda-kun in reality…
I don’t want to touch it.
You wouldn’t want to tarnish your career with someone like this.
Anyway, there are people who believe in whatever is confidently asserted.
It’s a basic technique of a scammer.
You have a strange kind of persuasive power and charisma, Takeda-kun.
Let’s entrust this surgery to this doctor!
If one in ten thousand people believes, then roughly 50 groups will be formed.
I might have seen a doctor on the light side for the first time in this thread image…
Many people recognize that they are fighting alone without checking the content and turn to support.
If that’s the case, wouldn’t it have been better to become a cult leader or a con artist?
In the end, it doesn’t change that there will be victims who suffer terribly!
You’re not cut out to be a scammer.
My nails are soft.
As expected, the person who is the model for Takeda-kun has narcissistic personality disorder.
The ability to play the victim at first glance has actually brought out those who feel sorry for them…
I was only able to study and put on a facade regarding medicine…
Most colleagues would normally say, “I never want to get involved again.”
“It’s quite something that there are people who can’t stay silent.”
In real conversation
It was scary how smoothly excuses came out as if it were odd for a koala to have a good memory.
I was told by Dr. 〇〇 (the negligent doctor) from 〇〇〇〇 (hospital name) that it would be better to undergo the procedure. Dr. 〇〇 (the senior doctor) said that decompression is definitely necessary, but he was unsure whether a fixation procedure is needed, so if Dr. (the negligent doctor) said that, he should ask Dr. 〇〇 (the former senior doctor). Since I have no knowledge or experience regarding that type of surgery, I remember saying it would be good if the doctor (the negligent doctor) consulted with Dr. 〇〇 (the former senior doctor) as a mentor. It seems you learned that there as well, right? I feel like I must have said that. And actually, until the situation with the permission for two weeks came up, I was aware that any delay in that two-week permission could potentially lead to an inability to perform dialysis; at least I remember the doctor’s presentation, but I don’t think it was acknowledged as a team discussion. I don’t have detailed memories about that, but Dr. 〇〇 (the senior doctor) may remember everything in detail; however, I remember quite a bit about what happened after the incident, but not much before that. Dr. 〇〇 (the senior doctor) said that it would be strange if you, being the primary physician, didn’t remember anything. The negligent doctor replied, “Of course, that’s the premise, as far as I can remember now. I think I can recall if I go back to that moment, but it has been over a year.”
January 7, 2020 (Tuesday): Pre-operative examination
January 17, 2020 (Friday): Explanation of test results and recommendation for surgery; signed the consent form
January 20, 2020 (Monday): Hospitalization and pre-operative conference
January 22, 2020 (Wednesday): Medical accident occurred
“If I had been explained, ‘I have no experience in performing surgery and I am not confident, so it has not yet been decided who will perform the surgery, but please sign the consent form for now,’ I definitely would not have signed.”
For articles related to experiences of medical malpractice, click here ⇒ Medical Malpractice #Medical Accident #Medical Malpractice #Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery #Surgery #Sequelae #Conference #Dialysis Kidney #Residual Urine #Dialysis
Is there really a person who can lie so boldly? I just can’t help but think that there are so many lies involved.
If you think about it properly, yeah, if you’re all nervous when trying to deceive someone, it’s bound to get exposed…
Why do you tell lies that can be easily seen through, even when you act confidently?
It is such a level of sympathy that it’s understandable even if the victim’s family doesn’t come forward…
When I asked those who directly know the defendant doctor for their cooperation, everyone uniformly said, “I’m afraid of being attacked” and “I’m scared because they can easily lie.” While I feel sad about this, I painfully understand why they feel so “scared,” so I can’t say anything more. After the defendant doctor was prohibited from performing surgeries following 2020 during their time at Akō City Hospital, they sought to have the surgery ban lifted through their attorney, requested disciplinary actions against their colleagues for lack of consideration, and criminally charged the department head for assault (which ended in an indictment without prosecution). Furthermore, in 2023, over two years after resigning voluntarily, they filed a damage compensation lawsuit against Akō City and the then hospital director and department head, claiming that due to the department head refusing to sign necessary documents for the plaintiff to take the vascular therapy specialist examination in March 2021, the plaintiff lost eligibility to take the exam. They also claimed that they had been assaulted by the department head in July 2020 and had sought improvements to their working environment from the former director, but no specific measures were taken. Due to these issues, the plaintiff claims to have suffered from “depression and was forced to resign,” and is demanding 10 million yen each from the department head and the former director, while also seeking joint payment from Akō City on grounds of employer responsibility. The lawsuit is still pending as of March 2025. ~Defendant Doctor Plaintiff Damage Compensation Lawsuit~ Heisei 5 (Wa) No. 649 Kobe District Court Himeji Branch. *Court documents are available for public viewing. It is understandable, for anyone with normal sensibilities, to think, “If I testify against the defendant doctor, I might become the next target of an attack.” For more than five years since the medical malpractice incident, the victim’s family still feels an unbearable sense of frustration. However, no matter how much they try to cover lies with more lies, it will never change the truth. With the careful investigation by the police starting in 2022 that has led to the indictment of the defendant doctor, the only hope now lies in the truth coming to light during the upcoming trial. March 2, 2025, 0:17 AM, 16,000 views.
Do we have to create victims in order to survive?!
Takeda-kun might actually be a worse person than you imagine…
People can be quite easily deceived by titles and good personality.
Teacher M, who is still protecting this, is at a level in his later years where his achievements could be erased.
Too much of a public enemy.
I thought it was just conspiracy theorists or people who are overly anti-establishment who are elevating this.
You’re the type to immediately threaten to take legal action if something happens, huh…?
In reality, it’s understandable to feel a sense of risk when encountering such individuals and to try to avoid them as much as possible.
It’s scary because they really have the power to take action.
Oh no…
Narcissistic personality disorder feels sympathy for the same type.
Isn’t it around that area where I’m supporting Takeda-kun on X now?
When I updated my driver’s license address at the police station during my move.
There was a time when I was completely taken aback because a traffic safety officer smelled incredibly of alcohol in broad daylight, and I was certain he was drunk.
Going fishing during work hours is definitely beyond imagination!
They say that being confident prevents you from being found out, but…
This level is amazing.
I’ve been told this by former colleagues as well, but for you, Takeda-kun, it is the truth.
There might be some people who defend it because they find the change in the doctor’s license system troublesome…
Why can you bring up disciplinary action against a proper doctor…
Usually, communication starts with a certain level of understanding of language and values.
It’s rare to start a driving community where the other person might be a monster.
Source of disturbance, harassment, and chaos.
It’s a real monster, isn’t it?
Because for the person themselves, it is the truth.
I think this is what Takeda-kun and writing ability are all about.
Because they speak in an overly assertive and aggressive manner, reasonable people or those who want to believe they are smart tend to trust them, thinking they won’t tell lies.
I plan to start working at a hospital from spring, but because I’m scared, I stopped following the original story for a while.
I don’t understand the meaning of protecting an irregularity that has made 8 medical mistakes resulting in deaths and severe aftereffects.
Since caregiving and accidents are categorized by disability grades, post-surgery sequelae should also be classified.
If we say that a physician’s license should be revoked after causing a certain number of grade 0 or higher sequelae or deaths, wouldn’t that be a good idea?
If everyone is making medical mistakes as a matter of course like Takeda-kun and becoming doctors, then there’s nothing we can do about it.
It’s become a symbol of a fatal bug where just studying can lead you to become a doctor.
Episode 82 existed.
“The neurosurgeon Takeda-kun” The family started to get restless Even after calling, Takeda-kun was missing. Eventually, in the evening, they finally made contact with Takeda-kun. The mystery of where Takeda-kun had been still remains. Medical safety continued to treat the family’s protests as the complaints of a crank. They are just making a fuss without any evidence, right? The family found it too suspicious that Takeda-kun’s doctor had such little knowledge… in a series of strong protests. On the other hand, the fact that Takeda-kun’s cartel techniques constitute murder and that he refused emergency measures was kept secret from both the family and the public. I absolutely do not want my mother to be treated by such a doctor! No! No way! Takeda-kun is not a doctor prohibited from cartels. I’m sorry, Dr. Takeda-kun. Nurse Inuzawa was present at the meeting between Takeda-kun and the family. Even when the family asked questions, Takeda-kun just… This left even Inuzawa, who was present, in disbelief. The family’s questions were not such things. Copyright: “The neurosurgeon Takeda-kun” Production Committee
Most of these are slaps, but Takeda-kun mixes in real shots.
Because I have money and wisdom, I can really end up in litigation when I’m in trouble.
Here is the one before that.
I haven’t been in touch from morning until evening…
“Neurosurgeon Takeda” Condition Worsens After Surgery Is Takeda-kun not doing it? Dr. Koda rushed to the hospital. His catheter is equivalent to a crime. Operating room What is this sloppy technique? It’s chilling… Fun, fun, it’s been a while since the catheter, so nice! Post-operation I told you to let Dr. Mori do it, right? You’re restricted from invasive examinations! It’s an emergency, so I handled it! I never said I would do it… The next morning, the patient’s condition worsened dramatically. Takeda-kun was scheduled to work but was missing. Takeda-sensei, where are you! The patient is in a critical condition! Brrrrrrrr Copyright: “Neurosurgeon Takeda” Production Committee
One of the characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder is precisely
“At first, there will be people who get deceived because they are friendly and full of confidence.”
The plating starts to peel off from there.
Those who are easily deceived will be fooled by bold and arrogant verbosity.
And they speak as if they understand, saying they have literary talent or conversation skills.
Lily-chan is the same.
It has been revealed that intelligence, such as academic background, and the skill to not be deceived are completely separate.
Tsuchiya was a genius who independently produced sarin from a material that no one had noticed.
First of all, the fact that someone is looking down on those who have been deceived and calling them fools already makes them a perfect target.
I learned about the case of being foolish while looking down on others during the Cold War period in Asian regional history.
The important thing is, when you think you’ve been deceived by someone like Takeda-kun.
It’s the judgment to kick out from one’s surroundings, even at the cost of a certain degree of sacrifice, instantly…
If everyone is made to feel fear, then even if one or two people summon the courage to shout, “He is a liar!”
A few odd individuals! Just say it’s Koala’s handiwork…
The skill of not being deceived likely depends on the instinct to detect malice and danger as well.
Those who think they are fine will be deceived.
People who confidently say they won’t be deceived by phone scams are often those who don’t pause to think or forget to consult others.
So I won’t carelessly engage in position talk elsewhere.
Even obtaining a driver’s license, which is originally a permit for actions one shouldn’t normally do, is something that is said when you get it…
It would be great if someone like Professor Umizaki could come out and say, “I really did say that…”
14:22 Follow Neurosurgeon Takedakun’s model @Takedakun_model I am not present in this scene, and it is unclear whether such an interaction actually took place. However, while the professor was a strict person, he was not someone who judged matters too emotionally, and I felt a sense of compassion towards his subordinates. I cannot believe he would make statements that shoot down those who have left like this. “Neurosurgeon Takedakun” the worst doctor in history He is… the worst doctor in history. I never want to work with him again. Dr. Koga could not ask Professor Kaizaki anything beyond that. Disbarred… the worst… an unprecedented incompetent neurosurgeon Takedakun… Regarding the surgeries when Takedakun was an assistant, by the way, Professor Kaizaki gets caught up in a lawsuit. Reply to post
Even in court, it’s like this…
In the lawsuit against the director and others by the plaintiff doctor @bianca_y2023, it is claimed that on July 1, 2020, the section chief was persistently beaten in the face and head and reported it to the director immediately afterward. On the other hand, the director submitted audio evidence of a conversation on July 1, arguing that such a report never occurred. At that time, it is believed that the director was wary of fabricated stories and was recording the conversation.
@bianca_y2023 · January 24 During the period of the medical lawsuit involving my mother from 2020 to 2021, the conduct of the defendant doctor was so abnormal that not only the patient’s family but also the director, doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff were sympathetic and fearful of the defendant doctor’s abnormality. I suddenly recalled today that there were always actions and statements that were unthinkable in ordinary circumstances.
In the lawsuit against the defendant doctor, it was argued that “violence by the section chief became routine around June.” However, in the audio of the conversation submitted by the director from July 1, there was no mention of violence by the section chief, and it was stated, “Dr. ○○ (the section chief) basically respects my opinion tremendously,” and “He is kind; I really think so.”
The director really has high self-preservation skills, as expected for someone who has escaped!
That said, in the depiction of the comic adaptation, everyone was holding a recorder when they interacted with Takeda-kun, right?
Natural-born con artist or salesman
The ancients warned to be careful, as meeting fraudsters and dictators in person can make them seem like close friends.
A person with virtue is dangerous!
The “Ore Ore” scam is the epitome of hitting the jackpot by throwing enough darts, and truly well-planned scams are clever; just being cautious doesn’t mean you can prevent them.
Is this the correct email address, by the way?
Someone like that is 99.9% aware, but if there’s someone named ◯◯ among the acquaintances of the person who just happened to receive the email, the level of caution drops significantly.
Ah, if I do it this way, I’m a crazy idiot.
“Is it because I have a personality disorder that I support Takeda-kun?”
Fortune-telling also uses the same technique in terms of speaking with certainty.
That’s why those who say “I’m fine” are often seen as the easiest targets.