Home » Game » Uma Musume: Pretty Derby » [Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] I’m troubled about which support card to choose for this month’s Chanmi…

[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] I’m troubled about which support card to choose for this month’s Chanmi…

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Do you have so much that you’re confused?

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m quite unsure about the rental slots in advance.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m anxious thinking that there might be a support card that is like an upgraded version of Shichisato…

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m confused…♣

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s the end of the month, I think I’ll make an update for Mile-related content once before that.

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

With Windy-chan’s team, the leading composition will turn into Ice-Till-Alardan Yo-Mac Legend.

From here, should I rent Still to Brian or have it be Fuji or Brawl to you, or Mac to Ikuno?

Having many options can be confusing.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s too hard to put in the city for Hybo.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the factor rounds, if I take skills, I can win quite a bit against Aamon-san.

Is this training easy enough that you don’t have to take anything?

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aichan and the legend are confirmed, so power is Flower or Aldan.

I’m torn between renting Brian, Senko Kongo, or Ikuno.

If you don’t rent, it’s still Orpheme Queen (Ramone).

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

When lined up like this, it seems like the power support is weak, and I want to include City for high-bolling, as it appears there is a substantial power difference in the escape support cards.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why are both of them in the same formation?????

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the composition consists of supports that are easy to obtain at good timing, so quite a few people have this composition.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I want to collect those, I feel like I want to pull the step-up gacha about 10 times.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m glad I worked hard on the Ardan Chairman gacha.

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Conversely, those who have Spinelibu, Ne Fuji, or Kenei Ikuno are challengers who went in at a difficult timing.

Perhaps a previous lover

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, how often did you get to use the support card that was recommended at last year’s stair-up?

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, let’s put in the blue ruby.

After that… is it okay to include Craft-sama and Fu-chan in the early version 2 or something?

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have Ai-chan at 3 stars for free, but the legend hasn’t come yet.

I hope at least one arrives before the free period ends.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there are few early assets, I will make it a run with three escapees and hope that the others will have one or more escapees, putting the early runners outside the blooming zone.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m definitely going with the holy sword for Fu-chan, but I’m indecisive about the rest between Valezepher and Craft.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t think there’s much opportunity for a 2nd place with a 1st place gap, but when surrounded by escape-type competitors, I can’t do anything.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think I’ll go with a red ruby bride flower that also serves as support for Durandal.

I’m still wondering whether to go with early or late selection for the bride flower.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m going with Bourbon Suzukamabu.

There is no meaning to it.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m currently debating whether to go with 3 for Windy-chan, 2 for the attack, or 1 for the chase.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I searched for the three factors of descent, I got quite a few hits and was surprised…

Moreover, it’s not the Messiah.

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If you’re going to offer it, it’s a factor that must be created, so everyone is swirling around it.

The difficulty of the factor cycle has also decreased.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m thinking of going with 2+ early and early debuffs.

Since the fortune lead is gone, I can easily apply the lead debuff.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can compensate the lead straight with a factor, you can take both the mile and the straight easily. Since she’s strong and has a big sister vibe, it’s recommended to make Mac-chan into Ikuno-san.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I played in the legendary event with 2 for stamina, 2 for power, and 1 for wisdom, I ended up with around 900 for guts.

Let’s try running with this.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m grateful to the people who provide blue-red randomness and specialize in producing unique factors…

It’s embarrassing to have Windy-chan’s name listed since she’s not borrowed much.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the way, if I had to use it, who would the smart support be right now?

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ikuno or it will become digital.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

I borrowed Ikuno, and I laughed when her wisdom skyrocketed recklessly during the event.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although I’ve drawn it, I’m uncertain whether to use North Flight, and I have guaranteed blue rubies exchanged with a 3.5th anniversary ticket that I had salted away. Now I’m debating whether to go with Preemptive Helios, Summer Taiki, or Normal Taiki for the last one.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since I don’t have Ikuno, it will be a rental…

If I don’t complete the legendary character soon, I won’t be able to create space for rentals…

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m struggling to decide whether to adopt Ikuno or Digiton.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bride flower gains one additional buff at the new downhill branching.

If it’s just for support, that’s one thing, but if the person is aiming to win, then the original with acceleration is better?

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I feel that the decision to give up the right to have Aiko for three days and take Ikuno and Karen was not a mistake, at least for now.

The question is whether Ai-chan will come with 3 sheets in 2 days.

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Rights can be bought with money.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

The sad present of the clever Taiki, who doesn’t even come up in conversation…

In this scenario, the smart training is actually weak, and the performance of the smart skills doesn’t really improve, which is quite unacceptable.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even when I entrusted it to AI with an intelligence level of 2, it was just a little over 1200.

This scenario is really too weak in terms of intelligence.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want the essence of high-pitch racing down the right spring on three sides.

The only thing made to that extent is a ruby.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t need the right one.

Hey, that’s right, it’s the Sashin-di girls!

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there any strong candidates besides the blue ruby?

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is a suspicion that Fu-chan is stronger when modified for thrusting.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews


Speaking of which, it seems that a setup for skill configuration is fine even for a charge attack.

But raising the proficiency is a hassle…

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s Ms. Pearl.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will definitely include the blue ruby.

I can’t forget the exhilarating feeling of cutting through the line of competitors with my Ruby.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


Welcome… to the world behind…

Windy-chan’s primordial memory is that with a great effort, her favorite horse overtook everyone in a ridiculous comeback.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

The external lightning-fast attacks are tough, so battling against anyone other than the young lady is quite a challenging struggle.

Is it possible that the downhill acceleration hit Vibros for a one-chance?

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, Chanmi is struggling with whose guidance to follow.

I understand that Seiko-chan is comfortable, but there’s also a dream in the super exaggerated breast enhancement of Saint Light-san.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews


I will aim for an upward trend with Sirius after temporary training with High Seiko.

When I’ve completely run out of options, I’ll explode with a one-shot comeback using St. Light, hahaha.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve heard that if you get hooked, Vubros will come flying in.

The external attachment is too tight.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I put in a pin with the intention of reinforcing it, I can’t ignore the influence on the automatic farming stage, so if I can take it off, I’d like to do that.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the last Ouka Sho, if you say it was primarily about having keen insight, being skilled at changing rides, and if the leap in performance hits, then there’s a chance of winning, as seen with horses like Soshi City who often showed up well.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it possible for someone who has their brain fried by the high stakes to still pull off vodka?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews


I have a Vodka that I pulled thinking it might be useful…

About half of it slipped through and bulged out.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

Vibros managed to hold on before the blue ruby was released last year, so I think it will be quite tough.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have the image that there are enthusiastic people who are into it.

Were you brain-burned by anabolic pachinko in the early days?

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


As expected, this is impossible…? Just when I thought that, it suddenly shot up and the thrill of breaking through is just amazing.

Of course, when you lose, you lose without any redeeming qualities.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I watch the Rumma, it seems that Blue Bee doesn’t win as much as I expected; it feels like the leading parts are too well-equipped, putting them at a disadvantage.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

Last time, Windy-chan blew away Aoru Ruby several times with Vibros, so there’s no problem.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the Mile Championship’s meta strategy the usual one with blue Ruby leading the way?

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


The finished bubble in the lead feels a cut above the rest.

I didn’t say I could make it, wahaha!

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I’ll just put in Flower and Taiki as usual.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t see much conversation about gum, even though it seems strong this time.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

The thrill of breaking through is greater when pushing forward, so being in a position of trailing feels somewhat half-hearted.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


The chase didn’t really burn out my brain.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the acceleration itself was better for the front-runner than for the one coming from behind.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

The preceding support card is too overpowered.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the backline, I can only use Ruby and the Holy Sword due to the Stone Fire problem, or rather, I don’t want to use anything else.

There are many options available in advance.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you stack white acceleration and inheritance in advance, you don’t need high balls?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

I would like to know the necessary or recommended skills.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


Doesn’t it feel different from usual, except for the direct descent?

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When I ran down and examined it, it was a hit.

I don’t have a good character for support, so I’ll skip this time.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windi-chan will cut everything down with the holy sword in terms of support card assets.

There are only two choices: to escape like a fool or not at all.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hasn’t the chasing style already established itself as a legitimate winning strategy, being towards the front in the mid-race for several years now?

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it pretty common for Fujiki to be pushy?

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


As a card for early supporters, it is the strongest one.

There are various theories about whether Brawan or the other is stronger.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have developed a desire to showcase Rice, considering both the characteristic speed on the final straight and the quickness.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

I noticed that I have leftover 3rd-anniversary SSR tickets, but is Mac-chan still strong?

Is it really past the expiration date?

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s normally strong.

In other words, since the ticket exchange lineup doesn’t change even if you wait, you should just use it quickly if there are no other options.

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I understand… I do understand, but… I have no words to respond…

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am unsure whether to choose the new Marzen or the Marchan.

I haven’t heard that Maruzen is strong in this championship, so the balance is tilted towards Marchan.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

I forgot about the straight descent.

Even though they were so desperate in carefully selecting the descent factors…

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there a direct descent?

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It is effective for corner acceleration.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want everyone to listen!

It may be because it has gotten warmer, but bugs have started appearing in the house.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ahaha, I see, I see.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


I will smoke them out with Balsan.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

That seems to be versatile and advanced training, so I will likely continue to rely on it in the future.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to receive a North Flight ticket with a coupon?

Summer taikikeis are present.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think that if we’re going to use something ahead of time this time, it would be the two strong contenders along with the bubble.

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In the summer, Taiyaki is one thing, but isn’t the performance of KS completely different and unrelated?

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t feel like I can narrow down the candidates for stepping up.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to focus on the factors that make my heart race before trying to ski straight down.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

The descent factor is fairly decent if you close your eyes to Sta1, so I’m going around parent factors including direct descents.

The photo book of flowers and the factor of spring awakening are visually striking…

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


At the time when the buds are about to bloom, it’s really bad.

I’m worried that the photographer hasn’t photographed the pink buds.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s unfair that the residents of that world can legally buy things like that.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

In other words, it feels like escaping this time is tough.

It is also said that the lead is too strong.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


Both acceleration and support are weak, so it’s not surprising at all.

I would be in trouble if Highball doesn’t come.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

The last elixir is free, but the exchange ticket costs 3000 yen and it will rot.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Bubble a strong character even though it was implemented quite discreetly?

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


The starting flower path is less chaotic this time at a speed of 5500, making it easier for the unique abilities to show up.

If there are more escapes, I will die.

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It was implemented in the autumn season, so it’s often misunderstood, but it is actually the strongest advance strategy at 1600.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

I understood! I just need to stack up acceleration!

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like the current leading has a complete form with no weaknesses in all types of support cards.

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Even with that much money spent, it’s still an inferior version of blue ruby, so the quality is poor, haha.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews


Rather, under the current situation, the blue is a little questionable.

Well, of course it’s strong, but it feels like it’s at tier 1.5.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


Do you understand the meaning of compatibility?

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


The behavior of the blue ruby is almost leading.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

The image of being buried in gorillas during autumn Chanmi is strong, but it does have proper specs.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Next month is spring, so it’s a strong condition for escaping and leading turns.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bubble is strong, but can it be used anywhere else?

I haven’t spun the step gacha yet, but I’m wondering if I should include it in the 10 slots.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the experience is the same anywhere with miles.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it’s 1600, it’s strong anywhere.

I don’t know about the future.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ai-chan is also suited for leading, and there are surprisingly many support characters for leading.

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The start of the new scenario is aimed mostly at early players, and since there were already a lot aimed at them recently, it’s getting congested.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

With a 3-star ticket, I got the water mabu that I had quietly not owned.

Is there still any use for it?

125: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can dress Maruzen in a swimsuit and make them do a “datchu” pose for the New Year.

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It’s still tier 1 even in the first year, so I’m relaxed about it.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

Next month, are we going to pass on the victory to Kitasan again? It seems like it would be better to start creating the factors for the report early.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want the plain Helios, but I have a feeling it might be coming to the daily legend soon.

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I’m grateful because I was able to unlock it by collecting all the pieces…

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

It looks like 1500 jewels have arrived, but what is this?

Is it an offering for Windy-chan?

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


It is the reward for the circle ranking.

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Every time the developer’s letter comes, they always give it to me.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

Next month’s Kitasan is a sacrifice for Cat Maya.

There’s no way we can achieve strong results with a schedule like that!

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the base Helios might be unlocked with the pieces distributed so far, or it might be very close to that.

Windy-chan is about 70 short.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

In spring, instead of spending energy on Kitasan, it’s better to do your best with Cat Maya.

I think Kitasan is not entirely incapable of winning.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

In spring, Cat Maya Orphe is decided, but the running partner for Cat Maya has not been decided.

I feel that Dance Unsu is better than Akakita.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather, it seems more delicate that Maya, who becomes just an ordinary cat the moment the runaway rabbit appears.

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Even though it enters the final stage in second place, it seems that Cat Maya is stronger due to its unique recovery.

What kind of scenario is the rabbit imagining, covering Cat Maya until the end?

151: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


After realizing that the characteristic of that horse, which is a big runaway, would not come out if the front was filled in the Arima race.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews


So, what kind of formation is it specifically?

169: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, if we’re talking about a breakaway mirror, then it assumes that someone breaks away all the way to the cat red, or if all three are in a breakaway pack, then it would be at a disadvantage, that’s the story.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s not why; it’s about the specific composition.

Arima was confirmed to have the first barrier in the big escape because it was a condition for winning.

In the first place, the runaway itself becomes a rabbit in the spring.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kitasan’s goals are so extreme that I even feel that the Wan-chan mech might be better prepared.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


All you have to do is compare SP, so if you verify it, your worries will be solved in an instant, wahaha!

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

As long as Blue Bee: Wisdom Eye 2 is not popular, anything is fine.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s not Cat Maya ranked number one, then even without enhancements, the acceleration is the same as that of Akakita’s Banri, so I don’t think it would be at a disadvantage.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

As it stands, blue’s difficulty in ramping up its late-game speed is a weakness.

Due to the extremely high connection speed of the leading party, I often see that they can’t even reach the comparison stages.

143: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Cat Maya is naughty, and since Maya no is a sharp-witted character, I’ll use her, wahaha!

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


By the way, are there confirmed characters who can be cut off in the new scenario?

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s still in the planning stage, but if we release the Holy Sword, what would the support card lineup look like?

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to seriously consult.

With two SSR exchange tickets (13,000 yen), it seems possible to fully awaken the chairman of wisdom.

However, it seems that the likelihood of using it in the future has become uncertain.

What should I do?

152: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it enough just to have the exchange ticket?

155: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you have no intention of using the visible range for long-distance miles, then just leave it alone.

It’s a simple story that if you’re going to use it, you should level up.

147: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

It wasn’t something I should have asked just six minutes before I definitely fell.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have extra 3.5 exchange tickets, but if I have to choose between Doula and Vibros, which one should I keep?

168: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s tough for Dura to have a chance now that Ayabe Orphe is around.

Vibros is acceptable as a pachinko frame.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


“Ask that to your crotch.”

153: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Where did the information come from that suggests Chairman Kashikosa will not have any more opportunities in the future?

160: Japan Otaku Reviews


It is because there are support cards that take priority over both the Mile and the Spring Ten.

162: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s just the case that he thinks that way, so that’s fine.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to give a big escape debuff, it’s fine to have it taken away at the end of the position key.

Running away on the outside in the final stages is sad.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

The dominance of Chairman Ken’s intelligence is indeed wavering.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

They will probably distribute exchange tickets for clearing missions in the 3rd to 4th campaign, so it might be good to wait until then.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews

The difference in quality is significant, so being behind the red Kita with a cat just means the quality is poor.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

If a serious specialized intelligence support comes out, it will be said that we will switch.

That aside, I can’t forgive Ai-chan.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have the impression that New Year’s support cards often get criticized later on.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we just bring out all the red and white cats and Maya dance, it will be great.

The necessary factors are remarkably scattered.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that you can rent wisely just because you have ample intelligent assets or other abundant assets.

The high basic performance means that the chairman will be used everywhere.

It cannot be helped.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it becomes a checkmate course anyway, why doesn’t the chairman have it?

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re not going to show Zentil at mid-range, then there’s no need for the chairman.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

Make a big getaway with the red Kitakachoko and crush the cat Maya.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems quite hard to believe that now, with the singularity here, one wouldn’t use Danna in mid-range battles.

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