Sudden Luoe
Men… men!?
The plural of “man” is “men,” so that’s correct.
I don’t really know when to pull back…
Choose with your balls.
Dear Captain, dear Captain ♥
I want my older brother to pull me.
A festival where lolicons vomit while looking at the ceiling.
Indeed, to match with Basara and Makira, I need to have a face…
I just want to have fun as a good-looking guy, and I’m definitely not rolling the gacha just to get a skimpy-bodied swimsuit Harvin to jerk off to.
I just want to have fun because I’m handsome, and I’m definitely not rolling the gacha just to get off to a poorly built swimsuit Harvin.
Shiraishi’s response
I thought he would bring the Kinjū replacement, but it was an extreme break.
Well, this makes me happy too.
Is the bottom left not working? Are you okay?
Well, I just feel like it would be nice if I could get Basara this time…
I’ll pile up stones until the Sarjudako…
Next year, huh?
I hope it gets implemented.
You can do a full Cherloop with the Onmyoji at Octosaturuo.
It might be good as a substitute for a Moni car that can only raise its ultimate skill.
Seems convenient…
I’m scared of the end of the month!
The free 100 consecutive pulls have a limit, right? The swimsuit group disappears, doesn’t it?
It is included.
I don’t know if it will come out.
I was saved because I was able to pull Makira early on.
What should we do, Basara-nii…?
I have a Gachapin gauge of 0, but should I pull either of them in the next 3 days…?
Isn’t it okay if I at least get Badra-chan or Uncle Mapura?
The Ikemen Paradise will be held at the end of the month in Shiete.
Aren’t they both guys?
Badra-chan is Badra-chan, isn’t she?
Overall, it has a light pigment and is golden.
I’m frustrated that my little sister’s account got a perfect pull of Meigas after 80 consecutive spins.
I wonder if I should do a ceiling…
I won’t comment on the public declaration of the sub account, but if getting too heated about the sub account’s results negatively affects the main account, it might be better to stop using it.
Makki Move seems strong, but it’s wind-type. I guess it’s fine to save the 100 pulls for next month and just hit the pity for Basara.
Even if you’re forming a special technique with earth, Monica is originally a character that doesn’t fit, so any character that fits there doesn’t really matter.
Recently, I was thinking that I might not have enough mounts for the wind front, so I’m grateful for Mackie…
Where did Banpi-chan go?
The best thing is that it shows the difference in physique.
If you come in a swimsuit yukata, it’ll be fine no matter what【PR】.
The standard for divine generals is the toughest.
If an average woman were sandwiched between the two in the picture, she would probably die, but if it’s Makki, she could probably just let it slide.
Synopsis of this story
Bashara, who became the first Fighting God after the war ended.
They shook their hips for the prosperity of the clan.
The sight of a Harvin in a swimsuit is really something…
Ugh, it’s too geared towards women…
Mackie is!?
I understand why women are attracted to you, Mackie…
It’s a misunderstanding to think that handsome guys are for girls!
I don’t mean to tease, but…
Compared to Maki’s ultimate move animation, don’t you think they really put a lot of effort into the ultimate move animations for the two guys?
I wonder if Basara will become a must-have in the old battlefield.
Since I’m a Magnum Man, I might be at a loss with weapons.
It seems to dispel roughly, and depending on the enemy’s behavior, it might not be used.
It doesn’t seem like the content will involve throwing stones from the first day like last year.
For now, I’ll wait and see with Gachapin until the 4th day.
Last year, the opening day was completely uneventful too.
The Megas was quite awful, and Horus hit me slowly.
Luminous Fist Effes 2 Basara Blade 2
End of the World (Full Power) Omega Extreme Star Uni 2?
The cold wave is fine at 1.
The Ephesus doesn’t start, does it?
I might be getting a yukata at the end of the month for my 37th birthday.
Is it true that only Basan has a free 100 consecutive pulls at the ceiling?
I’ll go take a look.
Aaaaaaaaaaa I want everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Just a little…
I want to organize a handsome light-themed party.
I’ll leave it to tomorrow’s Gachapin…!
When I see Basara, I think that for now, it seems like they won’t demand a full chain loop for the old battlefield 250 or an overcharge.
In this case, it’s 4 million damage!
I don’t want to die from a 4 million yen demand; it’s boring.
Well then, let’s go with the 4 million damage.
It seems like the performance of swimsuit Luoh is going to be in demand in the upcoming Earth Granblue Fantasy event, doesn’t it?
You can wear geta with Gachapin.
I think I’ll wrap it up to the ceiling.
Well, I feel like I’ll take a Makki while I’m at it.
I’m not doing it just because I’m turned on by the naughty face of a big-titted goddess and I’m getting hard; it’s not like I’m pulling the lever while unloading my seed like a stone.
Shiraishi’s response
Makkī is an average Harvin, right?
Among the Harvins, she has quite a large bust.
Height is average.
Basa-nii has a slightly different type of handsome face, so he has a good-looking face that doesn’t lose in Light’s handsome paradise.
Do you understand?
It’s the first time I didn’t impulsively spin the anniversary gacha on the first day.
Old man.
The punch is weaker compared to last year!
I’m already scared of the end-of-month festival.
Isn’t it impossible to deal 4 million damage with light? Are there that many auto-trigger ability characters?
Lucio and so on…
If you have Giren 2, it’s not impossible to reach 4 million with just being an idiot.
You can just use the worst technique.
I got it in 30 pulls, but what about you, Toriko?
I want to make the endgame extreme, so I want to include two Basara swords.
With one side, the maximum for Ephes is 3.
If it’s normally short-term, I want to include Harmonia.
The weapon slots have become quite a mess.
I like that Basara’s liberation illustration doesn’t feel overly flirtatious.
I wonder when I can update my Arc Hook Haruharu Rinrin equipment.
Makira’s hand is about the size of my two fingers…
The resolution has improved…
The increased resolution is a relief…
The two are one body.
Abnormal Harvinist
If you’re breaking through the weekend with a Basara weapon, is one enough?
If the goal is just to be normal and not to fail, then that’s fine.
The Basara sword usually comes with an increase in given damage, so that part is capped at two.
Which one has a higher expected value, Gachapin or Mukku?
If we’re talking about expected value, it’s got to be Gachapin.
Once I become gay, I’ll roll the gacha.
Horus seems to have been treated as really awesome right after his implementation…
When I looked at the explanation, I was confused, but I noticed something was off when I actually used it.
At that time, Light was overwhelmingly lacking in debuffs, and you could tell at a glance that this was definitely a strong one.
It was crazier than I expected when I tried it.
I can manage because there are no big breasts.
There are a lot of stray Shiraishi Minoru…
I was concerned about an unnamed character who was with Basa brother’s Fate after the event, but since it seems to delve into the past regardless of the event, I’ll keep reading.
Basa brother was the third son.
Isn’t the illustration of Maki on the gacha page a crime?
During anniversaries and the New Year, a lot of people who haven’t really played the game show up.
If it will deal 4 million damage, then as long as you don’t worry about time, you can run comfortably with a special technique party, and that’s that.
I only want one… just one Basara sword…
For Basara, I would become gay, but I don’t want to become gay for Ruō.
I love all strong men ♡
If you become Jita-chan, you’re not gay.
Press it.
I wonder how to use Makkii…
I wanted you to come in the dark…!
Horus was already being called a big deal around this time…
Bashara is strong to the point that it’s a bit too obvious, like being a little gay.
The weapon strong series is insane!
If we talk about ideals, I suppose all the uni koto will be turned into Basara swords.
It depends on the place you go.
This is definitely about Shiete and breasts in the second half.
Is Sajudako coming already? That’s great!
There are no breasts.
Eternity Luminous Blue
I want sexual harassment to stop.
Brother Basara has easy-to-understand performance.
I really don’t understand the two people in swimsuits.
Come and do it quickly.
Is one Basara sword enough?
Ruo is a machine that, when using Full Charge Loop, can deal a total of 10 to 20 hits of ability damage every turn, apply 4 debuffs, dispel 1 effect, and gain a maximum of 20 gauge, so the way to use it is really easy to understand.
The biggest issue is that those who want to utilize this character’s specs in high-difficulty V2 with Earth are already swinging their full power and wrapping things up, right?
“Getting tired of full nudity and swinging around Andromeda or something.”
For people who seriously devote their lives to the soil.
For someone like me, even though everyone praises it so much, still, 150 gold moons is just too heavy… so for a hesitant player like me, it’s a really appreciated presence…
Basara will definitely draw, but what is the byproduct? It seems quiet.
If you’re strong, it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, man or woman.
Rojine is also fine.
I have the impression that Magus has been constantly criticized for its drawbacks.
I have a memory of being told that the combination with RICHO felt indescribable and that the darkness subtly brought out something that just didn’t match.
What kind of team composition can utilize the Light Extreme Break?
Well, for the level of the old battlefield, maybe the extreme break would be better…
Light usually becomes an ability damage festival, whether it’s an axis of normal or an axis of ultimate.
Well, since the endgame has turned into a super skill, it’s fine to be given the extreme destruction in this weapon slot.
Even with the secret technique axis, normal attacks can still be executed.
The Jeanne spear that just received awakening has died.
It’s a relief that it’s not the same level of shock as during the time of Horus ★★★.
There is still a possibility that things could be surprising once the details are revealed.
The fire that is given the attack blade, extreme technique, and Fenni stick is hateful…
I guess I’ll have to become Fire Man!
Horus’s evaluation shot up immediately, and Megas was just a bundle of possibilities simply because there weren’t any good combinations, right!?
It’s really an Eruun swimsuit…
I want you to come for free…
Please, Gachapin…
Luo, you’re so cute…
Horus was saying “oh no, oh no” after only 10 minutes outside, but Nanashi was down for about half a day.
Right? I don’t remember being called so strong on the first day here at all.
Is Meigus just another character that can only fly Abidame alone?
It will be decided whether to get Limiyachima depending on the performance of the swimsuit Ruol.
At this timing, soil, huh… I sense the presence of a disturbance.
Well, if you have one instead of zero, anyone would be good, right!?
Horus is about the time when Agaflro has started to circulate.
I love powerful characters!
You should have realized that Horus is not an ordinary person just by the fact that it says “fc Max” on him.
Makira seems to be designed more for the medium term rather than the short term, given that she has Dispel.
I think that’s probably how it’s designed to use the first skill with the ultimate technique.
I don’t know how to use it, but I think it’s okay to use it casually.
Bashara has a very straightforward gorilla-like vibe…
Moreover, it’s a gorilla that punches while casting dispel.
Is it a feeling close to Hiro’s Ragazzo?
Speaking of which, is there a new swimsuit at the end of March?
I don’t have enough stones!
Is Basara actually strong when used properly?
I’m not good at Granblue Fantasy, so I can’t really understand it just by looking at the skills.
× Bad at Granblue Fantasy
〇 Stupid
There aren’t usually any situations where dispel is needed, right?
It will automatically accumulate stacks and start to dispel during normal attack intervals.
It feels like the follow-up damage of the secret technique is quite high.
There isn’t much room in the frame due to the interaction with Epheas…
Basa-nii is cute and cute in a shota way, so he isn’t gay.
The soil is fine at the extreme break, so please don’t go to the extreme depths.
I remember that right after Megas was implemented, people said it was weak.
It was highly rated when I had forgotten about it.
I felt like it was just that saying “you’re weak” or “turning it down” didn’t really hurt at all, right?
The other turnpike guys are just a scam…
Unbelievable… I have a heavy disadvantage that takes away 10% of my maximum HP every turn…
It was probably the case that by the time the battle was over after being put into the Aga, it would end up being a half-smile saying, “This was made by that fool!” regarding Horus.
Maybe Mackie will use it for something.
Bacchus is unknown, but the weapon is strong.
Is the end-of-month settlement confirmed?
I wonder who the other person is.
If it’s one of the swimsuit Twelve Generals who hasn’t come yet, that would be bad.
It feels like I’m using Kyokuhaku with Reliva when I skip about 20% in Spabaha.
Just when I want a TA.
The extreme break has come to the attribute that is least used in standard attack formations.
Can we open the maxi today?
Ah… you can do as much as you want.
Isn’t it just a water dispute if there are no logs proving that it was said to be strong or weak here?
Was the maximum required level for Ru’o’s rescue light 10…?
I can’t carelessly say anything about Suimakki right now… I feel strengths and weaknesses that could go either way.
For now, it looks like I won’t be able to free up any high-difficulty seats.
Meigus is just too much damage; I don’t need a character like that in the darkness!! That was the complaint from those who felt that way.
It seems that everyone is not welcoming the usual axis of light because I am still using the fossil of the wrestler Jeanne Nehanmugen…
I was surprised that Makira, who reused existing character illustrations in the event scenario,
At the very last moment, when the new standing illustration appeared and I faced the screen while presenting my butt,
I had decided to pull on this gacha.
I was surprised that Meigas isn’t originally a Limit Dark Alke.
The scene where the little brother cries and begs because his older brother will do anything is too cute.
I want you to come because I want to lick your skin.
I have no memory of the limited characters with the corresponding attributes implemented right before the old battlefield becoming useless.
I guess I’ll probably end up using it.
Makira’s support ability activates when the character falls while at the front, but since Estaliora currently has the strongest short-term firepower behind the scenes, it doesn’t seem very strong…
As expected, saying that Horus was constantly being lowered is a bit of an exaggeration.
If it’s the light secret technique, I’ve heard people say it’s strong.
Since I haven’t done Luci Zero, there are some aspects of the 280% environment that I can give up on.
Well, I feel like you don’t really need to worry about 280%.
To be honest, it’s fine to just do both sides normally instead of stretching and doing one side.
I think a unique stack of around 5 for Luo would be easy to use.
It’s not about how this gacha is, but the fact that I only have one fake Eden-like item is the bottleneck.
If you’re going to use a normal axis, it would be a luminous punch or energy release.
If it’s the same as last year, I wonder if the character from the end-of-month event will be in a yukata.
Small hands drive me crazy…
Why doesn’t Ruoh increase the Fatal Chain by 100%?
Maybe it’s because it’s soil…