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[Delicious in Dungeon] Don’t you remember seeing this face somewhere? > No.

Huh? Don’t I remember this face from somewhere?

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16

Raios can confidently assert.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx30

Putting aside the lack of interest, why are you so confident?

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

(I really don’t recognize it at all.)

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t remember seeing it.

I don’t know if I have seen it or not.

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx41

Ah, I recognize this kobold over here!

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

If you don’t recognize it, then that’s fine too.


15: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s simply that Laios is amazing.

Even Chill Chuck doesn’t remember anything about humans.

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

I have no interest or concern, so I’m just answering with what I think without any memory of it.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx22

I’m not particularly confident.

I’m just saying that I really don’t recognize it.

8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I pay a lot of attention to my friends (except for their accessories)…

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well… the face of a dead person really loses its characteristics…

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9

They’re saying they’re not really interested, but even Chill-san is uncertain, so it’s not weird at all.

Also, you’ve become like Dozaemon, and your face has changed too much.

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11

It seems like you’re good at remembering people’s faces, Chiru-Chakku.

13: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Chiru-san seems to remember things well due to their profession.

Conversely, Lios is certainly given a score of 61 points.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Well, kobolds are rare…

Even a tall man would probably remember if he were Asian.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Aren’t you placing Asians in the same category as monsters, Raios?

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Even though he is from a foreign country, he’s just a tall man, so I’m not treating him any differently.

I just passionately pursued it because it was rare and I felt I clicked with the horse (that’s how I felt at the time).

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the reason Shuro remembered was that he was the only Asian man named Shuro.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s certain that there is no memory of it.

If it was a question like “Haven’t we met before?”, I might have answered that I don’t know.

18: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

What’s wrong all of a sudden?

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is nothing I don’t remember.

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Well, it hasn’t been long enough since I died to change my appearance, and besides, at the time of the story about the treasure bug, I didn’t even meet Cabru for the first time, so come on, Lios…

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Whether you recognize it or not, anyone can answer that on the spot, of course…

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

According to Kaburu, he wanted to get along and tried to talk to you multiple times, but it seems you didn’t remember him at all…

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23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

It’s just being pointed out that it’s irrelevant whether you are interested or not.

It seems that the problem lies with those who insist on nitpicking.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

The timing was off and Cabloo took a roundabout approach, so I wasn’t even aware of it; considering that, it’s no wonder I don’t recognize it.

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

I was impressed because I memorized Shuro’s face at a glance and started to stalk him.

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


But I feel that an East Asian facial structure is more memorable in that worldview.

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I mean, adventurers are just good-for-nothing idiots.

“People who suddenly start talking to you are all crap.”

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t have the confidence to even vaguely remember a Dosaemon, even in a chill way…

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

My face is swollen.

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It must be hard to understand if you’re not from the same species.

Laios is a dog.

34: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


It’s not like I even know who Raios is in the first place.

They keep saying they called out to them many times, but they’ve failed every time and aren’t even being noticed.

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

It seems like I was approached several times before, as will be mentioned later.

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I was unlucky, and the way I approached it was so convoluted that not only did I not succeed, but I wasn’t even acknowledged.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Regarding that


This is a big problem on the cover side.

Well, Cabulu’s luck is bad.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Review of the Cabloo siblings at this point.

They are just not interested in people who are not good.

A sad realization…

44: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Well, it was just sea urchin, though.

It seems like there are parts where they talk about their desires despite the depiction of being good at human observation, and in the early stages, there are similarities to Kablue.

49: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Rather, I had seen through the ecology, but I hadn’t seen through the inner feelings, so it’s kind of half and half.

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Seeing how my former friends are draining money from me and I just keep paying without question makes me wonder… why?

In reality, it seemed easier to go with the flow, which felt like a survival tactic for Raios.

57: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s cute how, even though they said things like that, they will probably be shocked later by the way the siblings talk to the mountain people.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Laios has forgotten that he is being directly spoken to face to face.

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I saw in Conan that usually, because you think about whether you’ve seen it or not, you don’t assert it if you haven’t.

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s probably because I’m not even trying to remember people’s faces that I can say that for sure.

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

In short, it’s a scene where Raios, unlike Chilchak, doesn’t even remember the faces or names of those he is extremely uninterested in.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the curly-haired guy was damp with water, I wouldn’t know either.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Well, if you think about it normally, it’s a person you really don’t know, so I don’t think it’s depicted as such a scene.

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


I have been talked to multiple times in the past, but I forgot.

Even if I actually introduce myself, I won’t remember the name.

I think this is one of the scenes that represents Lios’ character.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you know the ecology of kobolds,

A kobold quietly following along at the party.

It’s rare among rarities, so of course I remember it.

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I guess I have no interest in people…

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Although there are not many characters with distinct skin colors in the work, I remember and can distinguish individuals from other races that are likely harder to tell apart.

So that means this is being done intentionally, right?

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that I’m not interested in people in general, I just wasn’t interested in Kaburu.

51: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s understandable to not be familiar with something, but criticizing someone for having no interest is quite unreasonable.

52: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

It’s troubling to keep being ignored about the obvious fact that just forgetting it doesn’t mean I can make a definitive statement.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

Will this continue until my theory is accepted?

55: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Surprisingly, I pay a lot of attention to my own party.

We did it during the shapeshifter episode.

64: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I pay close attention to those who are close to me.

Even so, the points I remember (such as personality and traits from Laos’ perspective) and those I don’t (like equipment, etc.) were extreme.

56: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Well, this isn’t the only scene that seems to lack interest in people…

58: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

The scene where Raios has a hard time remembering the faces and names of people he isn’t close to will appear multiple times in detail after this.

Kablue is so observant of people that it can be creepy, and there is a contrast in that it is especially unilaterally infatuated with Raos.

59: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I’m making an effort, but it’s more that I don’t really like people rather than a preference for monsters… and that seems to be the case more than anything related to winged lions.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The person said it too, but isn’t it true to some extent for everyone? It’s not completely as Tsubasa and Shishi say.

There are certainly such places, but the winged lion sometimes exaggerates things for the sake of criticism, making them seem more significant than they really are.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

The kobolds that were completely wiped out up there I remember, but the ones from the same party I don’t remember, really that guy Raios is…

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

Tallman’s face is not distinctive, so it’s hard to remember.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

I really think that people who are good at remembering faces in real life are amazing.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Since Chill is of a different race, there was a story later on that a debuff was applied to face recognition against the Tallman.

Even in that chill, I thought, “Huh?”

71: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


If you say that, isn’t it crazy that Chiru, who is both the brain of the Laios party and a half-foot support role, is just like, “Huh?” compared to debuffs from different races?

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

I think it’s clear that he has no interest in people, as seen in the scene where he paints Farigon.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess running into the black brothers just before makes it even harder to leave an impression.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, it feels like Lios probably doesn’t remember.

70: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Laios seems to be content as long as the people around him are fine.

I thought I really didn’t care about anything else, so I didn’t remember.

79: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It seems that this issue was particularly with my younger sister, but it wasn’t really delved into deeply…

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s a scene I love that shows what Farin, who was thought to be kind to everyone, felt when she sacrificed herself to use the teleportation technique.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

Chilchack is gathering half-foot adventurers and is likely to be well-connected, standing between negotiations with other races.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


Taking someone like that into a dungeon must be really expensive…

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


High unit price! High ability!

I got my money’s worth!

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


I was diving because I received a request for an in-depth investigation.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I mean, Rios is actually quite observant.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather, your ability to observe humans is high, Rios.

I’m not good at picking up on people’s malicious intentions, so I deliberately cut off my thoughts regarding that aspect.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like I have a stance that if it will end up being troublesome, I’d rather go along with it to keep things smooth.

Also, because I have little experience in communication, I tend to run away when I feel overwhelmed.

77: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Those who dislike or have no interest in Raios are the type of people who reject individuals with unique personalities, different from villagers, soldiers, and others.

Driven by curiosity, I usually interact with types other than that or adventurers (in my own way), so I am definitely interested.

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s interesting how you can tell at a glance that someone is responding without reading.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, in the story, at first, I was more interested in monsters than humans, but I’ve started to be interested in my companions, you know.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Kablue, after being repeatedly rejected and trying to save face with a sneer, says that he has “no interest in humans,” but that’s actually a bit different, right, Toden siblings?

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


Well, first of all, this guy has no interest in humans! There are multiple testimonies besides Cabloo’s evaluation filled with malice.

Since both Chill from the same party and Namari have been pointing it out…

90: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s not a work where the impression characters have of each other is entirely accurate, so what they say isn’t very reliable.

There are plenty of scenes that feel like just plain prejudice.

93: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


When I think about the underlying desire of Raio, it is certainly not just a prejudice but rather a direct hit.

If you don’t even trust the depictions in the work, then it’s just your own assumption, isn’t it?

96: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2



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89: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s just that those who should be looked down upon can be properly looked down on and thus are not even in the line of sight.

The beloved little boy, Kaburū, only looks arrogant.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


I still remember those who have caused discomfort until that happens…

85: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

When I first invited Chiru, I was shocked! This amount, seriously!?

Chill was so capable that I recovered my costs immediately…!

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, since we’re adventurers, if we have the spare time, we might help others, but it’s only natural that we prioritize our own needs first.

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

The choice of interests is so narrow that having no interest in humans and being interested in humans both partially mean YES.

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Isn’t that the same for everyone…?

The way they respond varies between things they’re interested in and things they’re not, and it’s the same for other characters too.

95: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

The early game Kablue’s claims filled with malice, as well as the evaluations of Rios by Namari and Chiru Chakku, and Rios from the perspective of Shurow.

Each is a side of Lios.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

The slyness of pretending to have no interest in people while doing a shapeshifter episode.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rios was not interested in Kablue and was instead following Shuro around.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


Actually, regarding Cabloo, it’s partly because the timing was bad and I didn’t realize it.

Even when I didn’t know Shuro at all, I was still very interested and pushed forward.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


The reason I didn’t remember the name of Chaburu for a long time even after properly introducing ourselves is…

I think it’s a depiction of not being able to take an interest in Cabloo.

101: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Anyway, I realized that there is a child who insists that Raios has no interest in humans.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

And although I was interested in that shuro, the reason it seemed like I had no interest at all was that I wasn’t trying to know the truth at all…

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m not good at understanding other people’s feelings…

109: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It seems that the reason I am told by my peers that I’m not interested in people is largely due to my own factors.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think so… and simply put, a lack of experience.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Well, it’s also bad that Shuro didn’t speak up forcefully…

From Rios’s perspective, he thinks that a normal relationship has been established.

107: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s impossible for Kabru in the early stages to catch Raios’ attention…

I don’t like monsters.

111: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

There are numerous issues on the Shuro side regarding community relations as well.

Saying that you’re not interested in the Lios side is already a troubling interpretation.

114: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Seriously, that’s the worst, Marushiru.

112: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

When it comes to message boards, I’m the type that only responds about myself.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that I’m uninterested, but rather that my empathy skills are low… When it comes to dogs or monsters, I can understand them.

It’s understandable to be told that it’s not interesting because you have the ability to imagine thoughts and feelings, and therefore you don’t engage with humans.

115: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

(Please, just understand…!) said Shuro.

Yay, I made a friend! That’s Raios.

It’s nice that they fought and were able to become proper friends.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

Chilchak probably has memories from the time of the marriage-seeking women.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because Shuro has only had subordinates who could sense things up until now and was raised in an environment where he emitted an aura to have others read the air and understand him.

The lack of communication skills in a different direction from Raios was a problem, so it wasn’t just one person’s fault that the interactions didn’t go well.

By the way, most of the characters in this work have some kind of issue.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even the members who have been around for a while, like Marushil, Chirol, and Namari, say everything they’re thinking, so it made Raios realize, “Is that how it was?!” and he corrects himself properly.

Shuro couldn’t do that kind of thing.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that Laos became genuinely interested in Kablue and was able to become friends during the latter part of the story, almost at the very end in the bonus manga section.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if Kaburu is conscious of Raios, Raios is not the same way.

It had been a one-way street for quite a long time.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Until quite late in the story, Kaburuu felt like just another background adventurer from Rio’s perspective, didn’t he?

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s critical that Raios doesn’t understand the situation by tagging along on his sister’s date.

If you come from a culture where proposing suddenly is the norm, you have to be able to talk things through with your brother, even if you’re not good at it.

Both are bad.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

Raios struggled to fit in with his parents, village, and school, which led to a closed relationship with only his siblings since he was young.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think it must be quite tough for Shuro to be sent out into the outside world on an adventure for the sake of a souvenir story.

Anyway, I’m really glad I was able to join the party, being pulled in by Raios, because I’m not very assertive for being an adventurer.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews


No, you were in a party with the bodyguard ninjas, right?

Laios just forcefully pulled me in.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


That makes it hard to come up with a funny story to share.

There was a need to form a party on-site.

If you really hated it, you would have refused to join the party.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


A souvenir story and organizing a party are not the same thing, right?

If you don’t like it, just refuse, yeah.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think there will be a huge difference in the stories to share between a party made up of yes men (and women) and a party formed with local adventurers.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

That aside, I can’t help but say that if a man and a woman are about to go out to eat alone, and I show up too, even if it’s a friend, it’s just completely tone-deaf.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

That aside, Raios felt genuinely happy that his sister’s partner was Shuro.

128: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

As clearly stated in the guidebook, “the ability to read the nuances of human emotions is critically lacking.”

Well, generally speaking, it could be expressed as “not interested in people,” but it seems there are some who feel that makes the evaluation too vague.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are people in this thread who are clearly interpreting it with a different meaning.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

Laios is generally patient, but it feels like he can’t stand a community that criticizes other people’s personalities, perhaps due to past events in his village.

Other than that, I’m tough enough to say I enjoyed being treated badly by the caravan.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

The leader of a ninja clan that was nurtured by the samurai needs social skills, but individual self-assertion is not really a required skill in their skill tree.

134: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you roughly say that lacking communication skills is the same as not being interested in others, then that certainly is misleading.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

I love the friendship between Shuro and Lios.

I feel like we have become friends as equals, as men.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s really great that we were finally able to clear the air by saying what we wanted to say and stand at the starting line.

But after that, Ryo started to interact with a bit of hesitation, and Shurow became more at ease, which was a reversal that made me laugh.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, no matter how you think about it, it’s not equal.

It’s simply something that comes from a lack of experience or failures.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Perhaps the second son of the Shuro family, who will definitely die in the Dargest Dungeon, is the most pitiful.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


But if I can come back, I can share interesting stories…

138: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The mysteriousness of the Toden siblings from Cabloo is really nice, isn’t it?

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shuro’s stories are so dramatic that the other siblings can’t really compete…

It’s just a continuous series of “That won’t happen.”

142: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The stories from the Darkest Dungeon are definitely super interesting, but…

Shuro went and ate the girl he had a crush on who became a dragon! The story and the connection he’s got with the King of Gluttony are too strong, I can’t win against that!

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

The cautious Lios saw a side of the unfamiliar Shuro that he couldn’t read well.

It may be a trauma, but it also seems like I’m making a little progress.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Those who are complaining about it being written in the guidebook and appearing in the conversations of the characters in the story…

They’re just a crazy person trying to earn responses by going against the grain, not even being an air player anymore.

It’s pointless to deal with them.

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, it’s just a matter of the current Lios having low communication skills.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shuro looks like it has been swept away.

I think it was the person’s own will that allowed Raios’s group to enter while leaving the kunoichi attendant waiting.

So I endured.

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