It would be nice to have a reward like rekindling our cohabitation.
I can’t believe you still like them after being treated like that… it’s a bit astonishing, but if Hoshika is happy, then that’s okay.
When it’s not cloudy, she looks so beautiful…
Even when looking at the entire work, I find Shoko’s attitude toward Hoshika to be strange, but I wonder if there’s some kind of explanation for it.
Do you think it’s possible?
The response itself is not strange because it’s the same as with Mikan.
“Considering that we are ‘old acquaintances’ and ‘even lived together (as a freeloader)’, doesn’t it seem strange when we think about the size of the arrow from Hatsuka to Shoko…?”
After going through various circumstances, Shioko, who was expelled from her family home, is being supported by Haruka.
By the way, Wakamu will support the homeless Umizu.
Will it continue as the estate… or will it become the place of that damn old man… or will it be living together with Hatsuka…
In other words, it would be good if Shika lived together with that jerk of a father!
I want to believe that the reason for being so infatuated with Shoko will be depicted up to that point.
Why can’t it be Mana-chan…?
Become a new Oblivion Space.
I wonder if it really has a story… or is one side just apologizing repeatedly?
What should I do if there’s a scene where Shoko drinks coffee…?
I think Shoko is just too complacent about the fact that the other person adores her.
Before the broadcast, Hoshika would probably not believe that I, who is seen as just a victim, am the most sensible person in Musica.
??? “There is a heading!!”
There is nothing that can be done about simply having no pulse.
I feel like violence gets transmitted, you know?
JR Tokai has been secretly informed about the developments until the end, which is why they are confidently promoting Uisaka.
You have a good position, don’t you…
Sleeping train! Sleeping train!
Shou-chan is trash and worthless, but… well, you can keep living like that from now on.
I’m in love with Shou-chan like that.
Since we both have cognitive errors, I wonder when the bomb will explode.
The only basis for my claim is that it’s about JR Central.
In the first place, isn’t there also a possibility of a parallel timeline like in the mygo short story before it was animated, where you’re left wondering which time and space this is…?
Haruha wants Shoko to vent her anger directly at her.
It’s said that Mortis suddenly appeared at the work level later on.
I’m really unexpectedly being swept away by Mutsutis.
Ultimately, the reason for the fundamental miscommunication lies in the fact that I try to get involved with Shoko no matter what, but at this point, I really can’t tell if there is a reason for it or if it’s just for the convenience of the script.
As for JR Tokai, it’s another story.
You can definitely trust Riko Sasaki.
Recently, I’ve been posting videos of batting…
There’s a baseball game, right?
With 10 people, you can make one team…
I’m just an alternate, right…?
I’m here! It’s the number one short Aine-chan!
Wait, Hatsuka… the bat is too much… Mortis, please…
Since we were living together, you probably know Shoko’s school and since Rikki is in the same class, it’s a position where you could forcibly meet if you wanted to.
This time as well, I took action by secretly contacting Aine-chan to ask about classic music.
I am the catcher.
It’s okay.
Trust my lead.
Script: “Even if it’s just a delusion, if I create a scene where Mutsumi is directed with intent to kill, I believe the fear of Hatsuka will be conveyed!”
Viewer: “Even when really angry, they can still control themselves… they’re an adult…”
It feels like Musica has become so crazy overall that the bar for common sense has dropped significantly.
The appearance of singing the Pretty Cure theme song was fragile and cute.
No, that scene was just genuinely scary…
It’s amazing that even after being hit by Tomorin’s well-meaning attacks and revealing the secret story of the formation of Muka’s Muzika, they are still holding up.
It’s scary that even after that, they can suppress their murderous intent towards their partner.
I seriously think I might rape Shoko.
They did that kind of thing in Love Live too.
It’s pretty bad that I’ve never had Syo-chan as my own, yet I still can’t help but think about it.
I was looking forward to the angry face image, so it felt a bit disappointing.
It’s true that it’s hard to remember because Mutsu is such a monster compared to those around her.
I can’t push forward, so I’m managing to avoid being noticed internally.
The sadness that Shoko occupies an important place in my heart, but this is not realized because it is not acknowledged internally.
It feels like the evaluation of characters varies quite a bit for each viewer in the current situation, Muzyka.
Personally, I haven’t done anything wrong, but I think it’s reasonable for Sayoko to treat me this way now since I didn’t really do anything good during the time of Musica’s disbandment, almost ignoring it.
It’s not that I’m ignoring it because there are no achievements.
I think people are ignoring it, believing that it’s for Shuka’s sake not to get involved.
I understand that Shoko doesn’t mean any harm.
Since it was the same as Mutsumi who was involved in using it, is it reasonable to say…
In the end, unlike Hoshika, I feel that it’s simply because Mutsuki clearly became troubled that the gap has grown to this extent, and it may just be due to guilt.
To say she was caught up in it is, to some extent, too dismissive of Suka’s agency.
Because I’m participating of my own free will.
The idea of being involved is from Shoko’s perspective.
It might be the case if Musika was intended to disband from the beginning.
Since it’s a dissolution due to force majeure, it’s only natural that it would be treated the same as Umirin and Nyamu.
Well, if we’re talking about responsibility, it’s because Mutsumi collapsed on its own, right?
Treating that as if it just collapsed on its own shows a lack of empathy.
It’s because everyone ignored it and pushed the work onto others.
Viewers can empathize with Mutsumi’s feelings, but I think there should be a point where they can say something like, “No, I can’t do the interview, so please change it.”
I understand that Mutsumi isn’t the type to say such things.
Read it.
That’s why it’s really troublesome.
I just want to say that Shoko’s excessive reactions towards Mutsumi are likely due to guilt.
The responsibility for the dissolution or such discussions is separate…
Don’t say things like “Don’t hate me at this point…” (planned) it’s too weak-willed.
Please be my Saki-chan only…
Sakimutsu is already doing it…
(Image of throwing a beanball)
Don’t hate yourself… it might be a nice scene.
Well, it’s being called a twisted love in the cast interview.
“The fact that they have a strong malice towards those who understand Shoko better than themselves, like Tou and Mutsumi, and that they get terrifyingly angry about things like ‘Don’t steal Saki-chan!’ is indeed scary.”
Now, Shoko has a motivation like that of retirement after a purification at CRYCHIC.
I can only think that it would be quicker to just have a fistfight, but it’s too bad that they end up dying on their own.
“Don’t say weird things to Akari! (Not knowing about the obsession with Shoko)” and “Don’t take Saki-chan! (Jealous of the good relationship with Shoko)” – it doesn’t really mean much even if Mutsumi and Hatsuka end up fighting.
Rather than anything else, it’s more frightening that Hatsuka still likes Saki-chan so much even after being treated that way.
In this situation, it’s abnormal that Shōko is not being targeted with malice, Hatsuka.
If I were to live at Hatsuka’s house, this time I should replace it with a queen-size bed that we can sleep together on, instead of a loft.
If Musica comes back, you’ll have enough money to buy new furniture, right?
Even though only childhood interactions are depicted, this overwhelming affection doesn’t seem to have a reason and simply feels like love at first sight.
I don’t think the work will explicitly state that, and I believe we should accept it as it is without expecting explanations.
It might not happen in the anime, but it seems likely to happen in events like Garupa’s event stories.
Like the story of Otae and Leia’s pin bunny.
Take good care of Mana-chan.
The current thread image is an abnormal Shouko lover.
To be invited to forget about the classic and end up holding dark emotions towards Muto instead of Shoko is definitely a bit abnormal.
Hatsuka is the only one not openly talking about family, so I think there will be a bit more depth to it.
If I don’t make this child feel like I am here for them, I will remain just a good person forever.
I wonder if the fact that what they’re doing, or their way of thinking, is like that of a stalker is intentional.
Because we are living together, my conviction that Saki-chan is my girlfriend has become even stronger.
When my mother passed away and I was in pain, you were the first person I could rely on…
Mutsuki-chan also said that Hatsuka-chan is the closest to Saki-chan, so please take care of her…
Can you stay calm with this?
Next is the Anime Media solo interview, so the time for eruption has finally come.
Even though it’s an image in my mind, I can tell that my possessiveness towards Shouko is very strong, but when I’m actually in front of her, I can only imagine myself being weak and unable to do anything.
Even if Shoko says she wants to do anything with me, it seems like we can only hold hands and go on dates or something like that.
Regarding Musica, the director is saying it’s Shoko’s fault for dragging in Mutsuki, even though it was clear from the beginning that it’s impossible for Mutsuki to go pro.
It’s the manager’s fault for not giving work to the seemingly idle Nyamuchi.
I see it as the responsibility of all members regarding the disbandment, but when live performances are abandoned and both substitutes and changes to the content are refused, I wonder what those three should have done.
I’m just waiting for the live to be canceled as it is.
Since Hoshika is serious, I wouldn’t be surprised if she transferred to Haneoka.
Rather, do I feel that Umiko is being unfairly blamed more than necessary, or is it just my imagination?
Regarding the dissolution, it is completely Shoko’s responsibility.
Unless something very significant happens, the feeling of pity will prevail.
Since things like responsibility and reasons don’t matter, shall we talk about the lovey-dovey cohabitation life of Uisaki after the main story?
There is none.
First, it’s coffee after the meal, right?
Red… it’s nothing.
If I said that I suddenly became worried because they disappeared and that I cooperated with Musica, pouring out all of Hatsuka’s feelings…
The future of living together as a form of atonement may not be completely out of sight.
I wonder if this is lovey-dovey.
I want you to hug me along with the ladder when Shoko tries to live in the loft again and puts her foot on the ladder, so we can sleep together.
I’m afraid it might develop into imitating “I quit my side job.”
The biggest mystery of Hatsuka is where sumimi is active.
That’s probably a policy of the agency, but the reason why a country kid from the islands is aiming to become a celebrity is not clear.
Why is there a discussion about the responsibility of the dissolution now?
Even if it’s said that Shoko has reached a turning point and grown in episode 7, I can’t help but wonder what that means for Haruka being overlooked.
Even if I say I want to die together with Mutsumi
If something happens, it’s Shoko who resets the relationship, so you already know that from the moment you got lost, right?
In the interview, the director said that for Yoshiko, there’s nothing in particular that feels like a resolution.
Isn’t this anime too supplemented in the interview?
I think it’s a bad habit to talk too much in interviews, even though some descriptions may be lacking.
It has been that way since the time of mygo.
Over there was still just supplementary to the main story, but over here it would be difficult unless you become an esper.
You can tell just by looking that there are no breaks.
What do you mean by “read the email”?
Look back.
It’s terrible that we had to disband Sumimi because of Umirin, who casually quit being in 30 bands.
They might have made you quit to make that happen.
A super girl band that reached Budokan just a few months after forming disbands during their national tour.
I think it’s taking quite a few episodes to wrap up because they made a super clever justification for making the guitar have a split personality, where the personality that comes after the switch can’t play the guitar!!
At this point in the story’s progress, any fantasies I have would just end up being a bizarre document.
The situation where Mutsusaki is placed is extremely chaotic, so we should take into account that there is no leeway.
It’s terrible to expect the best actions from someone in a situation where they can’t live a normal life because of Mutsuki and Mortis, and where it’s not strange if they are taken over and die at any moment.
I think Uminyamu should consider such things, but it’s hard to find those kinds of thoughts, and it’s tough.
Saki-chan likes coffee too, right?
Hana seems to understand everything about me, doesn’t she? ❤
Even if I wanted to create derivative works, living together was too empty.
I wonder if it was actually nothingness.
(I forgot to unlock the Hoshika block…)
Let’s first think about how to get back to living together before a lovey-dovey life.
The depiction related to Shoka in the first half is surprisingly lackluster.
I want to see a scene where Shouka finds out that Shouko prefers tea, whether it’s in Garupa or any other media… Will she also switch to tea, or will she try to stick with coffee in some way?
At the gentle waterfall.
I heard that someone doesn’t seem to like Cafe Mocha.
When I saw the rerun, I remembered that the column for Mutsu-chan on Umirin’s schedule was ridiculously packed, and I thought, “Oh right, that’s why I have insomnia…”
Back then, the level of busyness was Shoko = Shuka = Mutsumi, so it’s no wonder that Mortis appeared.
I’m not as free as Soyorin, so I can’t wait at the school gate, and the only thing I can do in between work is to do some pub sessions.
It feels like Episode 7 is when the feelings of atonement towards Mutsumi have solidified.
Hoshika won’t make Shoko a target of attack.
But I want you to do it.
“Please don’t hate me… I wonder what I did wrong.”
There are still a few episodes left, but Hikaru herself is quite mysterious.
Despite being the face of the band as the vocalist, they are the most excluded from the storyline development.
With Saki-chan, I can go all the way to Brazil on the other side of the Earth💛
Haruhi, the limit for the Shinkansen is Kyushu.
It seems like it will be a heartwarming conversation.
I watched the director’s interview of Mega Mags, but it’s really… long!!
It’s nice, a densely packed 8-page interview with text…
I was reading it thinking, “Isn’t this almost a supplementary textbook?”
I honestly thought that kind of thing would be called a mysterious document by the officials.
My real name is Hatsuka Toyokawa.
The legitimate successor of the Toyokawa zaibatsu.
I’ll add this to Saki-chan’s coffee…
It even includes an interview with Diggy…
Monthly Anime Media Volume 4 Receiving Part 2 Single Gift Ram WIND BREAKER Season 2 Ongoing TV Anime Chibi’s Year Earthquake Hanako-kun 2 BanG Dream! Ave Mujica interview Roodōgi TV This Manasaku Yanagi Kua Shinkalion Theme Song Serial Raise Dream – MIRAI DAYS – Fukuyuki Ota People T Director Sakamoto Junior College Olart Theme Arrangement Diggy-MO Yanagiko Kachikkyoku Kamijo Kyoku Ishichu Kai Yomeken Sho Sadaoka Memu Shizuoka Ninosuzu Nakayama Business Delivery Kagamiishi Takashi Janmeiru Ruakwayux “Re:Zero Urara Graduation Song New Song Shinkalion Junretsu 900Meters Year New Demean Arts Section Kusumo Maebet Stars Ben Shichiyo Demonic Oath One LA Sweet WILD GAMEZ Ton-kun Spirit Lt Chibi’s Year Heavy Boxing Experience Kua Phantom Face Two Maru Terceira Narita Quinoru Cloud Existing Major RED NIGHTO Bright Role Period Group Method Utada Ryo Music кадры Brek Cigtige simple Kua Belief RinBana A Felim Mori Mochijin Telework DMX Hanakumo Kutin’s Odan Ton Super Simplified Euro Cry Love Overtime °Beta Bridges Hori井 Kaika Entertainment Worm Life Now Cook Animation “Hakko’s Love and Nōi Head Piki Uku Kasare Natsu PAGE Article Number Leaf Chibi’s Year Earth Strategy Let’s EXA Ke Sound More Next Reading .com Haya Ku ) ” Nimeijon ® Iteig Town Kua Ta Rights Ruafutte Year Winter ( Rosh ) Sess〇Edy ” ” Purchase Society Danger Hold Today Nation 2025 Sakaguchi Runuk Express “Canis Iron Kusawatabi” Extreme Initial Relative AME r. Grant Run Head Hanowaku Nation Day Rebirth Five Achievements You 2023.04 A Gouhwiouux Apestloe Bas JeN Ai Muruno TeM Tiw } Zato Class Role Wakuwaku Also Koso Wata Song Bm BeK Good Summer Ve Rem Main Zero Up Mukubura Moyan Jinan Kuri Kioya Wa IC Plum Hiro t Board Movie Wata Getbi Teleport ANIMEDIA Month ətənjes Cry System Yumuyuak Kuku┘ Pedete Awa Re-En Mini Summer ) Hika Ko Kō Theme Send Hiranageku Kawata Aongawa Re) Ze World Rah Ka River Piece Rights Some Old Hakufudo Ta You Over Bakujika P Me Number Poem _SZ Page Use Zhang Te Tonan Saba Reku Koih Kafé School Ra) Lo Gai Sen Ribbon Sweet Gin’s Long Regulation Trebat Nos “Ra Shitsu Ei End Left White Haku”) Con “Babutama Next Time Tokekou Naru Kua Te Ei Fu Iro Bunanku Wu Nanto-zu I Fetō Higashi Subashita Tabaka “Kohame Al Kyo Bun En Classroom Pre Yu 米 Bun Nan Bahu” Ra Re BGGLE Country France ‘ 芭㎝ SO Zero Combined Ten Wa Con m Life Search Hoka in Sho 3 Bi Dream Law Ryou War Game Book 行 * ス ICE To Fuku Wa Azaf, Zun Clothing ▲ Wa Saku Pub Return Puri Kou Wa ă Un Ultimata Tetsukai World Turtle Beauty an Conclusion Исп sg Kua Rareka Mesuro Winter ‘ Moko Edition An אפ Rabue North Edo Delivery Nachiga 1^5 Additional Family ( By Song wahrscheinlich Heart © Me’s Place Mu End Adult Encounter Required Horse Dream wrote Wa 9 to 二 Sak Antai Wasu Zai Zu U Neme Ki Mo Zen Da Se Character Yes Prelude N Blues Gentlemen Bad Requirements Correct Conditions Yo Dream Helicopter Jō Ryō Wa二.sources Rank Hundred Clear Mourninga Waasa
It was written that instead of growing, Shoko has become a hollow person who only has atonement to do, but now that Mutsumi is dead, there’s no point in living.
A character who doesn’t appear in several episodes despite being at the top of the credits.
I heard that the vocalist of Bandori is Hoshi.
Of course, I think in the end it will be Hoshi.
Definitely!! I will raise the star!!
He might still come out as Diggy as Hoka’s father.
If Haruka wants to get Shoko’s attention, it feels like the only thing left is to try an approach to love that no one else has done.
Shoko being too extreme is not good either.
I find myself in a state where I can only live for someone else.
I think the formation of Musica was also for my own sake.
Because I got broken and started to hate myself.
From Shoko’s perspective, there’s only a sense of guilt for dragging busy Hoshika, who is thriving at Sumimi, into her own troubles, so it becomes a matter of not wanting to impose any further and cause inconvenience, especially without knowing Hoshika’s feelings.
If you can enjoy it without watching the interview, then that’s fine.
Since there’s no monologue, interpretations will really vary.
I thought that Megami Magazine is not just about featuring lewd pin-ups, but has some pretty decent articles as well…
A reunion of soul’d out is coming soon…
By the way, next month’s Megami Magazine features a Shoko pin-up.
I understand… I’m going to take it off…
A price of 16.8 billion…
Megami Magazine had a very important interview in the past, didn’t it?
I watched the interview and thought, “Huh!? Is that so!? My interpretation has changed!” but there was nothing like that, so you can enjoy it without reading.
It feels reassuring to confirm that my interpretation of “Oh, that’s right” was correct.
I was like this too.
I’m glad to know that Mutsusaki committed suicide together.
It was the same when it came to “Maigo,” but I think this anime intentionally does not include scenes depicting monologues or inner thoughts.
So far, it has been mostly developments that go against viewers’ expectations.
The true identity of Uika comes from an unexpected angle, doesn’t it?
I think the possibility is higher that it will be diagonal downward.
It’s not Spider-Man, but Venom…
It’s not that you can’t understand the story without reading the interview; it’s only supplementary.
“Will you stay with me forever…? Normally, that would be at the confession level, but the timing is…”
The background of Megami Magazine is hurting my eyes!
I wished they hadn’t released the scene of the raging Uika in advance because I wanted to be surprised in the main story…
Complement is indeed a complement.
That aside, it’s too long.
I’m sad that I’m completely treated as a defeated heroine by the cast.
Given the portrayal up to episode 9, it’s unavoidable that I can’t describe the changes in relationships that occur beyond episode 10.
I think if the premise is that Mutsushō is absolutely dominant, then the identity can be narrowed down.
I was thinking, there’s no way she’s going to say that classic is going to make a comeback in that scene where Shoko is talking to that friend in the preview, but then she really said it.
I’m not asking you to take the best action, but at least please check your work-related emails and reply to let me know if you can do it!
In the end, when it comes to discussing the current thread image without any jokes, there’s nothing to talk about other than the conveniently defeated heroine used as a stepping stone.
It’s often talked about as if asking someone to take on multiple bands is a terrible thing, but it’s really just a normal thing…
No one is angry in the story either.
Actually, there’s nothing deeper than blood relation; there’s no relationship deeper than that.
In Bandori, sisters share the strongest bond.
Shoko’s actions are consistent in trying to protect her family, so it really can only be a competition among sisters.
Thanks to Mutsusaki and Toisaki, I understood the feelings of people who oppose each other in coupling.
Share it with Shoko already…
I feel sorry for Hatsuka, so I want her to act more selfishly and cause a ruckus.
It’s okay to get angry with Shoko too.
When I appeared in RiNG, I ended up not talking at all, and Shoko completely ignored me, so it wasn’t very exciting, was it, Uisaki?
Isn’t it an honor, Sayoko, to have a big poster in this commemorative issue?
NEXT Megami MAGAZINE Next Issue Preview Cover & Feature Special Girls & Panzer Thanks to everyone, Megami Magazine has finally reached its 300th issue! Thank you to all our readers for your continued support! The cover and feature special for this commemorative issue will feature “Girls & Panzer”! We will deliver a packed content including the latest information. Bonus Supplement Big Poster ‘BanG Dream! Ave Mujica’ ‘Amagami-san’s Matchmaking’ From ‘BanG Dream! Ave Mujica’, we have the misfortune of Arisu in casual clothes, and from ‘Amagami-san’s Matchmaking’, we have Wanishi, who plays Waki, looking up at the night sky!
Shoko in her casual clothes…!
I wonder if that casual wear is really casual wear.
Since it’s a special poster, I want to make it a bit more like this…
A descendant of the clan that was destroyed by the Toyokawa family.
I wonder why Hoshi is involved in sumimi’s activities.
Saki-chan in casual clothes…!?
There are many mysterious parts from the past, but I wonder if they will do a spin-off comic for Shuka.
It’s not just a single, best outfit, right?
As expected, being featured in Megami Magazine wearing Shimamura clothes is disrespectful.