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[Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket] Fukamaru is so cute!

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Raichu (Alolan form) is also included!

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

As usual, I’m rapidly evolving with NPC pulls, but thanks to everyone’s heavy energy requirements, I’m just left with a lineup of sandbags that are only getting tormented.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

As expected, it’s strange that Gligar has a Grass weakness!

Originally, both water and ice are weaknesses, and they are at a normal effectiveness against grass.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not just the second evolution of ex or non-ex, the highlight of the promotion is!

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, it would be nice to get a Raichu.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don't have it, but I lost because I used the hourglass.

Get Challenge Related to the Theme of Overcoming Light Leafia Ishi-Tsubute Gabrias Gabrias Coil Challenge Result Gabrias Tap to Proceed

I don’t have it, but I lost because I used the hourglass.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s lame.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s probably just that, but it feels really disappointing.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews


The God Pack is Watch 4, right?

I saw it for the first time.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


In this case, the highest is ☆2, so it’s arranged in 4.

If immersive and crown are included, it shouldn’t be 3 or 4 since there is no line.

Well, the God Pack in 3 is all ☆1, but I wonder if that’s possible…

27: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ve seen screenshots of God Packs with only one star, but I’ve never seen that in a Getcha Rare…

23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If you put a mark on what you want, you won’t lose, right?

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I’m just putting it all on for visibility.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

What was the escape 1 no pass again?

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

What kind of mission is it to win without using Trainers?

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Neither the Doctor, nor the Monbo, nor the Speeder are any good.

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Stop putting me on missions to sleep at random.

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Leafeon and Glaceon are great, aren’t they?

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ah, of course, both Gotsume and Manson are no good.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can automate it with a Beequen and Depression Bot deck.

Utsubot is strong, just as I thought!

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Promonoz Pass included?

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s too obvious that two Lucarios are lined up on the bench every time for the expert at the fastest speed.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews


As expected, it would be tough if they got ahead and scored 60 points on the second turn…

19: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Is this Nozpass the correct one?

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Because it’s cute, Fukamaru is also a hit.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I told you to stop the reward probability, didn’t I!

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

The subtle annoyance of ex-Gab when used in a CPU.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews


When using this, it will evolve into its second form, but when it actually evolves straight away, it becomes a hassle.

25: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It seems to be categorized as a God Pack, but when I compare it to something like a Getchare, it feels a bit sad.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think that both immersion and crowns aren’t that important, so God believes that the number of 2-star ratings is what truly matters.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the highlight of the God Pack is that it contains crowns with an extraordinary probability.

I’ve never been able to pull a God Pack.

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s the type that says it’s important but underlines everything, making the textbook colorful…

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s over that Lucario can quickly set up two and from the second turn, Hitmonchan hits with a 70 punch.

How to do it without defeating a single enemy…

48: Japan Otaku Reviews


When the first Riolu trembled alongside the two, it sank down without evolving…

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Kai on the playmat has a look that seems to be full of flavor…

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t even seen a challenge that consumes 4, let alone a god-level one…

38: Japan Otaku Reviews


If there is at least one 2 in the challenge, the consumption is 4.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since it’s buried in the fluff, I’ve only seen it maybe once or twice…

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I’m surprised that Gab is hitting for 70 with 1 energy.

If I use it myself, I probably won’t be able to gather any evolution options at all.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

I drew two cards for the Fukamaru event, but only got Raichu.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

I honestly think that a God Pack without a ☆2 female trainer and with two or more ☆1 cards is on the losing side.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

Somehow, after going full circle, I’m thinking Starmie is actually strong.

It’s super fun to keep escaping with Starmie, Arceus, and Rotom while rotating with Kai and Hikari.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9

I’m about to get really angry because of the CPU’s specific luck-based ideal scenarios where Lucario and Garchomp are strong!

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Muku Hawk, you know… if you’re not motivated, it’s okay to go home.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


I will have you headhunted from the first team.

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I’m grateful that Nosepass came early while I was waiting…

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Nassy (violence) is causing a big ruckus at the event.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


On the second turn of Lucario, it’s troublesome because Tamata is at the one-hit knockout line.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

If Lucario comes out every time on the second turn, it’s definitely strong! It shows up in every match!

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I feel that this time it’s definitely the underwhelming one, just like Ebiwalar.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was strong since the time of the space-time deck.

Luka + Cloak with 1 energy 100/50 was seriously crazy.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can still go with a wig until level 3.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews


It has become a Rampardos deck.

I can’t draw fossils, but…

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a 1 in 2000 chance.

I don’t feel like I can pull ahead.

I have only seen it once on Getchare.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems that about 60% of people hit at least once after drawing 2000 packs…

51: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If Gab’s the fastest and there’s also Lucario behind it, then that’s definitely strong, you idiot.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Promomuku Hawk-kun worked hard to increase the damage by 10!

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even though there’s some recoil, there are those who can reach 130…

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there any benefit to prioritizing Fighting over Dragon for Fukamaru?

55: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Whoever came up with a mission without trainers should be fired and never allowed to be involved in the gaming industry again.

59: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Stop really forcing the ideal deployment of the CPU.

Do it with the usual probability.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


That said, isn’t it too weak if the CPU is clueless like that?

165: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Honestly, if you want a challenging match, why not just play against other people?

Even if you lose to the loading NPC, it just becomes “Oh, wow, that’s amazing.”

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Is a promo card the best option if you use Nozpass?

Escape Energy 1 is strong, isn’t it?

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


When the first one came, it was so hopeless that I didn’t know what to do…

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

Don’t mess with me… I’ll do it with two Lucarios! Then I completely conquered the low rarity in 12 turns and got everything…

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Setting excessively strict conditions for NPC battles ultimately means you will just keep rerolling until they mess up, so it’s pointless.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

A huge Nassy is taking down Gab.

Too violent.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

It ended quickly when I hit with Crimgan.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s nothing difficult about Jarodadalin, so you can go on auto.

69: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s impressive that you did it without consuming losses.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Continuing from last time, the expert is also extremely weak, so I have no idea what they’re getting angry about.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

The non-ex challenge is being taken care of with psychic Nenassijaroudadalin.

As long as Jaro is set up, victory is guaranteed…

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


In that case, isn’t Golem good?

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

The girl in the previous section, SAR, is all about getting together, so I can’t sleep with my feet facing my friends.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wait a minute, why is Fukamaru weak to Grass?

79: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s because it’s a battle card…

83: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s a game where Heatran is weak to fire.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

You still shouldn’t use Hageaguro, no matter what.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


As expected, I guess it’s no longer possible in face-to-face situations.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews


It can still work with low rare emissions.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

The CPU is too scared and bulky.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


For some reason, they sometimes don’t use their techniques.

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Submission: Putting the opponent to sleep ← Is this necessary?

94: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


You don’t need it, but you can just put in Pokémon that can use Sleep, start with Sleep, and immediately forfeit.

101: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


That’s why I think I definitely don’t need it.

“Use the promo, not just for pudding.”

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I finally got a God Pack after a total of 2600 cards acquired.

I haven’t pulled a single Crown Rare yet.

I finally got a God Pack after a total of 2600 cards acquired. I haven't pulled a single Crown Rare yet.

15:54 Opening results NEW Eleraid ex NEW Denji Trainers NEW Pachirisu ex NEW Dialga ex NEW Lucario ex Next

89: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


I’ve already surpassed 3000 cards, but I still haven’t drawn any.

But congratulations!

85: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I just want cards and an hourglass, so the weaker the CPU, the better.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was terrible, a deck called Blastoise ex, which was just a free loser deck.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


Celebi Deck! (The Violence of Kangaskhan)

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


If anything, this time it’s more of a Lucario master deck than Gab.

87: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The Hitmonchan under Lucario is simply strong…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


Until Luca-san came, he was treated like useless smegma.

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In the first round of the fight, I was standing quite a bit, though.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

The items and support have become stronger, so it’s now easier to win with low-rarity builds than before.

In the end, it often happens that once they quickly complete their board and start attacking, there’s no way to turn it around anymore.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gab has two types, with and without weaknesses, so it’s an easy-to-understand card variation.

93: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you use the Sleep Mission and immediately forfeit after putting it to sleep with Jigglypuff…

You can complete the mission without any energy consumption…

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m getting a bit tired to the point of abandoning the 20-win mission from last time.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I got 2 cards in a 10-pull, so I’ll become an Arushin.

I got 2 cards in a 10-pull, so I'll become an Arushin.

20/20 Edit Shaymin HP 60 Flower Garden Pokémon. Choose 1 energy attached to this card and switch it with 1 of your Pokémon. When this Pokémon receives damage of 30 or more, its HP does not become “0”. Weakness Place 2 damage counters. ×2 Resistance -20 A060 Mew HP 130 Tightening Shot 20 Miu-Kumbatsuku Shock x 20 Accurate Moosukan 1 time Tightening 150 Metal Cool 90 Discard all Steel energies attached to this Pokémon. Damage Goes to HP 150 Heavy Impact 100 -20 ×2 -20 Aks HP 150 Metal Cool Metal 48 – Damage Goes to HP 150 Heavy Impact 100 -20 ×2 -20 AL 020 Aion When you have used Shiken Shikato, you may search your hand for a Pokémon. Ultimate Metabook HP 140 Ensure the Weakness to Fire Damage is 20. 7 Language Monster Balance.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

When you become an alchemist, the sense of dignity being destroyed in card games is nice, isn’t it?

It seems that a completely unrelated Pokémon has become an Arceus.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

As expected, if the HP is strong and the coins are strong, then the strong ones are really strong.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s such a hassle to go out of my way to remodel the deck just to sleep…

I wonder if there was a rental for Wigglytuff ex.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wish they would do this kind of thing only after the deck count is at least 30…

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Ebiwalar has been a relatively familiar face since the early days, and being treated like a loser is something I’m not familiar with.

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Compared to Muller’s, it is weak, but it’s okay with Kamonegi, I have heard quite a bit, but it wasn’t Chinkasu.

105: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I’m going to prepare the second Exeggutor by bringing out a Tamato Berry.

Please stop the drama…

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I only get one promo pack after doing it five times, I feel like I have to kick NPC-kun’s chair.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Why is it limited to sleep every time!

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crown Arceus has arrived, but I can’t trust it because I don’t have two.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

The promo pack event has come again without me noticing.

Can you now open reward packs all at once?

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


It seems that you did not provide any Japanese text for translation. Please provide the text you’d like to be translated.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t it the case that even in battles until the last moment, Ebiwalar didn’t lose to Kamonegi?

112: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

There is no UI overhaul in this game.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

Strongest, but its usefulness is limited.

Illusion: Sawamurā gains attention for killing Koiking and is treated as industrial waste.

Thanks to space-time items and Luka, I have become an excellent vanguard.

Overcoming and maintaining position.

Such a Mr. Ebiwalar.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s getting tough to stick with a deck limit of 15 for a while now.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it normal to make it so that the new cards can be used comfortably?

Why do I get beaten up when I use the new card’s face and get hit by its weakness?

119: Japan Otaku Reviews


I remembered there was a boss with resistance to the weapon during the event in Dragon Quest Walk.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I took a nap with an appropriate Beakcoin and Mashed Deck.

Since then, the low rarity missions and no-death runs end exclusively with a deck featuring Fushigibana.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

If you’re going to drop, make it Garchomp!

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s understandable because Fukamaru is cuter.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the Sleep Battle Trial, if you don’t have a Promo Pudding, you should use Fione.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

Leafeon & Mega Yanmega are quite fun.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve gotten 5600 cards but haven’t pulled a single God Pack, I’m about to lose it.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the streaming community, it’s not common to see even ten thousand.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s up high, but probabilistically it’s normal…

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you saying to use Mukuhawk?

128: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Nasshi is too strong in this event…

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


When Nassy is weak, it’s warm.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews


In an underdeveloped genetic environment without adequate support from my partner, I didn’t shine.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since we can’t escape, winning without granting points is the only flaw, and it’s unable to handle 3 or lower.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

The meaning of being a fighter was born from the coach, but isn’t there a trend of thinking it’s not normal to have a 40-RBI player who is just a decoy?

Honestly, I haven’t really updated my understanding since then.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


I tried hitting today and realized my health is high…

139: Japan Otaku Reviews


You will understand once you fight this time.

The moment Lucario stands up, it instantly becomes a crazy fighter.

There aren’t many around now, but it was intense that Mewtwo could withstand the Hydro Pump.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

I tried to use Giratina somehow, but it didn’t work.

Escape Energy 3 is over.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

The shrimp has 20 more stamina, but it was significant that it could potentially one-shot a team with HP 50, including Sakaki.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Crobat Darkrai strong?

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


Not much.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it a bit risky to include Arceus?

Is it surprisingly possible? Seeds out.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it good with Maneyura?

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t think it’ll become popular because if you draw Arceus as your opening move, there’s not much you can do.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though temporal Giratina can be used normally…

137: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I still don’t have a different design trainer with 2500 cards.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just because I pulled a God Pack doesn’t mean it’s something good; it would just be empty happiness.

What’s important is the content.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, after winning four times and opening the promo pack, all the cards were Cherim.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was interesting that the expert NPC was able to instantly defeat the late-attack Heracross Jun with just the advanced placement of Fukamaru.

148: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Could it be that Arceus is stronger when used alone without Alshin?

150: Japan Otaku Reviews


That said, the bench still needs to be filled.

Isn’t the compatibility with binary evolution too bad?

160: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s definitely better to have Pokémon that can provide support.

Yes, that’s my son Dialga.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to put many seed Pokémon into Arceus ex.

I want to squeeze the seed Pokémon, but the evolution and reliability aren’t matching up.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

The first move Arceus feels like a big accident with Arceus.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it would have been good if Arceus had received some enhancements marked on the bench as well.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Arceus deck can’t escape the feeling of just giving up if the first card is only Arceus, no matter what.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

Arceus can be used on its own, but the followers…

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it correct that when Dialga uses 1 energy, it can switch out for Arceus?

Aren’t we going to lose to the opponent’s Aakagi pulling out Dialga like this?

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


Changing is case by case.

If one is defeated, I will use Mars.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews


So usually there are either recovery Shaymin for HP shifting or colorless Shaymin for stable immediate withdrawal.

There may be cases of dual hiring.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

Heatran is quite strong even without a deity…

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Don’t make me rearrange my deck for missions if you’re not going to increase the deck slots, you idiot.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

Which deck is best for expert rounds… Is it still Nassy EX?

168: Japan Otaku Reviews


I do the post-mission expert rounds every time with a free card.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since there are many 60s and 80s, the manurai is piercing deeply.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

Heatran often thinks about the teachings of its master, Al.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

The mission where trainers are prohibited is tough.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

Doesn’t it seem like a combination with Arceus and Rotom could work fairly well?

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


Dolan Rotom Crobat Masquippa is a card that has particularly shown results among the Alshinn decks.

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s quite bothersome when Garchomp EX can attack the bench for 50.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews


Should I just pin it in my original Gab deck?

171: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The loading of Ebiwaral Kario is annoying! Can’t something be done about it?

173: Japan Otaku Reviews


Just defeating without thinking about it…

How about using a tough-looking Clem gun?

198: Japan Otaku Reviews


I always get to go second, but only when I have a red card in my hand!

Even if I get a red card, I’m still drawing Oak!

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m happy that the CPU uses a strong character, but it usually doesn’t activate until it’s in a “thinking” state, which takes about 3 turns or so.

177: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I came to the realization again that Natsume is strong because the opponent’s bench is often full when trying to score the last point.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews


Somehow, if you can include the three-point set of Sakaki, Natsume, and Akagi’s evil organization, it becomes consistently strong.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since I’m not wearing a cloak, if I can deal 40 damage, I can take them down in two hits.

In other words, it’s a sitting duck.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a different performance of Promomukhawk.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews


The battle meta is too limited… it’s not even a weakness.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am currently creating multiple accounts and opening Dialga packs.

I never thought I could get the Shaymin AR I always wanted so easily.

196: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is there no restriction like needing three Shaymin ARs to exchange?

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why do you like sleep state missions so much?

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though it was considered unusable among Rotom-aligned believers, it easily gets sent to the bench, revealing its strength.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

The sleep mission can easily be done with a promo pudding, which is great.

187: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

I understand the sleep mission when there is a pudding promotion, but I don’t get why I’ve been adding it out of habit ever since.

210: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want it to be loose enough to cause a status ailment instead of just putting it to sleep.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, I’ll start using multiple accounts, huh?

You should have just gone with generating a card.

189: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you let it sleep, it’s retirement!

192: Japan Otaku Reviews


This is a random attacker.

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there a total of 4 types of Mukuhawk?

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

Who doesn’t have a promo pudding?

194: Japan Otaku Reviews


With Fiona and Mosnow, etc…

203: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


There is a Flabébé that is recommended for Esper-type seed Pokémon.

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, no matter how many missions you do, they won’t turn into an hourglass…

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to just give in to sleep right away?

197: Japan Otaku Reviews

I might have awakened to my Esper type.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews

Earlier, I was doing random matches and came across a deck with Arceus, Alcremie, Heatran, and Jibako, and I thought, “Is anything goes now?”

It wasn’t that strong.

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

Heracross and Bronzong were surprisingly fun to play with.

With 50+110, you can usually handle most Pokémon, and if you play Jun on the first turn and draw a quarter, you can destroy the match.

202: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that with this feeling, they definitely won’t exchange EX and Trainer AR.

204: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am helped by the red card just as much as I am harmed by it.

205: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The most devout believer was Dialga.

206: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a Promo Muma, so it’s okay to change the flavor of the mission to confusion (immediate retreat).

207: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t received the second Arceus card yet.

208: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it fine to have some kind of special condition instead of just one?

209: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is Diapalojirin? Is it the pre-evolution?

212: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1



The two Diarpar were originally like children of Arceus, and when they were given power, for some unknown reason, they transformed into a form that resembled Arceus.

That’s about the feeling of it.

211: Japan Otaku Reviews

Origin is origin.

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