Home » Game » Persona » [Persona 5: The Phantom X] The Taiwan version will have a Valentine’s Day event starting the day after tomorrow.

[Persona 5: The Phantom X] The Taiwan version will have a Valentine’s Day event starting the day after tomorrow.

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Did Nanashi decide which child to receive chocolate from? It’s a battlefield if you get chocolate from three or more people.

Did Nanashi decide which child to receive chocolate from? It's a battlefield if you get chocolate from three or more people. It will turn out like this.

It will turn out like this.

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, after the Valentine’s event ends, there will be more female characters with the limited ice buffer, and two weeks later, Akechi will arrive in the second part of the P5R collaboration.

Akechi seems to be an all-purpose single target attacker.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

The showdown events are the highlight of P5, after all…

3: Japan Otaku Reviews



By the way, it seems there are about three women who are not her… and it appears that two of them are really angry, but this is…

4: Japan Otaku Reviews


Wait, it’s a false accusation!

I want chocolate.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you say that, no one will follow you!

Rufer and Shun aren’t protecting me either!

70: Japan Otaku Reviews


Oh, I’m definitely going with the dark doctor…

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s right, you’re devoted to being a doctor, and other women are just for fun.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


Demon and beast, you are.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

The owner of Asshoken…

Help me…

8: Japan Otaku Reviews


There’s not much connection!

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The puppet has a face like “Well, what can you do, big brother?” which feels quite intriguing.

Phoebe has a kind of resigned expression, and Code has a cute look on his face as if he doesn’t really understand what’s happening.

Tomoko, why are you blushing? You’re being cheated on, and it’s with your best friend and someone you helped.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m sorry, Tomo-chan, but you’re on a different level.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like I’m crying, but it’s crazy that I can only see Wonder in this situation.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Akechi was really alive after all.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews


Haven’t played P5X?

The P5R collaboration is about the moment when Yoshizawa and Joker first got lost in Maruki Palace in the main story of P5R.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, I don’t think there are people who aim for it anonymously.

Be careful when choosing the chocolates for Shun, as you can decorate them with the ones you pick first.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In other words, Shun will also participate in the battlefield…!?

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

There’s no sign of the Japanese version coming, and it’s tough.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews


If we’re going to be operational in April, we really need to start recruiting for March beta soon.

Is the development really delayed?

18: Japan Otaku Reviews


1. It suddenly comes in April.

It seems there are quite a few corrections, so we might do a beta in March and aim for May or June.

3. Next year

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Given the current situation, the possibilities are a bit slim.

It could happen.


If you’re going to do that, please implement a Japanese patch for the Taiwanese version.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can’t defeat the trumpeter, damn it, the hopelessly annoying high school anthem!

19: Japan Otaku Reviews


Which trumpeter are you from? Mementos?

24: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s the boss on the 5th floor of Mementos.

Well, since I was wiped out in a despair loop, I roughly grasped the countermeasures.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews


I remember finding the previous Four Heavenly Kings more challenging.

If Marian is there, can’t we manage just with Marian? Also, I think it would be fine if we properly bought the items to cure despair.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

According to those who participated in the previous beta, it hasn’t been corrected to Japanese as much as expected.

There was a discussion about the voice not matching the text.

It seems like the current system, as it is, might not be accepted by the Japanese.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t really understand this, what do you mean?


Well, it’s true that using a smartphone for this isn’t recommended… but isn’t this a game that’s supposed to be a social game but isn’t really a social game?

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


The voice and the displayed text in the main scenario do not match.

This itself is something that’s quite common in Chinese mobile games.

There’s a story that the scenario is being created by Atlus or something, but in development, they often use machine translation to handle the in-app text directly.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah, I see what you mean.

I want it to be done properly there since it’s a game that sells the scenario.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

What kind of system is accepted by the Japanese?

Is it erotic?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah, there’s a possibility that the costume might become daring.

It seems that the kunoichi was modified to wear a mysterious sweater in “Demon Slayer” on Chinese broadcasting.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m still using some red knife man.

Which weapon is good for Wonder?

I remember seeing that the weapons of the Third Palace are really cool.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why isn’t grandma in the chaotic scene??

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In this Valentine’s event, why is Shun standing out so much?

33: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Taiwanese version doesn’t have the event implemented yet, so I don’t know even if you ask…

But Shun is cute…

28: Japan Otaku Reviews



The third weapon increases the firepower of allies with the same attribute as the persona you initially equipped, so that should be fine.

The first weapon gives Wonder a buff every time it changes its persona, but the Executioner always provides a buff to allies, so the increase in firepower is higher on this side.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews


I see… I was wondering why everyone was using that in videos, but now I understand. Thank you!

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are other various weapons, but I’m sorry for not updating because I thought writing it was a hassle…

I’ll start adding gradually again from the day after tomorrow.

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Ahh, uh, Yoshitsune, Yoshitsune, with the eight-boat leap, I’m quite surprised that it turned out okay.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ve never seen a nameless Wonder Attacker before.

If you fully enhance your weapon, it can produce quite a bit of firepower, right? Wonder.

Well, my main personas are Dionysus and Dominion.

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When looking at the commentary from China regarding exchange weapons, it seems that either one of them, which can reduce defense, is fine at max level…

I remember feeling like Wonder wouldn’t be playing as an attacker anyway…

39: Japan Otaku Reviews


Allies can put out 120,000, but I can only manage around 20,000.

It’s more convenient to put up shields for allies or do a revolution.

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Isn’t it actually stronger for King Frost to put up a shield than for a poorly performing recovery persona?

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s assistance for attackers who overlap Messier or physics and abnormalities.

There are also things like funeral eyes.

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Oh, Vishnu has quite a significant ability to lower defenses.

It’s recommended because you can apply debuffs while being a wind attacker.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews


Convenient Persona to Have Around

Vishnu, Dionysus, Baphomet, Bishamon, King Frost, Yoshitsune, Alice, Sura, Shashiva.

Is there anything else?

50: Japan Otaku Reviews


It inevitably becomes level 80 prerequisite around there.

It might be a good idea to also mention some recommended low-rank characters that will be used in chapters 1 and 2.

I’m sure there should have been some critical increases lower down as well.

Also, don’t forget about Surt, who is currently the only one able to use Maharakunda from the beginning.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is Mahalakunda strong? I felt that since Mahatarkaja only increases the whole party’s stats by about 10%, it would be better to hit a single target with Rakunda to increase damage.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m going to add to the WIKI, so please recommend something.

I didn’t raise them at all at first and forced my way through with my teammates, so I don’t remember what was convenient.

I remember that the phoenix and Lyananshi were strong.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


For example, a rank 5 buffer Kōmokuten can use revolution and has useful traits.

It’s fun to sort and look at personalities from the persona point in a buffer-debuffer fashion.

Honestly, as for attackers, if you create the highest rarity at that time, there shouldn’t be any problems, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, thank you to the anonymous person who updated the WIKI yesterday.

I don’t know if it was actually updated by someone anonymous.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since in the Valentine’s Day event, all the female characters have to be treated simultaneously.

A guy like Sojiro stands out more overall.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the Japanese version was decided around mid-April, so I’ll relax and wait while keeping an eye on the information the anonymous ones provide…

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


Seriously? Where did you hear that?

52: Japan Otaku Reviews


In SEGA’s financial report, it is indicated that the situation is undecided after Q4, so it is almost certain from April onwards.

I hoped that it wouldn’t reach May, but it probably will.

57: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


My lesson is to give up on hopeful expectations when Sega is involved in the operation.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

Chernobog can be paired with physical attackers.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Suraosha is convenient to have, but since it’s essentially a light type or specifically dedicated to Kasumi, its rank is slightly lower.

If you’re looking for a healer (shield) other than King Frost, it would be Metatron.

Well, for recovery, Takemi’s medicine is good enough.

49: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2



51: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the early stages without exchange coins, it’s okay to put up a shield with Norn.

If you get hit, you’ll get a gust of wind.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Please stop.

I also exist, kneeling down after fully enhancing Lakshmi and healing the entire team by 2500.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re talking about the early game, it would be Rhananshi and Byakko, right?

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


Do you get both by clearing the tasks?

I remember defeating Miyazawa with Rhananshi and the White Tiger.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have memories of Amenouzume being useful both for healing and dealing damage early on.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re talking about early defenses, then it’s probably Genbu.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ll look it up a bit, thank you.

I’ll update the weapon list and also summarize the Persona.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re going to align the timing, it should be in April, so we must not miss that… we can’t afford to miss it…

66: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, the Chinese version has already started its service in April along with the main story, so I really hope it will be ready by April.

If it becomes May like this, it’ll seriously be ridiculous.

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

As expected!

I didn’t know!



69: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Check out the performance of the skill cards you can get for 60,000 yen!

A 32% decrease in the entire enemy’s defense and a 10% increase in the damage received is an amazing effect.

The increase in attack power is really not noticeable.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is there such a skill card…?

I was thinking something like, “A randomizer or something has been added with gold coins…”

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s good to regularly check the list of skills in persona training.

I sometimes notice skills that I don’t know about, and when I take a look, they can be amazing.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews


I recently realized that I can finally raise the speed of my persona to 6 with the Onmoraki coins.

I was wondering why Dominion can move so quickly… I’m an idiot.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s fine… Swiftly, with determination…!

Well, I think everyone is doing it, but let’s make sure to properly give the necessary suggestions to Dionysus, okay?

95: Japan Otaku Reviews


Huh, is there some kind of necessary skill?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


Read the skill description of Dionysus’s Revolution.

For every 10% increase in my critical rate, the effect of the critical buff increases by 1.1%, up to a maximum of 4.4%.

It’s better to have a built-in 40% critical rate increase along with the enhancement of Wonder’s points in the jammed story.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


I see, maybe I’ll stack it up.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that translating it into Japanese is harder than expected, and there seem to be unique issues related to the controller that are concerning.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


That said, even if it’s presented in a subtle way, it might ruin it anyway.

I want to read the script in proper Japanese.

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Actually, since the scenario part is made in Japan, there isn’t really a process where it’s difficult to translate it into Japanese in the first place.

I really think they are probably doing it for SEGA’s unclear reasons.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews


As mentioned above, there are cases where the voice and text do not match, which was commonly found in the previous beta…

Since it’s being developed in China, it’s not necessarily the case that Japanese people are the ones doing the inputting.

92: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


As long as there is an original text in Japanese, there is no extra effort needed in that regard!

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


Then why are there mistakes in the writing?

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

I underestimated Luna’s synergy.

I was foolish to think that even if the present item became cheaper now, it wouldn’t matter.

Your true skill was the discounts on various ingredients and the Takemi Clinic’s medicines, huh…

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’ve never seen someone named “No Name” shopping for ingredients before.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, it can’t be used for score attacks, but it can be used for symbol bosses in dungeon exploration, so it’s food ingredients.

It’s quite a strong enhancement, so it’s good.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


Speaking of which, can this be used against that kind of boss?

Generally, I was managing with real violence.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Make it possible to do it on the Switch…

My computer has a specification from over 10 years ago.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


The operating specifications aren’t that high, so it will probably run on a nameless computer too.

It also worked with a GTX 1070.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


I see.

For now, I think I’ll just register.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just cleared P5R.

I still haven’t bought P5S.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


P5X will probably collaborate with P5S, so it’s a good idea to do it.

Well, T… I haven’t done it either…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


Right now, amazingly! For free! You can get the Taiwanese version!

Playing now!!!

97: Japan Otaku Reviews


I didn’t know… I had given up because my computer’s specs are low.

I’ll give it a try, thank you.

99: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


By the way, the main scenario progresses in Japanese, so translation is almost unnecessary.

It’s definitely better to use Google Lens for options.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

Who is your wife?

Since I played as the dark doctor for the first time, I’m thinking of going with Haru Okumura for the second time.

I can’t have more than one partner because it hurts my heart…

98: Japan Otaku Reviews



100: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you’re starting now, please definitely create a thread with your impressions of the game.

“Watch the OP and let it blow your mind.”

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if my defense drops a bit, it doesn’t matter!! Being fast is justice!!

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


After all, when you die, you’ll die quickly anyway.

So I asked for my limit break Marian!

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